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noon , her Majesty drove leisurely round the whole of the camp , attended by General Knollys and a couple of aides-de-camp . The Duke of Cambridge and the Duke dF Malakboff returned to town by the express train ivhich left Farnborough station at Iialf-past six o ' clock . The royal party were present at a field clay of the lldershot Division under Lieutenant-General Kuollys , > n Wednesday morning , and subsequently departed for Grosport , en route to Os borne .
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THE ATLANTIC CABLE . Axx » who desire to see the union of America and England rendered stronger by the humanizing means of science and of rapid intercommunication will regret tolearnthat the electric cable which -was being laid across the Atlantic has again experienced the misfortune that occurred during the attempt of last August . An account of the disaster has been published in the Cork Reporter , from which we learn that " the Agamemnon antl her tender the Valorous , and the Niagara and her tender the Gorgon , sailed from Plymouth on . the 10 th of June ; each of the great vessels carrying about 1500 miles of cable , with anew and improved apparatus for paying it out . After having been three davs at sea , the expedition was overtaken bv
a fearful gale , which continued without intermission for nine days . On the seventh day of this heavy weather , the ships , which continued to keep together , had to part company , and the Agamemnon was obliged to sciul before the wind for thirty-six hours ; her coals got adrift , and a coil of the cable shifted , so that her captain for some time entertained serious apprehensions for her safety , and from the immense strain her waterways were forced open , and one of lier ports was broken . Two of her sailors were severely injured , and one of the marines lost his reason from fright . Yet Captain Priddie was enabled to bring her to the appointed rendezvous , lat . 52 deg . 2 min ., long . 33 deg . 18 min . All the vessels haying at length arrived at their central point of junction , the
first splice of the cable was made on the the 26 th . After having paid out : two and a half miles each , the cable parted , owing- to an accident on board the Niagara . The ships having again met , the splice was made good , and they commenced to give but the cable a second , time ; but , after they had each paid out forty miles , it was reported that the current was broken , and no communication could be made between the ships . Unfortunately , in this instance the breakage must have occurred at the bottom . Having cast off this loss , they met for the third time , and recovered the connexion of the cable on the 28 th . They then started afresh , and , the Niagara having paid out over one hundred and fifty
miles of cable , all on board entertained the most sanguine anticipations of success , when the fatal announcement was made , on Tuesday , the 29 th , at nine p . m ., that the electric current had ceased to flow . As the necessity of abandoning the project for the present was now o » nly too manifest , it was considered that the opportunity might as well be availed of to test the strength of the cable . Accordingly , this immense vessel , with nil her stores , &c , wns allowed to swing to the cable , and , in addition , a strain of four tons was placed upon the breaks ; yet , although it was blowing fresh at the time , the cable held her ns if she had been at anchor for over an hour , when a heavy pitch of the sea snapped the rope , and the Niagara bore away for this port . "
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ACCIDENTS AND SLJDDUtf DKATUS . Tbr . bb of the persons injured by the late accident at the Chilham station of the Soutli Eastern Railway—two men and a boy—have died ; and an inquest has been opened , but stands adjourned for a week . The evidence tends to establish the original statement that t ho breaking of the crank axle was the cause of the catastrophe . A . boiler explosion took place last week at a mining village in South Wales , caused by one of the workmen seating himself on tlio to |> of tho safety valvo . Four men wero killed , and . 'everal others soriously wounded .
About half-past four o'clock last Saturduy morning , James . Bennett , engine-driver of tho ompty mineral train which fell down an embankment near Chesterfield , on W&dneuday , the 23 rtl ult ., died of the injuries which he then received . Tho stoker , Ilickling , was killed on tho upot . Tho adjourned inquest on tho body of Hickling was resumed ut the Midland Hotel on Monday . Ambrose Blackburn , who was given into custody charged with neglecting his duty by not giving tho proper signal , was brought into the inqucat-room , and made art explanation to the effect that ho had done nil he considered it his duty to . , but that ho supposed tho guard had not seen the signals ho limde . The jury returned a verdict of Manslaughter ngniust Blnckham , who was co > mm $ ttoil for trial on thut charge .
Madame PalosikoiF , a Uussinn lady occasionally residing in Paris , hits rtiod nt Berlin of thnr , dreadful di « - oase , glnnder ? . She was ulighting at tho door of tho Opera House at tho latter city , when she dropped ono of her bracelets on tho pavement . She stooped to pick it up , and afterwards remarked laughingly that one of tho horses belonging to a carriage oloso by had put his head so close to hor face thnt ho hud touched it ; " and left a moist kiss on . hor cheek . " In a few Unya who was takon ill -with glanders , and in a few more days was dead .
