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_,_ ^.( n L\* ti % (71 tft tt«rf j^UUJll ^illUllJtU \ o
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**trfr\ TTTfi * Mfl V ^M ^P ^BEs ^ A r ^ V' ^ au /IFtS & c ^f nu w* tT ^S^r * V %\ %P Jv 'V ? C^ s£> \^ ) ^
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THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY LAjN"E. (Under the Management of Miss Louisa Pync and Mr."W. Harrison.)
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I On Monday , Wednesday , and Friday , will be repeated Flotow ' s celebrated opera , MARTHA . Characters by Miss I Louisa Pyne , Miss Susan Pvno . Mr . George Honey , Mr . J . G . Patcy , Mr . T . Grattan Kelly . Mr . Kir by ,, and Mr . W . Harrison . On Tuesday . Tluirsday , and Saturday ( 10 . - > th , lOfith , and 107 th times ) ,: lialfe ' s highly successful opera , the ROSE OF O \ ST 1 LLE . Characters by Miss Louisa Pyue , Miss Susan Pyne , MissM . Prescott , Mr . h \ Glover , Mr . A . St . Albyn , Mr . George Honey , Mr . Bartleman . and Mr . W . Harrison . Conductor—Mr . Alfred Mellon . To conclude with , each evening , a new ballet-divertissement , entitled LA FLEUR D'AMOUR , supported by Mesdaaics Zelia Michelet , Morlacchi , and Pasqunlb . Doors open at 7 ; commence at half-past . ; Acting managers , Mr . William Brouph and Mr . Edward Murray . Stage manager , Mr . Edward Stirling .
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THEATRE ROYAL , HAYMARKET . ( Under the Management of Mr . Buckstone . ) Stage Manager , Mr . Chi |> pendalc . * Mr . and Mrs . Charles Mathews , having on their arrival from the United States been received on their first appearance at this theatre ( where they arc engaged for a limited period ) with manifest enthusiasm by crowded audiences , will appear on Monday , October ISth , and every evening during tb / j week , in the Comedy of LONDON ASSURANCE . Dazzle ( his original character ) , Mr . Charles Mathews Lady Gav Spanker , Mrs . Charles Mathews . Mr . Buckstouc , Mr . Chippendale , Mr . Comptoii , Mr . Howe , Mr . Rogers , Mr . Clarke , Mrs . 15 . White , and Mrs . E . Fitzwilliain , will also appear in this Comedy . . After which ( not acted these ten years ) , HE WOULD Ulv AN ACTOR . Written by Mr . Charles Mathews . Motley ( his original character ) , Mr . Charles Mathews . After which , the popular Ballet Of JACK'S RETURN FROM CANTON . In which Miss . Louise Lcelercq . Mr . Arthur Leclercq , and 3 Ir . Charles Leelereq , will make their lirst appearance this season . Concluding with ANY PORT IN A STORM . Miss Eliza Wcckes . and Mr . W- Farren . Commence precisely . at 7 . Box-oHice open daily from 10 till 5 .
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T HEATRE ROYAL , SADLER'S WELLS ( Under thclMauagcmciit of Mr . Phelps . ) . Monday and Tuesday , . OTHELLO . Othello , Mr . Phelps ; Ingo , Mr . II . Mnrston ; Cassio , Mr . F . Robinson ; lirabantio , Mr . A . Rayner ; . 'Rpderiiro , Mr , Belford ; Montano , Mr . T . C . Harris ; Emilia , Miss Atkinson ; Desdemona , Mrs . Charles Young . Alter which , LITTLE TODDLEKINS . "Weduesdav , Thursday , and Friday , THH HYPOCRITE . Dr . Cantwell , Mr . Phelps ; Sir John-Lambert , Mr . A . Rnvner ; Daruley , Mr . Belford ; Seward , Mr . C- Seytou ; Old Lady Lambert , Mrs . II . Mars ton ; Lady Lambert , Miss Atkinson ; Charlotte , Mrs . Charles Young . To conclude with MY WIFE'S MOTHER . On Saturday , with new Scenery , Drosses , Ac , KING HENRY THE FIFTH . King Henry , Mr . Pliclps . And other EtttcrtaJinneul s . Box Office open from LI till 3 , under the direction of Mr Austin .
