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Thb most important feature in the railway -world is the meeting of directors and railway representatives , which took place on Thursday . At that meeting it was stated that assents to the resolutions passed at the former meeting had been received from eighteen railway corapanies , representing an amount of . capital exceeding 150 , 000 , 000 / . The following resolutions were then carried : — " 1 . That the rates and fares on the several railways of the kingdom should be so fixed as to realise the largest amount of net profits , due regard being had to the interests of the public . " Carried ( one company dissenting ) . interested
" 2 . That where any two or more companies in any particular traffic fail to agree among themselves as to the rates and fares to be charged , the points in dis ^ pute shall be referred to arbitration . " Carried ( four companies dissenting ) . " 3 . That where two or more routes exist between any two points , the rates , fares , and charges between such points shall be equal . " Carried ( nine companies not voting ) . ' 4 . That this meeting strongly recommends the settlement of all differences between " railway companies by arbitration , instead of by recourse to law or to excessive and ruinous competition , and that powers be sought for from Parliament in the ensuing session to enable any two or more railway companies to settle all disputes by arbitration . " This resolution was carried unanimously .
" 5 . That a committee , consisting of the chairmen ( or other directors ) of the assenting companies , with the , addition of the Mayor of Liverpool , the Rt . Hon . J . Parker , Mr . Leemari , and Mr . Wilson , be now appointed to prepare a bill for presentation to Parliament , with power to add to their number , and to appoint an executive subcommittee . " This : was also carried unanimously . . These resolutions appear to have been prepared with care and judgment , arid if they can weather the shoals and rocks of Parliament and become embodied in a bill , then we shall have hopes-of the . railway interest rising from that- depression and surmounting that distrust which it has experienced for so long a period .
As rfar aB the railway--t&affkefr is concerned , we have notn ing particular , to report beyond the fact that there hav fe been petty fluctuations in most of the shares , and tha t the North British is the only company whose shares ¦ k ^ e sustained a marked rise . The m arket may be j ^ &nsidered as a rising one . Certainly there is nothing * lthat we know of to come forward as likely to affect prices injuriously . The Portsmouth Railway . —Arrangements have at last been completed with the South Western Company for the lease of this line , which is now completed with the exception of the stations . Rumour states that the opening of the line will take place in October .
The Victor Emmanuel Railway . — The first trial trip was recently made on the trunk line of the railway from Saint-Innocent to Culoz ( Victor Emmanuel Railway ) . The train proceeded along the embankment thrown across the Bay of Gresine , which is very deep at that part , jn order to unite the tunnel to that of La Colombiere . The train , after passing through the tunnel of La Colombiere , which is 1200 metres in length , and cut out of the solid rock , skirted along the mountain as far as the tunnel of Briaon ; whore another halt was made . In a few days there will bo a direct communication by rail to Geneva , Lyons , and Paris .
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Cochikeal . —Fine qualities are in demand for export at fully Id . per lb . advance ; other descriptions firm . 560 bgs ., mostly sold , fair to fine bold Honduras silvers , 3 s . 9 d . to 4 s . 2 d . ; inferior and foul , 3 s . 5 d . to 3 s . 7 d . ; Teneriffe silvery 3 s . 8 d . to 3 s . lOd . - Saffloweu . —Fine qualities of the new crop have been strongly competed for , there being some immediate orders , and the market on Russian account . Prices of these descriptions advanced 40 s . per cwt . ; other kinds were about 10 s . dearer ; 110 bis . have sold ; line 11 / . 12 s . Gd . to 13 / . ; good 11 . 12 s . Gd . to 8 / . 7 s . 6 d , per cwt . Indigo . —Good ship-ping' Bengals continue in request at fully 3 d . per lb . advance on the last quarterly salt ;? . The quarterly sales are fixed for the 12 th October .
