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BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. Price is. lid. and 8s. M. per box.
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THIS preparation is one of the benefits which tho soiondo of modern chemistry has conferred upon mankind ; for daring the first twenty years of tho present eoutury to apeak of a ouro for the Gout was considered a romance ; but now tho oftloacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated by unsolicited tofltimonialtj from persons in every rank of lifo , that nublio opinion proclaims fcliis as one of the moot Important dlsooverloa of the present Ago . Vheae Pills require no rostraint of diet or confinement daring thoiruso . audaro certain to proVonUho disease at * tftoklng nny vital part . Sold , by all Medlolno Vondora . 890 fcho name of " Tjiomab rapUT , 829 . Strftud , London , " on tho Government Stamp .
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ECLECTIC MED 1 QAL INSTITUTE AND PRIVATE BATH ESTABLISHMENT . 105 . Groat Bowsell-Btreot , Bloomabury , W . O . —Slmolo and Medjoatud VAPOUR , GALVANIC , and BLMOTRO-OHflMIOAL BATHS , on improved principles . J ? ov tho extraction of Load , Moroury , and other Minorala from tho body , and for tho ouro of Nervous , Dlnliotla , Paralytic . Qutanoous , Hopatio , Spinal , Rheumatic ^ oub , and ofchor dlsoaaoH . MoOloal Superintendent-JOHN BKJ 9 LXON , Msq ., _ A M . » , , M . R . C . & . JBnff . . For terms , & « ., 900 circular sent froo upon rocoipt of addroau . (
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HAN WELL COLLEGE , MIDDLESEX , is still retaining its lilgU oharaotor . — United Seruivo A Prospectus will bo forwarded on application to tho Rev . Dr . J'Jmorton , tho principal .
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A STHMA—DR . LOCOCK'S TULMONIC WAFERS glvo instant relief and a rapid euro of Asthma , consumption , coughs , and all disorders of tho breath and lungs . To singors and publio spoakors they arq invaluable for oloarlng and Hlirongthonlng tho voice . They have a pleasant taste . Prlco Is . Ud ., 2 s . Oct ., and 11 s . per box . Sold by all Druggists .
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TEETH—TEETH . PROTECTED , BY" ROYAL LETTERS XT PATENT , aud receivod by tho most oininont of tho Faculty . —Mr . LAWRENCE'S IMPROVED AR'lUFJOIAL TEETH by the CLEO-PLASTIC process ontiroly supersodod the Soft Gum , and ovory aubstanoo that booonioa putresoont in the mouth . Their cleanliness , qaso , and comfort render them available in every caso , without hpi'Iurs or wires , at loss than advertised prices . — PAINLUSS TOOTH EXTRACTION by GRADUATED ELECTRICITY iu always attended with certainty and success . —A Treatise on tho above mothods sent post frco on application . Mr . LAWRENCE , Mombor of Oolloffo of Dontists , U . S ., BO , Bornorti-sbrcot , Oxford-sbreot , Tendon .
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THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION . NORTON'S CAMOMILE TILLS are confidently recommended as a simple but ' ecrtain remedy for Indigestion , which is the cause of nearly all tho diseases to which we are subject , facing 1 a medicine so uniformly grateful and bene / lcial , that it is with justice called the " Natural Strengthened of the Human Stomach . " NORTON'S PILLS act as a powerful tonic and gontle aperient : arc mild in their operation ; safe under any circumstances ; and thousands of persons can now boar testimony to the benefits to be derived from their use . Sold in Bottles at Is . lid ., 3 d . 0 d ., and 11 s . each , in every town in tho kingdom . CAUTION!—Bo sure to ask for " Norton ' s Pills , " and do not be porsuadod bo purchase the various imitations .
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HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS have been used freely by millions of human bohigs » . of both sexes and all ages ,, in every part of tho world , and while the public press has teemed' with authenticated' cas cs of extraordinary cures in a vast variety of diseases . ( such as Indigestion , Scorbutic- Eruptions ,. and Liver Complaints ; , there is not on public record a single case , in which their use has been . attended with a bad effect . None when using Holloway ' sOin-tment and Pills need suffer the hope of cu re to be counterbalanced by the fear of injury . They are peculiarly'in i Id in their operation , and yet they never fail to give immediate relief , and , sooner or later , to cffecl a cotrtplete and permanent cure .
