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REVIEW OF THE WEEK . Mincing Lane , Friday Evening . b : « sMrsE £ rA »;» E-i'rr % ss ? 2 r £ 'Msrs : ^ : ^ s ^ f ^ £££ sr 2 s legitimate progression of trade -V - .. . fa
: nw CoLN " -The ' prospects of future importa of grain have not undergone any material change . Prices at , theleadin" continental markets have not further declined , but although holders are firmer , shippers act with undmunished caution . The American advices still refer to a restriction of shipments for England . The supplies of English wheat at Mark-lane this week have been short , and of foreign moderate . The former have been more saleable than of late , and at fully last week s currency a fair clearance has been effected , seed samples meeting rather an active demand . Select qualities of white brought 49 s . to 50 s . ; fair to good , 45 s . to 48 s .,- prime red , 46 s . ; fair runs , 4-1 s . to 45 s . ; common , 39 s . to 44 s . increased firmness when
Foreign wheat was held with the qualities were prime , but the trade was not active . Prime Dantzic , 54 s . to 56 s . ; mixed , 52 s . to 53 s . ; fine old Rostock , 49 s . to 50 s . ; other imports , 48 s . to 49 s . ; French red , 44 s . to 45 s . ; St . Petersburg , 44 s . to 4 os . ; and low Russian , 36 s . to 38 s . No quotable changes has occurred in the value of flour , but the demand has been rather better . Prime American barrels are becoming scarce . The arrivals by the Eastern Counties Railway were 11 , 078 sacks , and tbe deliveries 11 , 069 sacks . Malting barley continues in steady demand , and the choice qualities command high prices , ranging up to 45 s . ; common to good samples bring 35 s . to 40 s . For grinding qualities the demand is very moderate , but
. Beast . Sheep . Calves . Pigs-K S' > 6 24 , 330 141 350 3 t . 10 a . ta 4 s . 10 d . 3 s . 8 d . to 4 s . 10 d . 3 s > 8 d . to 4 s . 8 d . 3 s . 8 d . to 4 s . 2 d Thursday . i ' oil 6 , 540 251 210 3 s . 8 d . to 4 s . 10 d . 3 s . 3 d-to 4 s . 8 d . 3 s . 4 d . to 4 s . 4 d . 3 s . 4 d . to 4 s . 2 d ; Provisions . —The close weather has depressed the markets of Leadenhali and Newgate . Beef , 2 s . 4 d . to 4 s . ; mutton , 2 s . 8 d . to 4 s . ; veal , 3 s . 4 d , to 4 s . ; pork , 3 s Sd . to 4 s . 8 d . per stone . Irish butters have advanced 2 s . —Carlows making 108 s . to 110 s . Foreign are 4 s to 6 s . lower . Friesland , fine , 120 s . to 122 s . Irish bacon advanced to 62 s . to 63 s . for sizable Water-Tea , Sugar , Coffee , Rice , Spices , &c . —These commodities have undergone but very slight variations this week . ¦ ¦ ¦ .
