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FliOItf TUB LONDON GAZETTE . Tuesday , November 2 . BANKRUPTS . Eobert Gilbert Saunders ,- Bush-lane , Cannon-street , merchant .. ' ' Edwiv G » i ? st , Blackfriars-rqad , ironmonger . William Sladk , Bagnor , near Newbury , paper-maker . Samuel Manning , Marylebone-roatl , mason . Henry Louis Winter , New North-street , Fmsbury , millowner . x > i . George Lionel Fitzmaurice , Gloucester-place , 1 ortlnan-square , boarding-house keeper . John Harris , College-hill , Upper Thames-street , envelope manufacturer . . James Henrit Wills , Hammersmith , liceused victualler . Jabez Ecmanson , Sheffield , linendraper . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS . Ret . Robert William Fraser , Edinburgh , parish minister . . James Wallace , Devonside , woolspinner . Alexander Watt , Dunfermline , cattle dealer . William Bowie , Elgin , flesher . William Leitch , Glasgow , writer . Thomas Cram Temperley , Portobello , shipbroker . Gavin Park , Glasgow , flesher . Thomas Aebuckle , Glasgow , tobacconist . John Douglas , Glasgow , wright .
BANKRUPTS . Friday , November 5 . Wm . Udy Wilcock , Hoxton , Middlesex , builder . Thomas Wilkins , Jvx ., Milner-terrace , Sloane ^ street , Chelsea , carpenter . John Wilkinson and William Joseph Wilkinson , Kingston-upon-Hull , engineers . John Thomas Davis , Alton , grocer . Obilon Lehkner , Oxford-street , -watch and clock maker . . Edmund William Fraser , Kensington-park-terrace North , builder . Joseph Goodchild , Aldenham , Hertfordshire , cattle dealer . Pixon Beedzler , Bourne , Lincolnshire , general dealer . William Richard Heath , Birmingham , electro-plater . Edwasd Mason , Manchester , commission agent . William Harrop and Henry Tathaji , Cullingworth , Yorkshire , worsted manufacturers . Hoeert Bishop , Church-street , Minories , licensed victualler . Joseph Henry , Craven-terrace , Bayswater , upholsterer . Agnes . Taylor , Newcastle-under-Lyne , provision dealer . Edward Wootton , Wednesbury , Staffordshire , iron manufacturer . Richard Chase , Bristol , commission agent . Joseph Atkinson , Blackpool , Lancashire , outfitter . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS . Roderick Mackay , Invergordon , innkeeper . Neil Service , Helensburgh , joiner . Michael Archibald , Stirling , commission agent . Alfred Leigh , Perth , attorney-at-law and scrivener . John Carrick and Co ., Glasgow , timber-merchants .
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BANK OF ENGLAND . Au Account , pursuant to the Act 7 th and 8 th Victoria , cap . 32 , for tho week ending on Wcdnosday , thoSrd day of 2 * ovoinber , 1808 . ISSUE DEPARTMENT . £ £ Notes issued 32 , 403 , 910 Gove-nmont debt .. 11 , 015 , 100 Qthor securities ... 3 , 4 . 59 , 000 Gold coin and bullion 17 . 02 S . 010 Silver bullion £ a 2 , M 3 , 0 l 0 . £ a 2 ,-t 03 , 040 BANKING DEPAltTMENT . £ . £ . Proprietors' capital 1-1 . 55 S . 000 Govornmont soou-Rcst 3 , 103 , 080 rltios ( including Publio deposits ( In- Dead Woltfht Aucludinff Excho- nulty ) 10 , 800 , 4 < J 7 QUor . Commission- Other Socurltios . lt , H 07 , » 0 l ) ors of National Notes 11 , 011 , 005 Dobt , Savings' Gold and Silvor Banks , and Divi- Coin 083 , 015 dona Accounts ) .. 0 , 570 . 111 Othor deposits .... 12 , 219 , 720 Sovon Day & othor Bills 850 , 203 £ 37 , 343 , < tl < $ je 37 , 312 ,. U 0 M . MARSHALL , Ohlof Cashier . Dntod tho 4 th day of Novombor , 1858 . ;
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Sl-hmarink Tisleghai'U to IIanovkr . —During tho last wook a number of telegraphic engineers lrnvo boon ongngod In the work of submerging a tologropliio cable from Woybourno Hoop , near Gromer , on tho Norfolk coast , to Embdon , In Hnnovor . Tho telegraph will bo oarrlud from Cromor to Norwich on posts ; which are being erected with nil possible despatch on tho turnpike road , At Norwich tho tologmpj \ will , of course , join tho existing system of tho Elootrlo and International Telegraph Company . Edinburgh and Gi-asoow . BAX » K .- ^ The , jpoeltion of
this bank , though almost forgotten ni the greater magnitude of the Western Bank disaster , promises also to be the subject of litigation in the civil courts . It may be remembered that in February last one-half of the capital of the bank , or 500 , 00 Q / .,. was written off , but tho shareholders suspecting that the losses exceeded that sum , made further investigation , . and the result of the negotiations following thereon was tliat the business of the bank was transferred to the Cly desdale , the directors of which estimated the assets of the Edinburgh and Glasgow at about 1 G 5 , 000 ? ., only , and agreed to give the partners in the latter concern stock in the Clydesdale according to the value of their assets as eventually realised or ascertained . An action has now been raised by certain partners against the trustees appointed in room of the directors of the Edinburgh and Glasgow for carrving out the agreement with the Clydesdale , the
