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No Applications for Shares in tins Company can be received after Friday next , the 12 th instant , on which day the List will be closed . By order of the Board , C . GRAINGER , Secretary pro tem . 24 , Greshatmstrect , London , 13 . C . November 5 , 1858 .
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* CITY OF LONDON I 7 IFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 18 , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars . E . P . LEEKS . Secretary .
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LAW PROPERTY AND LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY : SO , Essex-street , Strand , London . Capital . 230 , 000 ? . DIBECrOES . Ralph T . Brockman , Esq ., Folkestone . Edward Wm , Cox . Esq . 86 , Russell-square . George Frederick Tox ^ Esq ., Bristol . E . 13 . P . Kelsey , Esq ., Salisbury . J . Mead , Esq ., 2 y King ' s Bench-ynlk , Temple . H . Paull , Esq ., M . P ., 33 , Devonshire-place , Portland-place . EIGHTY PER CENT . OP THE PROFITS divided among tlie Assured-At the first division of profits in May , 1845 , a bonus was declared , varying from Two to Eleven per cent , on the amount assured , and amounting , in many instances , to upwards of Fifty per cent , on tlie Premiums paid . At the Second Division of Profits in 1853 , an EQUAL PRO RAT A . BONUS was declared . iX-Next division of profits in 1861-¦ % . * Every description of Life Assurance business transacted . EDWARD S . BARNES , Secretary .
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ESTABLISHED 1 S 38 . VICTORIA AND LEGAL AND COMMERCIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . No . 18 , King Willlam'Strcet , City . DIDECTOnS . BENJAMIN HAWES , Esq ., Chairman . THOMAS NESB 1 TT , Esq .. Deputy-Chairman . Charles Baldwin , Esq . W . K , Jameson , Esq . George Denny , Esq . Joliu Jonos , Esq . J . O . Dimndalo , Esq . John Nolloth , Esq . William Elliott , M . X > . Mcabwrn Stauiland , Esq . Robert Ellis , Esq . Daniol Button , Esq . J . P . Gasslot , Esq ., F . R . S . WaltorChorlus Vonning , Esq . John Gladstone , Esq . O'H . Bcllingham Woolsoy Aaron Goldsmid , Esq . ISsq . Sidney Gurnoy , Esq . Tho business of the Company ombrncos ovory dosoriptiun of risk connected with Life Assurance . Tho assets of tho Company exceed 205 , 000 / . And its income is over 60 , 0001 . a year . Advances in connexion with Lilts Assurance are made on Advantageous terms , either on real or personal socurity . WILLIAM RATRAY , Actuary .
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ACCIDENTS 01 ? EVERY DESCRIPTION . A' 1000 IN CASE OF JXBATH . OR A FIXED ALLOWANCE OP £ Q PER WEEK IN THE KVBNT OF INJURY , May bosoourodby an Annual Payment of jC 3 fora Policy intlio ¦ O AILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE Xt COMPANY . A anooial Aotprovidos that persons receiving oomponsa- i tlon from thin Company aro not barrotf thereby from re- i coverihr full damages from tho party ( tnualng tho Injuryi i an ndvantftgo « o other Company can alter . i It is found that ONE PERSON in ovory FIFTEEN is more or loss injured by Aoaidcntyearly . This Company has already paid as compensation for AooiUonts 27 . 088 J , Forma of Proposal and ProapoofciiHoa may bo had at tho Q ompany ' tfCHUV'PB . and . itt all tho principal Rallwny Stations , whdro . also , RaUwayAooldoiitaalonomnybo lnsurou against i by tho Journey oryoar . J NO CHARGE FOIUTAMP DUTY . Railway Passongors' Assurance Company , OHloos . U . Old IJroad-stroot . Lonaon . lil . C . i WILLIAM J . VIAN . Soorotary .
