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THE PEOPLE'S PROVIDENT ASSURANCE SOCIETY , FOR LIFE ASSURANCE , ANNUITIES , AND THE GUARANTEE OF FIDELITY IN SITUATIONS OF TRUST . ; ¦ .: ¦ -. Chief Office , 2 , Waterloo-place , Pall-Mall , London , S . W . ; With Agencies in all the Principal Towns throughout the Kingdom . PRESIDENT . The Eight Hon . Thomas Milher Gibson , M . P ., Wilton Crescent . " TRUSTEES . George Alexander Hamilton , Esq ., M . P ^ Joshua Proctor Brown . Westheaa ,. Esq ., M . P . James Heywood , Esq ., F . RS . Richard Spooher , Esq ., TVI . P . BOABU OF DIRECTORS . George Alexander Hamilton , Esq ., M . P . for Dublin University , Chairman . John CheethaBQ ,- Esq ., M . P . for South Lancashire . James Davidson , Esq ., Angel-court , Throgmorton-street . John Field , Esq ., Warnford Court , and Dornden , Tunbridge Charles Forster , Esq ., M . P .. for Walsall . Richard Francis George , Esq ., Bath . Thomas G . Hayward , Esq ., Minories and Highbury . J . Hedgins , Eso ; , Thayer-street , Manchester-square . Chas . Hindley . iEsq ., M . P . for Ashton-under-Lyne . ¦ ¦ T . Y . McChristie , Esq ., Revising Barrister for the City of London . ¦¦ James Edward McConnell . Esq ., Wolverton . John Moss , Esq ., Reform Club , and Derby-Charles William Reynolds , Esq .. 2 , Eaton-place , Pimlico . Richard Spooner , Esq ., M . P . for North-Warwickshire . H . Wickham Wickham , Esq ., M . P . for Bradford . Thomas Winkworth , Esq ., Gresham Club , and Ganonbury . The President , Trustees , and Directors are all Shareholders . . in the Society . . MANAGER JtNI > SECRETARY . —WILLIAM CLELAND . Ths People ' s Provi ± > bnt Assttraitce Sqciett transacts Guarantee business Upon very favourable terms ; and , if combined withia proposal for Life Insurance , still greater advantages are given , to the assured . ¦' ,, '¦; , ,. The Premiums of this Society are apphcable to all ordinary classes of risk , and range from 10 s . per cent , and upwards . The rate in . each particular case is dependent upon the nature of the duties , the system of accounts , and the extent of responsibility or trust reposed . The Guarantee Policies of this Sociefrv are accepted by the leading London and Provincial Joint- _ Stock and Private Banks , the principal Railway Companies , Life and Fire ¦ Offices , Public Companies , Institutions , and Commercial Firms throughout the kingdom . Immediate Annuities , payable during the whole of life , may be purchased on the following scale : — Annuities granted at the undermentioned ages for every 100 ? . of Purchase Money . Ages . , 50 60 | 70 Annuity ,. » . £ 8 Ss . 7 d . JEIO lls . 7 d . | jg ! 5 4 s . lid . List of Shareholders , Prospectuses , and Agency applications may be obtained on application .
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ST . GEORGE ASSURANCE COMPANY . 118 , Pall-Mall , London , S . W . Capital . . 000 Z ., in Sharesof 5 Z . each . Chairman . —Henry Pownall , Esq . , Deputy Chairman . —Henry Haiues , Esq . Tho Leadirfg Features of this Office are—Every description of Life Assurance on the most favourable terms . The Assurance of Defective Titles , thereby restoring the property to its full value . Endowments for Husbands , Wives , or Nominees . Endowments for Children oil attaining a certain age . Annuities of every description granted on terms peculiarly favourable . Notices of Assignments of Policies Registered . Medical Referees paid by the Company . Age of the Life Assured admitted on all Policies , on reasonable proof being given . Stamp Duties on Life Policies paid by the Company . Loans on Real or Personal Security , repayable by monthly or . quarterly instalments , from one to five years . For further particulars , Forms of Proposal and Prospectuses , apply to F . H- GILBART , Secretary .
