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Untitled Ad
" HOT AIR , GAS , VESTA , JOYCE'S STOVES . Ktoves for the economical and safe heating of halls , shops , Rehouses , passages , basements , and the like , being at ^ se ason demanded , WILLIAM S . BUTTON invites attention to his unrivalled assortment , adapted ( one or the other ) to every conceivable reauirenaent . at prices ftom 10 s . each to 80 guineas . His variety of register and other Bto vesTfenders , and kitchen ranges , is the largest in existence- ¦ ¦• . ¦ ' ¦ THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR SILVER . The REAL NICKEL SILVER , introduced more than twenty years ago by WILLIAM S . BURTON , when plated by the patent process of Messrs . Elkington and Co ., is beyond all comparison the very best article next to sterling silver that can be employed as such , either usefully or ornamentally , as by no possible test can it bo distinguished from real silver . A small useful plate chest , containing a set , guaranteed of first quality for finish and durability , as follows : — ^ Fiddle or 1-Tbrei . dof i 1 OldSUrer , Brunswick King ' . I MifiUry Pattern . Pulltrn . Pattern . I P » lter » . £ s . d . L ? s . d ^ , "Fs . d . ^ a . d . 12 Table Forks 1 18 0 2 8 0 ! 3 0 01 3 10 0 12 Table Spoous 1 18 0 2 8 0 , 3 0 0 i 3 10 0 12 Dessert l " orks | 1 10 0 , 1 15 0 | 2 2 0 2 10 0 12 Dessert Spoons I 1 10 0 j 1 15 0 2 2 Oj 2 10 0 12 Tea Spoons ! 0 18 0 | 1 4 0 ; 1 10 Oj 1 IS 0 6 Egg Spoons , gilt bowls ...... 0 12 0 0 15 < V 0 18 0 1 10 2 Sauce Ladles I 0 7 0 ! 0 8 6 . 0 lO 6 , 0 16 0 lGravv Spoon , 0 8 0 ; 0 11 0 i 0 13 6 ' 0 10 0 2 Salt Spoons , gilt bowls ... 0 4 00 5 Oj 0 G o ! 0 7 6 ' 1 Mustard Spoon , gilt bowl . 0 2 00 2 6 J 0 3 0 0 3 9 1 Pair of Susar Tongs ,... : 0 3 . <• 0 3 0 ; 0 E 01 0 7 0 1 Pair of Pish Carvers 1 4 0 1 7 0 1 12 0 1 IS 0 1 Butter Knife 0 3 C 0 5 < d \ 0 7 0 , 0 8 0 -1 Soup Li die 0 1 . 3 " 0 0 17 G ! 1 0 < t 1 10 1 Sugar Sifter 0 4 0 J ¦ i 0 0 5 9 0 SC Total ... 11 1-1 0 14 11 3 17 It y 21 1 9 Any article to be had singly at the same prices . An oak chest to contain the above , and a relative ' number of knives , &c , 22 . 15 s . Tea and Coffee Sets , Cruet , and Liqueur Frames , Waiters , Candlesticks , &e ., at proportionate prices . AH kinds of replating dono by the patent process . DISH COVERS AND HOT WATER DISHES , in every material , in grea-t variety , and of the newest and most recherche patterns . Tin dish covers , 7 s . 6 d . the set of six ; block tin , 12 s . 3 d . to 27 s . the set of six ; elegant modern patterns ,. 35 s . Cd . to G 2 s . Gd . the set ; Britannia metal , with or without silver plated handles , 31 . lls . to 61 . 8 s- tho set ; Sheffield plated , 101 . to 162 . 10 s . the set i block tin hot water dishes , with wells for gravy , 12 s . to SOs . ; Britannia 1110131 , 228 . 10 778 .: electro-plated on nickel , full size . 111 . lls-. WILLIAM S . BURTON'S GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY CATALOGUE may be had gratis , and free by post . It contains . upwards of 4 . Q 0 Illustrations of his illimited Stock of Electro and Sheffield Plate , Nickel Silver and Britannia Metal * goods , Dish Covers and Hot-water Dishes , Stoves , Fenders , Marble Chimney-pieces , Kitchen Ranges , Lamps , Gaseliers , Tea Urns and Kettles , Tea Trays , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Baths and Toilet Ware , Turnery , Iron and Brass Bedsteads , Bqckling , Bed Hanging , &c . &c .. with Lists of Prices , and Plans of the Sixteen largo Show Rooms , at 39 , Oxfordstreet , \ V .: 1 , 1 a , 2 , and IJ , Newinnu-strcf t ; and 4 , 5 , and C , Perry ' s place , London . —ESTABLISHED 1820 .