REVIEW OF THE WEEK . Mincing Lane , Friday Evening . The prevailing feature throughout these markets is the uninterrupted steadines in current values , and the slow but permanent degrees by which trade is expanding . The elements of prosperity are regarded as such as might warrant a more speedy revival , but all concur in the opinion that the restraint , which is evidently imposed
bv the experience of the past , is both wholesome and desirable , and must result in great ulterior advantage . Production of nearly all the primary necessaries of life , as well as of the leading manufacturing staples , is abundant , whilst the supplies of capital are equally satisfactory , and with ample materials tiius at hand , the development of trade is watched with considerable hope . But whilst all operations of a bond Jide character are t herefore confidently entered into without reserve , there is a continued absence of speculation , and an apparent determination not to push business beyond its natural
mutton , 3 s . 8 d , to 4 s . 4 d . ; veal , 3 s . 8 d . to 4 a . ; porkj 3 s . 4 d . to 4 s . 4 d . ' per 8 lbs . by the carcase . Cured meats are without quotable change . Tea , Suqau , Coffee , Rice , S ) pices , &c—For reviews of these markets we refer to the circular of Messrs . Travers and Sons , which will be found in another column . Saltpetre continues to be firmly held , but the market is not over active . The demand is mostly for arrival , and late shipments have commauded rather higher terms . On the spot the sales are 1000 bgs . Bengal at 42 s . to 47 s . 6 d . for 2 to 2 j per cent , and 1000 bgs . Bombay , at 33 s . to 33 s . 6 d . About 300 tons sold to arrive early periods , 41 s , 9 d . to 42 s ., late , 42 s . 6 d . per cwt . 100 tons were lauded last week , and the stock is slightly increased .
limits . Con >* . —Harvest operations are drawing satisfactorily to a close . It is estimated that about three-fourths of the crov > s have now been secured . The quality of the wheat is generally well spoken of , but scarcely more than one-third of the yield of barley is expected to be really fine . Beans and peas will be short crops , and oats barely an average . At Mark-lane this week the supplies * of English wheat have been short , and rather a large proportion inferior in condition and quality . Prime samples have commanded a ready sale at the full currency of the previous week , and other qualities , although pui-chased sparingly , have not been obtainable on lower
terms . Kent and Essex white brought 50 s . tools . ; extra fine qualities rather-more . Foreign wheat was firmly held throughout , although the week ' s imports have been moderately good . From most of the continental markets high prices are advised , with but little doing for shipment to England , and tliis gives . holders confidence ; Dantzic white has realised 52 s . to 56 s . ; Rostock veil , 51 s . to 52 s . ; French red , 45 s . to 4 . 6 . ; Russian , 38 a . to 44 s . No quotable change has occurred in the price of flour , but only a very moderate business has been done . The top price of town is still 43 s . ; town households , 37 s . ; seconds , 32 s . to 33 s . ;
couutry households , 33 s . to 35 s . ; seconds , 3 la . to 32 a . ; prime Norfolks , 31 s . persack ; American , 21 s . to 24 s . per barrel . Prime malting barley meets an increased demand , and is rather higher in price . Grinding qualities sell steadily at fully late rates . Malt is taken off in limited quantit } - ut steady prices : choice were 72 a . Beans and peas , in consequence of short supplies , bring full market rates . Oats continue in steady request at quite late rates for all good corn ; the imports of foreign are still liberal although not so large as of late . The provincial letters generally report a steadiness in prices , with a fair demand on the respective markets .
Seeds . —The week ' s arrivals of linseed are 10 , 300 qra ., all East India . Bombay seed soils steadily for consumption at fiOs . to 60 s . Cd . ; Calcutta , 58 s . ; floating parcels of the latter bring 60 s . 6 d . to 57 s . cost , freight , and insurance ; and Black Sea seed at 58 s . per qr . Rape-seed has ceased to decline , and Calcutta ia not offered under 68 s . ; Bombay Guzerut , 04 a . ; inferior , 4 Hs . to 60 s . Potatoks . — -The samples at market this week are generally in good condition , and it is expected , should the disease not make further progress , that the season will be the finest for some time past . Regents sell steadily at 55 s . to 75 s . ; Shaws , 50 s . to 65 s . per ton .
