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VQFUIjAX , BOCMS , ¦ . . ?— . . . . ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦• ¦ x .: ' . ¦ ... ¦¦ THE INGOIiDSBY EEGENDS . New Edition Price 68 . Seventeenth Thousand . ! TBDB BENTL > EY EAT / LADS : bfeinffCholGe Selections from Benfleg ' . s Miscellany- Edited by Dr . DORAN . Small 8 vo , 8 s . * ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ m . ¦ ' • BUGEIiANiyS CUKIOSITIES OF NATURAL HISTORY . Third Edition . Small 8 vo , 6 $ ., with Illustrations . SERMONS IN STONES : OR , SORIPTURE COOTIBMEDBTQEOIiOGY . Fifth Edition . Small 8 vo , 4 b ., with Illustrations . PROEESSORCREASY ^ S "FIFTEEN DECISIVE BATTLES OP THE WORLD . " Eighth Edition . 8 vo , 10 s . 6 d . Mi ^^ 1 , < I ^ Bc £ fiM «^ Gompleto History of the Various Denominations of Christians , alphabetical ^ arranged . 8 vo , 4 s . ¦¦'" ¦ ' . ¦ ¦ VII .. ¦ — ' ¦ ; PROFESSOR GREASY'S RISE AND * PROGRESSfOFTHE ENGLISH C ( XNSTITUTION . ' ..- ' . - Edition , with considerable Additions . Post 8 vo , 7 s . 6 d . ' - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ! '¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' viii « SIMON'S NATURAIi RELIGION . Translated ^ by J . W . COIiE . Post 8 vo , 6 s . - ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ix . NOTES ON NOSES . Small Svo , with Illustrations . 2 s . ' GURIOSITEBS OFIFQOD . By PETER LUND SEMtMONDS . Small 8 TO . Just ready . MISS MITFQRD'S RECOLLECTldNS OF A IiITERABY JJLFB . Hew Edition in One Volume . ; . ¦ with Illustrations . 6 s . Just ready . */> . . ; : ¦ . ' ¦ ; - m . ' . ' ¦¦ MRS . WEBB'S MARTYRS -OF CARTHAGE . ,,. * - ? . Small 8 vq , with two Illustrations . 6 s . : ^^ : : , ¦ y . • - : _ xiift . . . - . .. . ¦ ¦ ' . ... . . fl ^^ 'iW ^ P ^ M ^ S ^ M ^^ V-ft- 'Tide of'the EgypUaa Bondage . 8 naaU 8 vo , with Illustrations . 5 s . ¦ ' " ' ' . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ xiv , MISS ; KAVANAGH'S MADELINE ; a Tale of Auvergne . Small 8 vo , 3 s . 6 d . . xvv SELECTIONS FROM THE WRITINGS OF DR . ¦ '" WHATELY , Archbishop of Dublin . Small 8 vo , 5 s . XVI . ANDERSEN'S TO BE OR NOT TO BE . Post 8 vo , 6 s . XVII . DR . DORAN'S TABLE TRAITS AND SOMETHING ON" THEM . Small 8 vo . New Edition . 7 s . 6 d . v XViil . DR . DORAN'S HABITS AND MEN . Third Edition , ^ ost 8 vo , 7 s . 66 . xix . DEBIT AND CREDIT . From the German of Freytag . By Mrs . MALCOLM . Small 8 vo , 6 s . '' ¦¦ ' . xx . PRCSEESSOft GUYOT'S LECTURES ON PHYS 1 OAL GEOGRAPHY , OR EARTH AND MAN . Small 8 voi 2 s . efd . Bjcslibd Bekxley . Now Burlington-street , '; Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty .
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' ' This day , Three Volumes , octavo , 36 s ., TTTISTORY OF THE LITERATURE OF JJL GREECE , from thoJManuscrlpts of the lato ProfesBor K . p . MXJLLBB . Thejflrst half of tho Translation by tho Bight l ^ ton ., Sir « : CORNEWALL LEWIS , Bart ., M . P . The remainder of the Translation , and tho completion of ^ Ko ^ JlSVJSJSRl ? ¦¦ t J& & t f' Pl » % , by JOHN WILXIAM DONALDSON , D fP « Classical Examiner in tho University of London ; late Fellow of Trinity College . Cambridge . The new portt 6 n of tho Work is sold separately , Two Volumes , 20 s . This work , originally undertaken at tho request of tho Boolety for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge , was written with a view to its appearance in an English rorm only , and loft incomplete l > y the death of its author in 1840 , The Society had arranged that Dr . Donaldson , who had translated tho latter half of tho work , should complete it according to tjho plan proposed by Professor MUller ; and tho present Publishers have resumed tho undertaking in tho hope of placing within tho reaofc of olassioal students a complete but convenient Manual of Groek Literary IllstofyT Tho Book coinprlsea Chronological Tables , Indices , some Supplementary Notes , and a Memoir and Portrait of the Author . ¦ London 1 Jonii "W . Pa . bki 3 R and Sow , West Strand .
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^ IV » ft- MURRAY'S XIST OF . ILLFSTRATED WORKS JFOit TSF PRESENT SEASON . ¦ ¦ ? ; Early in December » - TB ? B PILGHMMAGE OF CHILDE HABOLD . By Lord BTRON . A New and beautifully printed Edition . Illustrated for the first time , by Wood Engravings of ^ -the most remarkable Scenes , Edifices , Statue&J Ac ., de « Sfbed in the Poem from original Drawings by Pekcivax Skbltoh and others . Crown 4 tb . THE ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE IN ALL COUNTRIES . By JAMES FERGUSSON . A New Edition . With nearly 900 lllustra-The present edition of this work ( of which S 0 O 0 " copies have been sold ) will be issued in one compact volume , strongly bound , for the convenience of reference . in . LOCKHART'S SPANISH BALLADS . With Coloured Borders . Illuminated Titles , Initial Letters , and Numerous , Woodcuts . 4 to . Price One Guinea . _ The established popularity of this beautiful work has induced the publisher to put forth a New Edition at a price which may . place it within the means of a larger number of ' . ' Lbckharfc ' s Spanish Ballads ; a volume that lias long Tanked with the most beautiful of all gift-books—ope of the first , irideediin the class of illustrated books . Until perception ' s of the beautiful have become dull amongst us , such a book is in no danger of losing its popularity . ' — JSxciminer . ¦ iv . "WORDSWORTH'S GvREECE : Pictorial , Descriptive , and Historical . A New Edition , carefully revised . With numerous Engravings , illustrative of the Scenery , Architecture , Costume * and Pine Arts of the Country . Royal 8 vo _ THE ARABIAN NIGHTS ' . Translated from the Arabic By Ei W- LANE . Author of " The Modern Egyptians . " A New library Edition , with all the Translator ' s original notes restored . Edited by E . Stanlbt PdotK . With 6 © 0 Illustrations by WiiiiAjdc Hxetet . 8 vols . 8 vo . 42 s . ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ '¦ ' ¦ yr . THE FABLES OF JESOP . A New Version , chiefly from the Original Sources , By Rpvl THOMAS JAMES ,: M . A-, Honorary Canon of Peterborough . S 8 th Thousand , with many additional Wopdcuts , by Tehmel and Wolf . Post 8 vo . 2 s . 6 d . " The present edition is remarkable for the clearness and conciseness . with which each tMe is narrated ; ¦ Mr . Tennlol ' s clever and exceedingly graceftil designs are alone worth more than the whole price set upon the hook . " —Examiner-¦ "" ' ^ irir--James 3 ias made a jud icious selection of tho " Patilmr and his translation is at once close and free ; the wood engravings are among the triumphs of axt . "~ Spectator . VII . THE CHILDREN'S GOPT OF PUSS IN BOOTS . With 12 Illustrations , ! by OTTO SPECETER . 16 mo . Is . 6 d . ' " Twelve designs full of excellent humour . "—Examiner . " Complete pictures , and tell the story with dramatic force . " —Spectator . JonsMuEEAT , Albemarle-strcet .
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THE QUARTERLY REVIEW , No , CCVIIL , is Published THIS DAY . CONTENTS : I . Tiie Arundel Society—Fresco Painting . ( II . HoRACK : AND HIS TRANSLATORS , III . Cardinal Wiseman ' s Four Popes . IV , James Watt . V . The Koman at his Farm . YI . Sir Okas . Napier's Career in India . VIr . Past and Present Administrations . John Mtrmtat , Albomarlo-street .