__ Saltpetre . — The Calcutta accounts are favourable to holders , as they refer to limited receipts from the interior , and higher prices . Our market at the moment is , however , more affected by the fresh supplies that are now arriving , and which lead buyers to act with increased reserve . But it is as yet doubtful to what extent these supplies may be broug ht on the market , and prices for the present are steady , 453 . to 48 s . having been paid for 8 £ to 5 per cent , landed , and 41 s . 9 d . to 42 s . 6 d . for arrival . Indigo . —The Quarterly Sales of East India Indigo commenced on Tuesday . The total declared was 15 , 843
chts ., of which 14 , 237 were in the A , and 1606 m the B Catalogues . Fine Bengal , of which the proportion in the sales is unusually large , met but a very limited demand , opening at a decline of 2 d . to 4 d . per lb . on the July rates , and subsequently increasing the reduction to 4 d . and 6 d . Middling shipping qualities , from < s . 3 d . to 7 s . 9 d ., sold with fair spirit at the July rates to 3 d . advance . The proportion of ordinary and low qualities in the sale being extremely small and very much wanted , sold at an advance of 3 d . to 6 d . Kurpahs , of fair quality , which are scaree , met a brisk competition and made 4 d . to 6 d . advance . The daily progress of the sales has been as follows : — Passed . Withdrn . Bought in . Sold . 1 st day ... 1135 161 234 ( J 90 2 nd „ ... 1532 575 3 oO Q . 3 rd ... 1210 23 340 . 84 , 4 th „ ... 1500 57- > 311 617 Total ... 5377 1331 1235 . 2811 Cochineal sells steadily at fully late rates . 255 bags were chiefly disposed of at 3 s . 6 d . to 4 s . Id . per lb . for small to good bold Honduras silvers , and 3 s . 8 d . for a few bags Mexican . Safflowkb . —542 bis . Bengal of the new crop sold at 61 . 7 s . Od . to 11 / ., for ordinary to line , being about the previous value . 62 bis . Persian , 75 s . per cwt . Dyewoods . —Siam Sapan wood has been realised at 11 / . ; Bombay held at 8 / . 10 s . to 10 / . . 3 Jamaica fustee sold at 5 / . 15 s . to 67 . 17 s . Gd . per ton . Gasimeii is purchasable at 15 s . 9 d ., with a limited demand . Cutch steady in value nt 34 s . for good Pegul . Shellac is in larger demand than supply , and stiffer prices are paid . D . C . orange sold privately at 80 s . per cwt ., and S . L . orange in public salo at 77 s . to 78 s . lor reddish , and 71 s . Gd . to 72 s . for dark . India-kubbeu is again dearer , East India lumps haviug sold at 8 $ d . per lb . ; fine Para bought in at Is . 9 d . Cotton . —The American advices have not influenced the markets , which have been quiet but steady throughout the weak . The trade have bought to a fair extent , but only limited parcels have been taken for export , and vory little on speculation . TUe Indian advices are again favourable for the month as regards consumption . The sales of the week aro 1100 bales Surat at 4 | d . to 0 jd . for ord . seedy to good fair , and 6 $ d . for good fair TinnaveJly Madras . At Liverpool 43 , 000 bales sold ot steady ratoa . Jute . —Tlio demand lias subsided , and of 1 * 88 bis . only a small part sold , prices ranging steadily from 10 / . 10 fl . to 22 / . 7 a . 6 d . per ton for common to good bright . Ilioav— Fair roping Manilla sold at -281 . to 28 / . 5 a ., boing tho full value . St . Petersburg clean quoted 30 / . to 110 / . 10 s . per ton . Metals . —With modevato transactions Scotch pig iron has fluctuated between M . s . to 51 s . Od . per ton . The shipments last week were 81-11 tons , against 0707 tons in tho corresponding week last year . Spelter lying at Hull ha « aold at 7 !)/ ., and tho price for parcels hero is now quoted 23 / . 2 s . Gd . to 2 U / . 5 s . Copper is firmly hold , but tho market very dull . In consequence of tho rise in priues on tho Continent , foreign tin is hold for higher terms ; Straits , 110 / ., an . I Bunca , 117 / . por ton . Tho fuw transactions in load have been at low rates . Oils . —Linsuod has further declined , to 81 a . Od . on the spot and 82 « . for monthly deliveries up to March . Rape oil is ulso dull of salo ; Foreign jrellnod at 47 a . and brown nt < K ) s . English , brown lls . ; , olive oils soil in smur lota at about lato ratos . T . ljo stock . of cocoa-nut oil is largo , but in consequence of the limited quantity afloat aud tho short supplies oxpoctcd in the spring , holders are very llrm , and there is more disposition to buy ; good Ceylon is held for 36 s . to 38 n . Oil ., and Cochin , 09 s . Od . to < Us ., according to quality . Palm of Quo quality
