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ALLSOPF'S PALE ALE UX IMPERIAL PINTS. HARRINGTON, PARKER, and CO., are now dclivcri n 'g the October Brewings of the above
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celebrated Ale . Its tsurpassing excellence is vouched for by the highest medical and chemical authorities of the day . Supplied in bottles , also in casks of 18 gallons and upwards , by HARRINGTON . PARKER , and CO ., "Wine and Spirit Merchants , 5 J , Pall-Mall . Feb ., 1858 .
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WINE NO LONGER AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY . PORT , S H ERRY , MARSALA , MADEIRA , &c , TWENTY SHILLINGS PER DOZEN ., imported by us from the Capo of Good Hope , and only charged half tho usual duty by hor Majesty ' s Customs . "I find it to bo pure and unadulterated , and I hayo no doubt of its being far more wholesome thnn tho artificial mixtures too often sold for genuino Sherry . "II . LETHEBY , M . D ., London Hospital . " A pint samplo of cither , 12 stamps . Terms , cash or reference . Packages charged and allowed for if returned . Delivered free to any of tho London Termini . WELLER and HUGHES , wholesalo Wine and Spirit Importers , 27 , Crntched Friars , Mark Lane , E . C .
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P URE BRANDY , 16 s . PER GALLON . — Palo or Brown . 33 AU-DE- \ IE of exquisite flavour and Brent purity , identical , indeed , in every respeot with those choice productions of tho Cognac district which aro now difficult to procure at anyprico , 35 s . per dozon , French bottles and case included , or lCs . nor trallon . HENRY BRETT and Co ., Old Furnival ' s Distillery , Holborn .
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TTNSOPIIISTICATED GENEVA , ofthe ~ true VJ junipor flavour , and precisely as it runs from tho still , without tho addition of sugar or any ingredient whatever . Imperial gallons 13 s . ; or in one dozen cases , 298 . each , package included . HENRY HRKTT and Co ., Old Fumival ' s Distillery , Holhorn .
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MUSEUM of SCIENCE , ANATOMY , and tho WONDERS of NATURE . 4 , 7 , JJKllNKRSSTRUET , OXFORD-STREET . Open daily , for Gentlemen only , irom 10 till 10 . ADMISSION ON 1 <] SHILLING . KNOW THYSELF ! A visit to this Museum will convey to tho mind a moro accurate knowledge of the Human Body and tho Mysteries of Creation than years of rending . Tho Anatomical Specimens and Models aro superbly exooutcd , and comprise what cannot bo scon anywhere olso in tho world , illustrating EVERY PART of tho UUMAN BODY , tho CIRCULATION of tho BLOOD , tho BRAIN and NERVOUS SYSTEM , tlic REPRODUCTION of tho SPECIES , tho PATHOLO 6 Y of DISEASES , &o . LECTURES by J > r . W . B . MARSTON , whoso Medical Work , together with an Explanatory Catalogue is presented GRATIS to every yibitor . *
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HER MAJESTY'S THE ATRE Titiens , Alboiii , Ortolani , Piccolomini , Belletti , Tlcncvcntatio . Yialetti , Aldighieri , ltelart , and Giuglini . The following arrangements have been made : — This Evening . ' May 22 . —1 A TRAVIATA . and FLEURDES CHAMPS . Tuesday , May 25 . —DON GIOVANNI . Thursday , May 27 . — 1 L TItOVATOEE and Ballet . Friday , May 2 S .-GRAKD MORNING CONCERT , in which all the Artistes of the establishment will appear . Monday , Juno 7 . —A GRAND MORNING PERFORMANCE . In answer to numerous communications it is announced that , for the convenience of the Gentry residing in the environs , a Grand Morning Performance will be given on Monday , June 7 , in which all the Artistes " of the Establishment will perform , including all the Artistes of the Ballet . Applications to be made at tlie Box-office at the Theatre .
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H ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE . Under t"he patronage of her Most Gracious MAJESTY . Mrs . ANDERSON , Pianist to her Majesty the Queen , has the honour to announce that her ANNUAL GRAND CONCERT will take place at Her Majesty ' s Theatre , Friday morning , May 28 . on which occasion all the Artistes of tho establishment , both Vocal and Instrumental , will appear . Full particulars will be duly announced .
