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1 AA . AAA CUSTOMERS WANTED . IUU 5 UUU -SAUNDERS BROTHERS' STATIONERY is the BEST and CHEAPEST to be obtained . s . d . I s . d . Cream-laki note .. 2 0 per rin ., Creatn-laul adhe-Thick do 4 0 „ ! siveenvelopes ... 3 . 0 prl 000 Bordered note ... 4 0 „ Larjre commercial Straw paper 2 G „ envelopes ,........ ! 0 „ Blue commercial Lar fe' ° , American note . ... 3 0 ,, buff envelopcs .. 3 6 Ditto , letter size .. < 3 0 „ Foolscap paper ... 7 0 per rm . Sermon paper ... 4 6 ,. ' Commercial pens . l 0 pr gross . ASAJIWiB PACKET of STATIONERY ( Sixty descriptions , priced and numbered ) seat free , together with a price list , on receipt of four stamps . NO CHARGE made for stamping arms , crests , initials , &c , on either paper or envelopes . CARRIAGE PAID on all-orders over 20 s .-SAUNDURS BROTHERS , Manufacturing Stationers , 95 and 101 , London-wall , London . E . C .
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VISITING , WEDDING , and BUSINESS CYR / DS &c , executed in a superior manner at the most moderate charges . A card plate any style . -2 < . 100 best French ivorv cards , 2 s . Od ., sent post free ; 10 ( 10 lithographic cream-laid circulars , ' 20 s . ; a ream of note heads , 10 s . ; embossint . ' press i \ ith die , 10 s . Od . Door , window , and stencil ulates in : ulo . Stamps and . plates for marking linen , paper , Sc . Orders executed for the trarlc .-F . WHITE . MAN and Co ., K » , Little Queen -street , Lincolh ' s-iim-tields .
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DR . DE JONGH'S ligjit-beown cod liver oil / , Prescribeil by the most eminent Medical Men throuchout the world as the safest , speediest , and most effectual remedy for CON-Sl'MI'TIOX , r . ROXCHITIS , COUGHS , GOUT , KTTErMATISM , XKUKAI . CilA , D 1 SK . VSKS OF THE SKIN , IXFAXTH . K WASTISG , RICKETS , GKXERAL nEKII-ITV , AND ALL SCROFULOUS AFFKCTIONS . opijtion- of the late DR . PEREIRA , F . R . S ., Professor at the University of London , iyc . < . yc . " Whether considered with reference to its colour , flavour , or chemical properties , I am satisfied that , for- medicinal purposes , no finer Oil can be procured . " Sold OXLT in Imperial Half-pints , ; 2 s . Oil . ; Pints . 4 s . 0 d ; QAiarls , 0 s ., capsuled and labelled with Dr . Vk . JO-Ntm ft > signature , without wiiicir none can rossiELT B& genuine , by respectable Chemists ' . Sole British Consignees , ANSAR , HARFORD , and CO ., 77 , Strand , London , W . C . * # * Purchasers . " are earnestly cautioned against proposed substitutions . ¦ .
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BLAIR'S GOUT A ^ D RHEUMATIC PILLS . Price Is . Ijd . and l ' s . 9 d . per box . THIS preparation is one of the benefits -which the science of modern chemistry has conferred upon mankind ; for during the first twenty years of the present century to speak'Of a euro for the Gout was considered a romance ; but now the elTicacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated by unsolicited testimonials from persons in every rank of life , that public opinion proclaims this as one of tlio most important discoveries of the present age . Theso Pills require no restraint of diet or confinement during their use , and are certain to xirevont the disease at-. tacking any vital part . Sold by all Medicine Vendors . Son the name of "TiroMAS Pcout , 229 , Strand , London , " on the Government Stamp .