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KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES . W HAT IS A COLD ? THE PLAGUE OF THE 13 NGLISH CLIMATE . At this season who , however careful , escapes its destroying influence ? We I may clothe well , live well , and guard well to repel the in-I eyitable attack : it comes at last with the ever-changing atmosphere of this country ; then should bo procured a box I of ¦ ¦ KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES , which have been known to cure when other means have failed . Prepared and Sold in Boxes , Is . l £ d ., and Tins , 2 s . !) d ., 4 s , 6 d .. nnd 10 s . 6 d . each , by THOMAS KEATING , Chemist . &c , 79 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London . Retail by all Druggists and . Patent Medicine Vendors in the World .
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KEATING'S PALE NEWFOUNDLAND COD LIVER OIL , perfectly pure , nearly tastoless , has been analysed , reported on , and recommended by Professors Taylor and Thomson , of Guy ' s and St . Thomas ' s Hospitals , who , in the words of the late Dr . Peukira , say , that " The finest oil is that most devoid of colour , odour , ami flavour . " Half-pints , Is . 8 d ., Pints , 2 s . Cd ., Quarts , 4 s . < id ., and Five-pint Bottles , 10 s . 6 d ., Imperial Measure . — 79 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London .
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DR . DE JONGH'S LTGrHT-BROWK COD LITER OIL , Proscribed by the most eminent Medical Men throughout the world as the safest , speediest , and most effectual remedy for consumption , Buoxcrims , coughs , gout , iuiEUMATrsar , NEURALQIA , IMS BASICS OF THE SIC IN , IN PANTILE WASTING-, RICKKTS , GENERAL . DEBIUTT , ANZ > ALL , SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS . .. opinion qe R . M . LAWRANCE , ESQ ., M . D ., Ophthalmic Surgeon to the Great Northern Hospital , tfc . cf-c . "lam so impressed with tho superiority of your Cod Liver Oil that I invariably prescribe it in preference to any other , feoling assured that I am recommending a genuine article . " Sold ONLT in Imperial Half-pints , 2 s . 6 d . ; Pints , Is . 0 < l . ; Quarts , 9 s ., capsuled and labelled with Dr . DE JONGH'S signature , without wjriCH kose can possibly be genuine , by respectable Chemists , Sole British Consignees , ANSAR , HARFORD , and CO .. 77 , Strand , London , AV . C . * * * Purchasers are earnestly cautioned against proposed substitutions . I :
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ttt . » 'iiiTT > i 2 * C ! .= UV DHVlT . T l ^ 'iirn m - « J ^^ ZT ?^^^^^ , RUPTURES . —JiY ROYAL LETTERS PATliNT WHITE'S MOCMAIN LEVER TRUSS I . allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen tnhL I tho most effective invention in tho curative treatment nt Hernia . The use of a stepl spring ( so hurtful i ,, ul effects ) is hero avoided , asoft 'Bandage being worn round ' tii » 1 borly . while the requisite resisting power is supplied bvttm Moc-Main Pad and Patent Lover , Jitting with so nnich <>»« 5 and closeness that it oaiiuot bo detected , and may be worn during sleep . A-doscriptive circular may ' I- c had and t ha Truss ( which cannot fail to fit . ) forwarded hv post on tVm circumference ! of the body , two inches below ihc-hii ) bo \ nl sent to the Manufacturer , JOHN WHITE , - 22 H , PiccadiUv London . *» Price of a single truss , ICs ., 21 s ., 2 Cs . Gd .. and 3 ls ( id : Postage is . Double Truss , 31 s- Gd ., 42 s ., and 52 s . ( Sri . —Postage Is Sd Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . Gd . —Postage Is . lod , " Post-ortloG orders to bo made payable to JOHN WHTTP Post-omee , Piccadilly . * " 17 LASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS kc 11 / for VARICOSE VKIN ' S , ami all casos of WEAK NHSS and SWELLING of the LEdS . SPltAIJfS Ac " They are jjorous , liirht in texture , and inexpensive and are drawn on like tin ordinary stocking . Price from 7 s . Gd . to 10 s . each . —Postage Gd . JOHN WHITE Manufacturer , 22 S , Piccadilly , London .
