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Perfectly puro , nearly tastoloss , has been analysed , reported on , and recommended by Professors Tatlor and Thomson , of Guy ' s and St . Thomas ' s Hospitals , who , in the words of the late Dr . Pebbiba , sny , that The finest oil is that most devoid of colony . o < loiir , and flavour . " Half-pints , Is , 6 d ., Pints , 2 s . Od ., Quarts , 4 s . fld ., and Five-pint Bottles , 10 s . 6 d ., Imporial Moasuro ,- ^ 70 , Sb . Paul ' s Churchyard , London .
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KEATING'S COUCH LOZENGES . WHAT IS A COLD ? THE PLAGUE OP THE ENGLISH CLIMATE . At this season who , however careful , escapes its destroying influence P Wo may clotho wall , live well , and guard well toropolthe Inevltablo attnek ; it comoa at last with tho ever-changing atmosphere of this country ; then should bo procured a , bos of KISATING'S COUGH L . OXENGES , which have boon knowu to euro when othor means have failed . Prepared and Sold In Boxos . Is . lid ., and This . 2 s . 0 d ., 4 s . 0 d .. and 10 s . fld . oa « l > , by THOMAS KB ATING , Ohomtflt . &o ., 70 , Sb . Paul ' s Obuvehjard , London . , Retail by all Druggists and Patent MoiUoiao Vendors in tho World .
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PERFECT FREEDOM FROM COUGHS Ia Boourod by Dr . LOOOOK'S PULMONXO WAFERS . They Klvo instant relief and a rapid euro of Awtlmia , Consumption , Coughs , and all Disorders of tho Breath and Lungs . Thoy havo a moat pleasant tnute . Prloo Is , lid ., 2 s . od . ^ niul Us- por box . Sold by all Modlolno Vendors .
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TRIESEMAR . Protected by Royal Lotters Patent of England , and secured by the seals of the Ecolo do Pliarraacio do Paris , and the Imperial College of Medicine , Vienna . Trlosornar , No . 1 , is a remedy for relaxation , spermatorrhoea , and exhaustion of tho systora . Triesemar , No . 2 , effectually , in the short space of three days , completely and entirely eradicates all traces of those disorders which capsules have ho long boon thought an antidote for , to tho ruin of tho health of a vast gortion of tho population . Trlesoinar , No . 3 , la tho great ontinontal remedy for that class of disorders which unfortunately tho English physician treats with moroury , to the inevitable destruction of tho patient ' s constitution , and which all the sarsaparllla In tho world cannot romovc Triosomar , Nos , 1 , 2 , and 3 , nro alike devoid of tnsto or smoll , and ofall nauseating qualities . Thoy may Ho on tlio toilot table Without their use being suspootod .-Sold in tin cases , prioo Us ., free by post Is . 8 d . extra to « ny P * ; ,., .. ii * United Kingdom , or four cases In ono for ¦ 83 s .. by l » o « ft . 3 s . 2 d . extra ; which saves 11 s . i and in 01 . « wob , yl' ^ oby troro is a saving of U 12 s . i divided into nopnrato dosos , m admlnlstorod by Valpoau , ^ lomand , Bonx . * c . Sola by D . Oluircli , 78 , Gracooljuroh . stroot i JJnrtl \ U "ooper , ; W . King William-stroot » G . P . Watts . Strwidi 1 rout , « , M , Strand ; Hnymay , 08 . Oxford-stroot , i SMigor , Iflj , Oxford - Btroot , London f A . H . In «»>»« n - Markot-st ooc , Wano » ci » tor ( and Pbwo'l , lO . SVostinoroiand-strcot , Dublin .