Hops . —Picking is now becoming generul , and the results favourable . The duty ia estimated at 200 , 000 / . New hops . nro arriving in the market more freoly , and sales have been made at 75 s . to 100 a . for Middle Kent ; 65 s . to 75 u . for Weald ; and 00 a . to 65 s . per cwt . for S uflsox . Hay , —Supplies are seasonably good , nnd prices steady ; meadow hay 74 s . to 84 s . ; clover 95 s . to 105 s . ; second cut 00 s . to 98 s . ; at raw 98 s . to 30 s . per load . Stock . —At tlio Metropolitan Cattle Mnrkot the show has been unusually large , but has consisted chiefly of coftiso nnd inferior broods . For all prime fat stock the demand ltus been good and quotations firm , but inferior descriptions have boon dWllcult of salo nt reduced prices . Tho number at murkot , and current quotations wore as TolloW ' i— ' — - - — , ~ - MONDAY . Boast . Slioop . Calves . Pigs . 6 , 528 20 , 000 280 740 4 s , 2 d . to 5 s . 4 s . 2 d . to 5 s . 2 d . 4 s . to 5 a . 8 a . to 4 s . Od . THUJH 8 JMAY . 1 , 429 8 . 970 397 ' 200 4 s . 2 d . to Us . 4 s . 2 ( i . tp 6 s , 2 d . 4 s . to 5 s . 8 s . to 4 a . 6 d . Provisions . —Country Hillod moat is sent to market sparingly , but the supplies on offer are equal to the demand , which ia but moderate . Beef , 2 s . 8 d . % o 4 s , 2 d .
Othkr Dyk-stuffs . — Redwood is in demand . at 4 / . 7 s . Od . to 4 / . 10 s ., being dearer . Turmeric fully sustains its value ; common Bombay sold at 14 s . Bengal held at 25 s . Lima Orchclla weed sold at 28 / . to 29 / . 5 s . Lac Dye is more in demand , A C in diamond sold Is . od . ; other factory marks Is . 3 d . down to 5 id . for Native . Cutch . — The ' transactions have been of moderate extent at about late rates . Gambicr quoted 15 s . 9 d . to lGs . - India-Rcbbek . —A large business has been done in East India at 7 ^ d ., and subsequently 8 d . paid for a small parcel . Fine 1 ' ara brings Is . 6 id ., and the market generally is firm at the advance . Drugs . —Opium has declined to 2 is . to 21 s . 6 d . for fine . Camphor in public sale brought 65 $ to . 6 Srs . 6 d .. Star Aniseed oil advanced to 7 s . 9 d .
Cotton . ^ —The improving position te cotton manufactures is inducing an increased demand for the raw material , and within the last few : days the daily sales at Liverpool have averaged 15 , 000 bales , whilst prices have advanced id . per lb . The most satisfactory feature in this is that this extension of business is the resuit of natural demand and not of speculative ventures . The small sttjpk of cotton in London is held firmly at comparatively high prices , but transactions-are to a fair extent nevertheless . The week's sales are 2100 bales Surat at 4-j to 53 ; Tinnevelly Madras , 5 J . At Liverpool 09 , 000 bules have sold , aud lioweds arc I higher . Jute . —Prices are again 10 s . per ton higher , the anticipations of a short crop still influencing the trade . The week ' s sales are 6000 to 7000 bules at 16 / , 5 s , ' to 20 / . for common to good bright . The supplies on the way to London and Liverpool are estimated at 9500 tons against 6200 tons last year .