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ABERNETllY'S PILL FOR THE NERVES AND MUSCLES . I NVALIDS who suffer from Lowness of Spirits Want of Sloop , Loss of Appetite , and Uilious Attacks ' will hail this medicine as a im-at uicssiufr . it acts by purifying the blood and by restoring the stomach , liver , and bowels to their healthy state , and thus eradicates * melancholy , weakness of limbs , &t : Tim smallest size box will be quite sulliyiont to convince any invalid of the extraordinary virtuus pf these pills . Price Is . IJd , 2 s . idl , and 4 s . t > d . a box . Agents— Barclay , 95 , Fari'ingdon-streot , and 11 an nay , G ;> , Oxford street . Any medicine vendor will procure them .
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HALSE'S SCORBUTIC . DROPS . HpHIS old-established Herbal Preparation- has -L a miraculous effect in all Scorbutic : Complaints . quickly eradicating all impurities from the blood . Indeed , a liner purifier of the blood cannot ^ y ^ . ll be concvivcd , the pale , sickly complexion , speedily being converted to the roseato huo of health . Ladies shoiild have recourse to this preparation , instead of usin ^ the daii ' -rerous cosmetics now so much in voi ? ue . Prico 2 s . yd . and Us . a bottle . Wholesale Agents—Barclay aud Sons , y . "> , i ' : irrin > rdmi-stn ? et ; Ha-nnay and <; o ., 6 : 5 , Oxford-street . Any Lomion or coiiiitry jnoilicinc vomlor will -procure'the ' above lor any customer .
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DKA F NESS AND NOISES IN THE HEAD . —Turkish Treatment . —A SURGEON from Hie Crim e who was rurcd of ftiurli'i'ivyears'deafness and most distressing noises in the' head , i - ; anxious to commuuicaLo tho means of cure to others so alllirted . Full instructions'lo effect a euro sent to any part of the world up . pu reeoiiit of a stamped tltroc ' tcit' envelope . — Siirjreou (\> lstuii , M . ltO . and M . K . S . L ., 2 Vo . 7 . Li-i .-esUji- 'placi * . ' L « 'U-es . t ( 'r-syua . n-. London , W . V . Consulting- hours eleven till four daily .
Untitled Ad
¦\ 7-ALUABLE INFOKaiATION-I GRATIS ! V A neatly printed book , 100 pages , THN THOUSAND COPIKS of which are being issued GRATUITOUSLY , by tho " Anatomica h ami Pathological Sociktt or ( j reat Uhitain . " The . Society i ) resents this important work to . ' public gratuitously , lor tho benefit of those who are suffering from dubility , nervousness , loss of memory dimness of sight , drowsiness , indigestion , irritability , a » ul general nrostrntiou of tlu ; system , incapacity tor study , business ,. or society , and especially kjecommends iito " Most valuable to those who feel an interest in tho sul ) - jects treated of . sbowinp sull ' urors the most cevUvvn mcaua of recovering porfect h << . a . \ lh . " -Me ( lioal Journal . Enclose two stamps to prepay postaBo . and address 1 ^ 1 . W . B . Marstou , Anatomical ilusoum , 17 , JJcmers-strcot , Oxford-street , London .
