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accommodation for water-carriers might be afforded at the east end of the Wellington Dock by means of the ^ occup ied arches of the high level railway which they Commended should be offered to the St . Helen ' s and Garston Railway at a rent .
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Baroda . Raixwav . —It has been at length resolved , says the Bombay St&ndard , ' that the Surat section of the Baroda Railway shall start direct from the Presidency , and not from Callian , as was at one time intended . It will proceed along the Flats , in a line nearly parallel with the Main Drain , and reaching Mahim Wood , about 100 yards or so to the eastward of the present railway station , will cross the estuary obliquely- to near the northern end of the . Jamsetjee Bund . It will then be continued along through Salsette towards the Bassein crossing , a very formidable work , the difficulty of which is now to be braved . '
The Graxd Trunk Kail way of Canada . —The portion of the railroad between Stratford and London has been opened for commerce . The Welland Railway , connecting lakes Erie and Ontario , has also been completed . There is at present scaffolding up for thirteen tubes of the Victoria Bridge at Montreal , all of which will be completed this season—fourteen would have been laid , but one was unfortunately lost . It has been determined to complete the structure in the fall of 1859 . The branch road from the main line to connect with the bridge some four ox five miles on the other side of Longueul , is rapidly advancing .
Indian Railway Schemes . —If the railway projects now in course of execution and under consideration for this Presidency are fully carried put , we shall have no fewer than 2051 miles of iron way open for use in Southern India . The officiating consulting engineer lately submitted a return to Government showing the distances of the several lines . The South-West line from Madras to Calient , under construction , is 400 miles long , and its two branches from Vaniembady to Bangalore and Coimbatore to the foot of the Neflgherries
90 and 25 miles respectively . North-West line from Arconum ( 42 J miles from Madras ) via Trittany , Cuddapah , and Bellary to the Toodgabadra , under construction , 286 miles . Great Southern of India , sanctioned , from Nagore via Tanjore and Trichinopoly to Salem 177 miles , and from Tuticorin via Madura to Trichinopoly 173 miles . The Great Southern , Mahratta Railway ( proposed ) , from Poona via Saitara , Kolapoor , Betgaum and Hurryhur to Bellary about 500 miles , and from the navigable head of the Sedashagur river via Hoobly to Hyderabad 400 miles . —Madras Ffaentertnr ; . Sopt 9 . 4- ' .
Railway Extension in the Highlands . —< A movement is on foot among influential landowners north of Inverness to have the railway extended to DingwalL and still further north . The project for connecting Eastern Ross with , the port of Invergordon , by means of a short line from Tain , has been revived , and an attempt will be made this winter to raise the necessary capital for complying with the requirements of the Board of Trade . —Inverness Courier .
Dundee and -Ajeubboaxh Railway . —An agreement has been entered into between the directors of the Dundee and Arbroath and the Scottish j ^ orth-Eastern Railways— -conditional on the approval of the two companies—for a perpetual lease of the Dundee and Arbroath Railway to the Scottish North-Eastern Company , the terms being the payment to the ordinary shareholders of a guaranteed dividend of 6 per cent , per annum , which s to rise along with and to the same amount as that of the Scottish . Midland *—Dundee Advertiser .
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REVIEW OF THE WEEK . Mincing , Lane , Friday Evening . Business in most ; of the leading products continues dull , the dealings bring confined almost exclnniveiy to- the home trade . Contrary wind * having prevented , arrivals , the marke t * tbJa -week have been scantily supplied , and this has added to . the . prevailing inactivity . With few exceptions prices have still an inclination int the buyer ' s favour , but are fret from , any material depression , and at the close ,, to-day ,, there wejte soaua indieojtictaw , of a £ aY © wnable reaction in wveial d « pa * bm « nts .
