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Untitled Ad
H&F AIR , GAS , VESTA , JOYCE'S < ymVi < l 8 . —Stoves forthe economical and safe beating of Bitfll shops , warehouses , P ^ a ^ s b ^ emente andthe IHtebeiiMe at this season demanded , WILLIAM S . BURTON inrites attention to his unrivalled assortment , adapted , one or the other , to every conceivable requirement , at prices S , m lfcTeach to SO guineas . His variety of mister and other stoves , fenders , and kitchen-ranges , is the largest in T ^ S PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOB SILVER . The REAL NICKEL SILVER , introduced more than twenty years ago by WILLIAM S- BURTON , when plated by the patent process of Messrs . Elkington and Co ., is beyond all comparison the very best article next to ¦ sterlizut silver that can be employed as such , either usefully orornamentally , as by no possible test earn it be distinguished from real silver . A small useful plate chest , containing a set , guaranteed of first quality for finish and durability , as follows : — Fiddle or | Tbr «»«! or | OldSHw ' Bramwick ; RIBS' * MiUUry Pattern . Patient . I Pattern . Patten . dS s . d . £ s . d . ifs . d . U * s . d . 12 Table Forks 118 0 2 80 S 0 03 10 0 laTableSpoons „ I 1 X 8 0 2 8 0 3 0 0 3 10 0 3 aDessert ^' orks « ! 1 10 0 1 15 0 2 20 2100 12 Dessert Spoons 1 10 0 1 15 0 2 2 0 2 10 0 12 Tea Spoons i 0 18 0 1 4 , 0 1 10 0 1 18 0 6 Egg Spoons , gilt bowls 0 12 0 i 0 15 0 0 18 0 1 10 8 Sauce Ladles j 0 70 0 86 0 10 6 0 16 0 1 Gravy Spoon 0 8 0 0 110 0 13 6 0 16 0 2 Salt Sooons , gilt bowls .. J 0 400 500 60 0 76 I Mustard Spoon , gilt bowl ., 0 200 260 300 39 1 Pair of Sugar Tongs : 0 800 390 E 0 0 70 1 Pair of Fish Carvers \ 1 401 76 1 12 01 IS 0 1 Butter Knife -., 0 360 590 7 00 80 1 Soup Ladle 0 13 0 0 17 61 0 0 1 10 1 Sugar Sifter 0 400 490 590 86 Total 11 14 614 11 317 14 9 21 4 9 Any article to be had singly at the same prices . An oak chest to contain the above , and a relative number of knives , Sec , 21 . 15 s- Tea and Coffee Sets , Cruet , and Liqueur Frames , Waiters , Candlesticks , &c , at proportionate prices . All kiuds of replating done by the patent process . TVESH COVERS and HOT WATER JiJ DISHES , in every material , in great variety , and of the newest and most recherche patterns . Tin dish covers , 7 s . 6 d . the set of six ; block tin , 12 s . 3 d . to 27 s . the set of six ; elegant modern patterns , 35 s ; 6 d . to 62 s . 6 d . the set ; Britannia metal , with or without silver plated handles , £ S lls . to ' £ 6 8 s . the set ; Sheffield plated , 102 . to 16 / . 10 s . the set ; block tin hot water dishes , with wells for gravy , 12 s . to 80 s . ; Britannia metal , 22 s . to 77 s . 5 electro-plated on nickel , fu ll size , IV . lls . WILLIAM S . BURTON'S GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY CATALOGUE may be had gratis , and free by post . It contains upwards of 400 Illustrations of his ilhmited Stock of Electro and Sheffield Plate , Nickel Silver and Britannia Metal goods , Dish Covers and Hot-water Dishes , Stoves , Fenders , Marble Mantelpieces , Kitchen Ranges , Lamps , Gaseliers , Tea Urns and Kettles , Tea Trays , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Baths and Toilet Ware , Turnery , Iron and Brass Bedsteads , Bedding , Bed Hangings , &c . &c ., with Lists of Prices , and Plans of the Sixteen large Show Rooms , at 39 , Oxfordstreet , W . 4 1 , 1 a , 2 , and 3 , Newman-street ; and 4 , 5 , and 6 ; Perry's place . London—ESTABLISHED 1820 .
Untitled Ad
HEA L and SON'S EIDER QUILTS from One Guinea to Ten Guineas ; also GOOSE DOWN QUILTS from 8 s . 6 d . to 24 s . List of prices and sizes sent free by post . HEAL AND SON'S NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of BEDSTEADS and PRICED LIST of BEDDING also sent poat free . 190 , Tottenham Courb-road , W .
