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BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE , for JANUARY , 1858 . No . DVII . Price 2 s . Gd . contents : Hunger and Thirst . What wilt , he do with rr ? By Pisistratus Caxtox . —Part VIII . The Bells of Botbbadx : a ' Legesd . Debit and Credit . Thb Scottish Universities . The Poorbeaii Mutiny—the Punjab . Beranger . _ The First Bengal European Fusiliers in the Delhi Campaign . Note to Article " The Company ' s Raj" in November No-William Blackwood and Sons , Edinburgh and London .
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THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW , NEW SERIES . No . XXV . JANUARY , 1858 . Price 6 s . CONTENTS : I . African Life . II . Spirits and Spirit-rapping . III . MOKAYSHIRE . IV . Shelley . V . The Keligious Weakness of Protestantism . VI . The Crisis and its Causes . VII . The English in India . VIII . State-tamferings with Money and Banks . Contemporary Literature : —§ l . Theology and Philosophy . —§ 55 . Politics and Education . —§ 3 . Science . —§ 4-History , Biography , Voyages and Travels . — § 5 . . Belles Lettres and Art . London : John Chapman , 8 , King William-street , Strand .
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Just published , price 5 s ., the NATIONAL REVIEW . No . XL CONTENTS : I . Principles of Indian Government . II . George Sand . III . Colonel Mure and the Attic Historians . IV . Hashish . V . Ben Jonson . VI . The Czar Nicholas . VII . The World of Mind by Isaac Taylor . VIII . Mr . Coventry Patmore ' s Poems . IX . Civilisation and Faith . X . The Monetary Crisis . XI . Books of the Quarter Suitable . for Reading Societies . Ottapman and Hall , 193 . Piccadilly . .. « -
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DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE , No . CCCI . JANUARY , 1858 . contents : Gerald Fitzgerald , " The Chevalier . " By Harry lorrequkr . 1 ' art i . Buckle's History of Civilization . The Earls of Kildare . A Week with the " Times . " A Year of Devolution . Livingstonk ' s Missionary Travels . Marianne . By W . Charles Kent . Oriental and Western Siberia . The Handwriting on the Wall . Passages in Irish Ethnology . By R . G . Latham , M . D . The Partners . By Shirley Brooks . Our Foreign Courier . —No . 3 . Dublin : IIodges , Smith , and Co . ; London : Hurst and Blackett .
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THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE , for JANUARY ( price 2 s . Gd . ) , contains ;—Minor Corre-• spondencc . —The Arms , Armour , and Military Usages of the Fourteenth Century . —Gothic Houses and Modern Requirements . — Croker ' s Essays . — Raino ' s Memoir of John Hodgson . —Wright ' s Volume of Vocabularies . —Antinuities ' of the Bench and the Bar . —Antiquarian Researches . — I Correspondence of Sylvanus Urbnn . —Historical and Mis-[ cellaneoua Reviews . —The Monthly Intolltgoncor . —Promotions and Preferments . — Births , MarrinRos , Obituary , &c . London , ! J 77 , Strand : J . II . and J . Pakkeji .
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Just published . No . IX ., Now Series , price 3 s . Od ., T HE JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE . Edltod by FORBES WINSLOW , M . l > ., } D . O . L , Oxon . contents : 1 . Body v . Mind . 2 . Tins Indian Rebellion in its Moral and Psychological Aspects . 0 . Thic Asylums ok Italy , Germany , and France . 4 . Thk Condition ok the Insanic . 5 . 1 ' ATHOLOflY OK INSANITY . j C . iNTlOII'KKANtnC CONSIDERED A 8 A FORM OF MlCNTAL « DlSOIUMCU . 1 7 . On thk Tkkatmknt of Insanity in Julius j Hospital , Wuitzuuita . 8 . Pi IA NT AHM ATA . I 9 . Honnoinrc in Insanity . L , lQt ., T"J . Jr , "" >» £ AL SOCIKTY , AND TIIK CRIMINAL RK-5 ¦ ~ sj f oNsi u 11 , ty dF rnfrTNfTA ' NTar-- ^ - ^~ ' —¦ — - — 11 . Tim latk Samuel Tukk , Ehq ., ok Yoiik . ij London : . Toim Chuiiciiill , Now Burllngton-Htrcot .