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TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED . CHARLES WATSON , M . D ., Fellow and Honorary Vice-President of the Imperial African Institute of France . Oorres . Member of the Medical Societies of Rouen and Peru , tho National Academy of Sciences , &o ., and late Resident Physician to the Bedford Dispensary , 27 , Alfredplace , Bedford-square . London , continues to issue , on receipt of six stamps , " * HB GUjfDE TO SELP CURB . " "Those about entering the Marriage State should peruse Dr . Watson ' s invaluable little work , as the advice he gives on health and disease reflects much credit upon him as a sound medical philosopher . "' —Critic . " The true Guide to . thoso who desire a speedy and private euro . " — University Magazine . For Qualifications vide "Diplomas" and tho " London MedicafDlreotory . "
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RUPTURES . -BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC -MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to be the most effective invention in the curative treatment of Hernia . The use of a steel spring ( so hurtful in its effects ) is here avoided , a soft Bandage being worn round the body , while the requisite resisthigj > ower is supplied by the Moc-Main Pad and Patent Lever , fitting with so much ease and closeness that it cannot be detected , and may be worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may be had , and the Truss ( which cannot fail to fit ) forwarded by post , on the circumference of the body , two inches below the hip , being sent to the Manufacturer , JOHN WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . Price of a single truss , 16 s ., 21 s ., 26 s . 6 d ., and 31 s . 0 d . — Postage la . _ Double Truss , 31 s . 6 d ., 42 s ., and 52 s . 6 d . —Postage Is . 3 d . Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . 6 d . —Postage Is . lOd . Post-office orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post-office , Piccadilly . ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEECAPS , &c , for VARICOSE VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of the LEGS , SPRAINS . &c . They are porous , light in texture , and inexpensive , aud are drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price from 7 s . Cd . to 16 s . each . —Postage 6 d . JOHN WHITE Manufacturer , 228 , Piccadilly , London .
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DALTENBURQ'S ORIENTAL OIL Is the only reliable preparation for the rapid production of Whiskers and Moustaches , is an infallible remedy for baldness , and permanently restores grey hair to . its original colour . Price 2 s . 9 d . and 5 s . 6 d . per bottle . D'ALTENBURG'S DENTIFRICE is celebrated for preserving the teeth sound , white * and highly polished , it eradicates tartar , arrests decay , prevents toothache , strengthens the gums , and renders the breath fragrant and pure . Price Is . lid . per box ; free by post for 16 stamps . Sold byD'AItenburg and CO ., 3 Sa , Lamb ' s Conduit-street , London ; and , by Chemists and Perfumers . Guard against spurious imitations under closely similar names . . . ¦
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TEETH-TEETH . PROTECTED BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT , and received by the most eminent of the Faculty . —Mr . LAWRENCE'S IMPROVED ARTIFICIAL TEETH by the CLEO-PLASTIC process entirely supersede the Soffc Gum , and every substance that become putrescent in the mouth . Their cleanliness , ease , and comfort render them available in every case , without . springs or wires , at less than advertised prices .-- _ PAINLESS TOOTH EXTRACTION by GRADUATED ELECTRICITY is always attended with certainty and success . —A Treatise on the above methods sent post free on application . Mr . LAWRENCE , Member of College of Dentists , U . S ., 50 , Berners-street , Oxford-street , London . ¦ .