Untitled Ad
T 7 < RENCH MODERATOR LAMPS . — - The JJ newest patterns of the present season . —Deane , Dray , and Co . have completed an extensive and choice assortment of these Lamps ; Bronze from 9 s . 6 d . to 61 . China from 19 a . to 11 . 7 s . each . Engravings with prices free per post . Pure Colza Oil for the above Lamps at the lowest market price , delivered in London or the suburbs periodically , or on receipt of letter order . Deane , Dray , and Co . ( opening to tho Monument ) , London-bridge . Established a . d . 1700 .
Untitled Ad
lAH f \ ftf \ CUSTOMERS WANTED . — JLxjyj UVV SAUNDERS BROTHERS' STATIONERY te ' fche BEST and CHEAPEST to bo obtained . Greamlaid note paper , 2 s , per roam ; black-bordered noto , 4 s .: letter paper , 43 . ; straw paper , 2 s . Od . per ream ; oroam-laid adhesive envelopes , 4 d . nor 100 , or 3 s . per 1000 . ; commercial envelopes , from 49 . per 1000 : 'black-bordered envelopes , Od . pBrlOO : A SAMPLE PACKET of STATIONERY C&bcty dWBorlptiona , all priced nnd numbered ) sent pout free on receipt of four stamps . All orders ovor 20 s . sent CARRIAGE PAID . Price lists , post free . NO CHARGE rnado for . stamping arms , crests , initials , &c—SAUNDERS BROTHERS ; Matrafaoturinif Stationers , 104 , London-wall , London , E . G .
Untitled Ad
COCOA-NUT FIBRE MATTING . TEELOAR'S IS THE BEST . Prizo Medals awarded—London , Now York , and Paris . Catalogues , containing Prices and every particular , post froo . Warehouse . 42 . Ludaata . hill . London . E . a .
Untitled Ad
A NEW DISCOVERY , wharoby Artificial Teeth and Guma are fitted with absolute perfection ana success hitherto unattainable . No springs or wires * no —~ oxtraotion-of-roots , i-or-any ~ nninful-oper » tron . T ~ a . UiU-im portant invention perfects the beautiful art of the dentist a olosonosa of lit and beauty of appearance boine obtained equal to uaturo . All imitations should be carefully avoided , the gonuine being only supplied by Messrs . GABRIEL , the old-established Dentiuta , from 3 a . Od . per Tooth—Sets , U . 4 a . Obsorvo name and number particularly . 38 , Ludgato . hill London ( five doors west of the Old Bailey ) $ and 134 Duke-Btrooi , Liverpool , Established 1804 . Prepared Whlto Gutta , Peroha Enamel , the best Stopping for decayed Teeth , rendors thorn sound nnd useful in inns-. ttoKtion , no matter how far decayed , and effectually prevents Toot > ha « h *~ -ln boxes , with directions , at Is . Od . j froo by post , 20 stamps , Sold by moafc Qhomists in Town and Country ! , Ask for Gabriel ' s Guttft 1 ' oroha Enamol . —Soo opluions of the ProBB thoroon .
Untitled Ad
MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE . THE WHOLE PRO FITS DIVIDED AMONGST THE ASSURED . rpHE SCOTTISH EQUITABLE LIFE Jt ASSURANCE SOCIETY . INSTITUTED 1831 . INCOBPOBATED BY SPECIAL ACT OS PAEIIAMENT . The Fund accumulated from the Contributions of Members exceeds ONE MILLION STERLINGThe Annual Revenue exceeds ONE HUNDRED and SEVENTY-SIX THOUSAND POUNDS . The Amount of Existing Assurances exceeds FOUR MILLIONS AND THREE QUARTERS . The Amount paid to the Representatives of Deceased Members is upwards of Nine Hundred Thousand Pounds , of which One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Pounds consisted of Bonus Additions . A Division of Profits is made every Three Yeare , the Division being at 1 st March , 1859 . HEAD OFFICE : 26 , St . Andrew-square , Edinburgh . ROBERT CHRISTIE , Manager WILLIAM FINLA 3 T , Secretary . LONDON OFFICE : 26 , Poultry , E . C . ARCHD . T . RITCHIE , Agent . WESTEEN LONDON OFFICE : 6 A , James ' s-street , Westbourne-terrace , W . CHARLES B . LEVER , Solicitor , Agont .
Untitled Ad
SO UTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1847-LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS are granted upon the Banks at Adelaide , Port Adelaide , and Gawler . Approved drafts on South Australia negotiated and sent for collection . Every description of Banking business is conducted direct with Victoria and New South Wales , and also with the other Australian Colonies , through the Company ' s Agents . Apply at the Offices , No . 54 , Old Broad-street , London , B . C . WILLIAM PURDY , Manager . London . January , 1858 .