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TXTILHELMINA CLAUSS ( Madame V V SZARVADY ) will have tho honour of civinc a SECOND MATINEE MTJSICALE , To-morrow , Monday , May 24 , at Willis ' s Rooms , ICing-strcet , assisted by Herr MolicLtie , violin j Mr . Henry Blagrove , viola ; and Signor Piatti , violoncello- To commence at 3 o ' clock precisely Reserved and numbered seats , 10 s . 6 d . ; unreserved seats , 7 s . To be obtained at Mr . Mitchell ' s Royal Library , S 3 , Old Bond-street , and the principal Libraries and Musicsellers . r
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W HlTSUN HOLIDAYS . —THE SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM .-The Museum , Schools and Library , will be open free every Morning , from Monday , the 24 th > , to Saturday , 29 th May , inclusive , and in tho Evenings of Monday , Tuesday , and Wednesday . Hours from 10 till 6 . Evening 7 till 10 .
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pOSABONHEUR ' S New Pictures , LAN D AI S J-t PEASANTS GOING TO MARKET and MORNING IN THE HIGELANDS , together with HER PORTRAIT , by Ed . Dubufe , are on vie-sv at the German Gallerv , 168 . New Bond-streefc . Admission . Is . Open from nine till six .
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GRAND CEREMONY and FESTIVAL on the 18 th June next , at the OPENING of the SOLDlEltS' DAUGHTERS' HOME , Hampstead . by his Royal Highness the PJtINCE CONSORT , who , with his Royal Highness the PRINCE of WALES , Lave been ' graciously pleased to purchase Presentations to the Home . Several Military Bands will play in the beautiful Grounds of the Home . Admission by purchased tickets , to be had only at the Office of the Home , No . 7 . Whitehall ( exactly opposite the Horse Guards ) . A single ticket for the Ceremony and Grounds , 10 s . , a double ticket for two , 15 s .- a reserved seat for tho Ceremony and the Breakfast , 20 s An Omnibus starts from the Tottenham-court-road end of Oxford-street every twelve minutes , reaching Hampstead without changing , in 40 minutes . H . L . POWYS , Major , Chairman .
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DR . KAHN'S ANATOMICAL AND PA THOLOGICAL MUSEUM , 3 , Tichborne-street , opposite tho Haymartcet . Open daily Admission , One Shilling . Lectures l > y DR . KAHN at Three and Eight . Dr . Kahn ' s Nino Lectures on the Philosophy of Mar riago , &c , sent post free on receipt of 12 Stamps .
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PERFECT DIGESTION , SOUND LUNGS , AND STRONG NERYES restored to the most enloebled , without medicine , without inconvenience and without expense , by DU HARRY'S delicious RE VALENTA ARABICA FOOD , which saves fifty times its cost in other roincclics . Wo extract a few out of tlio many thousand expressions of gratitudo from invalids : —Curo No . 49 , 832 " l ' ifty years' indescribable ngpny from dyspepsia , nervousness , asthma , cough , coiiHtipntion , flatulency , spasms , sickness at tho stomach , and vomiting , have been removed bv Du Barry ' s excellent food . —Maria Jolly , Wortham Line near Diss Norfolk , "—Cure No . 47 , 121 . Miss Elizuboth Jacobs , of Nazing Vicarage , a euro of extreme nervousness indigestion , gatherings , lnvv spirits , and nervous fancies . — Curo No . 48 , 3141 . Miss Elizitboth Yeoman , Gateacro , near Liverpool ^ c uro of ten years' dyspopsia . —Cure No . 32 . 8 S 0 ^^ , ,.-,, i ' 13 s ( l" t" » rrister , of pnrnlysis . —Curo No . 52 , 612 . Tho DowaKor Countess of CastlcHluurfc , of many years nervoiis irritability , bilo , and imligestion . —Cure No . 5-1 , 812 . Miss Virginia Somiora , cured or consumption , after her medical advisors had abandoned nil hopos of recovery . —Curo No . 18 , 310 . Dr . Audrow IFro . of constipation , dyspcpsin , nervous irritability . —Curo No . 3-1 , 210 . Dr . Shorlaiid , of dropsy and aeuility .-Curo No . 30 . 118 . Rev . Dr . Minster of cramps , spasms , and daily vomitings . —Curo No . ; i < j , il 28 . J ) r . Wurtzer . Qf consumption . —Cnro No . 4 (! , ' 270 . Jtr . Jjimcs Koborts , wood merchanl . of Frimloy , thirty years' diseased lunKs , cough , spitting of ljlood , liver dcrangemont . partial fc " ™ T 1 HI ) ., 2 s . « d . ; 21 b ., -is . Od . ; 5 Ib ., ll 8 . ; i& « U i \ i b < calni 'P v : ° on receipt of PoMt-oIIlco lfc , ^ T ryDu 3 * a 7 ; V 1 ftml Co - ' KoBMit-Htrcct , London l'ortnum , Maaon , mid Co ,, 182 , Piccadilly ¦ , Abbis oo Grace-S ' - *™ , JS ^ 1 C 0 ' Oxford-ltwot ; 330 and « 0 , btrand ; 49 and . 00 , BishopsKato-atroet .