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THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION . -vrORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS JLAI are confidently recommended as a simple but certain remedy for Indigestion , which is the cause of nenrly all the diseases to which wo aro subject , being a medicine so uniformly grateful and bonolicial , that it is with justice called the " Natural STUEsraTiiEXEit of TftE nu . M . \> - Stomacii . " NORTON'S TITXS net as a powerful tonic and gentle aperient : are mild in their operation ; safe under any circumstances ; and thousands of persons enn now boar testimony to the benefits to be derived from their use . Sold in Hottlosat is . 14 d ., 2 ii . 9 J ., and lls . each , in evory town in tho kingdom . CAUTION!—Bo sure to nsk for "Norton ' Pills , " and do not bo porauadod to purchnsc tho various imitations .
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F URNISH YOU It HOUSE WITH THE BEST AUTICLES . —Tiiet ark Tin ? OnRArrsT ix IDE end . —DI 3 AJSI 4 audCo . ' s Priced Furnishing List mny bo had gratuitously on application , or forwarded by post , froo . Tills list oinbracos tho loading articles from nil the various departments of their establishment , and is nr- ' ranged to facilitate purchasers in tho selection of their ' goods . It comprises Table Cutlery—Elootro-plato—Lamps , —Baths—Vendors and Flro Irons—Iron Bedsteads , and , - Bedding—Britannia Mctnl , Copper , Tin , nnd Brass Goods-Culinary UtonHlls—TuriH ' ry—UruHlios—Mats , &o . — Deano I and Co . ( opening to tho Monument ) , London Bridge . lJstu- ; bllahed x . u . 1700 .
Untitled Ad
SO IIO LOOKING-GLASS MANUFACTORY , 2 U , Soho-Hquaro , London , —Established 20 years . —The Proprietor bogn to call tho attention of tho public to tho following vory reduced List of Prices for LOOKINGGLASS K . 3 , oi' Miporior quality , HUod in ourofully nmnufnotiwuil carved and Kilt frames ;—Size of Glass . OuUldo Measure of Fmnio , Price . 40 by 30 hi . 51 L 11 . wldo by aft in . high from HI . idy . uaeh . 40 by 8 « in . 4 iS in . wldo by OS in . high from ( It . (» s . oach . 80 by < M in . Mill , wide by 00 in . high from ( if . Os . oaoh 03 by w in . ftfl in . wldo by flflin . high from 7 J . " 7 a , each . 00 by -Ml in . oil in . wldo by ( U ) in . high from 8 / . 88 . « ach . 00 by 4 ttln . ¦ « 2 In . wide by 7 Un . high from 101 . 0 s . oaoh . 70 by HO in . 04 In- wldo by tit in . high from 18 * . 0 s . ench . Mahogany urossiiig and olinval KlftH » nn . gilt cornlcos , giranuoloH , pkuturo I ' ramoa , &o ., at equally moderate prloos . MorQlumtH and shippers supplied , by spocial contract .
Untitled Ad
This day , Second Edition , los . 6 d ., THE INTERPRETER . By G . J , WPIYTE MELVILLE . By the same Author , DIGBT GRAXD . Cheap Edition , 5 s . KATE COVENTRY . Third and Cheaper Edition , ° GENERAL BOUNCE . Two Volumes , 15 s . London : John W . Parker and Sox . " West Strand .