Untitled Ad
NOTICE OP DIVIDEND . BANK OF DEPOSIT . No . 3 , Pall Mall East , Londok . ESTABLISHED A . D ., 1844 . THE WARRANTS for the HALF-YEARLY Interest , ou Deposit Accounts , to 31 st December , will be ready for delivery on aud after January the 10 th , 185 S , and payable daily . PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . Parties desirous of Investing Money are requested to examine the plau of the Bank of Deposit . Prospectuses and Forms for Opening Accounts sent free on application .
Untitled Ad
DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT BANK . S IX PER CENT , is paid on all Sums received on DEPOSIT . Interest paid half-yearly . The Right Hon . the Earl of DEVON , Chairman . G . H . LAW , Manager . Offices , 6 , Cannon-street AVest , E . C .
Untitled Ad
LOAN AND INVESTMENT AGENCY ASSOCIATION . Chief Office , 9 , Adam-street , Strand , W . O . Loans of any amount , from 20 ? ., on real and other securities . 140 , 000 trust funds ready to bo invested . R . T . JOPLING , Actuary .
Untitled Ad
» - MAPPIN'S SHILLING RAZOR , sold everywhere , warranted good , by the Makers , MAPPIN BROTHERS , Queen's Cutlery Works , Sheffield , and 07 and 68 , King William-street , City , London , whore the largest stock of Cutlery in the world is kept . APPIN S SUPERIOR TABLE-KNIVES maintain their unrivalled superiority . Handles oannot possibly become loose ; the blades are all of the very first quality , being their own Sheffield manufacture . Tblo . Kns . Dst . Kns . Carvers , per Doz . per Dots , per Pair . Ivory 3 ft in . Handle , balanced ., 20 a . 16 s . 0 s . Do . 4 in . do . ., 2 Sa . 18 s . fla . A / TAPPIN'S SILVER-PLATED DESSERT 1 VX KNIVES and FORKS , in Mahogany Oases . J 2 Pairs Knives and Forks , Ivory Handles , in Case 80 s . 12 Do . Pearl Handlos , do 00 s . 12 Dov Silver-Plated Handlos , do .. 80 a . TVTAPPIN'S ELECTRO-SILVER PLATE . — J-TJ- MAPPIN BROTHERS , Manufacturers by Spooial Appointment to tho Queen , aro the only Sheffield makers S ^^ JSEtevil ?? consumers in London . Their LONDON SH 0 W 160 OMS . 07 and OS , King William-street , London Br T tPrVT > c SS t ? &n ! y far th 0 torBOHt STOCK of ELEOTROSILVER PLATE in tho World , which is transmitted direct from their Manufactory , Quoon ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield . Fiddle Doublo King ' s T f ^ m ^^^^^' t ^^ r ^ f \ r& ^^ i ® x& ° a ** ° a ° ° ia"fce 7 bSpobns ; beaVqua : ° * ° ° * * ° lity ..,.,,.. , , 170 200 240 12 Toa Spoons , best quality . ' , 0 10 o 140 170 Mosarj . Mnppln Brothers respectfully invifco buyers to lnspoofc their unprooodontod display , whioh . for beauty or d P a W ' i A ! , Mi ? , workmanship , and novelty , stands un-J& «« iH ' TihiII IUuB i » ;|<«* Catalogue , which is continually rJgolvinB admtlon of Now Dosigns , free on application . — M ^ mn Bro thers , 07 and 08 , King William-street , 31 m ? d Manufactory , Quopn ^ Cutlery Works ,
Untitled Ad
rpHE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRp A AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY . Offices . — 87 , Castle-street . Liverpool ; 20 and 21 , Poultry , and 4 , Adelaide-place , London ¦ . , Kinff-strcet , Manchester ; and ' 12 S , Ingrain-street , Glasgow . , ^ 1855 . Business . isse . £ 186 , 271 Fire Insurance Premiums „ . # 222 , 279 98 , 559 Fire Insurance Losses 10 S 807 11 , 137 Life Insurance new Premiums ... 12 , 771 63 , 909 Life Insurance total Premiums .. 72 ^ 53 12 , 753 Received for Annuities 17 , 338 11 , 396 Paid to Annuitants 11 , 99 S ANNUITIES IMMEDIATE or DEFERRED . BONUSES GUARANTEED WHEN THE POLICIES ARE ISSUED . No Stamp Duty . Persons whoso Fire Policies with this Company expire at Christmas are reminded that receipts for the renewal of the same will be found at the Offices of the Company , in Liverpool and London , and in the bands of the Agents . SWINTON BOULT , Secretary to the Company . December , 1 S 57 .