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HURST AND BLAOKETT'S STANDARP LIBRARY . Now ready , price 5 s ., bound , SAM SLICK ' S NATURE AND HUMAN NATURE , Illustrated by Leech , forming tho First Volume of HURST and BLAOKETT'S STANDARD LIBRARY of CHEAP EDITIONS of Popular MODERN WORKS , eaoh comprised in a Single Volume , elegantly printed , bound , and illustrated , price 8 s . 5 a volume to appear eyery two months . Hubst and Bi . aokex'T , 13 , Great Marlborough-streot . ¦ * ¦¦ " - """' ' ¦ ¦ ' - " j 1 i--i > 'i ,.-. — . 1 1 . ¦ . 1 ¦>• ' '
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This day , 12 mo , cloth gilt , 6 s ., HT HE . POETICAL WORKS OF THE LATE X RICHARD PURNESS . With Sketch of his Life . By Q . O . HOLLAND , M . D . London : Pabtbidchj and Co ., Patornoster-ro \( r .
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Just completed , In 4 vols ., Svo , price , Hi . 8 » ., 2 H . TPIKOYHH ' I 3 STOPIA THS ' EAAHNIKH 2 ' EnANASTASEOS , The History of the Greek Revolution ( written in modern Creek ) , by SP . TRICOUPI , Greek Ambassador . at London . " We congratulate Mr . Tricoupi and his eouhtrymea on the Bucoossful oomplotion of this remarkable narrative of > ho greatest event of their modern history . "—Saturday Keview . ' "The olnsalo tone , the force , froodotp , nnd ornatonoss , tho descriptive froshnosa , oxhibttod throughout tho pagou of this very meritorious wovk . "—^ I < ft < JM < 9 «> H . Wiiii . iAMa nnd W ' onaATH , 14 , Ilonrlotta-otroot , Oovontparden , London and SO , South Frodorlck-atroot , 39 dlnuurgh .
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rpHE CRITIC , of Saturday , tho 6 th inst . ( No . J . 488 ) . will ba acoomnanlod by n portrait of p c V , ! ' ^ Maokfly , LL . D . ( from a Photograph by Horbort WatU n ^ , priilttidon toned paper , with autograph , blograjih cal no oh , and an unpUbllbhoU song by Mr . Mnckay . II"' "' , T . number will 0011 tnln Extracts from tho Soorct Auto ) io ^ graphyof Catherine II . of Rusaln , shortly to bo l >» b'W » ' { , Do Quliiooy on Loaders 1 » Lltomturo—Oaldorwood » 0 1110 MissloiiB-Strioklaud ' M Autoblojupraphy of l » otor CnvUvr i » t -rBudall on tho British Turiff-Ourmor ' s Jllimtrii-tod J ,. ' Won ofL'Iinitiitlou dq J . C .-Tho Critic in 1 ;» ri « - | ° \ "y of tho ParlB ThoatroH . « ci « intllio , Arp hrcologloal , flj "«<¦"' Mid DramutloSummaries , iwn \ nil the Lltorars and AiM ^ 1 J . Nows of tho Wook , Homo nnd ForolKii . A Spcolmoii c » l' * HOllt fOI' llVO BtlVil ) J ) M . Omoo . 20 . KHHOX-stroot . fitmntl , W . C . ^^^
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Just published , PART I ., price Ono Shilling , . rpHE GALLERY OF NATURE : aPictoyj . il A . and Descriptive Tour through Creation , ill « sti- « . ti * 0 of tho Wondora of Astronomy , Phyaicnl Geograyhj , . 1 " Geology . A Now and Rovisod Mdiiion . By tho w-THOMAS MILNI 3 R , M . A , V . R . G . S ., &c . To be completed in 17 Monthly Part * . W . and R . Ciiambbrs , Kdinburgh and London .
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Second Edition , now roady . ECLECTIC REVIEW , FOR NOVEMB ER , prico is . fld ., contains tho following articles : j -l . French Society iu tho Sovontoonth Contury , — 2 . ino Vatican Manuscript . —3 . livn l > o «»«> nd .--4 . Jlumboiat * Oosmo 9 .-6 . Rofonnation History .-0 . ' llio blow « n Boulder .-7 . Tho Primal Wutloa . - Quwteriy Koviow or American Literature . Brief Notices of Ueoout Vo . J . b , Review of tho Month . London : Wakd and Co ., Patornostor-row .