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IMPERIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , 1 , OLD BROAD STREET , LONDON . Instituted 1820 . DIRECTORS . MARTIN TUCKER SMITH , Esq ., M . P-, Chairman , GEORGE WILLIAM COTTAM , Esq ., Deputy-Chairman . Thomas George Barclay , Esq . George Hibberti Esq . James C . C . Bell , Esq . Samuel Hibbert , Esq . James Brand , Esq . Daniel Mildred , Esq . Gbarles Cave , Esq . Thomas Newman Hunt , Esq . George Henry Cutler , Esq . Frederick Pattison , Esq . Henry Davidson , Esq . William R . Robinson . Esq . George Field , Esq . Newman Smith , Esq . SECURITY . —The existing liabilities of the Company do hot exceed 3 , 000 , 000 ? . The Investments are nearly 1 , 000 , 000 ? ., in addition to upwards of 600 , 000 ? . for which the shareholders are responsible , and the income is about 120 , OOOZ . per annum . . / . PROFITS . —Four-Fifths , or Eighty per cent , of the Profits , are assigned to Policies every fifth year . The next appropriation -will be made iu 1 S 61 , and persons who now effect insurances will , participate rat-ably . BONUS . —The additions to Policies have been from 1 ? . 10 s . to 63 ? . 16 s . per cent , on the original sums insured-CLAIMS . —Upwards of 1 . , 000 ? . has been paid to claimants under policies . . .-. . Proposals for insurances may be mado , at the : chief office as above ; at the branch office ; 16 , Pall Mall , London ; or to any of the agents throughout the kingdom .. SAMUEL IN GALL , Actuary .
Untitled Ad
THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCEIncorporated A . 3 O . 172 O , by Charter of Xing George the First arid confirmed bv Special Acts of Parliament . Chief Office , Royal Exchange . London ; Branch , 29 , Pall-mall . Fire * Life , and Marine Assurances may be effected with this Corporation on advantageous terms . Life Assurances are granted with , or without , participation in Profits ; in the latter case at reduced rates of Premium . Any sum not exceeding 15 , 000 ? . may be assured on the same Life . The Reversionary Bonus on British Policies has averaged 48 per cent , upon , the Premiums paid , or very nearly 2 per cent , per annum upon the sum assured . The future divisions of Profit will take place every Five Years , The Expenses of Management , being divided between the different branches , are spread over a larger amount of business than 'thai transacted by any other pffloe . The charge upon each Policy is thereby so much reduced as to account for the magnitude of the Bonus which has been declared , and to afford a probability that a similar rate will toe maintained at future divisions . . This Corporation affords to the Assured a liberal participation in Profits , with exemption under Royal Charter from the liabilities of partnership ;—a rate of Bonus equal to the average returns of Mutual Societies , with the guarantee , not afforded by ^ hem , of a largo Invested Oapitial-Btook ;—the advantages Of modem practice ; with the security of an Office whose resources have been tested by the experience of nearly a Century and a Half . JOHN \ . HIGHAM , Actuary and Secretary .