scarce , and worth 40 s . 6 d . Fish oils are dull of sale . Cod has declined to 33 / . Sperm offers at 87 / . ; pale seal 37 / . 10 s . to 38 / ., and pale southern at 351 . 10 s . to 361 . Turpentine . —The arrivals of crude are 4700 brls ., and the sales 1400 at 10 s . to 10 s . 6 d . American drawn spirits are held for the advance price of 40 s . per cwt . Whale-fins . — Nothing doing , the trade awaiting further intelligence from the Davis Straits Fishery-Prices nominal . Tallows . —On Saturday the market became quiet , and a considerable business has been done at about 3 s ^ per cwt . below last Friday ' sjprice , principally for forward delivery ; the demand is good , and very little of the tallow given off on contract has been offered for sale ;
the main question seems to be , how much will be shipped from St . Petersburg ? and upon this point there is a great diversity of opinion ; it seems to be admitted that the total supply is 128 , 000 cks ., viz . 80 , 000 cks . shipped off , 23 , 000 cks . on the wharf , and 25 , 000 cks . near at hand , detained for want of water , or some other cause . It remains to be seen how much the Russians will keep back : the solution of this problem is the present difficulty . Our home melt is still short , and the quality is lower than usual , caused possibly by the number of animals slaughtered in the country . The quantity of
Y . C . for sale on the spot is very limited ; about 10 , 000 cks . are afloat , but the wind is at present adverse to the arrival of sailing vessels ; our market leaves off quiet at 50 s . 3 d . spot ; 49 s . 9 d . all the year ; 50 s . 3 d . to 50 s . Gd . January and March ; 50 s . 6 d . March alone . The public sales ( 978 cks . ) to-day went off briskly at an advance : Australian , 47 s . 6 d . to 50 s . 3 d . ; South American , 49 s . to 53 s . 9 d ., one lot , 56 s . St . Petersburg letters to 27 th ult . state 5000 cks . done on the spot from 15 < H to 163 ; Exchange , 35 f to 13-16 ; shipment , 37 , 707 cks . 1855 ; 90 , 612 cks . 1856 ; 72 , 153 cks . 1857 ; 75 , 089 cks . 1858 .
A telegram of yesterday quotesjthe market firm at 162 . Shipment , about 50 , 000 cks . Town tallow , 53 s . 6 d . ; rough fat , 2 s . 93 d . ; melted stuff , 37 s .
prices steady ; The best qualities of malt bring full prices , prime and choice " ware , " 72 s . to 74 s . Inferior sorts are dull of sale , and prices extremely irregular . The arrivals by the Eastern Counties Railway were 6991 quarters , and the deliveries 7533 quarters : Beans are Gd . to Is . per quarter cheaper for old , but quite the best qualities Mazagans are worth 37 s . per quarter . The late cold weather has given an increase of orders for peas , and a fair clearance has been effected at full prices . The arrivals of oats are again large , principally from Russia , and inferior in qualities / for which the demand has been exceedingly dull , and prices generally easier . The limited proportion of choice qualities brought late rates . Irish oats are also in larger supply , but steady in value
vlic-rc the quality is good . LONDON AVERAGES . Qrs . s . d . Wheat 2197 at 45 7 Barley 1211 „ 36 4 Oats 847 „ 20 5 Ityo 18 „ 31 8 Beans liO ,, 40 1 Peas 120 „ 02 10 week ' s arrivals . English . Irish . Foreign . Wheat qrs . 2040 — 1070 Borloy „ 1500 — 304 O Malt „ 1160 — — Oats „ 170 198 0 2820 Flour , sacks 2190 — oSO Ditto brls . — — 50 Oil-sbkds . — The week ' s arrival of linseed have reached 19 , 000 qrs ., consisting of 10 , 900 East India , and 2100 qrs . Black Soa seed . Prices aro again in tho buver ' s favour . Bombay seed offering at 58 s . to 58 s . Od . ; Calcutta , 55 s . to 60 s . ; and Black Sea at 55 s ., both on the spot , and to arrive A steady continental demand prevails for rape seed , and prices are llrm : fine Calcutta at 56 s . ; Bombay , Cls . to ( Ms . 6 d . 5 inferior to good , 4 . 8 s . to 59 s . por qr . Supplica have recently much increased .