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( MADRAS PRESIDENCY . ) BERAR AXD EASTERN COAST OF INDIA RAIL WAY C O MP ANY ( LIMITED ) . Capital , 3 , 000 , 0007 . In 150 , 000 shares of 20 Z . each . Deposit , 2 s . per share . Each Shareholder ' s liability strictly limited to the amouni of his Deposit , until the proposed Guarantee shall be obtained . DIRECTORS . : ¦¦ ¦ Robert J . Roy Campbell ; Esq ., M . P ., Woodvale , Surrey , and 62 . Moorgate-street . . George CHve , Esq ., M . F-. ,. Cavendish-square-WilliapT Jackson , Esq ., M . P ., Manor House , Cheshire . Major T ^ A- Jenkius , Quartermaster-General' s Department , « ud late MauagingAjrent Madras Railway . Jame&J 3 $$ k jngtoM . 3 Esti . ^ MiP-. Blftckbuni . Lancashire . J / Pirt ^ ck W ^ - ^^ - . late of Bengal . Hostel Ian Castle . BAIfKBkB . —The Commercial Bank of London . Coifstrr . TiNG Bitginebh . —Thomas Page , Esq . BKOKEEB . London—Messrs . George Biiruand and Co ., 69 , Lombardstreet . . ' ' ' Liverpool—Messrs . T . Tinley and Sons . Glasgow—Messrs . James "Watson and Smith . Manchester— . SOLICITORS . Messrs . Howard and Dolhnan , 141 , Fonchurch -street . Secrbtaet . —J . W . Pillans , Esq . Temporary Offices : —31 . Broad-stroet-buildings , Tt would be a work of supererogation to point out at the present day the vast importance of railway communication in India . Fully to develop the rich and varied productive resources of that country , railways are indispensable ; and in a political point of view , it would bo difficult to estimate too highly tho importance of such linos of communication . Recent events have too clearly shown tho necessity of providing for tho rapid concentration of troops on any point where their presence may bo required . Among tho several undertakings of this nature , which British entorpriso and cnpltal have called forth , none offer a fairer prospect of success than that which id now submitted to tho public . Tho commercial advantages to bo derived from opening out tho Valley of tho God . ivory , and tho Borar and Hyderabad territories , were pointed out to tho local authorities many years ago by tho lafco Lord Motcalfo , when Resident nt Hyderabad , and moro recently by Colonel Cotton , of tho Madras Engineers , in liia valuable publication , "Public Works in India . " In tho " Appondix to Minutes of Evidonoo taken boforo Select Committee on the Government of Indian Territories , " in 185 U , at page 161 it is stated , " If by means of railronds tho groat ootton-flold of Borar , situated within tho dominions of tho Nizam of Hyderabad , woro placed noarly on an equality , in point of facility of transport , with tho inaritimo cotton distriots , then a breadth of land , sufficient for tho growth of a quantity equal to tho full demand of Great Britain , might at once bo nindo available . It is , however , only by means of a railway that tho territory of Borar can bo placed lu a position to bocomo a cotton-ox porting country . " Cotton , tho groat staple of Berar , would bo wrought down to a port of shipment at a very reduced mto of ohnrgo . That grown in tho vicin ily of Chanda is considered tho bost in India . AVhoat 1 h another vulunhlo product of Borar ; its comparative cost lu tho in toil or and on tho coast Is as 31 to 0 ( 1 , or a differonco of 113 por cant . ; while rioo , and salt , sugar , iio . Ac , which aro tho jproduots of tho coast , aro respectively 175 and 200 por cont , ( Jonror lu tho interior , owing to bho oxponso of transit ; . ( Boo Cotton , pp . 88 , 100 , 373 , 274 . ) Extensive forests of viUnnblo timbor would also bocomo nvailablo , affording au ample supply of sleepers for tho 3 ou « truotion of tho rnilwny . Toak , of tho largest dlmonjlonB , might bo brought to market at a much cheaper rato than that which is now imported into Corluga from tho op- ' [> osito coast of Burmali , Tho port ofCoringn , flltuatod at tho mouth qf tho Golavory , on tho oaatorn sldu of tho peninsula , and midway jotweon Ca 1 cv \ tta and MiuJIrns , 1 h tho only harbour on that ioast . Ships of larg « bunion havo boon built thoro ; and It ma ovory facility for loading and discharging oargo , bolng roo from tho surf which renders tho Qoromandol coaat golorally soinaoQossiblo . It is proposod to carry tho projootod railway from tho > ort or Oorfnga , via Clilnoor and Oliuuda , to Nhgporo , with k branch Hup to tho oily of Ifyilurabad , and vutjniatyly to , , "
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AGENTS REQUIRED FOR THE MAGNET LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , Established 1854 . Cm up Offices—22 , Moorgato-stroot , CHy . ProspootusoB , proposal forms , and ovory information for oil'coUiiK l ' ollolos may bo obtained by letter , or porNonal application At tho Chief Olllce , or to any of tho ( 3 ooioty \ s Agents throughout tho Kingdom . . Influential persons uoKlrous of taking Agoncios whoro appointments aro not alroady raado , can apply for terma , &c , to tho Maimgor , s . POTT .
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' LOANS AND INVESTMENTS . ^ WELLINGTON /'' " ? 7- ~~ -l :- ' n > - LOAN & INVESTMENT ASJ ^ CffiSfe ^ J . ^ ft . ( Limited ) , 3 , Chatham-placo , iiU wkf ^ 'Mm ^ M ^ , Mi & . PoposltH roL'olvod at ( J por oont . l > ll 0 l ^ ' /! Wj ^ jp ^ llllil &fl ^ icis . e ' o " moAvi $ uAtuia w ' ^ i 2 « J&H S ? ^ " ^ H ^ i ^!^ J h 4 ' 'f 'MMjiZ ' > N /' ' 0 ^ - ~ i' ^ ^ mm ^ mk ? ^^^^ *" ' OjV ^• ' ^ K ^ P 'S ^^ fy Lm 4 ^ " ^ H ^ i ^!^ J h 4 ' 'f 'MMjiZ'
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Scottish Australian Mining Company (Limited.)
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VOX ,. IX . No . 450 . ] SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 6 , 1858 . Price . { SSl ^^ dgSSSSS ? --
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^ N /'' " ? 7- ~~ -l :- ' n > - ASJ ^ CffiSfe ^ J . ^ ft . ^ 'Mm ^ M ^ , Mi & . ' 0 l ^ ' /! Wj ^ jp ^ llllil &fl ^ i 2 « J&H S ? ^ " ^ H ^ i ^!^ J h 4 ' 'f 'MMjiZ ' > N /' ' 0 ^ - ~ i' ^ ^ mm ^ mk ? ^^^^ *" ' OjV ^• ' ^ K ^ P 'S ^^ fy Lm 4 ^ " ^ H ^ i ^!^ J h 4 ' 'f 'MMjiZ'
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 6, 1858, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2267/page/1/