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knife from his hand , and that in the scuffle which en sued her throat wa 3 accidentally cut . The jury re turned a verdict of ""Wilful Murder" against " Whit worth .
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IRELAND . * The Galway Packet Service . —An entertainment was given on Monday by the directors of the Atlantic Royal Mail Steam Navigation Company , on board the Pacific , lying in Gal way Bay , about to sail for St . John ' s and New York , on her second voyage to America . The chair was occupied by John Orrell Lever , Esq ., and among the company present were Viscount and Lady Bury , Mr . Roebuck , M . P ., the Rev . Peter Daly , &c . In . the course of the evening , the Rev . Mr . Daly proposed— " Success to the Company , " coupled with the health of Lord Bury . The reverend gentleman stated that , in a period of three months , above 3000 passengers have passed through Galway to and from America , and
upwards of 4000 tons of valuable goods . Lord Bury dwelt at some length on the importance of the object which would be accomp lished by the establishing of this route between England and America , and said they hoped to prove to the people of the United States and the colonies that it would be for their interest to favour this line . Mr . Lever contradicted the statement that it was in contemplation to run steamers from Foynea to fijner ica during the winter months . Mr . Roebuck described the benefits which would arise from the success of this undertaking , in bringing England into closer communication with America , and , above all , in strengthening the bonds of friendship and good-will between Ireland and America .
Pfuvr Council . — At a meeting of the Privy Council On Monday , the Marquis of Drogheda was sworn a member , and took his place at the board . Landed Estates Court . ' —The leading estates for sale in the ensuing month are those of the Earls of Arran , Portarlington , and Kenmare , and the Meath estates of -Mr . Charles P . Leslie , M . P . for Monaghan . A petition for sale was lodged last week by the Rev . Mr . Ne wenham , son-in-law of the Earl of Mountcashel . The rental of the property amounts to 4000 / . per annum . There will be for sale in November upwards of 500 lots , producing a . net rental of towards ef . 35 , 000 / . ^ a year , ¦ which , upon a rough calculation , may be expected to realise 800 , 000 / .
Galway and America .. —The Pacific steamer has sailed frotn Galway , having on board 337 passengers and a full cargo . Lord and Lady Bury were among the passengers . His Lordship is armed with plenary powers to conclude mail contracts with Newfoundland and the United States Governments . Over 100 persons were disappointed in obtaining berths . New Transatlantic Packet Station . —The Limerick Chronicle states , that at a meeting held on Monday on
the subject of starting a steamer from Foynes , the Mayor presided , and it was resolved to apply to the Lord-Lieutenant to send down the Commissioners of the Harbours of Refuge in Ireland to report upon the Shannon . Committees were formed from the Chamber of Commerce Harbour Board , and continue to put themselves in communication with the railway companies in the south of Ireland and England , to ascertain what facility they . would afford for transfer of merchandise , as also with the directors of the Cunard line of packets .
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AUSTRALIA . TjiE news received this week is from Melbourne to the ICth , and Sydney the 11 th of August . From Melbourne wo loarn that the Parliament stands further prorogued , nnd it is not anticipated that it will meet for despatch of business until October . Pending the introduction of the new system of mining , the goldfields are contributing an average yield , which will bear comparison with the first periods of previous years . The 'Shanassy Government had , ( luring tho month , strengthened its position by the determination it has Shown to grapple practically -with many of the disadvantages under which the mining and other industrial interests of tho colony have laboured . '
nine , as the Ministers wished ; Manhood suffrage has been adopted with a residentiary qualification of six months in one district . . But this extension of the franchise . has been coupled with , a property suffrage , by which owners of freehold and leasehold properties , occupants of premises , and "lessees of crown lands , will enjoy a secondary vote . A special representation has been conceded to the gold-diggers , who are enfranchised by a six mouths' holding of a miner ' s right . By a considerable majority the principle of the ballot has been adopted , the majority as well as the minority containing leading men both from the Conservative and Democratic ranks ; for some on both sides demand it as a necessary measure of protection , while others again , on both sides , consider open voting necessary to the preservation of their political influence .
The Chinese Bill imposing a tax of 10 / . on every Celestial landing in the colony has had its progress suddenly arrested " in the Upper House , the members of which expressed great doubts as to the truth of the popular allegations against the Chinese , and sent the Bill to a select committee to make inquiries . In the Legislative Council , it was stated by the Solicitor-General that the telegraph between Sydney and Albury would be completed by the early part of October ( the present month ) , when the three colonies of New South "Wales , Victoria , and South Australia will be brought into immediate communication with each other .
