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x . , , i^flBISI tlm . -K^*- r
CRYSTAL PALACE.—SATURDAY CON-\J OBRTS.—A Vocal and Instrumental Concert will November 20tliat siiiO
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ake place on ( Saturday , JNovomoor , us » .. w . ortleulars will bo advertised . Doors opou at 10 . Admission , Hulf-u-Crown ; or by Season Tlckut , Ha-lf -a-Guinea . Children , Ono Shilling .
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MR . AND MRS . HOWARD PAUL'S lust two weeks in their Comlo and Musical Entertain ; - raonfc , PATCHWORK , every night « v } urday included ) at 8 , at the EGYPTIAN HAXL . Ploowltly . This is positive y the lank month In LoihIoimw tho Malic , is then required by Mr . Albert Smith for W * CHINA . Mr . Howard Paul will introduce n now American occontrip lty , " Peggy }>? . > " and Mrs . Howard Paul will continue lier wonderful Imitation of MrTSlma Kcovos in " Come into the » " » ' « " » . Maud , " whioli rccolves nightly an ovation . Stnlla , 3 s . , Area , as . \ Gallery , \ n . Commpiico at Eight . A Morning Performance ovory Saturday ftb Throe , nnd nlso on Tuesday , November 2 iJ .
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DR . KAHN'S ANATOMICAL MUSEUM . 8 , Tlohborno-Htroot , opposite thii Hay market , OPEN DAILY ( for Gentlemen only ) . LECTUllBS by Dr . BEXTON . at 8 , 44 , and 8 o ' clock on Imnortant'nnd iiitoroiiUnk Tonics in connexion wUU ANATOiMT . PHYSIOLOGY , and PATHOLOGY ( vide Programme ) . Admission , 1 b . — Dr . Kahn ' 8 NlnoLooturoB on tho Philosophy of Marriage , & . o ., aunt post free , direct from the Author , ou tho receipt of 18 stautpw *
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¦ p OYAL" > OLYTBClINI 0 iNSTXTUTIg ^ XL PATRON - 11 . R . H . 'XI 119 KW , Ne ^ niSVii'S l'llb . Tho 8 P 1 COIAL WONDER © f tho AOH . — MOUi ' . ^ | | t id T 0 GRAPHIO Wairr-thoRlVAhof tl'fl gUJfcnv nt JlViH-? At 1 ^ 'MlSJfl ^ POilBB of POPULAR COM jyjBgg $ Mr . WllllamH and MIhh Kppy , « vory EvouliiK . *» auuim to nil the other Novelties anrt Ainunomoiits . MANAGING DIRECTOR , ft . 1 . LONGBOTTOM , h # t >
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T YCKUM TUlOATltK . — M . JUMAkf * _ U CONCERTS .-13 VKUY NIGHT , nt Kl « ht « £ «< £ -TO-MORROW , MONDAY , « M « N » KLbbOHN Niuu -Twelfth Apnoamneo of tho celebrated yw £ M b l : to ' W 1 J 1 N 1 AWSKL - FlrHfc Anpenrnnoo of U " . _ ffi t 8 » l «» PliiniBti , Mlsa AUAliliLIA « -Ol > J > ARD . -Voci j Ihih , » STAIIWAOH and Miss LOUrSA VINNINJ -3 ... / Kuc-Loavos'ValBO , " "Tho KlaHl ' olka . " OroijU ° «; ° 1 " . ° . jjaL tiou from DMU FltUISQHUTS ! - M . Julllon ' u Amiimi v ^ MASQU-, on Mokuay , Douombor mill , ___
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THE BOYAL GRECIAN THEATJU * . ( Proprietor , Mr . B . O . Conquort . Acting Manager , Mr . 0 . On Mondnv , « nd UuriSSW ^ i ^ iSTTtfSl THE FUGITIVES . Sir TliomriB WntaoM , W 1 Jf j ^ 'fl . "' im ^ s ^ i / ss ^^ S ^^ tsi Toconeludo wltlv A l A lUi ' A ltKVKNGlj . ^' " . ' v niinItiiblo MojvU . SolrooDnnaanto at Oo ' olot * . Mr . T . 1 011 \ » "'""^ c band . A Concert in thoiA » s «» . ibly Itopm . W-ff corr \ f will prosldo , assisted by Mr . P . Oorrl , Maatoi uu > uu ^« and J . Manning . J ^ _^ •_
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THBATKB ltOYAL , SAD LEE'SWELLS . ( Under the Management of Mr . l'l ' P - > Monday M 1 d Tuesday . MAC 15 ET 1 ^ Macbeth Mr . fi ^ s . ^ K / Jr ^^ AW ^ K ^ ^ beth , Miss Atkinson . . „„„ ... _ ,,- -. „ i » n To conclude with A TENANT }• OR Lit E . ! ijs " c , S £ s ,. S -fe k . ^ , K ^ h ; $$ kck . To conclude with a new furco entitled Ml ul , v U ^^ S& ^ A ^ M ^ L . Melantius . Mr . Phelp . * ^ £ ZShV ^ i&ia XX till 3 , under tho direction of Mr . Austin .
