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IRELAND . The Assassination Movement . — On the 1 st inst . tie steward of J B . Hart , Esq ., of Rathmolton , was returning from Derry , and near home was attacked by a party of men armed with guns . They beat him unmercifully , and his escape is owing to the fact of his being a powerful and active man . The patriots were assisted by a bulldog , with which they worried the man whilst taey were beating him . , Muhdeb in Queen ' s County—Mr . Richard Ely , a gentleman residing in the Queen ' s County , was fired at by some unknown assassin on Friday evening , at a place called Klyle . He lingered until Saturday afternoon , when he expired from the effects of ins wounds An inquest was held on Monday . Verdict—Wilful murder . The evidence against the murderer , who is known , is complete . He has absconded , and an active search is being made after him . _ Tiik Battle of the Basics . —The great Sadleir swindles are again brought before the public , and a fierce battle between the Tipperary and London and County Banks is at present raging in one of the Dublin law courts . " Whoever loses , " remarks the Freeman ' s Journal , " lawyers will gain , " in the present struggle between the official manager of the Tipperary Bank and the directors of the London concern , over whose interests John Sadleir presided with such matchless integrity . The Irish : Bank Returns . —The last Irish bank returns exhibit an increase in the circulation , of 766 , 085 ? .,
which , added to the increase of the preceding month , shows an expansion since the end of August of upwards of a million . In the coin held there is a slight increase . The increase in the circulation extends to every one of the banks , and , large as it is , it is not greater than that which usually takes place at this period of the year . In 1857 the October returns exhibited an augmentation of 77 , 000 ? ., and in 1856 the increase was 860 , 0007 . The Irish banks are now 336 , 388 ? . above the sum authorised by certificate . The Bank of Ireland is still under the fixed issue ; all the other banks are above it .
Secret Societies . —A respectable northern journal states that on Thursday week about 200 Ribbonmen were seen marehing four abreast , at midnight , in the mountain districts between Draperstown and Feeney , in the county of Derry , with what object in view does not appear . . ' .. ' . " Landed Estates Court . —Property to the amount of between 30 , 000 ? . and 40 , 000 ? . was disposed of on Tuesday before Judge Longfield . Among the estates sold were those of Mr . Clement Sadleir , in Tipperary , and of Viscount Southwell , in Kildare . Mr . John Carden was a purchaser of a lot in the first-named county for the sum of 1550 ? .
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NAVAL AND MILITARY . Flogging .- — The troops at Chatham on Tuesday were marched to the Spur battery for the purpose of witnessing the punishment of a soldier named Thompson for having stolen a sovereign from a comrade . The prisoner , who bears a very bad character , was sentenced to receive fifty lashes , and to be imprisoned for six months . He was removed to the military hospital , and as soon as he is discharged from that establishment will undergo the remainder of his sentence at Fort Clarence . This Alleged Crimean Desertek . —A court-martial was to have assembled at Chatham , by order of the Coramnnder-in-CbJef , for the trial of private Thomas Tole , of the 7 th Royal Fu 9 iliers , for having , when
serving with his regiment in the Crimea , in the year 1854 , deserted to the Russian enemy , along with a companion named . Moore , since dead . The prisoner was apprehended in Manchester a few months back , and has Binco beon kept in strict confinement to await his trial . Owing to the difficulties experienced in procuring evidence to support the charge , his trial has of necessity been postponed . After the order for the assembling of the . court had been issued , circumstances camo to tho knowledge of the authorities , on which tho Duke of Cambridge countermanded the order for tho assembling of the court-martial until further orders , and tho trial of the prisoner has been still further postponed . Important evideuco in support of tho prosecution has boon recently obtained .
