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dissimilar in their features to the Redpath frauds , have been under investigation for several days . As far as was ascertained , the amount embezzled exceeded 8001 . The delinquent was in custody , and would be brought to trial at the next circuit court . The Bishop of Kingston continued indisposed . Mr . Justice O'Reilly had been granted leave of absence for nine months , and came to England ; the Governor had appointed Mr . J . F . Roper , barrister-at-law , to act pro ten . Mining reports continued favourable . The pimento crop had generally failed , owing to the long drought , and the coffee crop was also reported to be a failure . The health of the island was good .
GRENADA . Our intelligence is that the island was not as healthy as could be - \ vislred during the last two months , and was not free from fever . The weather was very favourable for agricultural operations . In common with all the other West India Islands , the comet was engaging great attention among the colonists . Trade was dull . The harbour was almost devoid of shipping . ST . LUCIA . The weather is reported as unfavourable for the growing crop , the canes having suffered considerably in some localities from i \ rant of moisture . ST . THOMAS . The fiftieth anniversary of King Frederick VII . 's birthday , on the 6 th of October , was ushered in at St . Thomas ' s by a royal salute from Fort Christian , the military band playing' the national anthem . The town and harbour were decorated with flags . A levee was held , and in the evening the Governor entertained a large company at dinner . CUBA . From Havanna we learn that the judges of the Superior Court had all re'signed , in consequence of not receiving the usual salute from the military at the birthday fete of the Queen on the 10 th , by order , it was said , of Concha .
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MEXICO . The state of affairs in Mexico could not be worse than it is at present . £ tofc only is the country in a state of anarchy , but the cause of one party ( the Liberals ) being espoused by the Americans , and that of the other ( the Conservatives ) 1 ) V the Spaniards , may lead to a serious complication . Tbe latter is the priestly , and of course intolerant , party . The authorities at Tampico had levied si contribution of 100 , 000 ~ iTollars on foreign merchants . Several of them refused to pay , and were imprisoned without food ; amongst them the consular agents of Prussia , Denmark , Hamburg , and Bremen . Mr . Tolly , the Royal Mail Packet Company ' s agent , had to pay
700 O dollars . A British subject who refused to pay , and took shelter under the British flag , was forcibly taken from under it , the flag insulted , and the man imprisoned . The Spanish consul had hauled his flag down and gone off on board his vessel of war . During these proceedings , involving so much the commercial interests of England , the European powers are represented by Spain- ^ -as not a single man-of-war of any other nation , except America , is ut present in the Gulf . In the mean time the Yankees arc going ahead . Shortly the mails for California will go by the Isthmus of Tehuantepcc , thereby saving a week in the transit . A staff of surveyors had also leen planning a railroad from Veru Cruz to Mexico
. Mexican news to the 18 th ult . confirms the report of the battle between Vidaurri and Mirnmon . It was fought near Ahualusco , and lusted four days , Vidaurri being badly dofented . He had retreated to Monterey , and was making preparations to attack Miramon again . Culiacan , the cupital of the state of Siimlon , had pronounced in favour of the constitutionalists , and Coronnilo , the chief of the constitutional forces there , was marching on Mazatlan . Three companies of Echeagary's forces , at Jalapa , had gone over to the constitutionalists , who were posted , under Llavo , five lengucw from that city . Three othor companies wcro to follow this example next day .
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BOLIVIA . An attempt lina been made at La Pax to assassinate the President , from which he was miraculously saved , General Prudoncio and Senor Birbuot , who stood besido him , being both sliot dead . In order to execute their plan , the revolutionists , knowing that the President was ju the palace , presented thomsolvoa in tho equaro in front of it , giving the alarm and proclaiming General Bcl / . u , who at present reaidoa in Europe . The President , accompanied by General Prudencio and this Sonor Birbnot , presented himself in tho balcony , und a well-directed shot struck his two companions , who expired in his arms . Tho barracks wore attaokod at tho samn time , but without succeaa , us tho person who headed the insurgents was killed by a pistol-shot . Tho eoronlty and courage of Sonor Linaroa and his friends wore equal to tho situation , and tranquillity was roetoroa . A ory of general indignation resounded throughout tho country , aud it was believed that this sanguinary attempt would strengthen still nip re Sonor Linaroa' Administration .