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DEAFNESS AND NOISES IN THE HEAD . r \ TURKISH TREATMENT . —A Sckgeon from JL . the Crimea , who was cured of fourteen years'deaf ness and most distressing noises in the head , is anxious to communicate the means of cure to others so afflicted . Full instructions to effect a cure sent to any part of the world upon receipt of a stamped directed envelope . —Surgeon Colston , M . R . CS . and M . R . S . L ., No . 7 , Leicester-place , Leicestersquare , London , W . C . Consulting hours eleven till foui daily . ^^ ¦
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BRECKNELL'S SKIN SOAP , The best for producing a dear and healthy * kiii : in H packets of four tablets or eight squares . Brecknell ' s Gly cerine Soap , for use when the skin is rough or chaftpedv ii packets of four tablets . Is . 6 d . —BRECKNBMi , TURNER and SONS , manufacturers of Wax . Spermaceti ^ Steanne Composite , and Tallow Candles to her Majesty ; agents fa Price ' s Patent Candle Company , dealers in all other Patem Candles , all kinds of household and toilet Soaps , and u Colza , Sperm , Vegetable , and other Lamp Oils , &c . Beehive , 31 , Haytnarket , London—N-B . Each tablet and square u stamped with the name of " Breckhell . "
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Fbiday Evknino . Money has been ia greater demancL in the week , in consequence of the number of tolls falling due tomorrow , the 4 th . The terms of discount have advanced and no bills are discounted under 2 _ - per cent Probably next week the market may ajjain recede * though all the foreign gold that comes in is sold for the Continent , whicli would indicate a iirmer market . The silver market , however , is flat : bar silver is not in demand , and , a 3 formerly , the demand for silver to send to the East was one cause of the exchanges turning against us . The present flatness of the stiver market would indicate , we believe , an easier money market . There are not at present any signs of a considerable change either tne lunus
In the Stock . Market to-day . cngnsn were at the opening firm , but the telegraph brought no prices from Paris before the close , and an influential party appearing in the market who operated for a fall , the market went backward . French securities were depressed . Numberless rumours ; were in circulation to account for the fall , but none 1 of them appear to have any good foundation . The < new Lombardo followed the general fate , and declined . The shares of the Ottoman Bank , which * have been regarded with favour for some days , were ( again in demand to-day . All the English rails , especially those influenced by the lately made peace , J improved . The public have apparently now but ( little money to invest in securities , and the market j is generally steady . # . 1 The Bank returns show an increase of public j deposits , 573 , 412 / ., and a decrease of private de- i posits 348 , 459 / . a small increase of private seeu- < rities 108 , 556 / ., and a small increase of the reserve , i The figures inform us that the Bank is accumulating ] money , and that the public will , by discount or 1 otherwise , take some of it out of the Bank . Anything whicli injuriously affects the Trench c Government has a depressing influence on public T securities . In proportion , therefore , as alarm had t been excited by the proceedings in the Montalein- c bert case was the satisfaction with which the news was received of the sentence against him having c been cancelled . All kinds of public securities were a improved by the news . It does not follow that s there is ail alliance between the Stock-Exchange Jj and despotism , but between it and security . As , in ¦ ^ the end , liberty will be the best security , the Stock- Jj Exchange , like all other interests connected with f industry , is more favourable to liberty than de- B spotism . . _ ¦ _ ¦ . , , ^ . . , ii is in
The annual report of the Peninsular ana oriental Steam Company recommends the usual half-yearly dividend of 3 £ per cent ., with an additional payment of 1 per cent ., besides 2 per cent , on the underwriting account . The net profits for the twelve months ending the 30 th of September have been 182 , 508 / ., of which 29 , 508 / . was carried to the insurance fund . The capital of tho company is 1 , 700 , 000 / ., with debentures to tho amount of 280 , 000 / . , . L Some doubt has lately been raised as to who is to receive the concession of the Sultan , for establishing at Constantinople tho Bank of Turkey , and yesterday favourably affected the shares of the Ottoman Bank . It has been officially announced that the subscription lists for tho Suez Canal were closed on the 30 tli of November , and tho amounts subscribed exceeding the required sum , the formation of the Qompany will be proceeded with . A fresh riso has taken place in the stocks of tlio throe great railway companies whicli have just niado peace , tho rumours of which caused a steady aud unchecked advance . Messrs . Dennistoun and Co . have announced that on Tuesday , tho 30 th ult ,, and tho noxi fourteen days , I hey would be prepared to pay their last two instalments due respectively on . tho alst December , 1859 , and 30 th June , 1 S 0 O . This is orcditablo to this house , which stoppod in tho crisis last year .
