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NEW BOOKS THIS DAY . 47 , Ludgate Hill , May 15 , 1858-SAMPSON LOW , SON , and CO ., have now ready the folloioing New Books . ¦ . ¦ I . . ¦ ' ' . ; With . Forty Illustrations , beautifully printed by Clay on toned paper , crown 8 vo , cloth extra , 10 s . Gd ., CHRISTIAN GELLiEJRT , AND OTHER SKETCHES . By BERTHOLD AUERBACH , Author of " Village Tales . " " Barefooted Maiden , " &c . Translated from the German by arrangement with the Author . . . '; II . In 1 vol . fcap ., boards , with Design by Crowquill , price 2 s ., TYPES OE WOMANHOOD , in Pour Stories . By the Author of " Ethel , " ••• Sister Aiin , " 4 c Stoby the Fibst OUR WISH . Story the Second THK TOUR SISTERS . Stoby the Third BERTHA'S LOVE . Stoky the Fourth THE ORDEAL . in . ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - I n 12 mo , cloth , with Frontispiece by Birket Foster , 3 s . 6 d , MEMOBIALS OF AN ONLY DAUGHTER . By the Authoress of " Shadyside . " In 4 to , cloth , gilt top , extensively illustrated , 2 ls ., THE AMATEUR'S DRAWING-BOOK AND BASIS OF STUDY TOR THE PROFESSIONAL ARTIST . By J . G . CHAPMAN , N . A- - : . . ' ¦• .. ¦ ¦ . v . ' . ¦ . .. In post Svo , cloth , uniform with " Strickland ' s Lives of the Queeus , of England , " Vols . 1 . and II ., ISs ., LIVES OF THE SOVEREIGNS OF RUSSIA . By GEORGE FOWLER , Esq ., Autbor of a History of Russia . " To bo completed in 3 Yols . ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ . ' - .. vi . • ¦ ¦ . ¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦ '' ¦ DEDICATED TO THE RIGHT REV . THE LORD BISBCOP OF LONDON . Fcap . 8 vo , fancy boards , 2 s . 6 d ., BLIGHTED PASQTJE FLOWERS : a Plea for the Workroom . ¦¦' . - ' ' . ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ - vii .. ; "• In Svo , 5 s ., THE BRITISH CATALOGUE OF BOOKS PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM DURING 1857 , giving for the First Time , in an Annual Catalogue , ' the FoLXi Title-page of each Eook ; with Publisher , Price , and Month of Publication , and a . Comprehensive Index of Subjects . Sampson- Low , Son , and Co ., 47 , Ludgate-hill .
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NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR OF " MARY POWELL . " ... ¦ " . . . » . . _ Immediatelv , in 2 vols ., foap . 8 vo , 12 s ., THE LADIES OF BEEVER HOLLOW . By the Author of "Mary Powell , " and " The Good Old Times . " LONDON : RICHARD BENTLEY , NEW BUELINGTON-STREET .
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THE NEW NOVELS . Now ready , at all the Libraries , in 3 vols ., HECKINGTON . By Mrs . CrORE , Author of " The Two Aristocracies , " &c . ONE AND TWENTY . By the Author of ¦ ¦• WILDFLOWER , " &c 3 vols . " A novel of rare power and ability . " — Observer . THE TWO BBOTHERS . By the Author of " The Discipline of Life . " 3 vols . "The best of Lady Emily Ponsonby's novels . "—John Bull . VIOLET BANK AND ITS INMATES . " A very good novel . "—Spectator . THE POOR RELATION . By Miss PARDOE . 3 vols . ( Just ready . ) Hukst and Blackett , Successors to H . Colburn .
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This day is published , price Gd ., rpHE ENGLISH HOTEL K UISAN CE . By A ALBERT SMITH . Second Edition . Bbabbury and Evans , !! , Bouverie-str « et .