Untitled Ad
ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION . tflOOO IN CASE OF DEATH , OR A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF £ 6 PER WEEK IN THE KVBNT OF INJURY , May beseourodby an . Annual Payment of £ 3 for a Policy In the KAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE qOMPANY-4 , special . / f oiJprovidea that persons receiving compensation from this Company are not barred thereby from rew- » covoglnffJCi 4 L 4 amagp a from the party causing the lnjury t an advantage no othoV Company aanrojj'er 'r " ™•""" """" ' " li < 1 |> It is found that ONE PERSON in every FIFTEEN is more or less injured by Accident yearly . This Company has already paid , as compensation for Aooldonf ; s 27 . 088 J . Forma of Prpposaland Prospootusos may bo had at tho Company ' s Oillcoa , and at all tho principal Railway Stations , where , also , Railway Accidents alone may bo insureU agalnei Py tho Journey or year , NO CHARGE FOB . STAMP DUTY . "Wwasaaif , „ WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
Untitled Ad
T ^ XTTtTOWTTP ^^ VJ chants , and Publlo Oflloes . The Patont NATIONAL and DEFIANCE LOCKS can bo had only of F . PUCKRIDGE , 02 . Strand , near Charlng-crosa . Those Looks aro lmpqrtnnt for their security against burglars and thieves , as evidenced in tho fraudulent attempt to pick it at tho OryHtal Palace , inAwgnat , 1804 , by John Goator , foreman toTMtoasrs . Chubb , for the RKWAtoD . of 200 Gulnoaa . Sco Pamphlet and Description , to bo had gratis . Flro an 4 Thiof proof Iron Safes , Plato and Jewel Qhoata , Deed , Cash , and DospatohBoxos , Embossing Dloa , &o . Warranted . Street-Door LatohoH , 17 a . ( id , each .
Untitled Ad
TO CAPITALISTS , desirous of engaging in a xnorcantilo pursuit , or parents wishing to placo their sons In a first-rato position as ; morchanta . Tho advertiser ( established ) could omploy from Two tp Five Thousand Pounds without risk in a business in whloh ho hna boon engaged for upwards of twenty-two , years . —Letters , prepaid , tp B . A ., caro of H . B . Quick , lHaq-, 27 , Ely-plaoo , liattongardon .
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DEPOSIT AND DISGOTJNT BANK . . F IVE PER CENT , is paid on all Sums received on DEPOSIT . Interest paid half-yearly . Tho Right Hon . the Earl of DEVON , Chairman . G . H . LAW , Manager . Offices , 0 , Cannon-streetWest , B . C .
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BANK OF DEPOSIT , Established a . » . 1844 . 8 . Pall-Mall East , London . Parties desirous of INVESTING MONEY aro requested to examine tho Plan of the Bank ov Deposit , by which a high rato of Interest way bo obtained with ample aocurity . Tho Intercut is payable in January and July . PETER MORRISON , Managing Direotor . Forma for opening Accounts sont on froo application .
Untitled Ad
SOUT H AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1847 . LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS are granted upon tho Banks at Adelaide , Port Adelaide , and Gawler . Approved drafts on South Australia negotiated and sent for collection ¦ Every description of Banking business is conducted direct with Victoria and Now South Wales , and also with the other Australian Colonies , through the Company ' s Agents . Apply at 54 , Old Broad-street , London . B . C . ' ' WILLIAM PURDY , Manager ,
Untitled Ad
PROVIDENT CLERKS' MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION . Established 1840 . ' TETTSTBES . Thomas Baring , Esq ; , M . P . Thomas Hankey , Esq ., M . P . William George Prescott , Esq . Baron L . de Rothschild , It . P . Every description of mutual life assurance for all classes . Invested Fund , 100 ; 000 J . Annual Income , 30 , 0002 . The whole of the profits divided among the members . WM . THOS . LINFORD , Sec . Chief office , 15 , Moorgate-stroet , E . G ., Sept . 1 , 1858 .
Untitled Ad
_* j ! . , TpOR MOULMEIN AND UAN-/^ kfr ' i-ttt ^ 4 r GOON ; - ^ ^ fi » i p A 1 , twelve yoars ' J ItfejffiS ^ clipper brig ASTARTE , S 30 tons register ' ¦ J&l ^ kJiW ^" - nui ^ t by Messrs . Whi te and Co ., of Oo \ ves ' , * f \ B ^ l ^ l ^ p ^ , „ . Thomas Crossley coinmauder , has a groat ^^ Sjj j ^^^^ p part of her cargo engaged , and will have immediate despatch . —Apply to G . W . Uremner , 13 G , Pcnchurch-street . .