An old man , named Joseph Smith , about eighty years of age , has met with a horrible death in a Turkish bath at Honley , near Huddersfield . Having remained an unusually long time in the bath , the woman who kept it knocked at the door , and beard a groan . She entered , and found the man lying stretched out in m dying state , with his head , arms , and hands resting upon the heated flue . Those parts of his person -were terribly burnt , and he died almost immediately . It is supposed that he 'was about to enter the dressing-room , that he felt faint at the comparatively cool air , and fell backwards . He was an eccentric , but harmless person ; had lived in strict seclusion for more than thirty years , expressing great annoyance when any one called on him ; and was a confirmed iniidel .
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THE STORY OF PETER THELLUSSON . A cask , wlricli is being heard on appeal before the law Lords , unfolds a strange story of real life . Peter Thellusson , of Brodsworth , Yorkshire ,, a merchant of the City of London , made his will in the . year 1796 , at which time he was possessed of 600 , 0007 . in money , and of land of the annual value of 45007 . His eldest son , Peter Isaac , was heir to 35 , 0002 . a year in . money and hinds ; and there were two other sons besides . Apparently desirous of being the founder , by means of his wealtli , ot three grand families , he conveyed the bulk of his fortune to tTustees . . These trustees were to stand seised of the
hereditaments devised and to be purchased , in trust , during the lives of his three sons , of his grandson , John , and of any other sons of the testator's three sons , or of the issuse of any of their sons "who should be living at the testator ' s death , or born in due time afterwards , and of the survivors and survivor of them , and to invest the same on the like purchases . After the expiration of this period of accumulation , the estate was to be divided into three lots of equal value , one of which was to be convej'ed to the use of the eldest " male lineal descendant " of the son Peter Isaac in tail male , with remainder to the second , third , fourth , and all other lineal male descendants of Peter Isaac , in tail male , with remainder to those of his sons George andCharles in equal moieties in
tail male . One other third part of the accumulation was to be conveyed to the use of the eldest male lineal descendant of his son George , in like manner , and with like remainders over in favour of the male lineal descendants of Peter Isaac and Charles . The remaining third part was to be conveyed to the use of the eldest male lineal descendant of his son Charles , in like manner , with like remainders over in favour of the male lineal descendants of Peter Isaac and George . Upon the failure of such lineal descendants , the estates were to be sold , and tlie money to be paid to the Crown to be applied to the use of the sinking fund . The will concluded with an expression of the testator ' s hope that the Legislature would not alter the document . Peter Thellusson died a year after the making of his will ; and , w hen its provisions came to be known , great were the
astonishment and vexation of the sons and grandsons , and the case was for . a long time the topic of wondering conversation , not only among lawyers , but among the gencr . il public . A Chancery suit was instituted by the relatives , -who of course desired to have the will set aside : this was met hy a cross suit ; and the result was that the rule was confirmed . An appeal went up to the House of lords , and tho will was again established . Tho Legislature then took up tho matter , and , while refusing to set aside the will by an ex post facto law , they declared that Peter Tliellussou had exhibited " vanity , illiberality , and folly , " and enacted , by statute 89 th and 40 th George III ., cap . 98 , thut the power of devising property for the purpose of accumulation shall be restrained in general to twenty-one yours after the death of the testator .
It was calculated by several persons , about tho time of these events , that the property , accumulating at compound interest , would probably reach tho incredible sum of thirty-two millions . But they did not take into account the insatiable vampire that was sucking at this enormous fund in the shape of endless lawsuits of every possible description . The last survivor of the nine lives died in February , 1856 , and four now bills were immediately filed . The property is now to bo divided into moieties : but a question is raided us to who is entitled
to share . Who wero the eldest inalu lineal descendants of Poter Tlicllusson in February , I 860 ? Two claim to bo eldest In point of personal ngo , and two others in respect of lineage . Tho point now to bo dctormined is , aa to which , of these claimants are entitled to share in tho property . A decision was given by tho Master ot tho Rolls two years ago ; and this is now being appealed against in tlio House of Lords . Tho case is postponed till next session , owing to tho prcasuro of other business .