object of which is to obtain access to all the books , papers , and documents kept by the Edinburgh and Glasgow Bank . The pursuers allege that " at the annual meetings held in 1854 , 1855 , 1856 , and 1857 , reports were presented by the directors to the shareholders which gave a . false representation of the affairs of the bank , as the directors well knew , in respect that they represented it as being in prosperous circumstances , while the reverse was the fact . Dividends , as out of realised profits , were recommended by the directors ; and , accordingly , dividends were declared , and paid to the shareholders , during the years 1854 , 1855 , 1856 , and 1857 , upon the whole subscribed capital of 1 , 000 , 0007 ., while , before these years , more than half , and as the pursuers have been informed and believe nearly the whole , of the capital had been lost . " They also allege various other fraudulent devices" to conceal the state huuuui i ^ t
" various oiner .. cij > ucvu-cn w wuvwu .. u ^ « --of matters from the company . . National Bank of Austria . — We learn from Vienna that the Bank has resumed payments in silver according to the new currency , lOSfl . new for 100 old . Considerable alarm had been caused in the commercial world by the discovery that notes of the Bank for lOOfl . each had been reproduced , by means of photography , with such exactness that it was difficult to distinguish the false from the true . Western Bank . —The call of 1007 . per share , which .
is expected to produce a million , became due on Monday , and up to the close of bank hours on Tuesday the sum of 567 , 000 ? . had been paid up by the shareholders . This is considered satisfactory . A number of willing and competent shareholders cannot pay till Martinmas , which falls on the 11 th inst ., at which dajg many payments upon heritable securities fall due in Scotland . At and between that date it is known that a large additional sum will be paid in . The liquidators will then proceed stringently against those who decline to pay and have the means of paying .
The Snip Hudson . —The amount of the insurance at Lloyd ' s on the Hudson steamer , just burnt , is not upwards of 70 , 000 ? ., as stated in the reports , but only 21 , 0007 ., the amount of a policy on the hull and machinery , valued at 55 , 0007 . The Growth of Silk ix Italy . —We learn by the Milan Gazette that the Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian , who has now returned to the capital of the Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom , received on the 28 th ult . Count Castellani , one of the gentlemen who propose accompanying Count Freschi on bis journey to Asia , with a view to attempt the regeneration of " tho silkworm in Europe by the importation of new species from the East . His Imperial Highness had upwards of an hour's conversation with Count Custellani , and evinced the deepest interest in the undertaking .
rested , as the policemen endeavour not to hea what is said . One and the same expression is employed by almost all the railers , but it cannot be repeated , as persons uttering it in connexion with th < name of the Sovereign are guilty of the crime of leseniajest } ' . No pickpocket was ever more abused than is the Minister of Finance . —Vienna Letter . The West Yorkshire Collieries . —On Wednesday tiie miners of Leeds , Wakefield , and Methley , met fox the purpose of considering the recent decision of their employers with respect to the 15 per cent , reduction . There was a large attendance of the unemployed , about twelve hundred being present . Several speakers addressed the meeting , and the following resolutions were passed : — " That this meeting , reviewing the conduct of
the masters with respect to the 15 per cent , reduction , and the manner in which they have treated the efforts of the meii to bring about an early settlement of the struggle , pledges itself to stand or fall by the fifteen per cent . " "That , as the only hope our masters have is in the starvation of our ranks , we hereby pledge ourselves that throughout both districts we will join penny for penny , and that those who are better ofl will do what they can , in order to afford the requisite help to our poorer brethren , " This terminated the proceedings , and the miners dispersed in an orderly and peaceable manner . —On Wednesday evening , a public meeting was held in the Leeds Court-house , when resolutions expressing sympathy with the miners , and an opinion that they were h . arshly treated by their employers , were adopted .