' ~ Oil-catces are in vory limited demand at about lato ratos . Hops . — "There is a moderate domand and prices are firm . Mid and East Kent , 05 s . to 120 a . ; Weald , fios . to 60 s , nnd 78 s . j Sussex , 45 a . to -18 s . and 00 s . ; Farnhnm , 70 s . to 100 s . Stock . —Tho supplies of live stock at market this week have again boon largo , and have , as * boforu , consisted principally of coarse and inferior breeds . Trade lms ruled very dull throughout , and lower prices have boon tnkon ovon for tho bettor quality . Boasts Sold tolerably well at Monday's market , but wore not so valuable on Thursday . Slioop doolinod 2 cl . per stone , and a good many wore left ovor unsold . Oalvos wore vory unsaleable , and at tuo close prices gave way Id . l * r stono . Pigs were only iu limited domand . but steady iUYwluo .
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There has been a little fluctuation in the railway market , but nothing more than would be occasioned by jobbing transactions . As far as we can learn , the railway congress is getting on , but somewhat slowly . Of course , with the various and opposing interests to reconcile , it is hardly to be expected that very rapid progress will be made , or that all will be conceded and agreed upon which ought to take place . A compromise is all that can be hoped for .
The half-yearly general meeting of the Sambre and Me use Railway Company was held this week . The report , which was of a favourable character , after a- brief discussion , was carried , aud a dividend of 2 s . Gd . per share was then agreed to . At a meeting of the board of directors of the Manchester , Sheffield and Lincolnshire Company , held at Manchester , resolutions were passed expressing their heartfelt sympathy with Mrs . Jee on he death of her husband Mr . A . S . Jee , C . E ., who < vas
for many years engineer to this company , and as such was entrusted with the execution of some of the most difficult works in the kingdom . The total expenses of this company ' s railways from July the 1 st to October the 3 rd , 1 S 5 S , amounted to GS , 3 Q 3 / ., as against 70 , 3 SO / . for the corresponding poriod of 1 S 57 , showing a decrease of 207 / 1 . An adjourned meeting- in favour of n railway between Morpeth and Bellingham , was held at Morpeth on Friday , Sir W . C . Trevelyan in the chair . The engineers' report was adopted , and a committee was appointed to take stops for bringing the mutter beforo Parliament . . . . .
The construction of tho Bristol and South Wales Union lino has been commenced at the lower cud of the tunnel at Almoudsbury . In the event of tho proposed docks being made at tho mouth of tho Avon , tho directors of this company have resolved to extend thoir railway from Aust to Shirchamptou .
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New Routk into Livkupool . —Tho allied companies ( Sheffield and Great Northern ) have resolved to proceed to Parliament for a continuation of their lino from London to Liverpool , by forming tho link from Garston into this town . Tho Admiralty and landowners have decided in favour of n schomo ivhiou wm oiler to tho public tho advantages of a complete eoeoiui route , and which only failed last year through techniwU objections . — -Liverpool Ihtrty Post . Kast Suffolk Kailwav Cowpaht . - ^ ii Woitaoadg last tho chairman and directors of the ^« 5 » c ^» Jj Hallway Inspected the lino and works ofthla op mpwy . JTho opening of tho lino is uow only delayed by a land
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Monday ^ ,,, nni ^ n . 16 . 1858 . 1 l mD . BB . 1107
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Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 16, 1858, page 1107, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2264/page/27/