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M . JULLIEN'S CONCERTS . ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE . M . Jullion ' s Twentieth and LAST ANNUAL SERIES OF CONCERTS will commence on thoFiKST of Novemiiisk , continue for Ouo . Month , and will be given as MONSIEUR JULLIEN'S FAKEWELL AND ?« COXCKRTS D'ADIEU , " Before his departure for hi . s " UNIVERSAL MUSICAL TOUR " Through every city nud oapitnl of Europe America , Australia , the Colonies , and civilised towns of Asia and Africa , nccoitipnuied bv tfipelifa'vFUls orchestra ftiid other artistes , " savants , lionuncs do lc ( tvcft . " bL-Uts t | io nucleus of a society alrendy formed under the title of "SOCIETfi DE L'lIAHMONIE UN 1 VEHSELLE , " Instituted not only to popularise tho divlno and civilising art of Music , but to promote , through Harmony's powerful eloquence , a noble and philanthropic cause . Tho full Prospectus will shortly bo published . All fomuiuuleutioiib to be addressed to Mous . JiiIiIqii , 214 , ReBOiit-sbreot , \ V .
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THE ROYAL GRECIAN THEATRE , CITY-ROAD . Licensed as such by the Lord Chamberlain . Lossoo , Mr . JLJ . O , Conquest . Acting Malinger , Mr . C . Montgomery . On Monday , and during the wools , a new and poworful Drama of thrilling interest , which has boon In preparation for several woolen , with now and splendid soonory , costly droHHOn , and brilliant decorations , written expressly fqv this Theatre by \ V . hiutor , Esq ., entitled A LIFE'S REVENGB . diameters by Mossrs . T . Mead , Llugham , Grant , Manning , Power , Glllot ; MIhsob J . Ce-vonoy , 11 . Oovouoy , nud Rivors . . Tho ftvoui'lto Dlvortissomont , OATALONf AN REVELS , producod by Mrs . Conciuust , introducing her pupils . Concluding wlth'tho mnoh ndinlrdd drama of TUB PJIYSIOIAN' 8 WIVE . Danolng on tho Monstro l'latform at 0 o'olouk , weathor permit ting . Mr . T , Uorry ' u celebrated band .
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ROYAL PRIJN ClBBS'S THEATliE . ^ ( Under flip Management of Mr . Charles Kcan . ) Monday , and during the week , will bo presented Sn » v speare ' s Historical ' IVagedy of ' ** KING JOHN . King John , by Mr . C . Kwin ; Constance , by Mrs . C . Kean - Preceded by the farce of ' AWAY AVITII MELANCHOLY .
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T > OYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION XV PATRON—H . R . H . THE PRINCE CONSORT Tho MACHINERY in MOTION . LECTURES ou ChF M 1 STRY , NATURAL PHILOSOPHY , MUSIC , withotW Instructive Amusements , render this Institution a mast desirable place of recreation . CLASSES for CHEMISTRY ARITHMETIC , DRAWING , LANGUAGES , &c . are now in progress under competent Professors , at Fees within the reach of all . On MONDAY , the 2 oth hist ., an entirely New LECTURE on ARTIFICIAL LIGHT applied to P 1 IOTOGR \ PIIY MA NAGING DIRECTOR , R . I . LONGJiOTTOM , Eso
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SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEU aT ^ A Course of Twelve Lectures on the Human Hody will *] be delivered by John Marshall , Esq ., F . H .. S ., F . 11 . C S Assistant-Surgeon to University College Hospital on the 22 nd and 29 th of October , 5 th , 12 th , 19 th , and 2 uth of November , 3 rd , 10 th , and 17 th of December , 7 th , 14 Ui , atid 2 ist of January , 1 S 39 . This ' Course will bo delivered ou'Friday evenings at eight o ' clock . Tickets , Cs . for tho course of twelve lectures , or Is . each lecture , to be obtained at tho catalogue sale stall , or from Messrs . Chapman and Hall 1 U 3 , Piccadilly . A Summer Course is given , to which Female Students are admissible . Uy order of the Committee of Council on Education .