Keating's Pale Newfoundland Cod Liver Oil,
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No . 464 ,, Pecembeb 4 , 1858 . 1 THE LBAP . BB . ' . 1333
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BANK OF ENQhAKD . An Account , pursuant to the Acti 7 th and 8 th Victoria , cap . 32 , forlihb week endingon Wednesday , the 1 st day of December , 1868 . ISSUE DEPAJITMEKT . £ ]¦ ¦'¦ & Notes issued 32 , 633 , 180 Governmentdebt .. 11 . W 6 . JJO Other securities ... 3 , 459 , 900 Gold coin and bul- . lion 18 , 158 , 180 Silver bullion £ 32 , 633 . 180 £ 32 , 633 , 180 BANKING DEPABTMENT . £ . *• Proprietors' capital 14 , 553 , 000 Government secu-Rest .. - - - -.. 3 , 09 * , 728 rities ( including Public deposits ( in- Dead Weight Aur « ludine Exche- nuity ) ..:....... . 10308 , 591 querCommission - _ _ Other Securities 15 . 432 , 330 ers of National Notes-.....-....... 12 , 324 , 040 Debt , Savings' Gold , and Silver Banks , and Divi- Coin 618 , 134 dend Accounts ) .. 8 . 245 , 211 Other deposits 12 , 491 , 758 Seven Day & other Bills ... ¦ 798 . 398 £ 39 , 183 , 095 £ 39 . 183 . 09 S M . IV ARSHALL , Chief Cashier . Dated the 2 nd day of December , 1858 .
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ThkDboimAt , System . —A deputation on tho subject of thoabolitlon ' of tho system of weighing by thq owt ., qr ., lb ., ftnd tho eubsUtutlon of weighing by tho 1001 b . ; anil ftlflo proposing that corn , instead of being sold by tho quarter , buahol , anil various measures now in nso , shall be sold by weight , by tho owt . of 1001 b ., has hud an interview with tho Chaneellpr of tho Exchequer . The deputation consisted of Professor Vo Morgan , Mr . W . Miller , Mr . I . Trovers , and Mr . II . It . Moore .
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¦ \ Copper SMEi / njra . —At a recent meeting of the Society of Arts , Mr . Hyde Clarke , G . E ., read an in > teresting paper on this subject . He remarked that the copper mines of England abound in low sulphuret ores , which are easily smelted , and with the aid of very cheap fuel we axe able to undertake the smelting of the rich carbonic ores of other countries on better terms than they can do it themselves . Rich ores in many cases are carbonates , which can be more conveniently smelted with the English sulphurets . With many advantages it is still to be questioned whether the English copper trade has reached its height , or is free from serious vicissitudes . To suit the circumstances , of local business a particular course of smelting by coal in reverberatory furnaces has been adopted ; but this 13 not the most economical method , nor does it admit of the reduction of the lowest class of copper ores . It ia quite possible , looking to the effective establishment of copper smelting ; in Chili , the United States , and Australia , to the abundant supply of rich copper ores abroad , and the competition of very cheap iron , that copper may be reduced , and thereby the working of the Cornish mines may be threatened ; but on the other hand , if processes be adopted for the more economical reduction of copper , ores of lower produce or at lower rates can then be brought to market , and the reduction ia price may be compensated . New combinations of copper , new alloys , as with silicium , will likewise open new sources of consumption . The copper smelting trade , he remarked , began in Cornwall , and -was thence removed to South Wales , which , until lately , remained its sole seat , as it its chief seat ; but Liverpool having a great import of foreign and colonial copper ores and bar copper , has favoured the establishment of smelting -works on the Mersey , and the copper market there is yearly growing importance . Chesnuts . —This crop , one of the principal sources of agricultural wealth in the Basque provinces of Spain , has this year fallen very abort of the average . Generally the quantity exported is from 30 , 000 to 40 , 000 bushels , but this year it is calculated that it will not amount to 14 , 000 . Atlantic Cable . —It is understood that the Directors of the Atlantic Telegraph Company intend to apply to the British Government for a guarantee upon the capital required for the laying down of a i ^ ew cable . A memorial to Government in support of this proposed application is receiving influential signatures .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 4, 1858, page 1333, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2271/page/29/