Untitled Ad
npHE SCHOOL OF ART at South Kensin ^ - X . ton and in the following Metropolitan Districts will RE -OPEN for the session of five months on 1 < riday , lsi October : — ' : 1 . Spitalfields—Crispin-street ^ , 2 . Finabury—William-street , Wilmington-square . 3 . St . Thomas , Charter-house , Goswellstrcet . 4 . Rotherhithe Grammar School ; Deptford-road . 5 St . Martin ' s in the Field ' s—Castle-street , Long-acre-6 . Lambeth ^ -St . Mary ' s , Princes-road . 1 . Hampstoady-Dispensary Building . 8 . St . George ' s in the East—Cannon-strect-road . At South Kensington , 37 , Gower-stredt , Bedford-sqnnro , Spital fields , Finsbury , and Charter-house , there arc Foiuale Classes . . . , . .. For Pi-ospeotuses , terms , &c ., apply at tho rcspcctivo By order of the Committee of Council on Education .
Untitled Ad
PHOTOGRAPHIC WEDDING CARDS . — Messrs . A . M ARION and Co ., encouraged by the success which has attended the introduction of the Photographic Visiting Cards , bepr to recommend aii entirely new mode of embellishing Wedding Cards , which for elegance and novelty of design are perfectly unique . Miniature Photographic Portraits of the "Happy Pair" are mounted in two elaborately-ornamented escutcheons , surrounded with orange-flower blossoms and love knots , stamped in silvor ; and the card forms a graceful and appropriate souvenir of the blissful event , peculiarly adapted for preservation . — Specimens may be seen at the Papeterio Marion , 152 , Regent-street , W- ¦ . . . ' .
Untitled Ad
ENGRAVINlr , J-. 1 TJUUli ± tA ± 'J : lI , AJN U PRINTING of every description , executed ina superior style , at the same prices which are usually charged for inferior work . Wedding orders promptly completed . Embossing Presses , Dies , Seals , Door , Window , arid Stencil PlatnSi Ac . Electro-Silver Plates and Stamps for Marking Linen , Books , or other articles . Plates , Cards , Estimates , &c sent free . Orders executed for the trade . —F . WHITBMAN , 19 , Little Queen-street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields . W . C .
Untitled Ad
ALLSOPP'S PALE ALE IN IMPERIAL PINTS . ' HARRINGTON , PARKER , and CO ., are now delivering the October Brewings of ' tho ' a-liono celebrated Ale . Its surpassing excellence is voucho ( i for by the hiphest medical and chemical authorities of the day , Supplied in bottles , also in casks of ISeallons and upwards . by HARRINGTON , PARKER , aud CO ., Wine and Siririt Merchants , 5 J , PallTMalK September , 1858 .