Cobj * . —The aupplu * of English whaat at Mark-lmae have been short , and prices firm , eapeoiaUy foe choice white samples ; bout thei trade is , still v < uy dull * Good to primc r , selected ? mada . 45 a . to , 48 eh . ; lad , 41 » h to 4 & 9 L Foreign—of whlcU . the mo ^ orta , mew , tolwaWy fcoodrwas firmly held , bat slow of sale ; Dantzic , gwA U »> prime , b . J $ h mixed , 50 s . to , 56 a . ; Biahattfc and , jCoaawin white , 4 JSs . ta 4 . 8 b . ; red r 44 b . to 46 e . % Ifrsneh r « a > 4 S » . to 4 . 4 a ., } and choLoe sound PetftMb *» j& » 42 a . pen ojr . TJm > ( ate reduction in the price of floor ha » nqt m yet , ted fo my extension of biuinaaa * which is Mill . ngpdAtodi by knmediate roqulrouwnta . Town-made hangm on . hand a& iOa . ; town . hoiueliaUto , at 84 a-to 86 s . ; e « M « try 1 kmimr- < holds ,, 82 s , ta 88 s . f aeconde , 80 s ., to . &U »; gjeoti , to prim * French , 84 s . to 87 a- per sack . Prime AwioBlcaai brand , 25 a . to 26 j » . pea fori- i L TJUe MuimUa , by Em < bw Connttas *
were 11 , 952 sks ., against 10 , 966 sks . delivered . Choice samples of Eng lish barley are scarce and dear , but medium are difficult of sale and irregular in price . The choicest qualities of new malt are in some request , and firm , at 70 s . ; choice old malt is less inquired for , and best ware cannot be quoted over 72 s . Arrivals by Eastern Counties Rail were 6095 qrs . against 6218 qrs . delivered . Beans continue dull of sale at late rates . Choice boiling qualities of peas are taken rather more readily , but other descriptions remain without improvement . " Large supplies of oats have caused a decline of fully 6 d ~ per qr ., and buyers have not been induced to come in freely by the reduction . The provincial markets have generally a downward tendency . On the Continent the trade is also heavy , and by the latest advices from New York lower prices are recorded .
LONDON AVERAGES . Qrs . s . d . Wheat .... ^ 4584 at 43 7 Barley . 1626 „ 37 4 Oats 1429 „ 26 5 Malt — —¦* Beans 163 „ 38 2 Peas 46 ,, 48 9 week's arrivals . English . Irish . Foreign . Wheat qrs . 1520 — 5070 Barley .... „ 1990 — « 580 Malt »? — — Oats „ 210 280 O 52 , 750 Flour , sacks 740 — 420 Ditto ... brls . — — 1080 Seeds . —The arrivals of linseed are 14 , 150 qrs ., comprising 11 , 700 East India , 2330 St . Petersburg , and 120 Denmark . On the spot , 54 . s , to 54 s . 6 d . taken for Bombay , and 50 s . to 53 s . for Calcutta . For arrival , business done at 50 s , cost freight and insurance , for average Calcutta , including bags , and at 52 s . to 52 s . 6 d . delivered . Ten various cargoes , from the Black Sea and Azoff , have been pretty nearly cleared off at 48 s . 9 d . to 50 s . 6 d . per qr ., as to quality , delivered U . K . Rapeseed in moderate demand . Calcutta , 53 s . ; fine Bombay , 61 s . to 62 a . ; inferior to good , 44 s . to 55 s . per qr . Oilcake has further declined in price . Be&t thin oblong New York , in barrels , have sold to arrive at 10 / . 7 s . Gd . ex . ship ; best bags are worth 10 / . 2 s . ¦ 6 d . ; and oblong Western , 9 ? . 2 s . 6 d . per ton . Potatoes . —The supply continues very short , and trade good , at these quotations : — -Regents , 80 s . to 95 s . ; Shaws , 70 s . to 75 s . ; French . 65 s . to 70 s . ; Dutch , 65 s . to * as . per ton . Pro-visions . —The dead-meat markets are largely supplied with country-killed meat Of all descriptions , and trade is dull at barely late rates . Beef , 2 s . 8 d . to , 3 s . 10 d ., ; mutton , 2 s . 8 d . to 4 s , 4 d . ; veal , 3 s . 4 d . to ! 4 s . 2 tL ; pork , 3 s . 2 d . to 4 s . per ton . Sxocks . —The supplies of live stock have again been large and the demand slow , owing to the liberal arrivals j of country killed meat . But little alteration can be j quoted La the price of beef , but buyers in many cases had ¦ the advantage in terms . Sheep especially were dull of sale and generally 2 d . per stone lower . Calves , although in only about an average supply , were cheaper . The value of pork declined 2 d . to 4 . d . per stone . Monday . Beast . Sheep . Calves . Pigs-5 . 24 , 550 120 300 3 s . 10 d . to-ls . aOd . 3 s . 10 d . to 4 s . 10 d . 3 s . 10 d . tols . Cd . 3 s . 0 d . to 3 s . 8 d Thursday . - 1 . 000 4 , 680 206 130 3 s . 10 df . to 4 s . Iftd . 39 . 10 d . to 4 s . 10 d . 33 . 10 d . to 4 s . 0 d . 