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RUPTURES.—BY ROYAL LKTTfciRS ' PATENT. W HITE'S MOC MATN" LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of Urn) Medical Gentlemen to bo invention tho curative treatmentof
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' ¦ e . most fttect > nr ] Hernia ' . The u > e of a steel sprinsr ( so hurtful in its effects ) is here avoided , a sort Handauru being worn round the ' body , wliilo On ; requisite , rfsistiiiji j > o \ ver is supplied by the j Moc-Maiu Pad and-Pa tout l . ever , littiuir with so much ease and closeness that it caiinot be detected , and may lie worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may le had , ami tliu Truss ( which cannot fail to lit ) forwarded by post , on the circumference of the body , two inches below the hip , Wins sent to the- Manufacturer , JO 1 IX W 1 I 1 TK , iii , Piccadilly . London . Price of a single truss , 10 s ., 21 s ., ii's . Gd ., ami 31 $ . Gd .-Postage Is . poublo Truss . : Jls . Oil ., l-is ., and r . 2 s . fid . —Postaee ls . Sj . Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and Ws . ( id . —Hostage Is . likl . Posl-oflieo orders to bo luado payable , to JOHN WHITE , Post-olllco , Piccadilly . T ? LASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , kc , IV for VARTPOSR VKINS , and nil cases of Vj KAk-NESS anrl SWELLING of tho LK ( iS , SI'HAINn . * o . They arc porous , li . uht iti texture , and inexpensive , ana arc drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price from 7 h . Od . to l <> s . each . —Postapr t > J . JOHN WHITE Manufacturer , 22 S , Piccadilly , Lonil . in .
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HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND lMLLS . -SORE-THROAT . QUINSY . L U'M AJ •» THROAT . AND JDlL'THJSRITK .- 'lliu so ro-lhmiI , « un more or less hoarseness , prevail in ; , * at this scns . m ul ' > . ""• has for twenty years been treated wilh tlm » 'ou > <'•'''"• with a decree of success far surpass .. ! . * that u ; , ^ raodo of treatment . Tho euros hrvo been so iv » , iimp . spoody , ami numerous , that . 1 , « w pivilii'l « -il U' »™ disease Diptherite . consisting of small n >]}¦< ' « » ' » V in tho intgrior of the throat , attended by Mr ' . "' >' . | might bo arrested by Iho sumo mentis , and mi ^ ^ ., thocaao . This disease , in its Ur « L *»<»' . •* "' " , £ . " 0 am enable to Jlolloway ' s Ointment , nnd 1 > 1 U liu » simpler forms of iuilaiumntory soru tluviu .
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pEMALE COMPLATNTS . —IvK . A ! , > U \* 1 ORIGINAL WIDOW WHU'U'S 1-MOI . \ ; h , ; , ; $ aro HlroiiKly rooMinmended as a kiiI'u and vnhui , " , r in ( -IIVieLually ronioviiiK obstruct lone , nii'l ivlip W " , ' [' liicouviinioiitioH to Whteh tho fenmlr Irnm . ' . i' . ' ^ l u'Vul elally those which arlso from waul »> l «' > l ' ?! . " . . ^ ci ' indoblllty of tho systom . They creulo tin mi > I » " :, ; , " „{„ , I ,, rihjoMtlon , romovoKlddineHKiind in'rvmis " ; ' , ' ' ,, )• ||| 0 tho Htoinach , nhortnoss of brenU ., nnd l "'' l »« " « " ,, j'J ,, heart Uulil by J . SANUIM , mil . Oxford-stn - y " prlco 2 s . 0 d ., or by post for Thlrly-sl . v INihIiw < o- ' ; i " . ,,, U For Kxportatlou—Tho above ? can be obtain'd l " ' Uritlwh merohantH , shippers , and Colonial will * .