Cord Goods .- —Yarn , in consequence of increased supplies , has been purchasable on rather easier terms . Other fabrics have sold steadily . IIkmi \—St , Petersburg clean hemp is now * worth 30 / . to 30 / . 10 h . per ton , witha steady business passing . East India hemps are without alteration in value . Mktals . —Although transactions in the aggregate are still restricted , the market is generally healthy . Some increase of orders ia observable in scverul departments , and indications are in favour of a steady improvement in moat . Rather considerable sales of spelter have been made , and the price has advanced to 24 / . Tinstock is , howover , heavy , and any material rise is therefore not anticipated . At the recent dcclino , copper has gone more frooly into consumption . Lead and tin continue firm in price , but wUb little doing in cither at tlio
moment . Manufactured iron is in steady demand ; but S cotch pig is offering on rather lower terntn , closing today at bin . per ton . Oils . —Linseed haa mot an improved demand at 03 s . 3 d . on the spot , and 83 a . 6 d . for delivery up to December . In the almost entire absence of business , rape oil in nominally a » last quoted . Olive ia purchased largely hy consumers , but ia not altered in value . Cocoa-nut has advanced to 87 s . 8 d . to 37 a . Od . for Ceylon , and 88 u , Cd . to 40 a . for Cochin . Palm steady at 89 s . } palm-nut 80 a . to 81 s . por cwt . Tho few dealings in flab , oils have boon ut late rates . Ulu-ummi ^ ffB . — A , conafderablo businoss has boon done , via . 8000 brls . from atoro at !'" OsTGflrrSWO" ™™' ex-ehip at 10 s ., and about 1000 brls . Hpirits at tf 7 « . •>< ' to 88 s . per cwt .
Tallow . — -Tlio market haa boon dull throughout , l >» t closes with ruthoi ' a | bottor tone . Y . O . on tho spot 60 n . Gu . j laat throe months 4 , 0 s . fld . i ' ubllo Haloa wont ot . M . < l " flllno . AuBtrallan , 45 s . 9 d . to 6 Ia . Taganrog , 4 » s . «« . to 50 s . Od . South Amoiloan 40 fl . ( td . to 49 * . Od . r « owt . Official market letter : Town T . Allow 5 J ) h . « " • fat by ditto . 2 a . JUdi i molted stun " , fide . 6 d . por owt .
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' . Q THE LEAD EK . [ No . 442 , September 11 , 1858 . y 4 iO ' ' - - ' ' . _^ -l i-i- ^ -: — : . ' . -r- .... .. - ' ' ... ¦ . - ' . ' ¦ ' . ' ¦ - _— .
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THE METAL TRADE . Messrs . Tkubman and Fky state that tho tendency is towards improvement : — " Copper . —Since our last publication , ' the smeltera have reduced the price of copper id per lb . for manufactured , and 5 / . per ton for-cake- ; yet , from aU ,, we can gather , little or no increase of orders has taken place in consequence ; there appears , however , to bo more disposition , to purchase foreign at the reduced value , and a fair amount of businoss haa been done during tho last few daya . ' ? Iuon . —Thia metal haa rather strengthened during tho past fortnight , and wo cannot now purchase British bar iron quite on such favourable terms . In Swedish , also , a large business has been done , chiefly for tho Bombay market . Scotch pig has rather receded , mixed numbers soiling , but not freely , at 54 s .
" Tin . —There has boon a good business doing in this metal during tho last few days , and prices , which had Teceded « about * lJH ~ hftvo ^ ow « j ^ b ^^ deal of confidence is goncrally felt in Its future position , " Ldai > calls for nospocinl remark ; a fair amount of business lias boon doing , and prices remain unchanged . " Spelter . —There lias boon more doing in spelter for tlio East , but in tlio face of tho largo stoolc tho demand has not had any effect upon prices , which have fluctuated between 28 / . 15 s . and 24 / ., a parcel at 70 tons having been sold yostorday at the latter price . Stock on tho 1 st instant , 4409 tons . 44 Tin Platkb have again boen dull of sale , and prices « ro with difliculty aunnorted . "
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Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 11, 1858, page 948, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2259/page/28/