3 s . 0 d . to 3 s . 8 d Sxtoar . —The demand continues exceedingly dull and although the auctions have been but small , a clearance could not be effected . Good working sugar remains about as last quoted , but other descriptions are againc Cd . to la . eheaper . The deliveries manifest a full average consumption , and trench pereeptibly upon existing stocks , which are now reduced to 66 , 900 tons against 63 , 4 , 00 tons at date last year . West India . — The week ' s transactions are 1460 hd * ., including Barbadoes at 87 a . to 45 s . for low to good yellow . Mauritma . —640-0 bags were chiefly disposed of i « public sale , middling yellow , 41 » . 6 d . to 42 s . 6 d , ; seini grainy , 44 s . to 46 a .- crystallised-white , 50 b . to 53 a . per cwt . Bengal . •—& 8 « 0 bags , were realised at 6 tl . decline onBonaves ; mid . to-6 » o 4 mid . white aeJUng at 47 s . to 40 s . 6 d 4 law yellow | ( Jurpaijbak date sold steadily at 88 s 6 d . to 40 a . 6 d . and I browa Dturnna date , 8 » e , to 88 s . ; good mid . yellow Casflftpcwfe , 4 tGs . ftd . to 47 a . 6 d . per cwt . Madras— -170 ton * sold privately * t 8-ts . 6 d . per . cwt . Foreign .- ^ Them * is ; atUl some inquiry for floating cargoes , and for tb ^ effuJH . tOTim , are , paid ; . W Ian 4 « l pureeta are very cmsoloaJWe . The public , sales bav © b « e « small , and ofriefly booeWt , in : SftO hd « . 1 Q tr » . 64 > brls .. Porto ltteo lem to tin * yulkmr , 4 la . U > 47 s . © d . - 679 hd » . Cuba turewa , 37 a . t « . d « s . 6 A . ; yellow , 89 sv to 40 s . ; 29 Q& bxs . £ UvMum y ** low , 41 s . t «> 44 s , 6 d . ; norerttsv 48 s > ta 48 a . &i .: A cuawpo P « rMwabnwo sold a * 2 Ss . for the CUardc ^ , aad one of Bsymaa * b 2 & 9 * 6 d . for Btiitol , floating conditions . ComNem .- ^ Tiha cleftroaaea , ulthaugh showing ao « no dimiautxav MiU tail uptx » the stock , wbAel * i » now 8 * 0 tons , lew than , last yaar ' a at this tfono . In tho continued otawac * of arrtrftla r flhe mariBtit is bat very iudinTerently
supplied , and the trade irregular . For small lots to supply immediate orders extreme prices are paid privately , but the few parcels realised in public sale are " generally cheaper ; 120 r k £ - Jamaica sold under the hammer at 52 s . 6 d . ; for good ord . arid good nikL 70 s . 6 d ., with one lot at 81 s . per cwt . Cocoa . — 'The market is dull but prices steadj \ \ limited business has been done at 53 s . to 61 s . for giev to fine red Trinidad . ' *' Oii-s . —The confirmation of unfavourable a < lvice 3 from producing countries has led to a considerable business in olive at improved rates ; for CUlIipoli , IGl . 10 s . paid
Malaga and Corfu , 4 . 5 £ . ; IMogailorc is held for 44 / . ; several floating cargoes have sold 431 . to 43 / . ' 10 s . for Tarentoand 43 / . 10 s . for Gallipoli , Lut it is questionable if 20 a ! per ton over these rates would be taken . Cocoa-nut oil is well held ; Ceylon brings 3 S / ., and Cochin 39 / . IQs . to 41 / . ; fine palm readily commands -U / . after droppin g to 27 / . 15 s . ; linseed oil has rallied , and there are iiow ready buyers at 28 / . 10 .-. on the spot , and 291 . for monthly deliveries , 'January to March ; rape oil is still difficult of sale : refined 4 ( J / . to iGl . 10 s . ; brown i 2 / . to 42 / . 10 s . ; English brown 10 / . 10 a . to -11 / . ; sperm lias been taken for export to France at 85 / . ; pale seal is nominal at 37 / . : pale southern out . ; and cod 3 H .
W « AI ^ B-FINS . — -American arrivals have flattened the market ; Davis Straits ofler at i > 30 l . ; l ' olar at i > ' 6 ( . U . North-West 450 / . ; Southern-4 I u / . Tukpextise . —The m-ck ' s arrivals are 450 . 1 ); brl ? . rough . In the absence of sales 1 Gs . Gd . is the nominal quotation ; Spirits are quoted Us . to 41 s . Gd . American , and 40 s . to 40 s . < i < l . Enjrlish .-Saltpetkij . —The late depression has brought buyers on the market , and witli sales of between 3000 and 4000 bgs ., prices have recovered : Is . to l . s . G-. l . per cwt . ; the closing transactions on Vliahye to-da ^ ' being at 40 ? , 6 vl . to 43 s . for 11 £ to ; "i i > er cent ., and 1 .-5 .- ? . Gd . cash for 3 $ per cent . Yesterday a small lot line 2 ) pa- cent . sold at 44 s . per cwt . The iv < -ck's delivery amounted to 350 tons , against 700 tons warehoused , bringing the stock to 3000 tons .