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r pO THE NI 5 KVOUS AND DEBILITATED . X —OHAULKS WATSON , M . D ., Fellow and Honorary vfeo-PrSldoiit of tlie t « ip « rlal African Iii » tit . « it « o | - ^ i-aiio « . Oorros . Member of tho Medical . Societies ol Bouci 1 aud Feru , tho National Academy of Sciences , 4 : c . and 1 *™ " - $ sident Pliyoioinu to tliu li . ulford J ^ isponsar . v 27 , AUiotiplace , Uoifrord-tfquaro . London . «'' , " , ; ' i t rMr V 1 ? coiptof six stamps , "Til 10 GUI OK lo ^ 1 V' 1 i , V . ! i < nurnso "Those about onturliiff tho Mnrr nso State hJiouI > or so Dr . Watson ' s invaluable little work , as the nilv ce u , hos oh hoalth and diaonsorolleot . s much credit upon him nu ft sound medical pliilowopher . "— Critic . „ - »««?•« " ThotruoauUlt ! 1 , 0 thorfo whodoslro aspoodyanclprnatu o \ xvo . "—Univor , HittJ Mn {/( isiiio . . lol , l «' or Qualilloatloiis vldo "JUii » loiua 8 " and the ' L 011 U 011 ModicalDirectoiy . "
Untitled Ad
( rpiUESEMAli . — Frotogtcd by Royal Lcttord X Patent of Hughinc ! , and W'ourud by "llip 1 ™ . " tho liJcolo do I'hnrinaoio do I ' nrls , nnd tho J' »« l """' OolloKO of Modlcino , Vioiina . Triosoiiiai-, Is « . 1 ' ' ^| r ,, i romody for relaxation , Hpormatorrluwn , iiinl ox ' sliort of tho Hivstom . 'iVicseinar , No . a , oirootiuilly . in tin > « iio '» apaco oVtliroo days , completely niui ontiroly cradle iloa a 1 traces of tliaso dinordora which capsulns have so o" 5 '" J thoughti an luititlotu for , to tho ruin of the UoivUIk'I av « s * portion of the populntiou . Trloaomar , No . J , i . i t off 10 w tJontlnontal roniofly for that cliiaa of ( liBorilora wl UM » « > fortunately tho lOiigllHh phy » lolan troatH with more » ' * ; $ tho inevltablo dostruotlon of thojpatlonf h ooiiHtltutl , i » iu which all tho tmraaparilla In tho worhl oaiiuot "'^^ 'JTrlosomar . Nos . J , a . and 3 , aro nllko devoid » ta « oor amell . aiuf of all iiiwaoatln « qualltloa . They ' » ' % ' » ' *! , ° tollot tablo wlfchout tholr ubo being suspootod . -hol 11 »» oasea , price lls ., froo by post la . 8 d . extra to « ujy »« v > < ; " '" United Kingdom , or four ciiboh in one for a . W ., I ™*» 8 s , 20 ,. oxtrai which aavoa lla . t and In til . «« wmj » w »«™ w there 1 h a « avin « of 11 . iaa . 5 divided into separate *™»" ' , »; admlnlatiorod by Vftlpoau , Lalleinand , llonx . * p . ¦ Hoia w 0 , Church , 78 , Qraoeolmrch . Htreoti Jiartlott Jloo 01 , w King Wllllam . H ^ cot j G . V . \ Vatta , 17 . Wtmnd t 11 out . ^ . Strand 1 Hanuay . 03 , Oiford-Mtrmri 1 &n"l $ ov ' ^' .. hostor » stroob , London , % , H . Xiwliam , MHrkob-Htreol ,, Mf t » o »« s aud J ^ o wuU . 18 , Wosbnaoreiuud-fltroot , l > ubUu .
Blair's Gout And Rheumatic Pills. Price Is. Lid. And 8s. M. Per Box.
BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS . Price is . lid . and 8 s . M . per box .
Untitled Article
Sumatka . — Jambi , against which the Ihitch are © Derating is a native state of Sumatra , next to Borneo the largest island in the Eastern Seas . The town of Jambi , vrhich extends over three-quarters of n mile on the banks of the river of the same name , has only between three and four thousand inhabitants . The Dutch expedition against Jambi has been successful . The landing took place- on the 6 th of September , and Jambi ia now iu the possession of the Dutch . The loss of the natives was considerable ; on the side of the Dutch , it amounted only to four killed and thirty-four * wounded .