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ROXAJ * OLYMPIC THEATliE . ( Lessees—Messrs . P . Robson »» d ^' - - EmUeu . ) Monday , and durinjr the ucek . the perfonuances . will coinmencc with A DOUBTriL VICTORY . .. ¦ o ' Characters by Messrs . G , Viniug , \ V . Gordon , Mesdames Stirling ' and Huarhcs . ¦ « ' » ¦ « miTiTuruTivrr ' To be followed ^ J- Mo llortow ' s farce of A THUMI'IING T'VOAOY ' Characters by Messrs . F . Robson , G . Cookc , W . Gordon , H . \\ igan , and Miss Herbert . After which . A TWICE TOLD TALE . „ . . Characters by Messrs . Lewis IJall , \\ Goidon , Misses H ^ SfJJ ' h irV ) TS AT THE SWAN . Jacob Earwig , Mr . F . Kobson . Commence at half-past seven . „
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THEATRE ROYAL , HAYMAEKET . ( Under the Management of Mr . Buckstone . ) Last week but one of the EuK » gcmcnt of Mr . and Mrs . Charles Mathews . On Monday , November 15 , and during the weck-to commence at 7— the new Comic Drama , in three acts , entitled THE TALE OF A COAT ( by William Brough and Dr . G . Frnnck ) , in which . Mr . Charles Mathews will sustain an original character . After which , the Comedy by Mr . Charles Mathews , THE DOWAGER . Lord Alfred Lynsay ( his original character ) , Mr . Charles Mathews ; Sir Frederick Chasiniore , Mr . Howes ; Edgar , Mr . W . Farren ; Dowager Countess of Tresilian ( first time in England ) , Mrs . Charles Mathews : Lady liloomer , Mrs . E . FiUwilliam . _ .,, „ ,, ¦' To be followed by THE ETON" BOY . Mr . Charles Mathews * Mr . Compton , and Mrs . Charles Mathews . Concluding with the Ballet of JACK'S RETURN . FROM CANTON , by Louise , Arthur , and Charles Leclcrcq . On Monday , Tuesday , and Wednesday in next week , in consequence of its . great attraction , LONDON Ab-SURANCE . In which M > . and Mrs . Charles Mathews will appear , being the last nights but three of their engage-Stage Manager , Mr . Chippendale .
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The public is respectfully informed that the tragedy of MACBETH ca n only be represented fora limited number of nights . ROYAL PRINCESS'S THEATKE . 1 ( Farewell Season of Mr . Charles Kean as Manager . ) 1 Mondav , Wednesday , and Friday , MACBETH . Tuesday and Thursday , KING JOHN . On Saturday will be revived Shakspcare's comedy of MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING . Preceded every evening by A FARCE .
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, T HEATRE ROYAL , DRTJRY LANE . e ( Under tho Management of Miss Louisa Pyne and t Mr . W . Harrison . ) j On Monday , Wednesday , and Saturday , will be produced the CROWN DIAMONDS . Don Henrique de fcS Mr . W . Harrison ; . Catarina , Miss Louisa Pyne . ' On Tuesday and Friday ( llDt-h , 110 th times ) , the ROSF OF CASTILLE . " ** Ou Thursday , Wallace ' s Opera of MARITANA . Don Ctesar de Bazan ( his original character ) , Mr . W . Harrison f Maritana , Miss . Louisa Pyne . — Conductor , Mr . Alfreii Mellon . With ( every evening ) a Ballet Pivertissemeut Commence at half-past seven .
