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THE LONDON ASSURANCE , INCORPORATED A . D . 1720 . FOR LIFE , FIRE , AND MARINE ASSURANCES . Head Office—No . 7 , Royal Exchange , Cornhill . Goversor-JOHN ALVES ARBUTHNOT , Esq . . Sub-Governor—JOHN ALEXANDER HANKEYJEsq . Depuxx-Goteknoe— BONAMY DOBREE , Jun ., Esq . DIRECTORS . Nathaniel Alexander . Esq . G . It . Griffiths , Esq . Richard Baggallay , Esq . David C . Guthrie , Esq . Henry Bonham Bax , Esq . Edward Harnas ? e , Esq . James Blyth . Esq . Louis Huth , Esq . Edward Budd , Esq . William King , Esq . Edward Burmester , Esq . Charles Lyall , Esq . Charles Crawley , Esq . John Ord , Esq . _ John Eutwisle , Esq . Capt . R . W . Pelly , R . N . Robert Gillespie , Jun ,, Esq . David Powell , Esq . Harry Gebrfte Gordon , Esq . P . F . Robertson , Esq ., M . P . Edwin Gower , Esq . Ales . Trotter , Esq . Samuel Gregson , Esq ., M . P . Lestock Peaeh \ Y ilson , Esq . West End Office—No . 7 , Pall Mall . COMMITTEE . Two Members of the Court in rotation , and Heury Kingscote , Esq ., and John Tidd Pratt , Esq . ¦ Superintendent—Philip Scoones , Esq .-Actuary—Peter Hardy , Esq ., F . R . S . LIFE DEPARTMENT . This Corporation has granted Assurances on Lives for a period exceeding One Hundred and Thirty Years , having issued its first Policy on the 7 th June , 1721 . Two-thirds , or 66 per cent- of the entire profits are given to the Assured . The fees of Medical Referees arc paid by the Corporation Annuities are granted by the Corporation , payable Halfyearly . „ Every facility will bo given for the transfer or exchange of Policies , or any other suitable arrangement will be made for the convenience of tho Assured . Prospectuses and all other information may be obtained by either a written or personal application to tho Actuary or to tho Superintendent of the West End Office . FIRE DEPARTMENT . Thomas B . Batcman , Esq , Manager . Common Assurances , One Shilling and Sixpence per cent . Hazardous and Special Assurances at very moderate rates . JOHN LATJRENCE , Secrotary .
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PELICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , ESTABLISHED IN 1797 . 70 , Lombard-street , City , and 57 , Clmring-cross , Westminster DIRECTORS . WilliamCotton . D . O . L ., l ; . R . S , Kirkman P . Hodgson , Esq ., Oelaviu « EdwardCoopo , Esq . ' M . P . John Davis , Esq . TlcnryLnnoolotllolland . Eaq . Williapi WalterFullor , Esq . ' Benjamin Sliaw , Esq . Jaa . A . Gordon , M . D .. F . R . S . Matlhow Whiting , Esq . Win . Jas . Lancaster , Esq . M . Wyvill , Jun ., Esq ., M . P . This Company offers COMPLETE SECURITY . Moderate Ratos of Premium with Participation in Fourfifths or Eighty per cent , of tho Profits . Low Rates without Participation in Profits . LOANS in connexion with Lifo Assnvanccon approved Security , in minis of not loss than 500 / . ANNUAL PREMIUM required for tho Assuranco of 100 / ., for tho wholo term of lifo : — *„ Without With ( I . Without With AB ° " Prollts . Proilta . E Aff 0 < Profits . Profits . 1 ( J JCI 11 0 JCl lfi 0 D . 10 £ ' 2 IS 10 jfc' 3 0 fl 20 1 13 10 1 II ) a 0 00 d , 0 0 4 , 10 7 ttO 8 4 0 _ J 2 JO _ J , B 00 ( IIP 0 7 4 _______^___ ROBERT TUCKER , Secretary .
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MONEY TO LENP . —THE LONDON AND CONTINENTAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY lends 2 e 2 H ^ J ° W « i £ » tnsfc ft ' 5 frJL BP PWPW * or otaor
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ST . GEORGE ASSU 1 UNCE COMPANY . 118 , Pall-Mail , London , S . W . Capital 100 , 000 / ., in Shares of Hi . each . Chairman . —Honry Pownall , Esq , Deputy Chairman . —Ilonry llainos , Esq . Tho Leading PonturoB of this OlUoo aro—Every description of Lifo Asauranco on tho most favourable boring . Tho Assuranco of DofootlvoTitloa , thoroby restoring tho proporty to ils full value . Endowments for Huslmutls , Wives , or Nominees . Enclownionta for Ohlldron on attaining a certain ago . Annuities of ovory dosorlptionBrautoclontormapooullarJj ' favourable , Notices of Assignmonts of Polloios Roglatorod . Modloal lloforooa paid by tho Company . , Ago of tho Lifo Assured admitted on all Poliolos , ou roasoyablo proof being glvon . « -, «„««¦ Stainp Dutlos on I 4 fo Policies , paid by tho Company . Loans on Roal or Personal Security , ropnyftblo by moutWy , or quarterly instalments , ( ror ^ t , n 0 to flvo yoara . ' kw « B , apply to * I ' ~> v , LL « uunrx , Seorotwy . ( .