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A " SCANDALOUS PROSECUTION . " " A fioon deal of interest was excited in tho Couvt of Queen ' s ltonch on Monday by an action in which Lord Charles L ' elham Clinton wns concerned . Tho indictment was preferred by Mr . F . W . Stockwell , a mining agunt of Old lirond-strvct , City , against Mr . Alfred Jeffroo and Lord Charles , tho former being tho score tary and the lattev a shareholder of the Whual Sion Mining
Company , for fraud and misrepresentation itt retrard t « the value of certain shares . There was also a cnVmf for conspiracy . ttnM It appeared that no shares in the Wheal Sion Com pany could be registered or transferred by the persons holding them ^ un til all the calls upon them had b « en paid . In January , 1857 , application was made to Mr Stockwell . the prosecutor , to discount a bill for 300 / at three months' < late , drawn by Jeffree upon , and accented by , Lord Charles Clinton . Three hundred shares in the mining company , as well as several shares in ot"ber mines , were to be transferred to him , and deposited with him . as collateral security . Mr . Stockwell advanced the money upon tliose terms to Jeffree , by whom the
transaction was conducted . On the 5 th nf Ar , rii » i . ~ i ..-n action was conducted . On the 5 th of April , the bill was dishonoured , ' and , after some negotiations , conducted by Jeffr-ee , it was renewed for 50 OJ ., with an addition al advance of money upon the security of some further shares which were deposited . There were also other transactions between the parties . Mr . Stockwell disposed of some of the shares , and it subsequently turned out that Lord Charles Clinton had transferred to him between three hundred and four hundred shares upon whicli ( he calls had not been regularly paid up . The prosecutor was then held liable , when he charged Lord Charles Clinton and Mr . Jeffree before the Lord Mayor with fraudbut the dismissed
, case was on the ground © f insufficient evidence . However , the prosecutor felt himself aggrieved , and determined to proceed against the defendants by way of indictment . It se « rned thai the calls upon the shares were ultimately paid , and that the prosecutor was no sufferer in a pecuniary point of view , all the money owing to him in respect of these transactions having been paid to him by Lord Charles Clinton . Mr . Serjeant Ballantine , at th e conclusion of his statement for the prosecution , said it was very probable that Lord Charles Clinton , who was not a man . of business , had been misled by the misrepresentations of others in regard to the shares .
Lord Campbell , after hearing some evidence , expressed his opinion that there / was no case as respected . Lord Charles Clinton , and , the jury being decidedly of the same opinion , a verdict of Not Gnilty as far as he was concerned was takem . Evidence was then received with respect to Mr . Jeffree ; but here again the jury gave a verdict of'Acquittal without hearing the counsel for the defence . Lord Campbell then observed : — "I must say , gentlemen , this is a most improper and scandalous prosecution , and reflects the highest discredit upon the prosecutor . It is lumen table to see how charges of this kind may be brought against most innocent and honourable members of society , and I hope some check -will be given to such vexatious prosecutions . "
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GATHERINGS FROM THE LA . W AKD POLICE COURTS , Vice-Chaucellor Kindersljsy' has made an order requiring payment from such of the shareholders of the Northumberland and Durham District Bank as have not met the call made by the court , the payments to be made by the 20 th of July . A very large sum is yet due . on tho call . The calls of eight individuals in the list , alone , amount in the aggregate to upwards of 4 & 0 , OO < W . The case of Robinson v . Robinson and . Dr . Lane again came on in the Court of Divorce last Saturday , when U was expected that judgment would be delivered by Lord Chief Justice Cockburn . His Lordship , however , said that he and his fellow Judges had arrived at the conclusion that it was desirable , both in tho present case and in future cases , that the Court should have th « power to dismiss a co-respondent , and make him a witness , if tliat were requested , as it had been in the present instance on the part of Dr . Lane . This cannot now be done ; but a bill is before Parliament for amending the law , and , under those circumstances , tho court refrained from expressing any opinion on the facts before them until they were enabled to hear the doctor . Judgment was therefore deferred . —The court was crowded , and several fashionably dressed ladies were present .
Judgment was given in the Court of Queen ' s Dench last Saturday in tho case of the Queon v . Goodchild . The question was whether the profits of tenants should bo allowed in making deductions from a tithe-rent charge . Tho Court decided that they should not bo allowed , ond judgment wns therefore given for tho respondents . An action has been brought in the same court ngsiinst the riiooiiix lftro Insurance Company to recover the sum of 150 / ., the amount of a policy of insurance eilected with them . Tlie defendants roalstcd tho claim on the ground of fraud , alleging that tho goods destroyed wore in reality worth
¦ only 20 / . Tho plaintiff is a , foreign Jew , mimed Clinch , working ns n journeyman glazier . In August , 1857 , ho effected tho policy in question on tho furniture and effects in tho house , 17 , ScabrooU-place , Islington . On tho 15 th of Jannnry , 1 K 58 , a iiro took place , and tho houso was entirely destroyed . March Boon after Hunt in a Hut of goods destroyed , amounting to 105 / . 17 h . I" list wero included two watches and chains , I ' M . 19 a . j two ring * and a brooch , lil . 10 s . Gel . ; linen and clothe * , ¦ f > 6 / . The latter included 22 chemiscjs ) , I ) potticoats , 12 ahirts , 21 pairs of hulie . 4 stocking , 12 ombroidered oollnrS ) Jind a corresponding number of other articles ef fcnialo
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656 ' _ . _ TH E LEADEl , [ No . 433 , July 10 , 1858 .
Leader (1850-1860), July 10, 1858, page 656, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2250/page/8/