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Untitled Ad
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Roj'alCharter , 1847 . " LETTERSof OREPIT audBILLS issued . uponAdclai . de , Port Adelaide , and Gawler . Approved drafts negotiated aud sent for collection . Every description of Banking business is also conducted direct with Victoria , New South "Wales , and the other Australian Colonies , through the Company ' s Agents . Apply at 54 , Old Broad-street , London , B . C . ¦ WILLIAM PURDY , Manager .
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DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT BANK . FIVE PER CENT , is paid on all Sums received on DEPOSIT . Interest paid half-yearly . The Right Hon . the Earl of DEVON , Chairman . G . H . LAW , Manager . Offices , 6 , Cannon-street West , E . C . '
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B ANK OF DEPOSIT , Established a . d . 1844 . 3 , Pall-Mall East , London . Parties desirous of INVESTING MONEY are requested to examine the Plan of the Bank OF Deposit , by which a high rate of Interest maybe obtained with ample security . The Interest is payable in '"" gg ^ JSwgojr , Managing Director . Forms for opening Accounts sent free on application .
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fiAUTIOJNT to Householders , Bankers , Mer-\ -J chants , and Public Offices . The Patent NATIONAL and DEFIANCE LOCKS can be had only of F . PUCKRIDGE , 52 . Strand , near Charing-cross . These Locks are important for their security against burglars and thieves , as evidenced in the fraudulent attempt to pick it at the Crystal Palace , in August , 1854 , by John Goater , foreman to Messrs . Chubb , for the REWARD of 200 Guineas . See Pamphlet and Description , to be had gratis . Fire and Thief proof Iron Safes , Plate and Jewel Chests , Deed , Cash , and DespatchBoxes , Embossing Dies . &c . Warranted Street Door Latches , 17 s . 63 . each .
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SOHO LOOKING-GLASS MANUFACTORY , 26 , Soho-square , London . —Established 20 years . —The Proprietor begs to call the attention of the public to the following very reduced List of Prices for LOOKINGGLASSES , of superior quality , fitted in . carefully manuactured carved and Rilt frames ;—Size of Glass . Outside Measure of Frame . Price . ' 40 by SO in . 51 in . wide by 39 in . high from Si . 10 s . each . 46 by 36 in . 48 in . wide by 58 in . high from 51 . 0 s . each . BO by 40 in . 52 in . wide by 60 in ; high from Gl . 0 s . each 53 by 43 in . 55 in . wide by 65 in . high from 11 . 7 s . each . 56 by 46 in . 59 in . wide by 69 in . high from SI . 8 s . each . 60 by 48 in . 62 iu » wide by 74 iu . high from 10 Z . 9 s . each . 70 by 50 in . 64 in- wide by 84 in . Mgh from 12 * . 0 s . each . Mahogany dressing and cheval glasses , gilt cornices , girandoles , picture frames , < fcc ., at equally moderate prices . Merchants and shippers supplied by special contract .
Untitled Ad
T ^ EANE TABLE CUTLERY , celebrated JLA for more than 150 years , maintains an unrivalled reputation for cheapness and first-rate ' quality . The stock . is most extensive and complete , including the finest trans , parent Ivory Handles at 32 s . per dozen , choice ditto Balance Handles from 22 s . per dozen , medium ditto Balance Handles ( an exceedingly cheap and serviceable family article ) , 16 a . per dozen j also Eorie , Horn , Stag , and every variety of mounting , all warranted . Plated Dessert Knives and Forks , with Silver , Pearl , Ivory , and Plated Handles , in cases of 12 , 18 , or 24 pairs , also plated Fish-eating Knives from 42 s . per dozen . Silver and Plated Fish Carvers of the newest and most elegant designs always in stock . —London agents for Messrs . Joseph Itodgers and Sons' celebrated cutlery . DEANE and Oo . ' s General Furnishing Ironmongers , Warehouses ( opening to the Monument ) , London Bridge . Established a . p . 1700 .