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RHEUMATISM AND ITS CURE — IIOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILL 8 -Tl . oso extra 4 Ui 18 BR „„; . Xr i dru « Bl » t . of llothosay , writing May bv tho nsnT ^ ,. 9 ! . « r nnmcrouH ovroH being cVectoil RKffii 18 ! i » d fflandular swellings . S ^^ S ^ ffiRfMSSB ^^^
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BR ECKNELL'S SKIN SOAP , recommended as the best for producing a cienr and healthy skin beniB the old yellow soap , made expressly for the purnosp of the best materials , and not scented . —Sold only in Oiio Shilling packets of cither four rounded tablets or eiRht squares , and extra large tablets Sixpence each . URKrir N KLL , TURNER , and SONS , Wax and Tallow ClinmSlerV Soap and Oil Merchants , &c , to her Majesty , Beehive sV Hiiyniarkct , London . Flense observe that ea ' ch talijet ' aiwi square is stamped " Brccknell's Skin Soap . " u
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PIESSE AND LU BIN'S Fkangipanni Pehfume , 2 s . 6 d . FitANGiPANNi Sachet , Is . 6 d . Feangipakni Soap , Is . Fkangipanni Pomade , 2 s . Fuangipanni Incense , Is . cd . Sold by all fashionable Perfumers and Druggists . Bo sure to ask for PIESSE and LUBIN'S FKANGIPANNI , there are numerous imitations . LABORATORY OF FLOWERS , 2 . NEW BOND-STREET . LONDON .
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G LEN FIELD PATENT STA 11 CII USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY , And pronounced by HE It MAJESTY'S LAUNDRESS to be THE FINEST STARCH SHE EVER USED . Sold by all Chandlers , Grocers , &c . &c .
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TMPORTANT to EVERYMAN who KEEPS A . » HORSE , , SHEEP , or PIG . —THORLEY'S FOOD for CATTLE , as used in her Majesty ' s stabk-s ; also on his Royal Highness the Prince Consort ' s farm , Windsor Sold in casks containing 448 feeds ( with measure enclosed ) , price 50 s . per cask ; carriage paid to any railway station in the United Kingdom . For horses it is indispensable in promoting and sustaining all the animal functions in health and vigour . For milch cows it is invaluable , increasing the quantity and improving the quality of milk . For beasts nothing can compare with it for feeding quickly . For sheep and pigs its effect in one month will exceed all expectation . A pamphlet , containing testimonials from Mr . Brebner steward to his Royal Highness the Prince Consort ; Mr . James Fisher , farm manager to her Grace the Duchess of Athole ; Sir David Cunynghame , Bart . ; Sir John Cat heart , Bart . ; Sir John Ribton , Bart . ; and some of the leading agriculturists of the day , may be had , post free , on application to the inventor and sole proprietor , JOSEPH THORLEY , 77 , Newgate-street , London ; 115 , High-street , Hull . Post-oHice orders to be made payable at the General Post-office .