Untitled Ad
Established 1838 . VICTORIA AND LEGAL AND COMMERCIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , IS , King William-street , City . DiRBCTons . BKNJAMIN HAWES . Esq ., Chairman . THOMAS NESBITT , Esq ., Deputy-Chairman . Charles Baldwin , Esq . W . K . Jameson , Esq . George Denny , Esq . John Jones , Esq . J . C . Dimsdale , Esq . John Nolloth . Esq . William Elliot , M . D . Meaburn Stanilaud , Esq . Robert Ellis , Esq . Daniel Sutton , Esq . J . P . Gassiot , Esq ., F . R S . AValter Charles Venning , John Gladstone , Esq . Esq . Aaron Goldsmid , Esq . O'B . Bcllingham Woolsey , Sidney Gurney , Esq . 2 isq . The business of the Company embraces every description of risk connected with Life Assurance-The Assets of the Company exceed 265 , 000 ? . And its Income is over 60 , 000 ? . a year . Advances in connexion with Life Assurance are made on advantageous terms , either on real or personal security . WILLIAM RATRAY , Actuary .
Untitled Ad
ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION . £ 1000 IN CASE OF DEATH , OR A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF jE 6 PER WLEK IN THE EVENT OF INJURY , May be secured by an Annual Payment of £ 3 for a Policy in the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE CO 3 IPANY . A special Act provides that persons receiving compensation from tliis Company aro not barred thereby from recovering ? full damages from the party causing tho injury ; an advantage no otlier Company can offer . It is found that ONE PERSON in every FIFTEKX is more or less injured by Accident yearly . This Com pan v lias already paid as compensation for Accidents 27 , 98 SJ . Forms of Proposal and Prospectuses maybe had at the Company ' s Offices , and at all the principal llailwaj' Still ions , where , also , Railway Accidents alone may bo insured agaiust by the Journey or year . NO CHARGE FOR STAMP DUTY . Railway Passengers' Assurance Company , OlUces , 3 , Old Broad-street , London , JB . C . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
Untitled Ad
ARGUS LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . 39 , Throgmorton ^ stroot , Bank . Chaiuman -THOMAS FARNCOMB , Esq .. Alderman . Deputy-Cjiaiemant—WILLIAM LEAK , Esq . Richard E . Ardon , Esq . Rupert Ingleby , Esq . Edward Bates , Esq . Safl ' ory W . Johnson , K * q . Professor Hall , M . A . Jeremiah Pilchor , Ksq . John Huinphery , Esq ., Aid . Lewis Pocock , Esq . PrtYSiciAN . —Dr . Joaffrcson , 2 . Flnabury- « quare . Suboeow . —W . Ooulson , Esq ., 2 , Frederick ' s-plucc , 01 J Jewry . Actuary . —GeorKo Clark , Esq . ADVANTAGES OF ASSURING IN THIS COMPANY . The Premiums are on the lowest scale consistent with security . Tho assured are proteotod by an ample subscribed capital—an Assurance Fund of 450 , 000 / . invested on Mortgage and in tho Government Stocks , and au incomu of B 5 . 0 Q 0 J . a yoar . Premiums to Assure 100 *! , 'Whole Term . _ . , __ . Without "" Ago . One Year . Sovon Ycaris . With Prollts- Proiltu . 20 . £ 0 17 8 £ 0 ) 11 0 jtfl 10 10 *? 1 H ' ° 30 1 1 9 12 7 2 5 5 i ! It < M ) 10 0 10 1 ) 3 0 7 2 M 10 00 11-11 1 111 10 \ ( 1 « 4 0 '' CO 3 2 4 I ii 17 0 I 0 12 1 ) < l Jjjl-MUTUAL BRANCH . , f Assurers on tho Bonus ayatom are entitled , at the on «¦ «' flvo years , to participate In « lne-tonths , or 00 per contol wo profits . ., Tho prortt assigned to oaoh policy can bo nddod to 110 sum assured , applied in reduction of tho annual premium , or bo received in cash . , „„ At tho llrst division a return of 20 por cent In cash , on lie premiums paid , was doolarod ; this will allow a rovtrtilonarytn ' orb'r tsorvaryingrncoord 1 np-to-nBorfronvO (» -i (> »!> -l « 'J- > oont . on the promlums , or from 5 Co 10 ]» or cent , on tno sum atiHurod . One-half of the " wholotorm" promium may remain o » orodit for woven years , or one-third of tho premium \ m remain for life au a dobt upon the policy at 0 por cent ., may bo paid oil' at any time without notice . ,, Claims paid in ono month after proofs luvvo boon appro *««• Loans upon approved auonrlty . No charge ror P 9 lloy stamps . Medical attendants paid for their reports . , Persona may . in time of dohco , proceed to , or ranMO i »» any part of Muropo , or British North America , without extra eh . argo . , f . Tho modioal ofllcors ftttond ovory day , at a auartor i >«"» i " wo o ' clock . ¦ 3 i ) fBA ^ ES , lWdontDlroi ; lo » .
Untitled Article
THE 1 < EADE R . [ No . 407 , January 9 , 1858 .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 9, 1858, page 46, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2225/page/22/