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rY ^ o "' fiTirNiflitvous " \ Ni ) ]) } < : l > lL \^ l !; £ ' y I -CHARLES WATSON . M . I ) ., ' '"''" f ,, "'' ' ' ¦' . " ,. ' Vl «(! -Prosldoiit of tho Imporia Alrleau Iii » tlf . iil ' { Ooppob . Member of tlm Medical HouIoIIoh *• l . " . ' , " . \ u * Peru , tho National Academy of Hcloiicns , , \ : ii ., an i , ' A | 1 Vo , i . Hldout PhyHloian to the . Uodfonl U \*\™" 1 "ft' ; ., ,,, ' ro-Iilnon , IJcdford-aquaro . fjoinloii . « W \^ i mi ? i w rl llli ' ' holnlot alx HfcampH , "TUB OULIJ « lo Ah , | m I I I >"'> 11 S () •' Tlioso about ontorhig tlm fll ' arr a »« « ti to « i' " | , voH Dr . Watson ' s Invaluablo Illtlo work , oa ll o ml « "„„ tt on health and dimmse rolloots much credit upu " sound modioal |) hlloHophor . " --6 WC /( ' . _ ,. i , 1 diii lvnta " Tlio truoGMldo to tliouo whodwalro n spoOUi aim i QUyaS '—University Mannalnc . , ,, .. j , | ido » Vov QiialUloation * vldo " DliUomaa ana tno MudlonlJDirootoi ' y . "
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FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Tuesday , October 12 . BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED . John Hargreaves , Bradford , Yorkshire , coal merchant
BANKRUPTS . Carl Zuckek , York-row , Kennington-road , watchmaker . Charles Seaman and Hexrt Keex , Milk-street , Cheapside , silk manufacturers . George Battison Haixes , King ' s Norton , Worcesterr shire , brickmaker . Joseph and William Cooke , Shrewsbury , agricultural engineers . Thomas Frederick FancOtt , Stourbridge , hosier . Willtam Nendick , "Wolverhampton , grocer . Thomas Steele , Torquay , shipowner . William Stancliffe Aspinall , Leeds , grocer . Jonas Smith , jun ., North Bierley , Yorkshire , worsted spinner . George Jackson , Manchester , decorative designer .
SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS . A . Birbell , Kifkcaldy , merchant . J . Galletlev , Dundee , commission agent . D . M'Arthur , Glasgow , hotel keeper . J . G , Adam , calico printer . Friday , October 15 . BANKRUPTS . Peter Foster , Sunderland , ship-builder . Matthew Bates , Huddersfield , manufacturer . George Heaps , jun ., Leeds , ironmonger . James Parkins , Grocers' Hall-court , Poultry , auctioneer . Charles Colls and John Lowe , St . Swithin s-lane , bankers . John Brown , Bradford , draper . Ann Margaret Goodacre , Edenham , Lincolnshire , grocer .
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BOOKS RECEIVED THIS VTEEK . The British Army in India . By J . Jeffreys . 8 vc Longmans and Co . Edinburgh lie view , Xo . 220 . Longmans and Co . Alliance Cantabriyiciisis . By C . 11 . Cooper and T Cooper . Hvo . . Cambridge : Dighton , Uell , ' ami Co . Case of the Kamachce Roy& Sahiba . JJ y J . D . Xovton Madras : Pharoah and Son . Guide to Cape of Good JIojk > . By \ Y . Irous , Foolscap Svo . E . Stanford . God Munifccsf . By Rev . G . P . Ililler . Foolscap 8 yo . llodson and Son . Bell Martin : A Tale . Foolscap Svo . llodsou and Son . Quicksands . A Talc . By Anna Lisle . Post Svo . Groom-bridge and Sons . Edinburyli Veterinary / iVriYzc , No . 2 . Svo . Edinburgh : Sutherland and Knux .
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A New Spanish Steam-ship Company . —According to the Madrid Gazette of the 7 th instant , the Colonial Department is to put up to public competition , on the 3 rd February next , the concession of a line of steamers between Spain and the isles of Cuba and Porto Rico . A subvention is to be accorded , but the amount of it is not to be made known until the day of the adjudication . The contract is to be made by public biddings , to take place on the 3 rd of February , 1850 , and to be made in sealed papers , containing the price of each voyage out and back . The concession will be granted to the party who shall make the most advantageous proposal . Foreigners who may wish : to . 'bid will'learn the terms at any of the Spanish legations . They are to be trans-, in the forei lhe
lated and published . gn journals , contractors are bound to have eight steam-packets . They are to sail under the Spanish Hag , they are to bo new ships , the hull of iron ami constructed of the best materials , and fully prepared for the service they arc to perform ; they are each to measure 2300 tons ; the ships must be either constructed in England or after the English model of fast-sailing steam-packets . The company is bound to present on the 1 st of January , I 860 , four steam-packets ready for . sea , and is authorised to construct steam-packets measuring 3500 tons . The boats are to touch at Santa Cruz , in Teuerifte , and Porto Rico , but never for more than twelve hours . The contract is to be for eight years , and the company is to give security to the amount of 40 , 000 / .