Tkadb with : North Africa . —Tripoli has always been considered the most advanced in civilisation of the Barbary States , and it has an extensive sea frontier . The three principal ports are Tripoli , Bengazi , and Dernah . The trade of Tripoli has been increasing of late years . In 1841 , of 176 vessels and 15 , 874 tons ¦ which entered with cargoes , valued at 15 , 210 / .-, 30 vessels and 2500 tons were British , chiefly from Malta , the imports by them being valued at 15 , 210 / . In 1852 the entries of shipping at Tripoli were 267 vessels and 26 , 657 tons , the value of the cargoes being 120 , 340 / . Of these , 41 vessels and 3462 tons were under the British flag , and the value of their cargoes was 20 , 000 / w 64 of 7525 tons
In 1856 the British vessels increased to , , their cargoes amounting to S 5 , 270 l . Last year there was a decline , and the British tonnageVas only 2424 , and the value of the merchandise 26 , 000 / . The Ottoman Hag engrosses the largest , share of the trade with Tripoli , while the British shipping stands second , largely exceeding the Tuscan trade , which was formerly considerable . With Tunis the French still keep the largest share of the trade . In 1842 the entries of vessels numbered 341 ships , registering 33 , 321 tons , of which 54 ¦ were British vessels , 41 belonging to Malta . In 1854 the entries were 547 vessels , and 63 , 398 tons . Of these , 68 ships , measuring 17 , 071 tons , were British . The French have one-fifth of the trade . The imports and
exports of Tunis amount to about 700 , 000 / . per annum . The trade of Morocco appears to be on the increase , and British vessels seem to secure a due proportion of the transport . The number ^ of British vessels engaged in the direct trade has increased from 253 ships and 1 , 3 , 664 tons in 1839 , to 587 ships and 53 , 357 tons in 1856 . The value of the imports and exports amounted to 2 , 000 , 000 / ., of which nearly one million and a quarter was carried under the British flag . Tangier , Tetuan , Mogadore , and Mazagan are now in the principal ports for trade ; The value of the cargoes we take to Tangier i 3 about 90 , 000 / ., to T « tuan 37 , 000 / ., and to JVIogadore 268 , 000 / . France and Spain do little trade with Morocco ; but , besides English vessels , those of the Mediterranean States -are the chief traders . The clearances of British ships from the port of Tetuan in 1856 were 60 vessels and
3793 tons . The Spaniards rank next in order . At Mogadore , the entries of British vessels in 1856 were 61 , of 7986 aggregate tonnage , or more than half of the entire entries . The value of the import and export trade we tarry on with that port exceeds half a million sterling . Our principal imports from Morocco arealmonds , barks for tanning , pulse and maize , ostrich feathers , and gums ; olive-oil ( no-w a large article of export ) , bees ' -wax , and wool . In the past three years the value of our imports from Morocco has doubled . The goods of British manufacture sent there are chiefly cottons , woollens , refined sugar , iron , &c , to the value of about 132 , 000 / . With Tripoli and Tunis our direct trade is scarcely of any amount , it boing principally Mediterranean , conducted from Malta . —Shipping and Mercantile Gazette . The Port of Watebford . —The Mayor has convened a meeting , in accordance with a requisition numerously and most influentially signed , to consider the expediency of forming an association to promote the traffic of such railways as are connected with this city , and of opening communication with the ports of Great Britain . — } Vate rford Mail , Copper xn Australia . —The intelligence is important respecting the copper mines in the north . The local papers state , " Our most sanguine expectations with reference to their mineral riches will fall short of tho reality . " One single stone of copper , upwards of 8 cwt ., and another A ton weight , were exhibiting at Adelaide ; and an immense block of malachite , equal to any that had been found at tho Burra Burra , was on its way from the same quarter . It is also stated that tho copper mines of the north would bo of more importance than the gold-fields of the adjacent colony of Viotoria . Burra Hurra shares wore , quoted at 1892 .
Untitled Article
123 g THE LEADER . [ Ko . 451 , November 13 , 1858 . '¦ ' ¦ ¦ "' ' — ——^—^^————*^— mmmm ^ mmmammmmmm ^ BMMM——m^—¦——— ^^^^^^^^^^ ^— ^ ttt . » 'iiiTT > i 2 * C ! = UV DHVlT . T l ^ 'iirn m i- % « J ^^ ZT ?^^^^^* ' * RUPTURES—JiY ROYAL LETTERS PATliNT
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 13, 1858, page 1238, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2268/page/30/