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—i ~ -r— == . NEW WORKS PUBLJSHED BY WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS . —•—i . The SECOND EDITION of BLACXWOOD'S MAGAZINE for JANUARY , 1858 . Price Half-a-Crown . 2 . A HANDY BOOK ON PROPERTY LAW . In a Series of Letters . By the Bight Hon . LORD ST . LEONARDS . Price Half-a-Crown . 3 . SCENES OF CLERICAL LIFE : — THE SAD FORTUNES OF THE REV . AMOS BARTON . MR . GILFIL'S LOVE-STORY . JANET'S REPENTANCE . By GEORGE ELIOT . Originally published in Blackwood ' s Magazine . In Two Volumes , post 8 vo , price 21 s . 4 . THE EIGHTEEN CHRISTIAN CENTURIES . By the Rev . JAMES WHITE , Author of " Landmarks of English , History , " &c . Post 8 vo , 7 s . 6 d . 5 . THORNDALE : or , THE CONFLICT OF OPINIONS . By WILLIAM SMITH , Author of " Athelwold : a Tragedy ; " "A Discourse on Ethics . " Crown 8 vo , 10 s . 6 d . 6 . THE BOSCOBEL TRACTS . Relating to the Escape of Charles the Second after the Battle of Worcester , and his subsequent Adventures . Edited by J . HUGHES , Esq ., A . M . A New Edition , with Additional Notes and Illustrations . In 8 vo , with Engravings , price 16 s . 7 . RECREATIONS of CHRISTOPHER NORTH . A New Edition . Edited by PROFESSOR FERR 1 ER . Complete in 2 vols ., price 12 s . « IN THE PRESS . SEA-SIDE STUDIES AT ILFRACOMBE , TENBY , THE SCILLY ISLES , AND JERSEY . By GEORGE H . LEWES , Author of " Life and Works of Goethe , " &c . In 8 vo , with Illustrations . [ In a few days . ii . Thb Sbvbhth Voiajmh ov THE HISTORY OF EUROPE , FROM THE FALL OF NAPOLEON TO THE ACCESSION OF LOUIS NAPOLEON . By Sir ARCHIBALD ALISON , Bart ., D . C . L . [ Early in February . ni . TALES by PROFESSOR WILSON —rim ., LIGHTS AND SHADOWS OF SCOTr TISH LtFETTKtXLSl 5 rMAlfaABETXYNDr SAY ; THE FORESTERS . Complete in Ono Volume , price 6 a . ; forming Vol . XL of tho Uniform Edition of tho Works of Professor Wilson . Edited by Ws Son-In-Lnw , . PROFESSOR FEBRIER . [ On 1 st February . 48 , GEORGE STREET , EDINBURGH , AND 87 , PATERNOSTER ROW , LONDON .
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. i in . . . ^ k . •* . **—*•* . •—* r * k r >\/ , A liilllWI ATI ^ MC NEW OXFORD EXAMINATIONS . _ : «¦ ¦ In February , post 8 vo , THE STUDENT ' S BLACKSTGNE . BY ROBERT MALCOLM KERR , LLD ., BARRISTER-AT-LAW . * » * This volume will contain those portions of Blackstone ' s great Work which form the subject of Examination for the title of Associate in Arts . JOHN MURRAY , ALBEMARLE STREET .