chants was held to consider the feasibility of the n ject . Among those present were the Mavor of On \ , Mr . Fagan , M . P ., Mr . Beamish , M . P ., &c . * The ObS of the meeting was to support the Australian and Pacifio Company , which intends to run fortnightly or nioinhl mails between Queenstowu and Panama , ' across tli Pacific to the Australian coloniesand Columbia . Thk Australian Labour Mauket . —The Melbourr Aryus thus reports : —The labour market is still in ^ i unsatisfactory state . As yet the expected improvement is onl of the
y prospective . Many labourers and mechanics now seeking employment are unable to ob tain it without much loss of time ; and until the railway works are carried on with more vigour we can scarcely hope to see the town cleared of the unemployed Since it was first found that capital was required in mining—that more than a pick and shovel was needed to ensure success in the search for gold , too many men have become dependent on public works for employment and their numbers have during the last two or threa vears been rapidly augmenting .
The Wine Harvest in Burgundy . —The report of the jury of the exhibition of Dijon says of the present vintage :- - " For Burgundy , the year 1858 is one of the finest of the present century . It is as abundant as 1831 ; it will be superior to that year in fulness and flavour , and can only find its equal in 1 S 11 . known by the name of the " Comet-year . " We have now a second comet-3-ear , quite as abundant . Observations made with the greatest care have proved that the grape , arrived at complete maturity , and exempt from any kind of malady , had fermented with the most satisfactory rapidity : " that the colour is beautiful and the boncertain
Trade in Paris . —The winter trade in Pans has not yet regularly opened , and shopkeepers complain of a deficiency in " receipts . Want of employment is beginning to be felt among the operatives . Bread is fortunately cheap , owing to the Emperor having given France free trade in corn for at least another year . The wholesale business of Paris is said to be more active and the commercial bills presented for discount to the Bank of France have considerably increased within the last nionth . It is further said that the monthly account to be published by the Bank on Friday next will show a diminution of its cash to the amount of 25 , 0 Q 0 , 000 fr ., which it is presumed have been employed in commercial speculations . of this cattle
Ballinasloe Fair . —The report great fair in the west of Ireland will be received with satisfaction by all who have felt the high price of butcher'smeat recently to be oppressive . A great fall has taken place in the price of cattle compared with last year , and it seems , that the artificial value of this essential article of living has now come to an end . Western Bank of Scotland . —An important step has been taken by the committee of shareholders . They have resolved to institute , not a criminal prosecution of the directors , but to bring a civil suit against them for reimbursements of the calls , made and to be made , and also for the amount of the lost shares ; and they have invited the general body of the shareholders to cooperate . The gentlemen thus menaced are those who ¦ were in the direction in June , 1857 , five months before the bank closed , and when , the bank being then quite insolventthey declared a dividend of nine per cent .
, The French Government and Feeb Trade . —The French Consul in Newcastle had addressed to the presidents of several northern Agricultural Societies the substance of a despatch received from the Minister of Agriculture respecting the result of the repeal of the corn laws in this country , with a request that these societies would communicate to the French Government their opinion as tor . the effects of free trade in corn upon the landed and agricultural interest . Accompanying the despatch is a sohedule of questions calculated to elicit opinions upon © very phase of the free trade question , The Minister states that in 1864 , his department had communicated to that of Agriculture , Commerce ,
and Public Works a report emanating from the Consul-General of France in London , containing information on the result of the repeal of the corn laws iu England . These returns closing with the year 1858 , the Minister of Agriculture had expressed a desire to receive similar information for the succeeding year , and had indicated the points on which ho wished particularly to possess oxaot returns . He further desired to know the avorago price and the amount of importation of foreign corn in each year since 1858 , as well as the produce of the grain harvests in England for the greatoet possible number of years . . New Line ott Steam-Ships . —We { Sydney Empire , Auff 10 ) understand that immediate steps will bo taken by the Government to submit , In definite form , for the competition of European capitalists , the establishment of a line of ateamors between Sydney and Panama , and that the subject is likely to bo brought authoritatively before the Brim * public by tUo next mail .