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inn (\ f \ C \ CTJSTOMEBS WANTED . AUl / 9 UU \ J —SAUNDERS BROTHERS' STATIONERY ia the BUST and CHEAPEST to bo obtained a . d . s . d . Cream-laid note ... 2 0 per rm . Croam-laid adhe-Thiok do . 4 0 „ sive onvolopes ... 3 0 pr 1000 Bordered note ... 4 0 ,, Larg * commercial Straw paper 2 0 ,, envelopes 4 0 „ Blue commercial Largo American note SO > , buff envelopes .. 3 6 „ Ditto , letter size .. 6 0 „ Foolscap papor ... 7 0 per rra . Sermon paper ... 4 0 „ Commercial pons . l Oprgross . A SAMPLE PACKET of STATIONERY ( Sixty descriptions , priced and numbered ) sent freo , together with a Jnico list , on receipt of four stamps . NO CHARGE made or stamping arms , crests , initials , &c , on either paper or envelopes . CARRIAGE PAJD on all orders over 20 s . — SAUNDERS BROTHERS , Manufacturing Stationers , 85 and 104 , London-wall , London , 13 . 0 .
Untitled Ad
THE 35 s . INVERNESS WRAPPERS , THE 00 a . TWEED SUITS , AND THE 1 Q »« TROUSERS , A RE all made to Order from the New SCOTCH CHEVIOT , all Wool Tweeds , of Wintor subatanooa , thoroughly shrunk , by B . BENJAMIN , Merchant and Family Tailor , 74 , Regent-street , W . Patterns and Designs , with directions for Atoasuromont , sent free- The TWO GUINEA DRESS or IT ROOK COAT , the GUINEA DRESS TROUSERS , and the HALF GUINEA WAISTCOATS . N . B . —A porfoot At guaranteed .
Untitled Ad
SYDENHAM ALPACA OVERCOATS for Summer Wear . Admirably adapted for the Parks . Bay Festivals , Raoe-Ooursea , Country Rambles , Dally Town Wear , pjj the Spa-Side , and equally convenient for travelling In hot dry weather from , the protection which they afford against dust , without * the encumbrance of wolght , or tho restraint of transpiration . Those goods are raotlo with a degree of care hitherto' unprecedented . Sy don ham Trousers of line light cloth , 17 s . 6 a . t Waistcoat to match , fia . < 3 d . | BuBlnesi op Park Coat , W * Od , t Sy 4 Qnh * m Sumjnor Overcoats of Molton Cloth , Sis . | Oorapiofo Suits for Boys , Ma , t Gentlemen ' s oompleto Evening Droaa or Opera Suit , « 8 » . ThVSydenhamoonatruction as is now well known Is effeotually dirootod to soouro the most porfoot rotontlve and easy fit in all' poflHUons of tho body . Made only by tho InyontOM , SAMUEL UWOTUERS , 89 , Ludgato-hlll .
Untitled Ad
nLENFIELD PATENT STARCH . VT USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY , AM pronounced by HER MAJESTY'S L / IUND 1 U 38 S to be THE FINEST STARCH SHE EVER USJilD . Sold by nil Chandlers , Grocers , &o . &o .
Untitled Ad
OPENING OF NEW PREMISES . T HE PUBLIC are respectfully informed that the magnificent and capacious promises , 180 and 100 , Tottonhara-court-road , corner of Franols-stroot , London , wore oponod on Monda . y , tho 2 fith of Octobov , as a first-class Clothing and Outfitting Establishment , by LAWRENCE HYAM , in eonnoxioii with his long celebrated house , 30 , Graooohuroh-atroot , City . Tho stock , which consists of every doscrlptlon of WCon ' s , Youths' , and Hoys' Attlro , adapted to tho present season , la of the most novol description , boln « manufactured by L . Hyam , within tho last throo mouths , expressly for this establishment . Everything that long oxporlenco and tivsto oan auggost has boon brought Into requisition , in order to rondor this establishment not only tho most popular , but of paramount importance to ovory class of tho o ommunlty . Tho Public are invited to inspect tho Immense assortment now on hand ; and aa ovory garmont will bo sold at a inoro fraction of profit , this , combined with lntrtiiBio goodnoas and groat durability , L . Hyam hopoa will ensure universal support . In the ordorotl department , cutters of Kroat talent and experience are ongnged , thus ensuring to those who favour L . Hyam with tholr patronage in this depart . incut tho certainty of obtaining suporlor garments , lioth In quality , workmanship , and durability , at a groat roduo-Won in prloea . L . HYAM , TAUon , CtoxninK , awd Outpittkr . West End Establishment—180 and 100 , Tottonlmra-Qourp-roaq , W . j City Establiahmonl )—» 0 . Graooghuyohatreeb . City , B . C .