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COLLECTED WORKS OF THE LATE HITGH MILLER . Just ready , Vol . V . post Svo , price 7 s . 6 d-, THE CRUISE OP THE BETSEY ; Or , a Summer Ramble among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides . With RAMBLES OF A GEOLOGIST ; Or , Ten Thousand Miles over the Possiliferous Deposits of Scotland . Edinburgh : Tiiomas Constable and Co . ; London Hamilton , Adams , and Co . PRIZE ESSAY . Ex . fcap . 8 vo , limp cloth , pvice Is . 6 d ., ON THE BEST MEANS OP MAKING THE SCHOOLMASTER'S FUNCTION MORE EFFICIENT THAN IT HAS HITHERTO BE ISM'IN PREVENTING MISERY AND CRIME . By EDWARD CAMPBELL TAINSH . With Report of a ^ Discussion on tlie Essay at the Fourth Annual Meeting of the United Association of Schoolmasters of Great Britain , hold on 23 th and 29 th December . 1857 . Ex . fcap . 8 vo , limp cloth , prico 9 d ., npHE UNISON OP KELIGION AND X SOCIAL SCIENCE . A Lecture by ALFRED JONES Author of " Photographs of London Business ; " " Tho Lords ¦ Lancashire , '' &o . &c ; delivered beforo tho United Asso elation of Schoolmasters of Great Britain , in St . Martin ' s Hall , London , 27 th February , 1858 . Edinburgh : Thomas Constable and Co . London Hamilton , Adams , and Co . |
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Recently published , TH . CREED OF CHRISTENDOM ; it * a ^ EG ? 8 vo , cToth . n 1 d 09 SUI > OrStrilCtWr 0 - - a * THBONI London : John Chapmadt , 8 , King William-street Strand
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NEW WORK BY PROF . NEWMAN . Just published , 1 vol . 4 to . price 8 s . ( id . rpiIEISM , DOCTRINAL , and PRACTICAL-^ tt ^ atlP ^ wW ^ S } ^ 0118 , u"orancos . B y FRANCIS WILLIAM NEWMAN , Author of " Tho Soul , " « History of tho Hebrew Monarchy , " &c . wjr London : John Chapman , 8 , King Willmm-stroot , Strand .
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Just publiahod , prico One Shilling , post free for IS atiunps q ^ HE SCIENCE OF LIFE ; or , How to Se-J- euro Moral and Physical Happiness . With practicnl observation on Debility , Nervousness , and Repression rosuiting from Close Study , Sedentary rfabtts , I . itomporanco High Living , or Dissipation . By a PHYSICIAN . oA Ij ^ nd (> , 1 iI 8 l i 5 nwooI > an , ' Patornostor-rovr ; M ann i ? ook ° sollorB . ; HAMNAY aud Co ' « Oxford-stroot , and , flV
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¦ CHEAP EDITION OF MR . DICKENS'S CHRISTMAS BOOKS . This day are published , prico One Shilling each , ' pHE CHRISTMAS CAHOL IN PROSE J- THE CRICKET ON THE HEARTH . A Pairy Tale or Home . THE CHIMES . A Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New One In . Bbax > buey and Evans , 11 , Bouverio-street .
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Now ready at all the Libraries , 1 vol ., price 10 s Gd EASTOX AND ITS INHABITANTS : " . Sketches of . Life in a Country Town . By L . E . ' . "We are afraid that Kaston is a country town to be found under another name on the map or England . . . Such a group has evidently not been drawn entirely from ima < "ina-¦ *""• ;• • • Wo ^ 'liope we are doing no harm in directing attention to its lively pages . "— Leader . L . Booth , 307 , Regent-street , W .