Untitled Ad
WINE NO LONGER AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY . PORT , SHERRY , MARSALA , MADEIRA , &c , TWENTY SHILLINGS PER DOZEN ., imported by us from the Cape of Good Hope , and only charged half the usual duty by her Majesty ' s Customs . " I find it to be pwre and unadulterated , and I have no doubt of its being far more wholesome than tho artMeial mixtures too often sold for genuine Sherry . _ " H . LETHEBY , M . D ., London Hospital . ' A pint sample of either , 12 stamps . Terms , cash or reference . Packages charged and allowed for if returned . Delivered free to any of the London Termini . Brandy , Pale or Brown , 15 s . per gallon . WELLER aiid HUGHES , wholesale Wine and Sjiirit Importors , 27 , Crutched Friars , Mark-lane
Untitled Ad
" H / TAPPIN'S DRESSING CASES AND JJX TRAVELLING BAGS . MAPPIN BROTHERS , Manufacturers by Special Appointment to the Quqen , aro the pnly Shoffleld Mnkers who supply the Consumer in London . Their London Show Rooms , 67 and 08 , KING WILLIAM-STREUT . Loiiflonbridgo . contain by far tho largest STOCK of -DRKSSIXO ? CASE& and Lndios' and Gentlemen ' s TRAV 101 , UN « BAGS in the World , each Article being maiuifauturoU umlor thoir own superintendence . MAPPIN'S Guinea DRESSTXG CASE , for Gnntlomen . MAPPIN'S Two Guinoa DRESSING CASK , in solia Leather . Ladles' TRAVELLING and DRESSING BAGS , from 2 , 1 . 12 s . to 100 ? . each . Gentlemen ' s do . do ., from 32 . 12 s . to SOZ . Messrs . Mapfin invifco Inspoction of their oxtnnsivo Stock , which is comploto with every Variety of Stylo au « . A . P ° St ] y BooK of Engravings , with Prices atbaoliodr forwarded by ' post on rocoiptof 12 Stamps MAPPIN BROTHERS , 07 and 08 , KING WILLIAMSTREET , CITY , LONDON " . Manufactory—Qubbn ' s CuTtBnYWonKS , SirBFFiEtti .
Untitled Ad
T HE SUITS at 47 $ ., 50 a ., 55 s ., 58 s ., 00 * ,, 03 s ,, aro made to order from Scotch lioallij'r mi « Cheviot twoods and angolas , all wool , and thoroutrnl . v shruiiKi by B . BENJAMIN , merchant and family tailor , 7 ¦{ , » l « 'K ontstroofc . W ., and aro adapted for either shooting , llnliliiK . \ f a monado , sna-sido , or continental touring . JNJi . A \) ouct , u fit guaranteed .
Untitled Ad
SYDENHAM ALPACA OVERCOATS Tor Summer Wear . Admirably adaptod for tho >' 'i' ' , | , £ ^ Festivals , Hftoe-Oouraos , Opuntry Ramblos , Uall , v 10 . 7 " Woar , or tho Soa-Sido , and equally convenient for t ravoIIinK iiHToini ? y wxmlthDr ^ romH ! hon ) rotectioii * w , hlttJiJ ^ againflt dust ) , without tho cnoumbranco of wolKht , 01 .., " restraint of transpiration . Those goods aro »>»« lt \ wli . I ™ doRroo of oaro hitherto unpraoodoutod . . " A " !' } " ! Tronsora of fine light oloth , 17 s . 0 d . ; Wa stoonfc to nmtoii , 8 s . fld . ( Buulnoas or Park Coat , 17 a . 0 d . ( By ^ onl ? "V "' K Overcoats of Molton Cloth , a » s . » Oomploto St . llH foi ; ' wn 24 tt . j Gpntlomon ' a oomplqto Bv « nlhB Dross or Onopft W Vi 0 » s . The Syaonham oonabruotlon aa fa now wolf ki » ' « offeotuallydirootea toaoouro bho moafc porlocfi lujtmitlvo ijn " oaBy fit in all positions 0 } tho body . Mndo only l > yluu InvontorB , SAMUEL BllOTHMRS , 20 , LuU ( £ ato-lilll .
Untitled Article
• ¦ ¦ .. ¦ . ¦¦ . .. '• ¦• . ' . ¦¦¦ •' ¦ : ¦ . ¦ . ¦¦ ¦ - ¦ . *•¦»¦ - ¦ . ^ - -v . ¦» . ¦¦ - . » . j . ¦ ¦ ¦ , , . . . . .. . ., . . . ¦ '¦ ¦ ' . ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ : ¦ ' ¦ ¦ . ¦ ' - '' ¦ ' . ' . ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦¦ '¦ . ' ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦' . " . . ¦ . ¦ ' . ¦ ¦ . ' ¦ . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ . ' ? 954 THE L ^ ADEB , [ No , 443 , September 18 , 1858 .
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 18, 1858, page 954, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2260/page/2/