Untitled Ad
CAUTION . IN consequence of many impudent attempts to deceive the public , it is necessary to state that all Messrs-Nicoll ' s manufactures may be distinguished by a trade mark , consisting of a silk label attached to each specimen ; to copy this is fraud , and may be thus detected ; if the garment ia dark-coloured , the label has a black ground , with the firm's name ' and address woven by the Jacquard loom in goldcoloured silk ; if the garmont is light-coloured , tho label has a pale drab ground , and rod letters . Each garment is marked iu plain figures , at a fixed modorato price , and is of tho boat materials . H . J . and D . Nicoll have rocognisod agents in various parts of the United Kingdom and Colonies , and any information forwarded through thorn will bo thankfully acknowledged or paid for , so that tho same may lead to the prosecution of any person copying their trade mark , or making an unfair use or their name ; that ia to say , in such a manner as may be calculated to mislead . ( Signed ) H . J . and 1 > . NICOLL , REGENT-STREET-and CORNHILL , London .
Untitled Ad
NICOLL'S PATENT CAPE PALETOT offers the following desideratum : the Cape descends from the front pai't of the shoulders , and forms , a species of sleeve for each arm , both are at perfect freedom , having to pass through enlarged apertures in tho side or body of tho Paletot ; these apertures , however , are duly covered by tho Cape , which does not appear at the back part of the Paletot , but only in the front , and thus serves to form Iiangiup sleeves , at the same time concealing the hands when placed in tho pockets . Tho garment is altogether most convenient and graceful in appearance , and can m London alone bo had of H . J . and D . NICHOLL . , 116 , 118 , and 120 , REGENTSTREET ; and 22 . CORNHILL .
Untitled Ad
FOR LADIES . NICOLL'S PATENT HIGHLAND CLOAK is a combination of utility , elegance , and comfort . No Lady having seen or used such in travelling , for morning wear , or for covering full dress , would willingly be without one . It somewhat resembles the old Spanish Roquelaire , and has an elastic Capucine Hood . It is not cumbersome or heavy , and measures from 12 to 16 yards round tlie outer edge , falling in graceful folds from the shoulders ; but by a mechanical contrivance ( such being a part of . the Patent ) the wearer can instantly form semi-sleeves , and thus leave the arms at liberty : at the same time the Cloak can be made as quickly to resume its original shape . The materials chiefly used for travelling are the soft neutral-coloured shower-proof Woollen Cloths manufactured by this'iirm , but for the promenaGo other materials are provided . The price will be two guineas and a half for each Cloak ; but with the Mecanique and a lined Hood a few shillings tnoro are charged . This department is attended to by Cutters , who prepare Mantles of all kinds , with Velvet , Fur , or Oioth Jackets , either for iu ^ or out-door use . These at all times - like this Firm ' s Riding Habit—are in good taste and fit well . Female attendants may also be seen for Pantalons 0 e * Daiues a Cheval , partially composed of Chamois . As no measure is required , the Patent Highland Cloak can be sent at once to any part of the Country , and is thus well adapted for a gift . ¦ ¦ ¦ . ' .. . H . J . and D . NICOLL , Warwick Houso , 142 and . Ill , Regent-street , London .
Untitled Ad
A NEW DEPARTMENT FOR YOUTH , &c . ' HJ . and D . NICOLL recommend for an out-• side Coat tho Havelock and Patent Cape Paletot ; and for ordinary use the Cape Suit , such beins well adapted for young gentlemen , on account of exhibiting considerable economv with general excellence . Gentlemen at Eton , Harrow , anil Winchester , the Military Naval Schools , waited on by appointment . A great variety of materials adapted for the Kilted or Highland Costume , as . worn by the Royal Princes , may be seen at WARWICK HOUSE , 112 and 111 , Regent-street .