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SOOO of bis subjects who possessed the reputation of Stag the xnost lettered of all , should on a giren day assemble at his palace arid be subjected to a literary test When they were collected , he announced that the test was the writing of the word citron , and that those who made no error in the spelling should be members of the academy . Pens , ink , and paper were brought ; each of the 3000 people wrote the word , and the judges of the land and the bench of bishops were charged to examine the 3000 papers . They proclaimed that £ 9 only of the candidates had written the word correctly—that is with a C , the remaining 2961 having used an S . " Only thirty-nine , " cried the Emperor , U and we want forty- Well , I will be the fortieth member myself . " Sire , " cried the judges , " your Majesty will no doubt Of xclaimed
deign to submit to the test ? " " course , " e Faustin ; and in a large bold hand he wrote Xitron with an X . The judges looked puzzled for a moment , and then , after glancing at each other , proclaimed that his Majesty had passed triumphantly through the ordeal . The Emperor was thereupon proclaimed , amidst the enthusiasm of the assemblage , a member of the academy . " And I will be perpetual secretary too , " added his Imperial Majesty , with pardonable vanity . Public Dkikkikg Fountains . —We perceive that the vestry of St . Andrew ' s , Holborn , have come to a different decision upoa an offer of Mr . Samuel Gurney , M . P ., than the vestry of St . Pancras . Mr . Gurney is willing to erect a drinking fountain , at his own cost , on Hoi born-hill , and the Holborn vestrymen have unanimously and thankfully consented .
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SPAIN . Accounts from Cadiz inform us that preparations have b « eu made in that port to reinforce tho Spanish garrison in tho island of Cuba . On tho X 7 th of Ootober the Feirplana , 80 guns , and the Isabel Secunda , 20 runs , and on tho 22 nd of October , tho Porla , sailed for tho Hay-anna . Thqre remain ready to sail at any moment tho frigate Petronfta , tho Btonmor Isalol-la-Datolion , and transport corvette Marlgalante . Tlieso roaeela together convoy u force of 2100 infantry eoldlera » nd fiOO marinee . The Captain-General of tho province it C « aiz nan been commanded to prepare tho following
steamers to sail—the Castilla , Ulloa , Vasco Nune ? do Balboa , VulcanO , Vigilante . These , together with the Santa Isabel and Pizarro , now being prepared for sea at Ferrol , are to form part of the maritime expedition to the coast of Africa , under the command of Don Segundo Dias Herrera . e t j
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PORTUGAL . A telegram received in Paris announces the arrival of the Euryalus , with Prince Alfred on board , at Lisbon , on the evening of the 7 th . The Prince was to pay a visit to the King of Portugal . f
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EGYPT . We learn by telegram from Marseilles that the railway from Cairo to Suez will be open to the public in the course of December . A letter from Alexandria of . the 2 nd says the Pasha of Egypt had bought up all the shares in the company formed for towing boats on the Nile , and had left the trade completely free . The loan proposed to be raised by Said Pasba had not been concluded . The Nile having risen to a great height this year , it is expected that the crops will be most abundant . The price of grain had fallen considerably . Said wheat was offered at 55 piastres . Business is said to be dull in Alexandria , and little credit given . The precious metals were rising in value every clay . The sanitary condition of the country was excellent . No news had been received at Alexandria from Jeddah . It was not expected that M . Sabatier , the French Consul-General , who was sftnt to Jeddah with a special commission , will accomplish much , as the assassins of the British and French Consuls had escaped . The persons sent to Constantinople for trial are described as mere subaltern agents , acting under the orders of chiefs who have fled . 1
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The Tkial for Murder at Edinburgh . —After several witnesses had been examined yesterday for the defendant , William Reid , the Lord Advocate addressed the jury for the prosecution , and the Dean of Faculty for the prisoner . The Lord Justice Clerk summed np strongly against the prisoner . The jury retired at thirty-five minutes past five , and were absent about one houi \ when they returned a verdict of , "Not guilty on the first charge , of murder ; arid guilty on ihe second and third , amounting to culpable homicide . ' * - —The prisoner was sentenced to ten years' penal servitude .