Untitled Ad
TTENDERS , STOVES , and FIRE-IRONS . — JL ? Buyers of the aijove are requested , before finally deciding , to visit WILLIAM S . BURTON'S SHOW-ROOMS . They contain sueh im assortment of FENDERS , STOVES . RANGES , FIRE-IRONS and GENERAL IRONMONGERY as cannot be approached elsewhere * either for variety , novelty , beauty of design , or exqnisiteness of workmanship . Bright stoves , with bronzed ornaments ana two sets of bars , •!? . 1-is . to 13 ? . 13 s . ; ditto , with ormolu ornaments and two sets of bars , 5 l . 5 s . to 33 / . 10 s . ; bronzed fenders , with standards , 7 s . to 5 Z . 12 s . ; steel fenders , 21 . 15 s . to 11 ? . ; ditto , with rich ormolu ornaments , from 21 . 15 s . to 181 . ; fire-irons , from Is . 9 d- the set to U . 4 s . The BURTON anl all other PATENT STOVES , with , radiating hearth-plates . 1 DEDSTEADS , BAT H S , AND LAMPS . 1 " > WILL ! VMS . BURTON has SIX LARGE SHOWROOMS devoted exclusively to the SEPARATE DISPLAY of Lamps , Baths , and Metallic Bedsteads . The stock of each is at oncethe largest , newest , and most varied ever submitted to tho public , and marked at prices proportionate with those that have tended to make his establishment the most distinguished in this country . Bedsteads , from 12 s . 6 d . to £ 20 0 s . each . Shower Baths , from Ss . Od . to 6 0 s . each . Lamps Oloderateur ) from 6 s . Od . to 7 7 s . each . ( All other kinds at the same rate : ) Pure Colza Oil 4 s . 3 d . per gallon . Y ^ UTLEHY , WARRANTED . —The most va-\ _ ^ ried assortment of TABLE CUTL E RY in the world , all warranted , - is on SALE at WILLIAM S . BURTON'S , at prices that are remunerative only because of the largeness of the sales . 3 i-inch ivory-handled table knives , with Irish shoulders , 12 s . Od . per dozen ; desserts to match , 10 s . ; if to balance , Cd . per dozen extra ; carvers , 4 s . 3 d . per pair ; larger sizes , from 20 s . to 27 s . 6 d . per dozen ; extra fine , ivory , 33 s . ; if with silver ferrules , 40 s . to 50 jj . ; white bone table knives , Gs . per dozen ; desserts , 5 s . ; carvers , 2 s . 3 d . per pair ; black horn table knives , 7 s . 4 d . per dozen ; desserts . 0 . s . ; carvers , 2 s . 6 d . ; black wood-handled table knives and forks , Gs . per dozen ; table . steels , from Is . each . The largest stock in existence of plated dessert- knives nnd forks , in cases and otherwise , and of the new plated fish carvers . WILLIAM SV BURTON'S GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY CATALOGUE may be had gratis , and free by post . It contains upwards of 400 Illustrations of his illimited Stock of Electro and Sheifield Plate , Nickel SilvcR and Britannia Metal goods , Dish Covers and Hot-water Dishes , Stoves , Fenders , Marble Mantelpieces , Kitchen Ranges , Lamps , Gaseliers , Tea Urns and Kettles , Tea Trays , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Baths and Toilet Ware , Turnery , Iron and Brass Bedsteads , Heading , Bed Hanging , &c . &c , with Lists of Prices , and Plans of the Sixteen large Show Rooms , at 39 , Oxfordstreet , W . ; I , U , 2 | aud ! i , Newman-street ; and 4 , 5 , and 0 , Perry ' s place , London . —ESTABLISHED 1820-
Untitled Ad
H'ANDSOME BRASS AND IRON BEDL STEADS . —HEAL and SON'S Show Rooms contain , a large assortment of Brass Bedsteads , suitable both for Home use and for Tropical Climates ; handsome Iron Bedsteads with Brass Mountings and elegantly Japanned ; Plain Iron Bedsteads for Servants ; every description of Wood Bedstead that is manufactured , in Mahogany , Birch , Walnut Tree woods . Polished Deal ami-Japanned , all fitted with Bedding and Furnitures complete , as well as every description of Bedroom Furniture . TTEAL and SON'S ILLUSTRATED CATAXX LOGUE , containing Designs and Prices of 100 Bedsteads , as well as of 150 different articles of Bedroom Furniture , sent free by Post . —Heal nnd Son , Bedstead , Bedding , and Bodroom Furniture Manufacturers , 190 . Tottenham . court-road , W .