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ATLAS FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE OFFICE , 92 , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON . ESTABLISHED 1803 , And Empowered by Act of Parliament of the 54 tn Gew . III . c . 79 . DIRECTORS . Chairman—J . Oliver Hanson , Esq . Doputy-Chairman—Wm . Geo . Prescott , Esq . Sir William Baynes , Bart . John George Maclean , Esq . Arthur Edward Campbell , Samuel Eustace Slogan , Esq . ESq . > Capt . Alex . L . Montgomery , Thomas Chapman , Esq ., lt . N . PBS Joseph Pulley , Esq . Benjamin Buck Greene , Esq . I Arthur Augustus J&asch . Esq . Joseph Grote , Esq . . I Auditors—John Oliver Hanson , jun ., Esq ., and Philip Ainslie Walker , Esq ~ Actuary — Charles Ansell , I Solicitor—Thomas Browning , Esq ., F . R . S . 1 ^ Esq . _ ¦ ¦ ¦ _ ¦ Bankers—Messrs . Prescott , Grote , Gave and Cave . LIPE DEPARTMENT . - - The Accumulated Premiums are over 1 , 600 , 000 ^ . A nd the Annual Income exceeds 1 S 4 . 000 Z . ' Bonuses lia \ "e been declared on policies to an amount greater than the sum originally assured . Premiums have been extinguished , where the parties assured have applied the bonus in reduction of the Annual Premium . At the last valuation up to Christmas , 1854 , there existed a Surplus of 268 , 691 Z ., which had accrued during the five vears ending at that period—tho whole of which Surplus belonged to the policy holders . The next valuation will be inado up to Christmas , 1859 . Policies on tJie Participating Scale , in England or Ireland respectively , which may bo effected before that date , will , if the parties bo then alive , participate in the surplus in proportion to the time they may have been , in force . The sum of 3 , 130 , 975 ? . has been paid during the existence of tho Office for claims under Life Policies , of which amount a very considerable part was for Bonuses . Persons assuring in Great Britain have tho option of Participating Rates of Premium , or of Non-Participating Hates . The Directors beg to announce that the rates of Premium have been recently revised and readjusted in accordance with a long oxperienoe , and that The New Scale will bo found very advantageous to persons desiring to commence assuring early in life . The Non-Participating Scale is particularly adapted to parties wishing to assure a fixed sum only , at a fixed rato of Premium , and on low terms . »( Premiums may bo paid Annually Half-yearly , or by a limited number of Annual Payments . Tho last-uamed mode of Assurance origiuatod with this Office in 1816 . FIRE DEPARTMENT . Ronowals should bo paid within ftfteon days after the respective Quarter-days when they bocomo due . Tho Company undertakes tho assuranco of Property in tho Manufacturing . Agricultural , and other districts , on favourable terms . Hisks of extraordinary hazard on special agreement , upon survey . An allowance for tho Losa of Rent of Buildings rendered untonablo by Fire is ono of tho advantages offered by tho Company . Tables of Rates , forms of proposal , and any information needful to effect Lifo or Fire Assurances , may bo obtained ou application to tho Office , No * 92 , Chcnpsido , London , or to any of tho Company ' s Aaenta . 11 KNLIY D 13 SBOROUGH , Secretary . London , September , 1858 .
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M IN IN UlHNVr CIVIC IN I O run NEW SEASON . . . — . ? THE LAST JOXTRNALS OF HOBACE WAX POLE . Edited by Dr . DORAN , Author of " The Queens of England of the House of . Hanover . " . 2 vols . demy 8 vo . JOURNAL KEPT DURING THE GREAT FRENCH REVOLUTION . By Mrs . DALKYMPLE ELLIOTT . Post 8 vo . NEW PICTURES AND OLD PANNELXINGS . By Dr . DORAX , Author of " Habits and Men . " Post 8 vo , with Portrait of Dr . Doran . 10 s . Gd . COMPLETION OF HORACE WALPOLE'S LETTERS . The New Edition . Edited by PETER CUNNINGHAM . Vol . IX ., with copious Index of Names , and Five Portraits . 10 s . Cd . HISTORY OF BRITISH JOURNALISM , From the Foundation of the Newspaper Press in England to the Repeal of the Stamp Act in 1855 . With Sketches of Press Celebrities . By ALEXANDER ANDREWS , Author of " The Eighteenth Century . " 2 vols . post 8 vo . CURIOSITIES OF FOOD . By PETER LUND SIMMONS , F . R . G . S ., Author of " A Dictionary of Trade Products . " Foolscap 8 vo . COMPLETION OF " THE G 0 RDIAN KNOT . " A Story of the Day . By SHIRLEY BROOKS . Illustrated by John Tqnnicl . 8 vo . GEMS OF POETRY , By mary russell MITFORD . Being a Now Edition of " Tho Ro ^ collections of a Literary Life . " Square 8 vo , with Portrait . NEW EDITION OF THE INGOLDSBY LEGENDS . Small 8 vp , 5 s . FIFTH EDITION OF SERMONS IN STONES ; OR , SCRIPTURE CONFIRMED BY GEOLOGY . Small 8 vo , 4 s . NEW EDITION OF PROFESSOR CREASYS ? JfE AND PROGRESS OF THE ENGLISH CONSTITUTION . With many Additions . Post 8 vo , 7 s , Gd . - THIRD EDITION OF MR . GUBBINS ' MUTINIES IN OUDH . With valuable Addl-. tions . 8 vo , with Maps and Illustrations , 15 s . LONDON t filOHARD BENTLBY , NEW BURLINGTON-STREET , PuDLISUBtt IN ORPINAHY TO UlBK MAJE 8 TY ,
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VOX / . IX . No . 447 . 1 SATURDAY , OCTOBER 16 , 1858 . . Trice i ^ am ^ a snenyence .
Mb. Bentley's
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 16, 1858, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2264/page/1/