Railway works in tho colony advanced but slowly . Tho contractors for tho Sandhurst lino had not proceeded with that energy which had boon looked for . Tho lino from Goelong to Ballarat had not boon commenced , but It was understood that tho contractors would break ground before tho end of August . Three nuggets , of tho aggregate value of 14 , 000 / ., wore being exhibited in Melbourne , previous to boing shipped . Those woro taken out in tho Ballarat district , and woro about to bo shipped to London . One
specimen , of pure gold , weighs ovor 2100 ouacos . Tho political news from Sydney is of Intorost . Tho Electoral Bill may bo said to have passed through a Qommltteo of tho whole IIouho . Tho outlines of tho now representative ays to in are now determined , atloast so far as tho Legislative Assembly is concerned . Tho number of members has boon fixed at 78—an addition of 10 to tho number originally proposod in tho bill . Tho now members have all been given to country constituencies and Sydney la to enjoy only eight , mombore , Instead , o
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AMERICA . The Persia has arrived at Liverpool , bringing New York advices to the 29 th ult . Captain Townsend . of the slave-vessel Echo , had been again remanded . He was admitted to bail . A despatch from Governor Denvers , of Kansas , states that gold had been discovered in the vicinity of Pike ' s Peak . The explorers had found gold on the Arkansas , j embracing an extent of country of more than 3 uO miles , j The deaths from yellow fever at New Orleans , on the , 28 th ult , were ^ GS . j A large and enthusiastic meeting of the Republicans , qf _ the city and county of New York was held in New j York on the 27 th , to adopt measures to secure the election . ; of E . D . Morgan for Governor . _ Sixteen houses , in Portland-street , St . John ' s , New ; Brunswick , were destroyed by fire on the 2-6 th ult . J From California we have the following news : —The State election had resulted in the " triumph of the Ad- J ministration wing of the Democracy by a very larger majority . A duel between George P . Johnson , editor of the National , and VT . J . Ferguson , of Sacramento , ended in the latter having his thigh broken . The distance was six paces ; about seventy people were present . The castaway Japanese picked up by the British vessel Caribbean were still ou board that shipj which had returned to San Francisco . The captain insisted on keeping , them iintil he could place them on board one of her Majesty's vessels .
It was stated at Ho ' g Island on the 29 th ult . that a schooner from the West Indies had put in there and run ashore in Rip Shore Inlet , and that all hands ' except the captain and cook , had died of fever . Assistance * had been sent to her . Galveston papers of tho 21 st ult . state that the Northern Camanches , Kiowas , and a part of the ^ Apaches numbering fourteen Indian bands in all , have" declared war against Texas . The British Admiralty have contracted with a house in Quebec for 45 , 000 , 000 feet of ship timber , of which 5 , 000 , 000 feet of live oak are included , to be delivered within two years from next November , at her M , ajest \ - ' s dockyards at Sheerness , Woolwich , and Plymouth . The trial of Dr . Webster , dentist , charged with committing a criminal assault on a patient under the influence of chloroform , took place on September - > {) . A verdict of not guilty on the capital charge , but guilty of au attempt , was rendered . A new trial was moved .
A letter received . in San Francisco from Raiatea Society Islands reports the dethronement of the king . Tamatoa ( a son of Queen Poniare ) had been installed in the vacant throne . Tho dethronod monarch had gone to Tahiti . A proposition had been made to tho United States' Consul for tho annexation of the island to tho United States , but tho scheme appears to have boon concocted by the resident Americans . At Fraser River the miners are gathering from five to fifty dollars' worth of dust per day . Tho Indians woro troublesome , and several white persons had been killed by thorn . Apprehonsions prevailed that tho Indians contemplated a general uprising against tho intrusive miners . Tho British Governor is opposed to tho American settlers assuming tho right to chastiso their foes when over they deom tho provocation sufficient .
With regard , to tho Indian war in Oregon , wo learn that tho troops , under Colonel Wright , had marched into tho region of tho hostilo tribes . On tho 16 th of August , Lieutenant J . K . Allen , with fifteen men , was ordered to surprise and attack a party of Indiana at Fort Simcoo . He succeeded in tho enterprise , capturing 21 men , 50 women and children , and anumbor of horses and cattlo , but w «« mortally wounded in tho conflict , and died in a few hours after reaching camp . Late advices from tho South Pacillc state that steamships wero about to be run from Valparaiso to Monte
Video and Buenos Ayres , and from Valdivia to Aucud . The reports from tho niimia woro favourable . The population of Chili had boon increased by 110 , 11 ) 0 bouIb in tha four years since 1854 , Peru hml auflorod in her material interests from thu luto election agitation . A ¦ war agninHfc Ecuador was tallied of . Tho Bolivian army had been reduced to one-half ita usual strength . Crudo ores of all descriptions may bo freely oxporlod from tho republic undor a luto Government decree . SofJor Carrion had been oloxited Vloe-Proalilonfc of Ecuador . AU tho foreign vessels at Oalhto had obtained charters for the guano islands . Tho trade of Valparaiso had improved greatly .
By the VandorbiU , wo have date * from Now York to tho 2 nd inat . Thoro ia no pulUlonl no wo . There was no change in tho condition of the Atlantlo cable at Trinity Bay up to tho 20 th ult .