The African Mails . —The following is the answer which has been received , after much delay , from the Treasury , in reply to Mr . Collier ' s remonstrance against the withdrawal of the African mails from Plymouth ,- — Treasury Chambers , 29 th October , 1858 . —Sir , in reply to your letter of the 6 th instant 1 am commanded by the " Lords Commissioners of her Majesty ' s Treasury to state that their Lordships , before consenting to the change of the port of departure and arrival of the African mail packets from Plymouth to Liverpool , gave the subject their fullest consideration ; and I am directed also to state that the circumstances as regards the
communication with the West Coast of Africa are . so peculiar that their lordships , in assenting to the alterations comprised in the modified contract , were not influenced Solely by postal considerations , and that it was an essential part of the new arrangement that Liverpool should be the port of departure- and arrival of the packets . I am , sir , your obedient servant ^ Geo . A . Hamilton . —To R . P . Collier , Esq M . P ., &c , Plymouth . " We may also state that Mr . Collier wrote another letter to Mr . Rowland Hill , who replied that the Post-office had nothing to do with the arrangementsindeed , it is well known that Mr . Hill warmly opposed the change , —Plymouth Journal .
Our Coming Trade with Japan . —A wellrinformed and influential friend writes us in respect to this matter , and says , " Having been a near neighbour for many years of the Japanese , and having well studied their character and institutions , I am warranted in saying that for some years the English trade will be of very limited extent ; as covertly the Government will take care to prevent its development , by ouly granting permits to certain individuals to trade with us > , and those individuals will be burdened with such imposts and surveillance as to render the ( ostensibly ) liberal traffic almost entirely inoperative , Eventuully , say some ten years hence , we shall do a magnificent trade with Japan . Our exports will be woollens , cottons , and silver , and we shall import copper
and gold . These two metals are relatively abundant m Japan , an « l hitherto silver has been with them quite twenty per cent , more than its standard value in Europe with relation to gold . "—Plymouth Journal . Vauxhaix-bridge . —Tho half-yearly mooting of tho Vauxhall-bridgo Company took place on Thursday , Mr . Prondergast , Q . C , in tho chair . Tho accounts were read , and showed a balance available for a dividend at tho rato of 12 s . per share , which was agreed to . Some discussion took placo on tho subject of reducing tho tolls in consequence of tho competition through tho new Chelsea-bridgo , and a resolution was moved by Mr . Mooro , seconded by tho Rev . Mr . Box , that the tolls bo reduced in future from 8 'd . to 2 d . For one-horso
car-This New Currency m Vienna . —If judicious arrangements had been made by tho Finance Department of the Bank , the change from tho old currency to the now might have been effected here with little difficulty ; but things have been so badly managed that very few of the inhabitants of the city have oven seen a now coin . Yesterday was a holiday , but still there were very violent disputes in tho markets between tho vendors and the purchasers . Tho lattor aro not well " up" in the new currency , and many of them nro totally unable to understand why they now get loss for their money than they did on Sunday lnat . " What is tho price of beof to-day ? " says a cook-inaid . " Twonty-flve new kreutjsers a pound , " replies tho butcher . *• How much is that in Conventiona-Munze f conventional money ) ? " inquires tho girl .
riages , and from Gd . to 4 d . for two-horse carriages . This motion was carried , and the meeting adjourned . Paris Stockbrokers . —A Paris letter in tho Inddpendunce of Brussels states that tho agents de change have offered to tho municipality of Paris to pay annually to tho city tho amount obtained for admission , to the Bourse , on condition that that payment shall no longer bo exacted , and the municipal council is to tako the offer Into consideration in one of its noxt meetings . Tho amount avoragos 750 , 000 f . a year . Tho suino lottor , however , adds that , according to what is said in well-informed circles , tho offer will bo rojootod on tho score of morality , the entrance foo being supposed , to chock speculation .
" Fourtoen kreutzors and a half , " rejoins the man of the knlfo and steel . The pound of moat having been weighed with nearly twice as much as the proscribed quantity of bono , tho servant proffers payment to tho butcher ' s wife . That lady glances at tho 14 J kreutzors old currency , and curtly remarks to her customer that it ia of no uso to attempt " to do hor" ( flnachmicrcn ) . Tho neat-handed but sharptongued l'hillls rojoins , a violent dispute ensues , and continues until a market commissary walks into the shop , and explains to the excited girl that the old kroutzors are of less value than they were , and that she must either make up the difference ( 2 j old kroutzors ) to tho butcher , or pay him twenty-five kroutzers in tho now currency . Tho language used by the lower classes is extremely violent and abusive , but comparatively few persons aro
ar-__ , „ . _ „ Thm Outward Australian Mails . —The Postmaster-General gave notice yesterday , that tho Niagara would take out tho noxtovorlandAustryilliin niall , and that ship mails will bo made up In tho Conor / if PoMt-oflloa on the morning of tho lOfcli inst . fur Now York and Newfoundland , to bo forwarded from G ^ hvay i » the IM . ioo Albert steamer .
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No . 450 , Kovembeu 6 , 1858 . 1 THE LEADER . 1205
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 6, 1858, page 1205, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2267/page/29/