tions > and constructions now going on must infallibly be a total and absolute loss if the vaisseau-be'lier is a reality . The Ministers are the best judges when such a vessel is to be constructed , as -we cam always build faster than any other nation , but it must be remembered that it is possible for others secretly to prepare the parts of a steam ram , and have them ready to put together at a moment s notice . The speed of the vaisseau-be'lier mustbe of course superior to that of any screw frigate or line-ofbattle ship . The common line-of-battle ship , or frigate , even if defended by iron plates , could not resist ^ blow of the ship built expressly for a vatsseau-beher . lineofbattle
Enormous Armament . —The -- ship Trafalgar , 120 , in dock at Chatham , where she is being converted into a 90-gun screw steamer , is ordered to be fitted with the following powerful armament : — Lower deck , 32 8-inch guns , each 65 cwt ., 9 feet long ; middle deck , 3-1 32-pounders , each 56 cwt ., 9 feet 6 inches long ; upper deck , 22 68-pbunders , 95 ewt ., 8 feet long , together with two 68-pounders , each of 95 cwt ., on chocks . " Portsmouth . —The following work is going on in Portsmouth Dockyard : —In the steam basin the Melpomene , 51 , Mersey , 40 , Dauntless , 33 , all screw-frigates are being brought forward for commission . In the old basin are the Britannia , 120 , sailing three-decker , fitting entered
for a reception and training ship for newly young officers for the navy , in lieu of the Illustrious , 72 , Captain Robert Harris ; the Alfred , 50 , awaiting to be inspected by the Lords of the Admiralty ; the Ringdove despatch gunvessel , and the Decoy gunboat , under repairs . In docks are the A gamemnon , 91 , under repairs ; the Neptune , 120 , sailing three-decker , in rapid progress of conversion to a 91-gun screw two-decker ; the Vulcan , iron troopship , under repairs , and awaiting new engines of 400-horse power , by Maudslay ; and the Rinaldo , 17-gun screw corvette , building . On the building slips are the threerdeekers Victoria , 121 guns , and 1000-horse power ; Prince of Wales , 131 guns , 800-horse power ; Royal Frederick , 116 , sailer ; the Duncan , 100 , screw two-decker ; and the Bacchante , 51 guns , 600-horse power .
Naval Steam Ram . —Admiral Sir George Sartonua has returned to this subject in a letter to the Times . Ho says : — "Tho vaisaean-bdlier I propose can bo increased to any tonnage , and as easily managed as any other steam vessel i It can keep tho sea perfectly . Tho weight of iron necoSBaxy for the defence of a atoam ram of BOOO tons will bo some hundreds of tons less than if that vpssol had been n three-decker or 90-gun ship ; this difference increases with tho tonnage of tho steam ram . I quite ngreo with you as to tho utility of using tho
Leviathan as a steam ram . Roduoe her height one-half ) strengthen her internally , put in her forty heavy guns , firing molten iron loaded shells , case her with shot-proof iron , and then lot all tho actual navies of the oarth try to pass up our channel without hor permission . I have boon earnestly trying to induce tho late and present Admiralty to nominate a commission comprising men of tho first ominonco in' military and civil engineering , naval constructors , and practical sailors , to examine tills most important question , for all tho alterations , adnpta-
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THE TREATY WITH JAPAN . The treaty signed at Jeddo on the 26 th of last August engages that there shall be perpetual peace and friendship between her Majesty and the Tycoon of Japan ; her Majesty may appoint a diplomatic agent to reside at Jeddo , and the Tycoon one to reside in London , both respectively to have the right of travelling freely to any part of Japan , and Great Britain ; either Power may appoint consuls at any ports of the other . The . ports of Hakodadi , Kanagawa , and Nagasaki , in Japan , are to be opened to British subjects , on the 1 st of July , 1859 ; Nee-e-gata , 1 st of January , 1860 ; Hiogo on the 1 st of January , 1863 ; and British subjects may permanently reside in all the foregoing ports , may lease ground , purchase or erect dwellings and warehouses , but may not erect fortifications . Within twenty or thirty miles of the specified ports they shall be free to go where they please . From the 1 st of January , 1862 , they will be allowed to reside at Jeddo , and from the 1 st of January , 1863 , at Osaca for the purposes of trade . Questions of rights , of property or person , arising between themselves shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the British authorities ; if they commit any crime against the Japanese they will be tried and punished by their own authorities , and vice versA Japanese subjects in the same predicament will be tried ' and punished by theirs . Neither Government will bo held responsible for the debts of its subjects . British subjects will bo allowed tho free exercise of their religion , and will have the
right to erect places of worship . Supplies for the British navy may be stored at certain specified ports free of duty . If British vessels are stranded the Jupanese will render every assistance . British merchants will be at liberty to hire Japanese pilots . Munitions of -war are to be the only exceptions to articles of import and export , which last , on the payment of an ad valorem duty at tho place of import , arc to bo subject to no further tax , excise , or transit duty . The treaty may bo revised on tho application of cither of the contracting parties , on giving one year ' s notice after tho 1 st of July , 1872 . All privileges granted , or to bo granted hereafter , by Japan to any other nation we to bo freely anil oqually participated by tho British . Tho majority of tho articles for the regulation of trade relate to the arrangements of the Japanese Custom-house , but tho more important to bo levied the Jirat
contain tho tariff of duties . In class , as free of duty , aro specified gold and silver , coined or uncoined , wearing apparel in actual use , and household furniture and printocl books not intended for sale , but tho property of persons who come to reside in Japan . On tho second class a duty of Jive per cent , only -will bo levied . This clues comprises all articles used for tho purpose of building , or lltting out ships , whaling gear of all kinds , salted proylslona , broad and breadstuff , living animals , coula , timbor for building houses , rice , paddy , steam machinery , / . iiie , load , tin , raw Billc , cotton and woollen , mani (/ lioUired youth . A duty of 85 per cent , will , however , be loViod o » all intoxioating liquors ; and goods not included in any of the prccoding classes will pay a duty of 20 per cent . Japanese products which aro exported as cargo will pay an oxnorfc duty of Jive per cent .