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. Established 1837-BRITANNIA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , Empowered by Special Act of Parliament , \ Viet , cap . 9 . AND -I VRITANNIA MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIA--A- > TION , Empowered by Her Majesty ' s Jtoyal Letters Patent , 1 , Pbinces-stheet , Bank , Londok . Ma jok-Genehal Alexander , Blackhoath Park , Chairman . Number of Policies issued , upwards of 11 <) 0 O Annual Income from Premiums ( exclusivo of ' Interest on Investments ) , upwards of 81 , 000 ? . u " Every description of Life Assurance business transacted [ with or without Participation in I'rolits . ' i EXTRACTS FROM TABLES . Without Profits . Wjfch Fronts . ! A 8 e . P j H ^ g Age . , H g | | : 30 " | i \ M % d 6 j g-i if i r \ i T ^ ua 40 1 O 2 2 18 4 l 3 | ' 2 . 7 01 4 40 12 4 CO 2 a 0 4 5 O , fi I 2 7 10 1400135 i ° . ° ... L . « .- * _ ° A ... * L . ... ! . _ . . _ s all . 4 »_ o _ i ? c ' ' ANDRUW Vll \ TSCi& 7 sacre ~ iary . ~ ''
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O O UTII AUST KALIAN BANKING O COMPANY . Incorpovatud by Rovnl ( charter 1 S 47 LETTERS of CREI > J' / au , f U [ LLS av ' o Rnuitod upon tho BankR at Adelaide . Port Adelaide , and Gawlor . Approved drafts on South Australia nogotiul ail and Hont for collection . Iwory descri ption or liaukiu biiHiuuBn is imi » i ^ i « lr « cl : w f th Y Ict 0 lia ( tlld Now " South Walos , 0 imSWAgSJt 8 . 0 thcrAll 8 trftll ' " « o > o"i «' . "" -o » HShthc K ^ niriTt 1 t t WILLIAM PURDY . Mana Be * . 54 , Old Broad-street , London , E . G .
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,. . ' 1 toUor 0 to IDANK OF DEPOSIT , Katablishca a . d 7 i 844 . INVPSTTTffr iSrv "' ^ onilon . Partios diwiroiiR ol ofllinii »? MONEY tiro niquostiid to ox : miii > o tho Plan mat L nw i , ? ' . ^ " . V « l « loh a l . i Kl . r » to of inton J Stfo iSaSrv ^ Sl $$ ? ^ " ^ ' ^ ^^ *" PETER MO Rill SON , MaunRing Diroctor . i'orms for oponiiip Aocomits cwnt free 011 application . ^ ~ ' — - —— ¦ ¦ —¦ . — . ..
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Just published , in 1 vol . Svo , price 10 s . Gd ., cloth , FRENCH -FltfANCH AND FINANCIERS under LOUIS tho FIFTEENTH . Uy JAMES MURRAY . - ° London : Longman , Brown , and Co ., Patcrnostcr-row .
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Just published , in post 8 vo , price 7 s . Cd . cloth , A SPECTS OF PARIS . By EDWARD XJl COPPING , Author of " Alfteri and Goldoni , their Lives andj ^ d ventures . " CONTENTS : — I . Beyond the Barrier . 6 . The Park of Paris . 2- Paris on New Year ' s Day . 7 . A New Colony . 3 . Paris Pcnny-a-Lining . 8 . Taris Plays . 4 . The Cliffs of Belleville . 9 . A Suburban Ffcte . 5 . Cheap Literature in Paris . 10 . A Neglected l * oet . London : Longman , Brown , and Co ., Paternoster-row .
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NEW VOLUME OF ME . ME RIVALE'S " HISTORY OP THE ROMANS UNDER THE EMPIRE . " Now ready , in Svo , with Map and Plan , price lGs . cloth , HISTORY OF THE ROMANS "UNDER THE EMPIRE . By the Rev . C . 51 ERIVA LE , 13 . D ., late Fellow of St . John ' s College , Cambridge . Vol . VI . from tho-Reign of Nero to the Destruction of Jerusalem . Vols . I . and II . comprising . the History to the Fall of JULIUS CJESAR , Second Edition . ....... 2 Ss . Vol . III . to the Establishment of the Monarchy by AUGUSTUS , Second Edition 7 . 14 s .. Vols . IV . and V . from AUGUSTUS to CLAUDIUS , b . c . 27 toa . d . 51 ........... 32 s . London : Losgman . Buov'j , and Co .
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Published this < lay . MANU AL OF BRITISH ARCHEOLOGY . By the Rev- CHARLES BOUTELL . M . A . With . Twenty coloured plates . Royal 16 nio , pvice 10 s . Gd . Lovell Reeve , 5 , Henrietta-street , Covcnt-garden .