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NAVAL AND MILITARY . A Brig ok War Missing . —Apprehensions arc entertained relative to the safety of the 12-gun l . rig Sappho , Commander Fairfax Moresby , which vessel left the Cape of Good Hope for Australia on the 8 th of January , since which nothing lias been heard of her . The Sappho may have got dismasted in a hurricane , andhave made for some of the East India or Seyehelle Islands , from which no intelligence could reach . Orders were despatched to Sir Frederick Grey in August to send a steamer to follow in the presumed track of the Sappho , in hopes of gaining some information , the result is not yet known . — C ' nited Sen-ice Gazette . Royal Aktilleuy . — The fourteen battalions at Woolwich , the majority of which have been reduced to the most scanty proportions in consequence of the draughts despatched to India , are in a fair way of being speedily reinforced to their original numbers . During the present month some of the battalions have registered from ten to sixteen recruits : each per day , the whole of whom are young men of the most -useful class . PllKfcAUTION'S AGAINST FlKE . — III COHSCquCHCC of the
destruction of the Austria ' , the Admiralty arc u ~ ing every precaution to prevent tho possibility ' of p <> fearful a calamity occurring on "board any o £ her Majesty ' s steamships , and orders have been issued for experiments to be made with ¦ ' Horsey " s patent , which consists of a steam-cock at the top of the boiler , from which pipes extend all over the ship , so that on lire occurring in any part of a vessel it may , by simply turning the cod ; , lie deluged with steam and extinguished .
Kkw Lineic . —Theline-of-battle screw steamer Hood , 01 , building at Chatham , is so far completed that she will be fit to be launched" this year , if required . The machinery with which she is Ordered to be fitted is of CUOhorse power . A Ga . li . axt Militia Coups . —Sheornc- , 5 has been the scene of most unsoldiorlike conduct on the part of the North Cork Rifle Militia in garrison there . On Thursday last a seaman was pursued by sonic of the militiamen , armed with their belts . The poor fellow ru .-hcl into a shop for shelter . lie was followed by his a .-isaihuit » , who inflicted severe wounds oit him , broke up chairs and tables for weapons , and made slings for stones . Some secured
townspeople and two policemen interfered , nn < l one man , whom they detained until a picket slumw arrive . The picket , however , no sooner saw one of their comrades in custody than they rushed to his reseiio with drawn bayonets , and the police had to let hinitfo nml make their escape as best they could , l'or about , mi hour tho pickets wero rushing about the town in n state of frenzy , and many persons wort- suriyn .-ly Iiijnroil uy stones . ' Tho officers do not appear to havo taken measures to repress this conduct . The shops were nil ilo-sea and business suspended . Tho men went about tho lojvn knocking down all who attempted to oppose theni . luu agreeable state of things lasted till Monday when &t » i > or *
, intention ! Green arrived at Sheorncrt * with n strong body of county constabulary , and waited upon the Lornmander-in-Chief' and the commanding "Ulcer of tiw North Cork Rifles . Tho hitter pledged himsell tn . u none of his men should be allowed to leavo tlic-ii- i > arraeks , and it was anticipated that nil would go ^ j Ul ' evening . At dusk , however , a body of tho mimiiuuoa came into tho town and attacked a ildhcrmim «;""{'" , h \ n boat ; thoy bent him so severely about '"" no " with their Hticks that hnrdly a foaturu remains d sii « - guiahoblo . Thoy then commenced breaking "' "" . " : K » W ¦ V ^ w m 9 ^ ^ v * ¦ w ¦ ** m m *¦ I BVBVPB ^ r *^ v ¦ ¦ ¦ m m * wm > ^ * " ' *~ it . * /« icket o
At tho time thoy woro thun engaged a p •> hundred Cork Riflos , under tho olinrgo of a toin ! u , 10 ' ,. oflicor , stood silent spectators of tho acts of tlu-ir con nuloa . As it waa found that none of tliu liiclu'U ) U' » aot to protect tho townsfolk , application "' """" . "' ... I tho Royal Artillery for nn . iiaUneo . Ono . 1 »» W , "'' of thla corps , undor tho command of ( Jnptulii " 'Ml ' woro doHpatciied in ah ?' of tlu c | . vil luithorHU * . ; «» J J" ? Riilo pickets wore onlurod to hnmicliB . A ' > ij Artillery proooeaed forthwith to olenr tho town o militiamen , many of whom took forulbUi poww '" Jj housoB to evado npprohonsion . Tl » o Inhabitant loUo »™ tho Artillery picket and cheered them most « ioo » i «/ Within half an hour Dluo Town wae olowod , to J » groat Joy of tho Inhabitant * O » . THWd » y th « cWof ecu
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" 1086 THE LEADER . [ No . 447 , October 16 , 185 a
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 16, 1858, page 1086, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2264/page/6/