Untitled Ad
T 7 CONOMY IN FUEL . —The waste of coals X- ^ arising from the uso of badly constructed ilroplacoa in most families is truly enormous . Tho dosirablo objects of cil ' ocling a great saving and adding to tho comfort of apartments are obtained by tho uso of the following grates : —1 . Improved Smokeless Fire Gratos , now made from 20 s . each . Theso grates bum little fuol , give much heat , will burn for hours without attention , and accumulate so littlo soot that chiinnev-sweoping is almost superseded . 2 . Improved Ontos , with Stourbridgo flro-brick backs , from 24 s . ench , complete . Any one who has experienced tho superiority of- llro brick over iron for retaining heat and radiating it into an npartment would never consent to have grates with iron backs , which conduct the heat away . S . Improved Gratos with Stourbridgo flro-brlok backs and porcelain sides from Ms . each , complete . Tho advantages of porcelain for ornament over iron or stool ariao from its cleanliness , saving of troublo in cleaning , and from its beauty not bolng impaired by lapso of tliuo . Illustrated prospectuses forwnrded on application . Also STOVES FOR ENTRANCE HALLS , SCHOOL rooms , ciix : hciies , &c , Of tho bost construction . Thoso StovoH . burn littlo fuol , require vory little ftttontloi ) , mny bo hml with or without opon fire , and will burn night nnd day In severe wonthor , or throughout thoNonsou If required , whilst tlicy are entirely froo from tho objection found to ho many stoves , that of a liability to bocomo overheated and to render tho atmosphere offonsiTo . Illustrated prospectuses forwarded . Manufacturers of _ dwardb ' a Smokeless Kitchen Rruko , which alone obtained a flr * t «« lass medal at tho Paris Inhibition of 18 B 5 .--F . _ I > WARDS , SON , and Co ., Gonoral Stovo and Kitohon Kwigo Manufacturers , 42 , Poland-Htroot , Oxford-street , W .
Untitled Ad
WHEN YOU ASK FOR a LENFIELD PATENT STARCH , SEE THAT YOU GET IT . A a tot / brlor hinds aro often mbetitutod
Untitled Ad
RECENT WORKS ON ENGLISH HISTORY . THE NORMANS . HISTORY OF NORMANDY AND OF ENGLAND . By Sir FRANCIS PALGRAVE . Volumes I . and IL , 42 s . HENRY THE EIGHTH . HISTORY OF ENGLAND , from the Fall of Wolsey to tho Death of Elizabeth . By JA . MESANTHONY FROUDE . Seeond Edition . Volumes I . to IV .. completing the reign of Henry the Eighth , 54 s . GEORGE THE THIRD . HISTORY OF ENGLAND during the Reign of George the Third . By WLILIAM SIASSEY , M . P . Volumes I . and IL , 21 s . London : John W . Paekek and Sox , West Strand .
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This day , the Second Volume , 12 s ., of QIR A . GRANT'S ETHICS OF ARISTOTLE , )_} containing the Nichomachean Ethics , Books I . —VI . with Notes Critical and Explanatory . Vol . III ., containing Books VII . —X ., with an Index raisoti-ne and a complete Translation , will follow shortly . Vol . I ., 8 s . 6 d ., contains the Essays . London : John W . Paekek and Son , West Strand .
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This day , Three Volumes , Svb , 3 Cs ., A HISTORY OF THE LITERATURE OF GREECE , from the Manuscripts of the late Professor K . O . AIULLER . The first half of the Translation by the Right Hon . Sir G . CORNEWALL LEWIS . Barr ., M . P . The remainder ' of the Translation , and thp . Compli-iion of the Work according to the Author ' s Plan , by JOHN WILLIA 5 I DONALDSON , D-D .. Classical Examiner in the University of London ; late Fellow of Trinity College , Cambridge . ^^ The new portion of the Work is sold separately , j This work , originally undertaken at the request of the Societv for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge , was written with a" view to its appearance in an English form only , and left incomplete by the death of its author , in 1 SK » . ' The Society had arranged that Dr . Donaldson , who had translated the latter half of the work , should-complete it according to the Plan proposed by Professor Mullen and tin : present publishers have resumed the undertaking , in the hope of placing within the reach of classical students a complete but convenient Manual of Greek Literary History . The book comprises Chronological Tables , Indices , soiuu Supplementary Notes , and a Memoir and Portrait of the Author . . London : Josx W . Paeeer and Son , West Strand .