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T * HE ., FIELD , thq COUNTRY GENTLEMAN'S NEWSPAPER , onnunonooH a NEW VOLUME { ThlB Day , with uumorouw additions and improvements . J Edltod b ' y Practical Sportsmon . l ' rlco Bd ., or Od . utampod . j Subscription , its . <» d . por riunrtor . Ollioo , 3 to 5 , Esaox-5 utroet , Strand , London , W . O .
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NEW AND CHOICE BOOKS BECENTIiY ADDED TO MUDIE ' S SELECT LIBRARY . : « - ¦ LIVItfGSTWE'S TRAVELS IN AFRICA . TOM BROWN'S SCHOOL DAYS . 3000 Copies . 200 ° Copies . Life of George Stkphenson . Chow-Chow , by Lady Falkland . Orphans by Mrs . Oliphar . t . Snow ' s Voyage , of the "Allen Gardiner . " Whitk Lies , by Charles Reade . Annk Shekwood . ——Farina . A Woman ' s Thoughts About Women . Nothing Nkw . ——John Halifax . Ludlow ' s Leoturks on British India . The Greyson Correspondence . The Interpreter , a Tale of the War . Stirling ' s Letters from the Slave States . Essays , by Herbert Spencer . Froude ' s History of England . Atkinson's Travels in Siberia . White ' s Holiday in Saxony . Martineau's English Runs in India . Below the Surface . tQuinland . Scott's Gothic Architecture . Andersson's Visit to Lake \ gabii . Autobiography of Lutfullah . Voyage of H . M . S . Resolute . The Three Clerks . Ivors . Days of my Life . Quedah . QUATREFAGK ' S RAMBLES OF A NATURALIST . MILLER ' S TESTIMONY OF THE ROCKS . Bowring ' s Kingdom of Si am . Lives ok thk Lindsays . New Edition . Guy Livingstone . Hassan . Macaulay ' s England . Vola . III . and IV . Fortune's Third Visit to China . Court Fools , by Dr . Doran . Carter ' s Life of Bishop Armstrong . Two Years Ago , by Charles Kingsley . Dynevor Terrack , by Miss Yonge . Montaigne , the Essayist , by B . St . John . Thk Year Nine . Isabel . Buskin's Political Economy of Art . Maurice ' s Epistles of St . John . Katherine , by the Author of Clara . Ruskin's Elements of Drawing . Memoirs of the Duke St . Simon . , Kidder ' s Travels in Brazil . Napier's Life of Sir C . Isapier . A Woman ' s Story , by Mrs . S . C . Hall . Russian Princesses in the Caucasus . Burton's First Footsteps in Africa . Normanby's Year of Revolution . Loftus ' s Researches in Ciialdea . Letters from Nice , by M . E . Urewster . Memoirs of Elizabeth Davies . Memoirs of Frederick Pbrthes . Norfolk ' s Lives of the Howards . One Hundred Years Ago . The Human Mind , by S . M . Fullom . The Professor , by Currer Bell . Muston ' s History of the Waldenses . Williams ' s Chemical Manipulations . White's Eighteen Christian Centuries . TrGER Shooting in India . Barth ' s Travels in Africa . Soyer's Culinary Campaign . Taylor ' s World of Mind . It is Never too Late to Mend . Quits , by the Author of " Cyrilla . " Arago ' s Lives of Distinguished Men . Dufferin ' s Voyage of the " Foam . " Robertson ' s Sermons . Bothwell . Omphalos , by P . H . Gosse . The Squire of Beechwood . Stoughton's Agks of Christendom . Buckle's History of Civilization . Riverston , by G . M . Craik . City Poems , by Alexander Smith . Croker-on the French Revolution . Memoirs of Felice Orsini . The Handwriting on the Wall . Hamilton's Travels in Sinai . The Lady of Glynne . Caste . Memoirs of Colonel Mountain . Rides and Reveries of JEsof Smith . Scherzer's Visit to Nicaragua . Binding ' s Travels in Persia . Furrier ' s Caravan Journey . CONYBEARE AND HOWSON ' S St . PAUL . MEMOIRS OF CHARLOTTE liRONTE . Unprotected Females in Norway . Fresh Copies are added whenever a delay occurs , and an ample supply is provided of all the princi pal New Works as they appear . SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION , ONE GUINEA PER ANNUM . FIRST-CLASS COUNTRY SUBSCRIPTION , TWO GUINEAS & UPWARDS , ACCORDING ~ - ™ TJJ ? jafl iBER qF VOLUMES REQUIRED . t OBTAINED ON APPLICATION . . n T ) MUDIE , 509 6 i ' j , & 511 , NEW OXFORD STREET , \ k . __ . . ^ < st 21 , MUSEUM STREET , LONDON .