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CONTINENTAL NOTES . riiAXCE . Sir John Bukgovnk lias reached the Hotel des Invalides in charge of the funeral car of Napoleon Bonaparte , a relic which the Trench are very proud of having received from England . Prince Napoleon was there to accept it in the name of the Emperor . He did so by remarking that England appeared anxious to efface the remembrance of St . Helena . The Prince also spoke oi the alliance between the two countries being durable for the sake of the interests of humanity .
The Municipal Council of Paris met on Saturday . The extension of the boundaries of Paris will be on « of the first questions brought before it . This affair is to be pushed on with great despatch , and will be brought before the Corps Legislatif at the opening of the session . It appears that agents are in Paris beating up for female recruits for our Australian colonies . Large premiums and promises of husbands are offered to obtain young damsels , and the agents have succeeded in inducing about one hundred to accept the terms . They must be unden thirty yeais of age .
The Moniteur of Tuesday contains a letter from the Emperor of the French to Prince Napoleon , in which he speaks of the necessity that there was of maintaining intact the honour of the national flag in the affair of the Charles-et-Georges . He says that nothing but a profound conviction of right could have led to risking a breach of amicable relations with the sovereign of Portugal . With regard to the so-called African immigration , the Imperial mind Ls not , we are told , at all made
up . The Emperor has no wish to countenance enterprises opposed to progress , humanity , and civilisation . If the new immigration scheme is really nothing better than the slave trade in disguise , Napoleon III . will not have it at any price . The Prince , therefore , is directed to inquire into the facts , and meanwhile , as the best mode of obviating future occasions of strife , to resume those negotiations for the employment of Indian coolies instead of African negroes j which were some time , back commenced with the British Government ;
Mr . Lever , the founder of the Transatlantic Steampacket Line from Galway to America , is in Paris , for the purpose of completing the arrangements by which telegraphic communication , will be made from all parts of Europe to tiny part of the American continent in six days , at a fixed price . Mr . Lever is about to explain the advantages which Fiance would derive by adopting his line for the transmission of her mails , merchandise , and passengers to America and her possessions at St . Peter ' s , Newfoundland . At present this school for the French navy is at least twenty days from France , but as Mr . Lever ' s line is to carry the British mails to St . J ohn ' s , Newfoundland , his company could deliver the French mails at St . Peter ' s in seven days from Paris .
Since the accession to office of M . Delangle , as Minister of the Interior , the French press enjoys a greater degree of freedom than it did previously , as is manifest from the independence with which several of the journals have lately treated important matters of internal policy without having been interfered with in any way or visited with averiissements . —The Presse contains an article , Avritten by M . Guerault , in which he speaks of the gross superstition which tho French clergy have of late been endeavouring to encourage among the ignorant peasantry in the rural districts by means of pretended miracles such as those at Lourdes and La Salette .
It is rumoured that the magistrate appointed to examine tho charge against M . do Montalombert has decided that tho incriminated article does not bear out the charge , and that he will consequently issue a declaration that there aro not sufficient grounds for a prosecution , Tho Scmaino Jidiyieuse announces that tho Prince Lucion Bonaparte , who is in holy orders , is occupying himself actively in rc-ostoblishing tho order of St . Bernard in Franco . It is stated thixtlipronos of the French flag hoisted by
tho Duke of Malakoff on his residence at Knightsbridge , and which , after a diplomatic correspondence on the subject , ho has been ordered to take down , Count Walowski has written a circular to French agents in foreign countries laying down rules for their guidance as to tho circumstances under which it is proper to display the national colours . Lord Cowloy has loft Connpiogno forChantilly , where he will reside till the repairs at tho embussy in tho Faubourg St . Ilouard aro completed : the oxponsos of which are estimated at 20 , 000 / . sterling .
PORTUGAL . At tho opening of tho Portuguese Chambers on the 4 th , tho King , in his spooab , expired his rogrot that tho negotiations In tho affair of tho Cliarles-ot-Georgoa did not lead to a roault mow conJbnnablo to tho wibuob of his Government . PKUSSU . The Prussian Stuato Ameii / cr publlflhos the following appointments in tho new Ministry . —Prluoo of Hohen * zollorn-Slffmnrlngou , Miuistor President ; Huron 1 'lott-
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No . 451 , November 13 , 1858 . 1 T H E I , E A P B B . 1213
Foreign3nw%Ttn?. ≫ .-O ^
^ Foreign Sntellrgeace . ?
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 13, 1858, page 1213, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2268/page/5/