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• ¦ . . . " . SPECIAL NOTICE . THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . ESTABLISHED 1 S 25 . - ; DIVISION OF PROFITS . THE SIXTH DIVISION of the Company's Profits is appointed to be made at 15 th November , 18 G 0 , and all Policies effected before 15 th November , 185 8 , will partici pate in that Division . Q _ _ ™ S"S tS ™ T 5 * %$ Zt&Zt ™ r ^ CS £ * tSStia mo !^ of Three Year ,- stands , and secure O , W , A < . aUi . naI B , , at all future Divisions , over Policies of a later date . RESULTS OF THE BUSINESS OF THE YEAR ENDED 15 TH N OVEMBER , 1857 . £ St d rr 1 ^ 1 Q 7 ^ Sums proposed for Assurance during the year e-j ' ggg 75 Sums Assured , exclusive of Annuity transactions . . ¦ . • 17916 3 G Corresponding Annual Premiums on , New Policies . ... - , • • o- ' no * i « - Claims by Death paid during the year , exclusive of Bonus Additions o < '" ~ Annual Rbvknub for 1857 : — 00 ^ 818 1 C 10 From Premiums - . . ' . . . ¦ . . • • • • • * " " ^' ...... .. . From Interest on the Company ' s Invested Funds • • u "' ° 2 ( 35 , 370 8 2 Accumulated Fund , invested ia Government Securities , in Land , Mortgages , &c l , 4 ol , 822 y 3 GENERAL STATEMENT OF THE PROGRESS OF THE COMPANY'S BUSINESS FROM 1846 TO 1857 . Years ending Amounts proposed Amounts of New ' Premiums , exclusive . Revenue in each year . 15 th November . for Assurance . Assurances effected . of single I ayfneuts . | ^ ^ ~ £ s . d . ~~ £ s . d . ; £ s . d . I £ s . d . 1847 591 , 723 0 8 443 , 578 4 11 i 1 G , 1-1 O 0 1 131 , 31 G 10 , 7 | 1848 519 , 329 13 5 395 , 8 G 4 12 5 12 , 200 9 5 130 , 129 18 1 { 1849 528 , 792 18 5 429 , 371 17 1 j 14 , 743 4 8 \ 145 , 837 15 9 j 1850 621 , 943 14 2 509 , 147 10 G ! 17 , 550 14 9 1 G 9 , 151 1 G 4 : _ ¦ 1851 574 , 618 0 6 467 , 499 8 1 j 15 , 240 2 11 180 , 203 5 8 * 1852 GO . 1 , 404 7 7 445 , 799 G G ! 15 , 145 15 G j 192 , 928 1 G 10 j 1853 555 , 544 7 0 445 , 248 17 1 ' 14 , 88 G 9 3 205 , 035 G 2 . I 1854 C 22 , 2 G 0 8 5 515 , 117 7 0 1 G , G 5 O 0 2 218 , 968 1 G . 5 j 1855 716 , 383 7 11 609 , 323 7 11 20 , 047 IS 0 237 . 150 10 ; 1856 669 , 801 6 7 516 , 351 6 7 16 , 7 G 9 3 4 254 , 484 10 8 ! 1857 604 , 513 7 5 574 , 839 7 5 17 , 916 3 G 265 , 370 a 2 6 ^ 666 , 254 12 l ~~ i 5 , 362 . 141 5 6 " | 177 , 290 1 7 ! 2 , 136 , 877 G 5 j WILL . TIIOS . THOMSON , M , ma- ; er . II . JONES > Y 1 LLIAMS , lies . Sea-c / my . ; , LONDON : 82 KINGr WILIJAM STREET , E . C .
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WORKS PUBLISHED BY BLAOKIE AND SON . ? — GOLDSMITH'S MISCELLANEOUS WORKS . 87 beautiful Wood Engravings . 2 vols ., 10 s . GOLDSMITH'S HISTORY OF THE EARTH and ANIMATED NATURE . Numerous Notes , 2400 Illustrative Figures , of which 200 are coloured . 2 vols ., 40 s . BBOTD'S HISTORY OF THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM . 700 Illustrative Figures , of which 100 axe coloured . Cloth , 24 s . THE WORKS OF ROBERT BTTRffS , Numerous Notes and Annotations ; Professor WILSON'S celebrated Essay "On the Genius and character of Burns t" and Dr . OURRIE'S Memoir of tho Poet . With 82 Landscape and Portrait Illustrations . 2 vols ., cloth extra , 36 s . HOGG'S TALES AND SKETCHES , ineluding several pieces not before printed . With Illustrations by D . O . HILL , R . 8 . A . 0 vols ., fcap . 8 vo , 21 s , HOGG'S POETICAL WORKS . With an Autobiography and Reminiscences of his Contemporaries . Illustrated by D . O . HILL , R . S . A . 8 vole-, fcap . 8 vo , 17 s . 6 d . CYCLOPAEDIA OF DOMESTIC MEDICINE and SURGERY . By THOMAS ANDREW , M . D . Illustrated with Engravings on Wood and Steel . Royal 8 vo , cloth , 18 s . SMITHS CANADA : PAST , PRESENT , and , ! lJ , ^ . a Be iP 5 , P Historical , Geographical . Geological , and Statistical Account of Canada Wosfc . Maps , and other Illustrations , a vols ., royal 8 vo . cloth , 20 s . Blackib and Sow , Warwick-square , City , London 1 ( ind Glasgow and Edinburgh ,
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In fcap . 8 vo , price 0 s . cloth , G OD MANIFEST ; a Treatise on the Good , ness , Wisdom , and Power of God , aa Manifested } n His Works , Word , and Personal Appearing : showing , nleo , bow tho Permission of Moral and Physical Evil is Reconcilable with the Divine Attributes . By the Rev . Q . PRESORT HlfcLBR . London ; Hopbow and Soy , 28 , Portugal-street , W . O .