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KEITH JOHNSTON'S SCHOOL ATLASES . SCHOOL ATLAS of GENERAL and DESORIPTIVE GEOGRAPHY . A New Edition , with Enlarged Maps of Scotland , Ireland , and Switzerland , and a Map of Palestine . 25 Maps printed in colours , and Indox . Imp . quarto , half-bound in octavo , price 12 s . 6 d . SCHOOL ATLAS of PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY . 18 Plates , with Descriptive Lottorpress . 12 s . OcL SCHOOL ATLAS of CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY . 20 Plates , with Index . 12 s . Od . SCHOOL ATLAS * of ASTRONOMY . Edited by J . R . HIND , F . R . A . S . 18 coloured Plates and Descriptions . 12 s . Od . ELEMENTARY ATLAS of GENERAL and DESCRIPTIVE GEOGRAPHY for JUNIOR CLASSES , including a Map of Canaan and Palestine . Quarto , with Indexes , od . "They areas suporior to all School Atlasos within our knowledge , as wore tho larger works of tho same author in advance of those that proceddd thorn . " — Bduoatlonal Jttm <»< - ~ , , _ -, , .,.. ,,,, "JDooidodly tho best School Atlasos wo have over soon . "English Journal of Education . " Tho plan of . those Atlases is admirable , and tho oxcollonqo of tho plan is rlvnllod by tho beauty of tho execution . ; ' Tho best soqurlty for tho accuracy and substantial value of a School Atlanta to have it from tho hands of a man Hko our author , who hns porreotod hla skill by tho execution of much largov works , and gained a olinrhotor which ho will bo oarorul not to Jeopardize by attaching his name to any thing that Is crude , slovenly , or supoWlolal . " — Bootsman . WitxiAM Blackwood and Sonb , Edinburgh and London .
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EDUCATIONAL WORKS PUBLISHED BY MESSRS . BLACKWOOD AND SONS . ¦ —?— r . Eleventh Edition . EPITOME OF ALISON'S HISTORY OV EUROPE , for tho Use of Schools and Youug Persons . Post 8 vo , price 7 s . Cd . bound . THE EIGHTEEN "( CHRISTIAN CENTURIKS . By tlio Rev . JAMES WHITE , Author of " Landmarks of English History , " &c . Post 8 vo , prici ; 7 s . Od . ill . PROFESSOR PILLANS' ELEMENTS 01 ' PHYSICAL AND CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY . Crown 8 vo , price 4 s . PAGE'S ADVANCED TEXT-BOOK 01-GEOLOGY , Industuial and Descriptive . Crown 8 vo , with Engravings , price 5 s . " An admirable book on Geology . —Wo have read every word of it , with caro and with deliftht , never lies i tali up a . s to its meaning , never detecting tho omission of anytitii .. ^ needful in a popular and succinct exposition of a rich ami varied subject . '—Leader . v . The Second Edition . PAGE'S INTRODUCTORY TEXT-BOOK OF GEOLOGY . With Engravings and a Gloss Alii a l Index , price Is . Od . SANG'S ELEMENTARY ARITHMETIC . In post 8 vo , price Qs . This Troatiso is intended to supply tho groat doaidoratum of an intellectual instead of a routine course of instruction in Arithmetic . VII . THE HIGHER ARITHMETIC , by the samo Author ; being a Soquol to "Eloinentivry Arithmetic . " Crown 8 vo , 5 s . " Wo know indeed of no moro comploto philosophy of puro Arithmetic than they contain ; they are wull worthy of Sir John Leslie ' s favourite pupil . "— Weekly lleviow . VIII . FoBTy-SixTu Edition . PROFESSOR JOHNSTON'S CAT . BOHISM OF AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY AND GEOLOGY . With Engravings , prlco la . IX . Seventh Edition . PROFESSOR JOHNSTON'S ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY AND O JiJOLOOl . Fcap . 8 vo , prlco Os . Od . x . Sixth Thousand . ~ sTWmmE ^ atmimT sm ^ a ^~ TKAc TIOAL AGRICULTURE . With Engravings , prlco 1 » - XI . Comploto in 2 void ,, prloo lib . Otl ., PROFESSOR JOHNSTON'S CUE-1 MISTRY OF COMMON LltfJO . With numerous Engravings on Wood . 40 , GEORGE STREET . EDINBURGH i AND 87 , PATERNOSTER ROW , LONDON .
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LONDONt Printed and Published by Airann BDMtHD Gat . iowat , nt " Tho Londor" Office , No . 352 , Strand , In tho County of Mlddlosox .-Janunry 0 , 1808 .
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THE LEADER . [ No . 407 , January 9 , 1858 . 48 . . ' ' -x ^ _ —i ~ - ? r— == . i . ¦ i in . . . ^ k . •***—*•*•—* r * k r >\/ , A liilllWI ATI ^ MC EXAMINATIONS
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 9, 1858, page 48, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2225/page/24/