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Just published , 12 mo , roan ,-is ., A NTHO 2 » J'S ( C . ) HOMER'S ILIAD , the fourth , fifth , and sixth BooVs , nccordins to the onlinary Toxt , with Jinglwh Notes , critical and oxplanat-ory a Metrical Index , and lloinoric Glossary . A now edition , l > j BENJAMIN DAVIIiS , Vb . l ) ., Lips . London : William Tjeqo and Cp ., 85 , Quoon-stroot , Cheapsidq , E . C .
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Nq-w ready , price is ., Part XXV . THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE is beautifully illustrated throughout , and is the best family magazine extant . Tho November number contains the first part of a now continuous story of groat interest , by Robert B . Broufih . cutitlcd , " Which is Which ? or , Miles Oassidis ' s Contract "—Also , Bob Black ' s Illusion—Our Chemical Friends — Progress of SoioncO' -Sketches mm Studies in Russia , by H- S . Hdwards—Tho Apparitor of tho Secret Tribunal , ' by Walter Thorn bury-Tho Destruction of Jerusalem , bv tf . Noel Humphreys—Thomas Carl . ylo on Frederick the Groat , &o . &c Tho wholo proPiisely illustrated by the be » t artists . London : W . Kent and Co ., Cl and 52 , Paternoster-row ., and SC . Fleet-street .
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A . PERMANENT AND VALUABLE PRESENT . New Edition , 31 s . 6 d . cloth , or 42 s . strongly bound in calf , WE BSTER'S QUARTO ENGLISH DICTIONARY . Unabridged . Revised and greatly enlarged and improved by Pi ' ofessor Goodrich . ¦ " The most elaborate and successful undertaking of the kind which has ever appeared . "—Times . " Is tho best and most useful Dictionary of the English Language ever published . A very'manifest iinprovemoiit on Todd's Johnson , and contains many thousand more words than that or any other English Dictionary hitherto published . "—Examiner . " Those only who possess this work can estimate its value . Wo have as yet not found the omission of any word , h . owever rare , technical or scientific . "— Observer . * j , * In ordering , it is necessary to specify the Quarto Edition , ¦ which is tho only comploto one . * W . Kent and Co . ( late D . Bogue ) , Fleet-street .
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J . F . HOPE'S NEW PUBLICATIONS . —? i—READY IN NOVEMBER . In 3 vols . post 8 vo ; price 31 s . 6 d ., BLIGHT ; 4 f > B , THE NOVEL HATER ; 3 V ¦ tho Author of " Good in Everything , * ' &c . In 9 vols . post 8 vo , price 3 ls . 6 d . ANNETTE D 0 YNE : a Story from Life . Bv J ^ . FENTON , Editor of " Tho Adventures of 3 lra Colonel Somerset , " &c . 1 vol . post 8 vo , price 6 s .. LONDON , PAST , PRESENT , AND FUTDRE . By JOHN ASHFORD , Esq ., Author of "Iflv ' s Hope , " &c . . " In 2 vols . post Svo , prico 21 s ., GILBERT MIDHURST , M . P . By the Author of " Olympus , " " Essays for the Age , " &c . A GALLOP TO THE ANTIPODES : returning Overland through India . &c . By JOHN SH 4 W M . Di , F . G . S ., F . L . S ., Author of " A Tramp to the Diggings , " "A Ramble through the United States , " " liecollections of Travel , " &c- 1 vol . J . F . IIope , 10 , Great Marlborough-strect .
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MISS KENNEDY'S NEW NOVEL . Crown 8 vo , handsome cloth , 3 s . 6 d ., SHREDS AND PATCHES ; or , Pathos and Bathos . A Tale of Fashionable Life . By JANE KENNEDY . London : W . Kent and Co ., and sold by all bookseller ; :.
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LGHS'DONs Printed and published by Vrsderiok Quest TotnliiiH at Who Loader" Olflco , No . 908 Strand iu tho Oou « ty of Mldaioaox . — NovomU-r U . 1 S 5 * . ,
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1208 THE LEADER . ' jINo . 4509 ISToyember 6 a I 85 B ,
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 6, 1858, page 1208, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2267/page/32/