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EGYPT . A letter from Alexandria , dated October 18 , says that with , regard to the passage of British troops to India the journey through Egypt is performed with the utmost facility , and every possible comfort both to men and officers . The Suez Railway may at length be looked upon as rapidly approaching its entire completion . Said Pasha evinces a desire to second the wishes of the British Government in every way in his power , and takes a personal interest in all the arrangements . Nothing has been heard at Alexandria of the Medina since she . left for Candia on the 6 th . She was to meet the steamer with the telegraph cable from .. Eiigand at Canea . M . Sabatier and Captain Pullen left Suez for Jeddah qn the 8 th , by the Cyclops . It is understood that for the present the two Commissioners will occupy themsalves exclusively with the adjustment of the claims brought forward by the European merchants for losses and damage sustained through the late outbreak . The total amount of the indemnity demanded is said to exceed 500 , 000 / . sterling . Said Pasha continues for the present at Cairo , or in its vicinity , engaged in his favourite pastime—that of training and exercising his soldiers . By last accounts the Viceroy was encamped with his army in the Desert near the city , busily occupied with his military hobby . The young Prince of Oude is still at Cairo , leading a very retired life , and but seldom seen abroad . He is residing at the house of an English shawl merchant , a Mahomedan from Lahore , who for several years lias been established in Egypt .
works printed is 8000 . The produce of the whole i estimated at 25 , 000 , 000 francs . " Thus the who ! printing power of France is considerably below that o London . , " The Social . Evil . "— -Mr . Harding , the Secretary of the Association formed to protect women , delivered an admirable lecture on prostitution , or , afi the affectation of the present day has styled it , " the Social Evil " ( as though there -were not a dozen other " social evils" equally rampant ) , in the Birmingham Town-hall , on Tuesday night . Among other things he advocated the making the landlords of brothels responsible for the uses to which their houses were put , and he also proposed that seduction should be treated as a penal offence . His first proposal is in accordance with the bill Mr . Warren intends to move for leave to introduce when Parliament meets .
Cardinal Wiseman . —On Wednesday this dignitary gave an account of his recent tour in Ireland to a numerous audience in the Hanover-square Rooms . He entered into details respecting the improved condition of the sister country , and emphatically declared that worldly prosperity has not in the slightest degree weakened the feeling of the Irish people for their religion , or lessened their attachment to the Papal See . The Atlantic Cable . —The Minister News contains the following : —" The Stag , with seven miles of the shore end of the cable on board , has arrived in Valentia harbour , and Captain Kell will , no doubt , commence the laying of it Without unnecessary delay . There is one rather dangerous reef of rocks lying about one mile and
a half or two miles outside the mouth of Valentia harbour , called the Coast-guard Patch . On this rock there are about ten fathoms at low water , and about twentysix fathoms all round it . Unfortunately , as the Agamemnon entered the harbour , owing to the wind being unfavourable , she was obliged to lay the cable over this spot . It is thought that the drifting of the cable over this place might have partially caused the injury -whirf * has stopped the working for so long a period . From this point it will , of course , be removed and deposited in the most secure and level channel into the harbour . With . a view of discovering such a channel Captain Kell has for the last few days been closely sounding every approach to the bayr both on the Valentia and the Lough
Kay sides of the Beginish Island . As there are already between four and five miles of the shore end of the cable laid down , the additional seven miles which will be added to it by Captain Kell will render the rope quite secure against injury from the wash of the tide . It is understood that . Mr . Healy , whose powerful magnetic-electric machines have for some time been used at Valentia , has undertaken to superintend the- electric operations at Valentia for a short period . If the next accounts from Newfoundland should show that the reversals from Mr . Healy ' s instruments have been received from Valentia , no time will be lost in despatching a similar piece of apparatus to the station ut Trinity Bay . "
A Penalty op Democracy . —Jolin Mutton Annesley , Esq ., or Moreland Lodge , Hants , eldest and only surviving son of Alexander Anuosley , Esq ., late of Hyde Hall , Herts , Cadogan-place , and the Marine-parade , Brighton , has recently died childless . Had Mr . Annesley died intestate , his heir-at-law would have been his nephew , Mr . Ernest Jones , the well-known Chartist leader ; but so great was tho animosity he eutertained for Mr . Jones , on account of the democratic principles of the latter , thut he has left his entire property ( reserving a lifeinterest for his widow ) to utter strangers , thus cutting Mr . Jones off from a fino fortune , which , by every ordinary and customary course , would have come into his hnnds .