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" Contains the information that everyone ought to know . " In fcap . Svo , price 2 s . Cd ., cloth extra , IS NOW READY . THE FOURTH THOUSAND OF HOW WE ARE GOVERNED , By ALBANY FONBLANQUE , Jun ., Esq ..,. of the Middle Temple , Barrister-at-Law . " Manifest enough is the value of a- ' comprehensive book like this . It is a digest of the English constitution , not only clearly and elegantly written , but , considering the vast extent of the subject , marvellous for the fulness of its summary . "—Examiner . . . " We can say of 'How We are Governed , ' that it shows how' very clearly , and explains ' why' with great precision and good sense . "— -Athenceum . London : Geokgb Rotjtledgb and Co ., Farringdon-street-
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DR . JJUCKLAND'S GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY . In 2 vols ., demy 8 vo , 24 s ., cloth extra , i ^ EOLOGY AND MINERALOGY , con-\ DTi sidercd with Reference to Natural Theology . By tho late Very Rev . WILLIAM BUCKLAND , D . D ., F . E .. S . A New Edition , with Additions , by Professor Owen , F . R . S ., Professor Phillips , M . A ., M . D ., Mr . Robert Brown , F . R , S ., £ c . Edited byTRANOIS T . BUCKLAND , M . A . With a Memoir of tho Author , Steel Portrait , and Ninety Full Page Engravings . London : Geoeoe EiOFTLEDOE and Co ., Farringdon-streeb
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. ROUTLEDGE'S POETS . —NEW VOLUME . Prico 5 s ., cloth gilt , T * ASSO ; FAIRFAX'S TRANSLATION . X Edited by the Rev . R . A . WILLMOTT . With Notes , and a Life of Edward Fairfax . Illustrated by Corbpuld . Also , uniform , price 5 s . oach , PERCY'S RELICS OF ANCIENT POETRY . HERBERT'S ( GEORGE ) PROSE AND POETICAL WORKS , GRAY'S . COLLINS'S . WHARTO ^ 'S , AND PARNELL'S POETICAL WORKS . "Atooro pleasing and satisfactory edition of tho Poots wo cannot desiro than aro here presented to us . "—Xoncouformist-Londoni Geoege Robtledge and Co ., Farrlngdou-atrojt .
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ROUTLEDGE'S ILLUSTRATED VOLUME FOR 1830 . In fonp , 4 to , prioo 21 s ., cloth extra gilt , and giU edges , or iu morocco elegant , or morocco antique , \ l . 118 . fld , POEMS BY WILLIAM WOEDSWOUTIL Sheeted and Edited by tho Kov . R . A . WILLMOTT , and Illustrated -with Ono Hundred Designs by Hirkit Foster , J . Wolf , and John Gilbert , Elaborately Engraved by Dalxlol . Tho Publishers announce this work with tho certninry that it is tho Ilnost and most olaborntoly illustrated volumo that will appear t ) tU season . Loudoii : Qeobgb Routlei > GE and Co ,, Farrlnsilon-stroot .
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USEFUL LIBBAKY . —NJBW VOLUJIE . In fcap . 8 vo , price Is ., oloth boards , THE LAW OF WILLS , EXECUTORS , AND AnMINISTRATORS with a Copious Oolloutlou of l ^ m ^^ y wXTHOLDffvOKTH . ^ Author ol ^ ' Tho Law of Landlord i" «« loiibnv . LondonVgbobot R 0 OT « i » a » » u < J Co ,, Vwriusdon-Btroot
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TCn 447 . Octobeu 16 , 1858 . 1 T H E X E A D E B . 11 U
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 16, 1858, page 1111, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2264/page/31/