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SEEDS TO BE DEPENDED ON . —Timothy Brigdcn , Seedsman and Florist , begs to annoiuice that his unrivalled collection of AGRICULTURAL , ¦ VEGETABLE , and FLOWER SEEDS is now arranged , of which Priced Catalogues will be forwarded free upon application . All orders from unknown correspondents must be accompanied with P . O . order . —Seed Establishment , 10 , Kailwayaicade , London-bridge , London .
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GREY HAIR . 248 , High Holborn ( opposite Day and Martin ' s ) . AlEX . Ross ' s Hair Dye is easily applied , producing a slight brown , dark brown , or black , permanently , 3 s . Gd ., 6 s . 6 d ., and 10 s . Gd . per bottle . A . R . ' s Hair Destroyer , or Depilatory , removes superllnoiis hair from tho face , neck , or arms , without injuring tho skin ; soldat 3 s . Cd ., 5 s . 6 d .. andl 0 s . Gd . A . R . 's Hair Curling 1 ? mid saves the trouble of using curl papers or irons , for immediately it is applied a beautiful and lasting curl is obtained ; 3 s . Gd . and 5 s . Od . per bottle . The above articles aro sent per post for 51 stamps in blank wrappers .
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BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS . Price Is . ljd . and 2 s . Od . per box . TH IS preparation is one of the benefits which the science of modern chemistry has conferred upon mankind ; for during the first twenty years of the present century to speak of a cure for tho Gout was considered a romance ; but now the efficacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated by unsolicited testimonials from parsons in every rank of life , that public opinion proclaims this as one of the most important discoveries of tho present age . Theso Pills require no restraint of diet or confinement during their uso , and are certain to prevent tho discaso attacking any vital part . Sold by all Medicine Vendors . See tho name of " Tuomas FltouT , 229 , Strand , London , " on the Government Stamp .
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THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION . TVTORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS -i- ^ l are confidently recommended as a simple but certain remedy for Indigestion , which is the cause of nearly all tho diseases to which wo aro subject , being a medicine somiiiirormly grateful and bcnclicial , that it is with justice called tho " NATURAL STREIWJTJrENKR OJ ? THE llVMAN STOMACH . " NORTON'S PILLS act as a powerful tonic and genii . ) Aperient : aro mild in their operation ; safe under anycircmnstancos j and thousandH of persons can now boar testimony to tho boncllls to be dcrivod from their use . Sold in Bottles at Is . lid ., 2 s . 9 d ., an lls . each , iu cvry town in the kingdom . CAUTION !—Bo suro to ask for " Norton ' s Pills , " anil do not bo persuaded to purchase tho various imitations .
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An Act of Sincere Gratitude . -R 0 OO Copies of a Medical Book to bo given away !!! A CLERGYMAN OF THE CHURCH . ENGLAND , having boon cured of Hovcro Nervousness Pains in tho Head , Loss of Memory , Indigestion , Debilily , L roHtration , and otliorToaiTul symptoms , not tlio lesisl of which wna the grout mental angiuHli resulting from Hi " torrora occasioned by tho frauds of wicked pretenders , adopts this unusual mode of testiryinp ; his doop cnitiiuile , by publishing , for tlio lioiioiltof otli i \ s , tho means <> mpl <> veil orniHown marvellous restoration to health and lmpphwss . to which ho had long beon a stranger . Ho will tliorofoni send a copy of tho remarkable boolc containing all tlio )) ' •• ccssary information , on rocoipt of two penny stumps to prepay postngo . Address : Rov . 11 . R . Travcrs , M . A ., 1 . North Cumberland Place , Bnyswator , Middlosux . Caution . —Tho advertiser rogrott * to find that , of li > ' (> sovoral disreputable quacks have dishonestly adopted tliia plan of pulling off tholr deceptive hooks .