quet already developed . All these facts are pledges of good quality . The first growths have a rare degree of delicacy and homogeneity , and the good ordinary wines deserve to be classified this year in a higher rank than what is ordinarily assigned to them . While admitting the abundance of the crop , we again declare that the wine will be of superior quality . The cellars are , moreover , empty , and the wants of consumption real ; on the other hand , few vineyards in France have been so highly favoured this year as those of Burgundy . The South and the Bordelais have not been completely free from oidium . It will be , therefore , logical to conclude that prices will remain high . "
London Docks . —In consequence of the numerous arrivals of shipping ( chiefly from the East Indies ) for the London Docks , the London Dock Company have commenced to dock vessels at their new entrance . Lost Ocean Steam-Ships . —An official return shows that the Austria is the thirteenth large transatlantic steamer that has perished in the course of the last twenty years . The following is the list : —President , 130 victims ; Columbia , passengers saved ; Ilumboldt ,
ditto ; City of Glasgow , 420 victims ; City of Philadelphia , passengers saved ; Franklin , ditto ; Arctic , 322 victims ; Pacific , 210 ; Lyonnais , 1 G 5 ; Tempest , 150 ; San Francisco , 160 ; Central America , 422 ; Austria , 500 . The French Revenue . —The Ma-nlteur of yesterday contains an official return of the indirect revenue for tho first nine months of 1858 . According to it there is an increase of 31 , 000 , 000 francs , compared with the corresponding period of 1857 , without taking into account the tax called " doubles centimes do guerre . "
Australian Minks . —The Port Philip and Colonial Gold Company ' s advices from Melbourne , received yesterday , continue . of a satisfactory character . The profit made in July amounted to ovor 1500 / . in addition to expending 300 A in stores and repairing machinery . A further remittance , amounting to 1000 / ., linn been received , making a total of . ' 3500 / . actually to hand . Spanish American Bondhoi . dkrs . —The following memorandum refers to tho debt of Venezuela :- — " The Committee of Spanish American bondholders have received a letter from Mr . Mocntta , dated Caracas , 2 Urd ult ., in which ho statos that the arrival of Gcnoral Pacz in that city being shortly expected , ho had thought it advisable , for tho advantage of the bondholder * , to delay his proceedings in relation to tho foreign debt until tha General haa arrived . "
Thk TicjrfEURAi'ii in India . —Wo road in tho Colombo Observe ? - of September 16 th : —Anothor great revolution is goinp silently on . Ceylon is joined to India by u submarine cablo , nnd in November it is hoped Uio lino of communication will bo complete , lioforo tho ond of 1859 wo have no doubt tho gap between Corfu and India will bo supplied by oloctrlo cable , and London ond Poshawur within speaking dlataneo , Ceylon modestly standing by and enjoying tho benefit of tho oonvorsation . „ , ' IniSII ACHTKAMAX UxR OK 8 lIII' 9 . -- lll 0 SUOOOHS of the Lovor lino of packets between Galway and America appears to have axoitod tho Cork merchants to attempt a dlroot steam-packet lino betwoen Quaonatown nnd Australia . On , Tuesday a mooting of tho committee of mo is
Untitled Article
1110 THE LEA . DE B . [ No . 447 , Qctober 16 , 1858 .
Ruptures.—By Royal Lkttfcirs ' Patent. W Hite's Moc Matn" Lever Truss Is Allowed By Upwards Of Urn) Medical Gentlemen To Bo Invention Tho Curative Treatmentof
RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LKTTfciRS ' PATENT . W HITE'S MOC MATN" LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of Urn ) Medical Gentlemen tobo th ivc invention id uio curative tn \ itmi oi
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 16, 1858, page 1110, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2264/page/30/