Case of the Rev . Alfred Poole . —The Union of this day ( Friday ) states that the application to the Court of Queen ' s Bench on behalf of Mr . Poole'will be made on Monday or Tuesday next . It will be in the form of a motion for a mandamus to the Archbishop of Canterbury , to compel him to hear and inquire into the truth of the allegation upon which the Bishop of London revoked the license , which it will be recollected was this : —" That he ( Mr . Poole ) in admitting females to confession , had put questions to them respecting the Seventh Commandment calculated to bring scandal upon the Church . "
The Poisonings at Bradford . —In the case of William Hardacre , who sold the poisoned lozenges , and ate only a portion of one lozenge himself , paralysis , it was yesterday reported at the police station has supervened , and , if bo survive the shock , he will remain a helpless cripple for life , entirely deprived of the use of his limbs . If this be not the fate of many of the sufferers , disease and suffering in . somo other shape is , wo understand , sure to be their bitter lot to the end of their days . — -Manchester Guardian . Von Humbolpt .- —The venerable philosopher has been suffering from an attack of influenza ,-which , to a man in his 90 th year , is a trying ordeal to pass through . By the latest accounts it appears that hid recovery was proceeding , and that he had been sufficiently restored to be able to resume his pen—a . circumstance which will afford the greatest gratification to those who enjoy the high privilege of correspondence with him .
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jects here . The Moniteur de VAmide informs us that the Emperor has sent a 12-pounder howitzer , constructed upon a model of his own invention , to Queen Victoria , in return for the field-piece with which her Majesty presented him some time since . The howitzer and tho carriages are accompanied by a complete set of harness , such as is in use in France . The piece bears the name of " L'Alliance . " On it are engraved the words , " A la Reino Yictoria , l'Empereur Napoldon , 1858 . " The gun was embarked at Calais on the 7 th , in charge of Major Melchior , of the Artillery of the Guard , and is to be presented to the Queen by the Duke de Malakoff .
A Paris letter , in the Independance of Brussels , asserts that the question of reducing the effective of the army by one hundred thousand men is under consideration in the Ministry of War ; also that M . Fould , Minister of State , litiB presented toM . Magne , Minister of Finance , for his consideration , a plan for tho conversion of the 4 J into the 8 per cent , stock , even before the ten years fixed , "when the 5 per Cents , were converted into 4 £ stock , as a minimum for tho commencement of that operation .
A Paris letter says : —Galway is about to be adopted by France as the outlet of her postal communication with North America , and a large imperial subsidy will supply sinews of war to the Lever line , the future predominance of which is now placed beyond doubt . As all the correspondence of the Spanish and Italian peninsulas , and the whole of the Levant passes through France , the various ramifications or reticulations of this immense network will be gathered into one cable , and will cross the Atlantic through Galway . The details of this financial measure are not yet all arranged , but the principle is established . Mr . Lever's activity has carried the point ; he is promised a personal interview with Napoleon III . on his return from Compiegne . Meantime he has gone to Brussels to involve Belgium in the scheme , leaving Mr . Barry to carry out his
ob-? Leader Office , Friday Night , November 12 th . FRANCE . Thr trial of Comte de Montalembert stands fixed for Wednesday next , Nov . 17 . The Procureur Imperial will conduct the prosecution in person . Pursuant to the regulations invented by Napoleon III . with regard to cases of this kind , the public will not be admitted , and no report of the trial will be allowed to be published . The judgment alone will appear in the French newspapers , M . Dufaure will defend M . de Montalembert , and M . Berryer the Correspondant . It is , however , possible that M . de Montalembert may make a speech on his own behalf . According to the practice _ of French courts , a prisoner is allowed to speak for himself , although he may employ counsel .
X . , , I^Flbisi Tlm . -K^*- R
$ nsfernpt
Crystal Palace.—Saturday Con-\J Obrts.—A Vocal And Instrumental Concert Will November 20tliat Siiio
CRYSTAL PALACE . —SATURDAY CON-\ J OBRTS . —A . Vocal nnd Instrumental Concert will next zuin
THE LEADER . [ No . 451 , Noyembeb lg , 1858 . \ . £ l £ lQ& ' . — . — : ^^ ^ ~ _ ¦ * -
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 13, 1858, page 1224, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2268/page/16/