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D " u . ' kahn's anatomTcal museum , S , Tichborne-street , opposite the Haymarket . OPEN DAILY ( for Gentlemen only ) . LECTURES by Dr . SEXTON at 3 , li , and 8 o ' clock on Important and Interesting Topics iu connexion with ANATOMY , PHI'SrOLOGY , and PATHOLOGY ( vide Programme ) . '¦ Admission , ls .-Dr . Kahn ' s Nine Lectures on the Philosophy of'Marriage ,-&c , sent post free , direct from the Author , on the receipt of 12 stamps .
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, OROFESSOK WILJALBA FltlKELL . — -L LAST WEEK « UT ONE . —NEW TlilCKS .-rOLYGRAPHICHALL . KingWilliam-street . Chaiiiig-eross . 'rWO HOURS OF ILLUSIONS—previous to Professor Frikdll ' s departure on a Provincial Tour . Every Evening at Eight . Saturday Afternoons at Throe . Private " lioxos , One Guinea ; Hox Stalls , 0 s . ; Orchestra Stalls , ... 'is . Area , 2 s . ; Auipblthcat-Fe ; Is . Places iiiay be seciirfd at- the I ' olygi'aphiiB Hail , and at Mr . Mitchell ' s lioyai Library , Xi , Old Bondstreet . .
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EGYPTIAN HALL . MR . AND MIIS . HOWARD PAUL'S Comic and Musical PATCHWORK , every niglU ( Saturdays included ; at S . In addition to the usual jjni ^ iT . iiiuK-, . Mrs . Howard Paul will give this week her astonishing imitation of Mr . Sims liccvcs , in Jialfe ' s " Come into the trarden , Maud , " which in , voice , liction , manner , and aiipiarautv , is a marvellous piece of mimicry . Mr . Howard Paul will also enact Miss Tabitha Pry , an " old-young lady . ' I Ins eutcrtairiment is beyond nil doubt the merriest ni London . It is crowded every evening . Stalls , 3 s . ; Area , 2 s .: Gallery , Is . A Morning I ' erloriuauce on Saturdays at u .
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good reasons are given why the place can never hold up its head as an opera-house . The most conclusive of these are , that it will never answer the purpose of a capitalist ; it will always bring a mere adventurer to " the utter bad—and the rare greenhorns who could keep aplayhouso open to please a ballerina are just now rather shy . Jullien , however , is able to fill the Opera House , and a larger place too . His wand can call the million , and the million , if they come , will help to support the hundreds of musicians who must , to a certainty , feel the absence of the promenade concert enterprise if Mons . Jullien and his brother savans insist upon taking their grand promenade . If some powerful enchanter will not interfere to save her Majesty ' s late Opera House , we venture to prophecy its incorporation sooner or later into the scheme of some monster hotel
company . IiTCEUM Theatre . —Mr . Falconer continues to draw good houses with his comedy " Extremes . " Mr . Leigh Murray has given place in the character of the hero to Mr . Henry VandenholF , whose treatment of the character is in all points satisfactory . The Wihlbriar family are still the support of the piece , and Mrs . Western ' s name will long be remembered in connexion with the passage she so admirably transplants from the life into the scenes of this comedy .