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HERALDRY , IN HISTORY , POETRY , AND ROMANCE . By ELLEN J . MILLINGTON . With Numerous Illustrations . One vol . post 8 vo , price 0 s . On Monday . PHILADELPHIA ; OR , THE CLAIMS OF HUMANITY : A PLEA FOB SOCIAL AND RELIGIOUS REFORM ,. By THOMAS FOSTER'BARHAM , M . B . One vol . post 8 vo , price 0 s . 0 ( 1 . On Monday . Chapman and Haix , 103 , Piccadilly .
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rpHE QUARTERLY REVIEW , No , CCVIIL , X will bo Published NEXT WEDNESDAY . CONTENTS : I . Fresco Painting . II . Horace and ms Translators . III . Cardinal Wiseman's Four Popes . IV . James Watt . V . Tub Roman at his Farm . VI . Sir Okas . Napier's Career in India . VII . Past and Present Administrations , JonN M URitAY , Albomarlo street .
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I Now ready , NA TIONAL MAGAZINE , Vol . IV ., price 7 s . Od ., eimtnfninp : nearly 1 " <> Kngravinprs . All lovers of the Pino Arts will welcome tliis n , s a most valuablemUIition to their libraries . The volume is an advance upon its ; predecessors , both in its artistic and literary departnieiits , and can ho confidently roeonimendud as a source oMurorniation as to the progress made from timo to time in the various departments of th « Fiiio Arts . The specimens or paintings uiven in this volumo ineliido those of our ucst artists : while tho stylo of tho Engravings is oriunl to nny that have lieon produced : they are in themsclv . 'S perfect gems of tho Arts . Tho work : also contnins snnie of no choicest productions of ourbi-st . living writers . \ ols . i ., ii-. and III ., 0 s . Cd . each ; cases for binding , Is . ( id , encli . London : W . Kent and Co ., l > atcrnostor-iw ; and nil Booksellers .
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18 mo , half bound , prico 0 d ., froo by post , nPEGG'S FIRST BOOK OF POETRY , J- designed for tho Uho of Schools and Families , Illustrated . Uniform with tho above , price Od . each , Tmao ' s First Book for , Children . Teoo ' s Second Book for Children . Tkoci ' s First Book of Geography . London : William Teoo and Co ., 85 , Quoon-stroot , Ohcapsido , E . C .
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THE CRITIC of to-dny ( No . 432 ) contains : — A few Photographs , by Attlcuu—Tho Poetry and Philosophy of Words , by Kenneth Moronoy—Carl . ylo'a Lifo of Frederick tho Great—Poinonoeh's Missionary Advonturos—¦ Walah ' a Cookery — Polohampton ' n Momoira—Oatohponny QonJurluK , and < vll tho Litoratura of tho week , Homo and Porolgn- * Tho Critlo in Parln —Art and Litoraturo in Italy—Archfioplogical , Muslual , and Bcientl / lo nummarios - — Tho Thoatroa—Musical arid Dramatic GoHaip—Loading ArtiolON on Topics of gonoral Intercut , and till tho Literary , Soiontidc , and Artiutlo news of tho wook . ISpcotnion cony uont for ftvo Btampa . Oifloo , SO , Etmox-Htroot , Strand , W . O .
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Just published , Part XVI ., prico Is ., to bo comi ) letod in Twenty-four Parts , HPHE HOUSEHOLD ENCYCLOP ^ mA ; JL or , Family Dictionary or everything coniieeodwttii Housekeeping . This work is calculated to supplj a « ""» which has long boon folt by t ho heads of families , |> n > larly by thoso iuoxporienced in the Judicious munnK' -HitiH of a household . "It i » a praiseworthy contribution to a knowledge , common things . "— Weakly Times . "A moro usoful publication has nnt come under am notice for some time . "—Plymouth Mail . "It la surq to moot with much approbation ft'om l " ° ladies . "— SheJfleM Independent , . "Tho work is intondoU as a ronoriory of oyei vtiii H OHsential to the careful lioiisokoopor . ' — Londomlu ) ) il »»<•" tiucl , Now ready . Vol . L , lirico 13 s . Od . cloth . London 1 W . Kjsnt and Co ., 01 and ai , Pale rnosler-row .
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In tho pro « H , one volume , domyHvo , _ fpHB FOOD GRAINS OF INDIA , witj I . INTRODUCTORY itK . MAHKSON TllK JJM hJA " MENT OF THE KUSOUKOES OF INDIA . By J . FOHlil'JS WATSON , A . M" ., M . I ) ,, V . C £ ., & * - '» liomlwy Army . Also , ahortly , by tho wamo Author , T ? OOD AND ITS INFLUENCE ON AIAIS . J- Embrachlg tho rwiilt of many thousand crt »« pn at 0 » . and an invocation . Inatltutod by tho » 'lif " ° f S into tho nutritive vaiuo of all tho chief articles o * njilo *«« for food . ... London 1 Swittt , ELnJin , and Co ., 08 . Oornnli' - __^
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1112 THE L E A D E R . [ No . 4 ^ 7 , QcT ogEg ^ , I 858
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LONDON i Printed and published by Frederick Guest Tomlins at VUo lender" Office , No . 802 Strand , in tho County of Mlddl « a « . ~ Ootobor 10 , 1808 .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 16, 1858, page 1112, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2264/page/32/