Untitled Ad
NICOLL'S NEW REGISTERED PALETOT HAS all those advantages which secured such general popularity to Messrs . Nicoll ' s original paletot , that is to say , as it avoids giving to the wearer an outre appearance , that professional men . and all others , can use it durins : morning and afternoon , in or out of doors . Secondly , there is au absence of unnecessary seams , thus securing a more-graceful outline , and a great Saving in wear ; tho latter advantage is considerably enhanced by the application of a peculiar and neatly stitched binding , the mode ^ ftSffti * Registered paletot can alone be had of H . J . and D- NICOLL , 111 , 116 , 118 . and 120 , Regent-street , aud 22 , Cornhill .
Untitled Ad
NATIONAL LINEN COMPANY . EstT Wished lfi years , for the SALE of HOUSEHOLD imi FAMILY LINE !* of the best qualities , every article mado especially for their different usos , and warranted for dun bility and purity of bleach . City Branch , 105 , Fleet-street ( E . C ); "West End Branrli 130 , New Bond-street ( W .. ) . .. . Il " "»
Untitled Ad
NATIONA L LINEN COMPANY'S TlSTS of PRICES contains full particulars , prices ami widths . Sent free by post . « - " , ami City Branch , 105 . Fleet-street ( E . C ) , foot of Ludgato-lull West End Branch , 130 , New Bond-street ( W . ) , corner of Grosvenor-street . .
Untitled Ad
N ATIONAL LINEN COMPANY . LADIES are INVITED to SEND for PATTERNS for comparison , and free by post . Address either to the City Branch , 105 , Fleet-street ( E C ) or 130 , New Bond-street ( W . ) . "
Untitled Ad
NATIONAL LINE ^ - COMPANY . OLD PATTERN'BRUSSELS CARPETS , original prices 'Is . 9 d . per yard , nre . selling at 3 s . c < l . A large stock now on hand of Tapestry Brussels , 2 s . "id- to 2 s . ad . per yard . Velvet Pile and Turkey- Carpets , Table Covers , and Curtains of every description . Price lists free . Patterns forwarded in town or country . Address , 105 , Fleet-street ( E . C ) .
Untitled Ad
ROYAL ASYLUM OF ST . ANN'S SOCIETY . By Voluntary Contributions . Now Candidates should be immediately nominated . Children , whether orphans or not , of parents ouce _ in prosperity , are eligible for this Institution . Subscriptions gratefully received . Office , 2 , Walbrook . E . F . LEEKS , Secretary .
Untitled Ad
HAN WELL COLLEGE , MIDDLESEX , is still retaining its high character .-- United Sen-ice Gazette . A Prospectus will be forwarded on application to the Rev . Dr . Emcrton , the . principal . '
Untitled Ad
WINES FROM SOUTH AFRICA . DENMAIST , TNTRODUCER of the SOUTH ' AFRICAN A PORT , SHERRY , &c 20 * . per dozen , bottles included . A PINT SAMPLE OP EACH FOR 21 STAMPS . Wine in Cask forwarded to any Railway Station in England . Extract from the Lancet , July 10 th , 1 S 5 S . The Wises qb South Africa . — " We have visited . Mr . Desman's Stores , selected in all eleven samples of wine , nud have subjected them to careful analysation . Our examination has extended to an estimation of their bouquet and flavour , their acklity and ' sweutness , tiro amount of wine stone , the strength in alcohol , ami particularly to their purity . We have to state that these \ Vines , though brandicd to a much less extent than sherries , aro yet on the average nearly-as strong ; that thoy are pure , wholesome , and pcr ^ fectly free from adulteration . Indeed , considering'the low price at which they are sold , their quality is remarkable . EXCELSIOR BRANDY , Pale or Brown , 15 s . por gallon , or 30 s . per dozen . Terms Cash . Country orders must contaiu a remittance . Cross Cheques— " Bank of London . " Priced . Lists , with Dr . Hassall ' a Analysis , forwarded on application . —J A Jlhfe > l ,. DEN MAN , 65 , Fonchurcu-strcot , corner of Railway-place , London .