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PICTURES IN HER MAJESTY'S PRIVATE COLLECTION . THE ART-JOURNAL . The Volume for 1858 will contain various novelties—all , it is hoped ami believed , useful as well aa interestin- and subscribers may rest assured that every possible effort will bo exerted to retain for it the favour it haa so lonir and bo lur-ely enjoyed . The ILLUSTRATIONS ON STEEL are of tho highest order , compnaing cn-ravincs of tho Ancient and Modern Pictures from tho Royal Galleries ; and a series of Portrait-statues , engraved from the works of modern sculptors The WOODCUTS illustrate the Memoira of British Artists and snniilv oMamnlcs of the progress of Art-manufactures . There is an especial sonos of OMOlNALi DH . S 1 UW 8 1 'OK MA % PACTUBI 5 S gathered from tho best sources . The ILLUSTRATED TOUR OF THE THAMES , by Mr . ami Mrs . S . C . Hall , appears monthly . Engravings on Steel , from tho WORKS of J . M . W . TUJRtfEIi , will form part of this year ' s issue . % * Now ready , Vols . I . to III ., Now Series , price 11 . 11 s . Cd . each . LONDON ; VIRTUE AND CO ., 25 , PATERNOSTER ROW .
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Now ready , postage froo , A LIST of SURPLUS COPIES of REOEN't / V WORKS withdrawn from JUUDIE'S SELECT LIUK A ISA ' , and otlered ut greatly reduced prices for Cash . O / takmss EmvAitn Munin , Now Oxford-strcof , London , anil Orods-atreot , Manchester .
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THE FLORAL WORLD AND GARDEN X GUIDE . —NUMHER ONE , published ; this day , price id ., contahiH tho most ) valuable Information , by the best witters , on Horticultural Subject * . A Coloured Plato , and other Engravings or a praotionl naturo , illuutrato the various Articles , which » ro moat interesting to every lover of tho Garden . Animal SubworlpUou , Four Shillluisa , post froo , which may bo romlttod to tho Publishers . London : GitooMiminau and Sons , B , Patornoator-row .
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MUDIB'S SELECT LIBRARY , NO-TIGE , —C ,. i ! :. vJVXUX > lE ^ liasmtUo . p ] leftsm : o _ tQ announce that tho alterations in Progress at his Library ivro now BUlllolontly advanced to provide lnoroasod accommodation for tho Subscribers and gronter fnollitiuM for llio rapid oxolianKO of books . 'L'ho aup ]) ue » of tho hlghar clutin of works , for tho circulation of which tho Library wan orlglnnllv established * aro also largely Inoroasou , and will bo further uugmontod by tho addition of nearly Ouo Hundred Thousand Volumos In' tho coursoof the prosent and oUHiilng season . 000 . New Oxford-atroot , January , 1808 .
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T IVING CELEBRITIES . —A Series of Pho-JU tographlo Portraits , by MAULL and 1 'OLYBLANK . Tho nuinuor for January contains , CHARLES KEAN , ESQ ., RS . A , With Momolr . MAUbKand Pol . rBT . ATfK , BO i ^ ^ . 1111 ™ ^ ** ' Rtl ( 1 187 A PicoftdUly i and W . Kbn * and Co ., * loot- » treot-
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No . 406 , JANtJART 2 , 1858 ] T H E Ii EADEB , ^ 23
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 2, 1858, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2224/page/23/