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IS ow ready . POPULAR HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS ' ¦ L EGGS 1 a Familiar and Technical Description of the ¦ Eggs of British . Birds . Jiy the Hot . J . LAISHH 5 Y . With Twenty coloured plates . Royal I 61110 , price 10 s- Gd . Lovell Reeve , 5 , Henrietta-street , Covent-gitrdcn .
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In the Press , with Illustrations , ' pHE OPHTHALMOSCOPE : An Essay on its » - Management and Use in the Exploration of Internal Eye Diseases . By JAI 3 EZ HOGO , Assistant-Surgeon to the Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital , &c . London : JonN CnracmiL , N « w Burlington-street .
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Post 8 vo , cloth , 4 s ., DEFORMITIES : the Mechanical Appliances necessary for their Treatment . Bv 1 IENKY HEATHER BIGG , Anatomical Mechanist to the Queen . London : JonN Ciiukcuili-, New Burlington-street .
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TNDEX to THE TIMES .-Current History X Made Available . Dates of Articles or Events—Leaders —Parliamentary Proceedings — foreign News — Critical Notices-City , Commercial , Lav , Letters , Police , Railway , and Bank Meetings-Obituary , &e . —Nearly 50 , ' 00 entries annually . —The advertiser , long connected witli the London press , has prepared an INDUjCto tlie Leading Journnl of the World , from July , 1857 . to THIS DAY , « n < l will supply dates . A single reference , 2 s . fid . ; special tern » a for a series . Address Mr . Henry Foster , Vimiera Cottage , fclie Green , Twickenham , S . W .
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| CARDS FOR THU MILLION . Wedding , Visiting and Business . A CARD PLATE engraved in any stylo and 50 best Cards , Ivory or Enamelled , printed for 2 H ., l > ost free . The prico includes Plato , Engraving , Curds , 1 ' rintlnKi and Postage . Specimens sent free by Arthur GkanCiKH , Stationor . Printer , &c , 308 , Hinh Jlolborn . Acknowledscd by all to be tho cheapest house in London .
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'vviijiii / vm . 1- viacn , socrouiij . | u |)| ?• ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCR 1 L" 1 'ION . £ 1000 IN CASE OF DEATH , OIK , A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF £ 6 PER WEEK IN THE EVENT Oil" INJUItY , May bosccuredby an Annual Payment of . Crtfora Policy in tho RA ILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE ¦*¦ ' COMPANY . A special Act ^ provides that poi-sous reccsiv Iiik oompoiisft-, 11011 irom tins Company aro not barred tlu-roliv from rl !' covering full damages lVoin tliu party causing tlie inj ury ; an advantngo no other Company na » . ' ojfur . It is found that CNR PERSON in every I'M I'TKKN 1 * more or loss . injured by Aeeitlontyeavrlv . Thi . s Coinimn ) ' lias already paid as couiiKMtsation for Accidents ' . J 7 , t > MKi \ iHiniwol Proposal jnul I'roHpiietnHos may Ixi had at tho Coiup .-ni . v . MOIIIeo . s , undid , all 1 he ;] iriueipnl Ki « ilwa . v . Sliili <>« ii » . wluiriMuso , Rnilway . Aecidenlsnlnuo may Iminsurod iiK' » nsl ¦ oy'lieJourney or , ye : ir , 1 NO CIIA 1 UJK roil STAMP DUTY . luj . ilway PaHHOiigors' Astmranoo Coinimnv . Olllous , : ) , Old Brand'MLreet . Iioiulon , lO . O . WIIilJUM J . V 1 AN , Socrotnry .
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504 _ TEE LEADEU . [ No . 426 , May 22 , 1858 .
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tnwi . _ , . ——— ,. . ' 'vviijiii / vm . 1- viacn , socrouiij . raw * . > h . m .. . »» , „ ,. ¦ , « , „ „„„„„„ QMM 1 mr - „ , „ ,, „ „ toUor ,, 0 | to | gfc M [ ^ |)| o ^ ^ = ?• . ^ ~ ' — - —— ¦ ¦ —¦ . — . .. J . VAN , Socrotnry .
Leader (1850-1860), May 22, 1858, page 504, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2243/page/24/