MISCELLANEOUS . Tuic Court . —Tho Qucon and tho Princo Consort , with the royal children , continue in good health nt Windsor . Her Mujoaty rides and walks ila \\ y in tho Homo Park . Tho Prince shoots occasionally . Among tho visitors to tho CiiHtlo this week have boon tho Earl and Countess of Dorby , " tho Murquis of Winchester , ami tho Earl and Countess of Clarendon . Death of Ida Pimikfisu . —Madame Ida Pfoiflfar expired at Vionim on Wodnoadny week , novor having recovered tho efleets of liar severe fuvor attack in Madugnsonr . I lor books of travel will long bo a papular inomorlnl of that spirited and intelligent ambition tp see for herself the wonders of tho wide earth , and to describe what slia hud seen to others , by which she won un honourable distinction through achievements not owsy to her box . Frismcw Pjuntino-okficjch . — " Thoro nro now in France , " says tho Putrie , " 1037 rjrlnting-omcou , viiloh oinploy 9500 compositors , 8000 pressmen , and 900 correctors and overseers , Tho average annual number of
This Weedon and Woolwich Inquiry " . —The commissioners on the army clothing and stores met on Thursday nt the Royal Arsenal at Woolwich . Mr . Howell handed in papers relating to purchases of timber by public tender , from the lut oi' January , 1854 , to September , 1855 ; also of timber purchased through brokers ; and a letter written by Captain Fanner to Colonel Tulloch , dated from tho Koyal Carriage-department , Oct . 17 , condoinnatory of tho system of employing brokers . The whole of tho evidence received vtas purely of a technical character , us to the commission paid to brokers , and tho system formerly pursued by wny of open competition . * Mr . Sims was examined at great length , and read from a written document to prove that a grout saving had boon made in favour of tho Government by tho present-system . Tho proceedings weru then adjourned .
City Sewkus . —Tho Commissioners of Sowers for tho City hold a court on Tuesday . Tho report of the City Ofllccr of Health as to tho sanitary fttato of tho City was received ; tho authorities of tho Tower llumlets < ind tho Victoria Park Comotorios having app lied to tho court to close tho City Cemetery on Sunduye , a oommitteo recommended that tliU application bo not complied with : recommendation ngrood to , Tlio Gonoral Purposes Coiiimlttoo brought up n report rooonimoiiillng ruloa for , tho rogulntictn . of 8 limg ht « r . hou »< w for the future—tUo rojiilutlons embnidnff the paving of slaughter-house * wkh asphalto , anil that they bo properly cleaned , drained , ventilated , ami supplied with waters roport agreed to .
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PERU . Recknt intelligence states that Peru was again threatened with , war on her borders and internal revolutions . She had already sent two vessels of war to Ecuador with commissioners to get satisfaction on behalf of her Minister to the latter llepubilc , whose withdrawal from his post was some time ago announced , and there is a fair prospect of Avar between the two countries . General Eehenique , iate President of Peru , was said to have passed from Chili to Bolivia , where he was supposed to . be occupied , in fomenting a revolution against the Castilla Government . It was reported that he had already got a large quantity of arms and ammunition at his disposal .
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BRAZIL . The Avon arrived at Southampton on Thursday with hews from Rio to the 10 th of October . From Buenos Ayres -we learn that important progress had been made in the qnestion of the frontier defences . A bill which ' had caused much angry discussion had passed the Chamber of Representatives , retracting the public lands granted to individuals during the administration of General Eosas . The British Packet of the 25 th of Sep . tember says : — 44 The revolt of the division Escolta de Gobjerno , ' in its march towards the southern frontier , wore at lirst a more serious aspect ; but the energetic way in wliich it has been put down is calculated to strengthen the Administration . Correspondence from the Azul and Buhia Blanco , represents tho armed force as in a most satisfactory state of discipline and efficiency , and the Indian Caciques as disposed to treat for peace . On the arrival of Mr , Christie from Parana it was rumoured that he had brought new propositions of negotiation . Judging from the tone of the public press of the confederation , it appeals that a warlike policy is at a discount for tlie present . " Tho Paraguayans were staking the lower part of thoir river to prevent tho ingress of tho American squadron . The shores of Paraguay were well fortified , and the Americans would meet with a very warm reception . Mr . Humphreys , tho civil engineer , who has been eighteen years in Brazil , in connexion with tho railways thoro , Iins died nt Rio . He was a man of groat ability in his profession . Ho was sovonty-ono years of ngo .
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No . 450 , November 6 , 1858 . ] THE LEADER . 1185
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 6, 1858, page 1185, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2267/page/9/