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FOREIGN FUNDS . LAST OIFICIAI . QUOTATION DIT 3 lINff THE WEEK ENDIXOi ' HUKSDAX EvENIKG . ) Brazilian Bonds . ....... - j Portuguese 4 per Cents . ... Buenos Ayres G p-Ccnis- ... i Russian Bonds , 5 per Chilian 0 per Cents ....... 103 J ¦ . Cents 112 J Chilian 3 per Cents .... Russian 44 per Cents .... 101 £ Dutch 24 per Cents .. ... j Spanish .... Dutch * per Cent . Certf . 99 Spanish Committee Ccr-Eqnador Bonds .. ... ! ' of Coup , not fun ... Mexican Account j Turkish 6 per Cents 90 g Peruvian 43 perCents .... ... " ! Turkish New , 4 ditto .... 104 Portuguese ;} per Cents . 46 | Venezuela ^ per Cents .. ... J
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CORN MARKET . llark-lane , Friday , May 21 . The arrivals of grain this week have been moderate , also of foreign wheat and oats , but of barley considerable . Barley is a slow sale at late fates . - Beans and peas are unaltered in value . The oat trade is very heavy . In flour there is very little business doine .
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FROM THE LONDON , GAZETTE . Tuesday * May IS . BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED . — Wixltam : Spencee Ivens , Loseby , Leicestershire , hay and corn dealer . BANKRUPTS . — James Mc&ill , Brunswick-square , builder — Oitakx . es Chambers , tlio younger , Enfield , boarding-school keeper—James Dokmek , Heading , builder —Chakmes Gombekt , Manchester-square , milliner—James Cock , Portland-place , builder—James Beagie , Lambeth , upholsterer—George : Babiww and Geokge Hammond , BasinghatUstreet , wholesale stationers — John Rot / nce Spbikg-haxl , Bow , engineer—Francis William Stockwell , Old Broad-street , bill bToker—James Charters , King William-street , City , seedsman and florist—Josiah South-well , Dudley , grocer—John Ttjstin , the younger , "Worcester , boot and shoemaker and leather cutter—Bbnjamin Pearson and "William Pearson , Stratford-on-Avon , coal dealers and grocers — John Fletcher Fletcher , Long Sufcton , Lincoln , surgeon a , n . d apothecary Chabi / es "William Casxree , Gloucester , auctioneer—James Beard and Edward Thomas Carditj ? , common brewer , and dealers in beer—William Coopland , Topcliffe , York , corn miller—George Laycock , Sheffield , currier and leather dealer—Wouf Cohen , Sheffield , watchmaker—Henry Dodd , Liverpool , dealer in paper hangings —Joseth Hughes , Jtuabon , Denbigh , tailor and draper . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS .-R . Speirs , Glasgow , Coach proprietor— W . Top , Haddington , farmer and cattle dealer—J . Meikle , Glasgow , provision merchant—Black , Bonthkon . and Black , Glasgow , warehousemen .
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502 TIO LEADER . [ No . 426 , May 22 , 1885 .
Allsopf's Pale Ale Ux Imperial Pints. Harrington, Parker, And Co., Are Now Dclivcri N 'G The October Brewings Of The Above
ALLSOPP'S PALE ALB IN IMPERIAL PINTS . HARRINGTON , PARKER , and CO ., are now dclivcri ng the October Brewings of the above
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Friday , Jti ay 21 . BANKRUPTS . — William W . Chatliw and James Durban , William-street , Hampstead-road , builders"William James Bassett , Store-street , Bedford-square , builder—John Nicoxis , Newport ,. Monmoutli , flour and provision merchant—James Cloug-h , Bradford and Birkenshaw , woolstapler—Tryall Holcroft , Manchester , manufacturer— Matthew Crawford , Low Elswick , Newcastleupon-Tyne , iron founder— Trancis Ward , Nottingham , carpenter—John Lilieymaw Clatpole , Old Broad-street , City , merchant—George Hughes , boot and shoe manufacturer—Richard Hjt , North Shields , butcher—Samuel Trotjnce , Bristol , provision merchant—William Henry Waller , Adelphi , scrivener—James Eastham and Joseph Elliot Lawledge , Mitcham , calico printers—John Henry Hardstaef , Birmingham , druggist—James HENLEr Norris , Birmingham , paper dealer—John Humphreys ' 1 ' etley , Hindley , Lancashire , brewer . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS—E . Biddxe , or Alexander , Dunoon , feuor—PAtehson and Co ., George-street , Edinburgh , milliners and lace merchants— W . Ainslie and Son , Main-street , Glasgow , candle makers—Tames Bisset , West TSorth-stroet , Abordetm , commission agent .
Leader (1850-1860), May 22, 1858, page 502, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2243/page/22/