Untitled Ad
WINE NO LONGER AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY .-Our superior SOUTH AFRICAN PORT , SHERRY , MADEIRA , &c , in brilliant condition , 20 s . per dozen . , ,, . . " I flnd your wine to bo puvo and uimdulteratoil . ti " Ht . LBTirEBY , M . D ., London Hospital . Pint Sample of either . Twelve Stamps . Tornis-C ash o . Reference Delivered freo to any Londou Riulwni itim " ho Analysis of Dr . Lotheby sent freo f » ii appHcatinn . Colonial Brandy , IDs . per Uallon . — WKLLKll ana HUGHES . Wholesale Wjno and Sp irit Imported , -7 , Crutchod-f riars , Mark-lano , London , B-O .
Untitled Ad
WHISK IES—EQUALISATION OF D LTY . Tho choicest Scotch and Irish from Us . to 18 « . pa gallon .-OWEN and Co ., 75 , Lower Thamos-streot , Lo ulo i , K . C .. opposito tho Custom House . Slapping and tho liaiio supplied .
Untitled Ad
ALLSOPP ^ S PALE ALE TN IMPERIAL TINTS . TTARRINGTON , PAUKKR , n . iu CO . ««> XX now delivering tho Ootobor Growings of tho niioio colobratod Alo . Its surpassing oxeollonoo in vo whoiuoi by tho hiKhost hiodical and oliomk-nl antUorltio . sol t io an > - Siipnllodin bottles , also in oawksof ia « nll »» f ami " » W'f ' by HARRINGTON , PARKER . anU CO ., VVino ftiul bpliK Morolmnts , 54 , Pall-Mail .
Untitled Ad
ARVEY'S fISH SAUCE . —Notice of Injunction . Tho arlinirors of this oolobrated 11 si , ftnuco aro particularly roquoatod to obsorvo tliar . noiio is Ki ; """ $ jut ^ that whloh bears tho back la hoi with tho nw « William Lazbnjjy , as woll jib tho front laA ' { . ' » ' ! i , 0 " Mizabet / t Zatsonby , " and that for further Hpf «« j ;> i ° "L ftV ( i nook of ovory bottlo of tlio aoitulno Sauoo will honoipforvroi « appear an admtional lahol . printed in biw ) " «¦» a nrv ' oyV ollowsi- " This uotloo will bu adlxod to tftssonby h I n" ^ ? t 0 Sauoo , proparod at tho oriKinal warohouso , l » " , " ? 'Y ( , iUon fehowoll-kiiown labols , which n . ro protooloaaKaliiBtiinHW > tt by a perpetual In | uuotlon lu Chanoory of uth July , * 6 , EUwarda-Btroot , Jl ' ortitiun-Baunro . London .
Untitled Ad
TO INVALIDS , Morchants , and othan .--W ° „ PATENT ALBERT POHTAULI 3 ^ "JSmiSS qHAIR , tho most hmivloui and plioappab oyoi ' J" ^ , turod . Soir-propolllug J 3 atX Brighton , JW& « L ° oal aosoriptioh of ohalr forlw'ftud out-door ' , ' , H | o . ohaira and bodsof ovory UoHorlption , Pfw ^ iulatw ^ * ( tho largest aasortmont In tho world ) . alwwrft cm « a « sivlo orliiro . Atfontjs .-Messrs . Smith , l « WjP . ? J , p . V Joinbay , Batavia . SiiiKftrioro , and Samar » nff | ^ f-Xoturer Srownonnd Co .. Oiilouttft . BolopnlioiitM » iio « iftn"W ^ J . WARD . 8 nu& 0 , Loloostor-sqimro , AV O . » sti » WW" « - years .
Untitled Article
1178 ¦ ¦¦ TH E Ii ' E APE B . pfo- ' 450 , Noyembeb 6 , 185 &
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 6, 1858, page 1178, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2267/page/2/