Dyes . —Cochineal is again 1 d . porlb . cheaper , and th ? demand slow at the ¦ reduction : '_ ' !>! bgs . at auction partly sold'at 3 s . to o :=. flil . for Honduras . ; and 3 . s . &L to ' 3 s " 8 d . for Tencriffe s . ilv « -r . « . iNDrco . —Several parcels Spanish have been ^ placed at the ' prices of the late public s : ik-s . Otiikk I > VRS .-T-Tiirnienc realised 15 s , Gd . to 17 . " . for Bengal ; satllower 10 .- dcurcr ; dye-wooils held at late rates , but fount ! bnvers to a limi . toa extent only . GAMUiKitis held at l , ~ > s . Oil- to 10 s . yd . for middling to good qualitv . HKMP . —Kussian is quotp < l 2 (> t . H » 4 . for St .. Petersbuq clean ; East India is in limitcl demand , and lytfO bis . Manilla were all bought in at 2 tf / . to Ml . for fair to good
roping . Jute . — At public sales of 4400 bales but frw bids were made , and they were Mow previous valuations ; nearly the whole was therefore withdrawn . Cottojt . —importers at Liverpool meet the market freely , and the trade seem more disposed to -buy ,- but the market i 3 * yet onlv moilc-r . vtely active . I he wcrtca sales at Liverpool arc " > 18 , »( U ) bales at previous rates . In London G 00 balos Surat liavo sold at / igtl . to M . lor fair to good fair . . , Wool . —The colonial sales have progressed nctucii , and the opening rates are fully supported . Mbtam . —Fine Australian connor has made 10 ^ .. which is 203 . advance . Scotch pig iron oftVrs at ; jJS . Gd ., and spelter at 221 . 10 « . ; for Smuts tin , l ^";^ ' Banca worth 122 / . 10 s . In other ih . scrij . t . o . w hoc ha been very lrttlo doing , ami prices remain about i » c
Ti ^ -In the earl y pO rt of the week tho market was rather unsottlc < l at 40 s . JKI . to -1 !> s . "'• - « s ' ^^ parties asserted that tho shipment at fct . ^ w ™ """ would bo continued ; but on Wednesday the tolcjfiap . iij accounts of the near nppronch of winter were too su ous to bo trifled with ; only 112 , 000 to Hi , 000 ™\* ™* been shipped from the whurfr , several tlionsaiicU oi which woro still in llghtew , and so in jeopjin > ol duh o frozen in , and thin day ' s telegram stated tlm it n questionublo if nil would got an ay . O » ^ ;? ' ; j afternoon tho price wns f . rmov nt OOh . to « 0 s . J . « spot . Town tallow is very short , and it appears fuir » conclude that tho present Inrgo delivery will I * « tinned till after ChrifltmnH . To-day wo clow r | ul cr nt&U . to 00 d . Oil . spot ; flOs . \ n \ . buyers nil tlinj © " , Ms . 3 d . to 51 rt . Jnn .-March ; 51 s . Gil March nlon , ¦ . 1 » o public Bftloa to-dny wont off with spirit « t lu » " , Town tallow , 51 s . 8 d . rouffh ( nt , - > * . 1 ««» - i " ultC "
: stuff . 38 s . 6 d . . ,, ,, n CSriCKfl .-Tho Hnios liavo been of q nito a retail . cljnrac tor without chungo in price . n ,, fhr tho Rich . —Tho demand has Improved , oapocwly tor i lower qnnlitioa , but prices onn hardly bo q ""'» ' J » ' Tho principal tranaaotloiiH Imva "W *;!* * ° Z « L Madras afloat at 7 s . 4 W . j a c « rffo o ' 8000 bflj . » at 7 s . 0 d ., for Liverpool , mul about 80 , 000 I b- ¦ "' f spot , chiefly Rangoon , at Oh . 0 J . for vo y low oa oondltion to 7 b . M . for Rood , cnsU to .. jib . Bengal , in auction , * as hold ¦ ; »¦• * £ •• ^ , Jiiio rofufTod . Tl « o oloarancoB aro sutlefactory , ronoruny _ tons for tbo -week .
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_ THE Ii . E A-DJS _ R . _ _ [ y o \^ l ^ C ) yEMBEB : > 1858 .
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Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 13, 1858, page 1234, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2268/page/26/