The Crtst . u Palace . — "We were drawn to Sydenham on Saturday last , along with some fifteen thousand others , by the attraction of Mr . Distin ' s Monster Concert , to the programme of which we took occasion to allude in a former number . We have little to say now but that our anticipations of a day ' s pleasure were fully realised . The order of the performances varied a little from the printed list , and happily the whole of the pieces announced ¦ were not performed . Had it been otherwise we had never been delivered from the infliction ; but there ¦ were staunch grumblers to be found , who , though they were inclined to hold up all concerned to execration for every deviation from the bill , were louder
still about the urgency of private affairs in town that should , they thought , entitle them to the precedence of the whole world on the railway platform . We may safely affirm , though we are not disposed to verify every item in the promissory bill of fare , that every visitor had enough and to spare for his or her money . The military bands advertised were all present , and to our minds formed the greatest attraction . We rarely hear fine singers or singing in the Crystal Palace without a sense of pity and shortcoming , for no art of secretary , directors , managers , or engineers , can thoroughly adapt the place for vocal music . But , as we have formerly said , we have never ceased to regret the substitution by the
company of a stringed for a brass band , and so , on the announcement of every festival comprising military music , we invariably rush to the Palace- —be it always observed , with thousands more—and never come away disappointed . The directors should cer . tainly make a note of this before arranging their next summer ' s scheme . The bands we heard on Saturday were those of the Artillery ( sixty-five or seventy performers ) , the 11 th Hussars , the 36 tli , 47 th , and , we think , the 54 th Foot , besides those of the Lancashire Militia Artillery . It was an impossibility to hear , and it must therefore be an admitted impossibility to report upon , nil the music they played , for they were disposed in various points , of
the grounds as well as in the nave of the building . The grand effect of the afternoon , however , was the performance by their united strength of Herold's overture to Zumpa , the most spirit-stirring , and we need hardly say most popular , composition of its class . Mr . Smyth , the Artillery bandmaster , conducted the joint orchestra with masterly precision , and was himself an attraction , from tho taste and serenity with which , heedless of his prominence and the grandeur of his blue and gold uniform , "he directed the masa of wind instruments before him . We should not omit to notice , and we may conscientiously speak in favour of , a very good set of quadrilles upon Irish melodies , arranged by thia gentleman , which were also performed by the united bands . A very charmingly arranged selection from the opera of Martha was another of tho more interesting
morceaux of the concert , and coming as it did upon the eve of Mr . Harrison ' s production of that work at Drury Lane will have an advantageous bearing upon the already smiling prospects of the latter establishment . The arrangements for the autumn and winter season are now , wo believe , decided upon . Tieketa are offered to the public at the low charge of Imlf-aguinea , nud to ensure tho comfort of necessary warmth to tiny numbor of delicate or luxurious visitors , tho tropical department is , oxtended by a length of one hundred feet towards the nave , and now includes the Alhambra mid Byzantine Courts . Within this lnrgo warmed area a leoture-liull is to be fitted up , and Mr . Popper , long known in connexion with tho Polytechnic , has been engaged to superintend a courso of popularised science , dissolving views . &o .
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1096 THE LEADER , __[ jjjijffl > Q CTQBER 16 > 1853 .
_,_ ^.( N L\* Ti % (71 Tft Tt«Rf J^Uujll ^Illulljtu \ O
# ublit flffninr . <>
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Tlicro is nothing ho revolutionary , because there m nothing so unnatural and convulsive , n * Hi ' < 1 ' ' " ° keep things fixed when all tho world in l < y tlio very law of its creation iu eternal progress . —J > n . Aunol .
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— - ~— * r THE SOCIAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION . SHAMS AND UBAMTIKS . What is tho meaning of all tho solemn pother ( it Liverpool ? Docs it really aim at tho promotion of " social scicnoo , ? ' or is it only a convenient oloaK for blatant exhibitions on tho part of p hilosop lnoiu BothcrlysP Wo confess to small failU m « " » publio utility of tho sayings ami dginga of Mio upwo nud gcutlo who nro making so much learned fuss in tho pi-ovinoes , True science ia not obtnimvfl . *» great thinkers who linvo instructed tho worlil ivo been content to labour unostentatiously m ° > closets . Tho groat inventors of every i « tfo J worked iu thoughtful solitude , and have uovw boon known , like country " Cheap Jaoks , " to jump ou ft
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**Trfr\ Tttfi * Mfl V ^M ^P ^Bes ^ A R ^ V' ^ Au /Ifts & C ^F Nu W* Tt ^S^R * V %\ %P Jv 'V ? C^ S£≫ \^ ) ^
< 3 flF > ^ r Jfi ^ airje t r ,
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Erimxum . —In our articles on Weednn , we ¦ hsivo usocl tlic term "Horse Guards" instead of " War Department , as lias been pointed out by a correspondent , lowliuin wo arc obliged . Tho term Morso Guards has frequently been used as typical <> f tho \\ ar Department , > "i l a , tllef ° is an actual distinction , it is to the lattw that tho opinions we expressed and tho statements we i . imk-sliouiu bo applied . „ . __
Theatre Royal, Drury Lajn"E. (Under The Management Of Miss Louisa Pync And Mr."W. Harrison.)
T H EATRE ROYAL , DRURY LANE . ( Under the Management of Miss Louisa Pync and Mr . 'W . Harrison . )
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 16, 1858, page 1096, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2264/page/16/