Untitled Ad
DEANES TABLE CUTLERY , Celebrated for more than 150 years , maintainsau unrivalled reputation foe cheapness and first-rate quality . The stock is most extensive and complete , including the finest tnmsparort Ivory Handles at 32 s . per dozen , choice ditto Balance Handles from 22 s , per dozen ,, medium ditto Balance Handl- * ( an e : ceodingly cheap and serviceable family article ) , 16 s . per dozen ; also Bone , Horn , Stag , and every variety of mounting , all warranted . Plated Dessert Knivos nnd'Forks , with Silver , Pearl , Ivory , and Tinted Handles , in cases of 12 , 18 , or 24 pairs , also platod Fishroating Knives from 42 a . per dozen . Silver and Plated Fish Carvers of tlie newest and most elegant designs always in stock . —London ngents for Messrs . Joseph Rodgors and Sons' celebrated cutlery . DEANE and Co . ' s General Furnishing Ironmongery Warehouses ( opening to tho Monument ) , London Bridge . Established a . d . 1700 .
Untitled Ad
ECONOMY IN FUEL . The waste of coals arising from tlio use of badlvconstructed ilroplacos in in out families is truly enormous . Tljo desirable objects of ell ' ccling a great saving and adding to the comfort of apartments nro obtained by tho use of tho following grates : —1 . Improved Smokeless Fii'o Grntos , now made from 20 s . each . Theso grates burn little- fuel , give much heat , will burn for hours without attention , niul accumulate so littjo soot that chiiriuov-s weeping is almost superseded . 2 . Improved Gi'atos . with Stourbridgo lira-brick backs , from 24 s . eaoh , complete . Anyone who hus experienced tho superiority of lire brick over iron . for robalniiiff Jioat and radliulnp ; It Into an apartment would never oonsont to havo Rfatos with Iron backs , which conduot tho boat away . 3 . Improved Gratos with Stoururltlga lkc-brlck backs and porcelain skips from tf ! J . s . each , complete . The advantages of porcelain for ornament over iron or stool nrlso from its cleanliness , saving of trouble in cloanlug , and from It * beauty not boing impairod by ) n ]) Ko of time . IlhistraloU prospootusou fovwardod on application . Also STOVES FOR ENTItANCE HALLS , SCHOOL ROOMS , CIIUUOHEtf , Sic , Of tho host construction . fn . } Stoves burn liltlo ftiol , roqulro very Uttlo ntiml Oll > . > y b 0 . wlth O 1 " without open nro , and will ti ? n « L " ll ? h ^ , -X ln , ? . » voro woftthcr , or throughout t n ^ ° ll i W' ^ vpd , whllHt thoynro entirely froo from ino QbJoctlon found to ho many stoovwn , that of » . ji ^ mm tv to necomo ovorhoatod and to render tlio atnioHjthoi'o ojjonulvo . illustrated prospectiiKOH forwarded . Manufacturers of ^ OjvftrdB ' M SmolcoloaH KUohoit ltaugo , which alono obtalnod ranwVS !??? We'll nt tho l ' arls Exhibition of 18 ft&—1 \ = nm A # ' - n' » rt Oo ., Oouoi-ftl Stovo and Kitchen iWWjj o Mftuufaotwopu , 42 , L'ohuul-stroot , Oxfovd-ati-oot , W .
Untitled Ad
, GLENFIELD PATENT 9 TARCH . USHDIN TUlil ROYAL LAUNDRY , nd nr P " " » o ° « »> y HER MAJESTY'S LAUNDRESS to ho Xkiti FINEST STARCH SHU MVIJft USMJD . Sola by all Olmudlors , Gvogow , &c . &o , :
Untitled Ad
: PATENT CORN FLOUR , with BROWN and POLSON'S tinino , 1 ms now tho annexed trade mark on each pnokot For Puckllugs , OuRttmls . &o .. proforrod to tho boat Arrowro 6 t , and unequal lud as a Diet for Infanta and Invnlitls . Tho Lancet says , " This is superior to any thing of tho kind known . » -- * 3 oo Itoporta-alao from l > ra . Hawaii , LotUoby , ftllU JilUM )) V *» t , i " Sold by Qrooora , Choiinuts , a . c , «* . fld . pr » v 1 ( J oa . uaoUot-1 ' niBloy , Jlftuolioator , Dubllu , and 23 , Iroiuoraitfur-lauo London . '
Untitled Ad
HARVEY'S FISH SAUCE . —Notice of Injunction . The ( uhnirors of this colobrated Pish Saucq nro imrtlonlurly rcrnieytcd to obsorvo that nono is gouulno but tlml which bears tUo back label with tho name of AVir . r . iAH Lazkndy , as well aa tho lVont label alguod " . Elizabeth Zmt'iiby , " nud that for further security , on tlio nook of iivcry bolUo of tho Gonuiuo Sauoo will henceforward appear on ndditional label , printed in groon and rod , as follows : —" Thin notice will bo adixod toLazonb iV ' a Harvoy ' a Sanco , nroiiarod at thooiitrtnal worohouso , in addition to tiiQwoll-kiiowu labels , which are protoctod against imitation by a punctual Injunction in Chancery of Oth July , 1858 . " 0 , BdwardS"street , l ' ortmau-aau * iro , London .
Untitled Ad
WHISKIES-EQUALISATION OF DUTY . The choicest Scotch and Irish from lls . to 18 s . per gallon . — OWHN" and Co ., 70 , Lower Thames-street , London , K . O . i opposito tho Custom House . Shipping and tho Trade supplied ,
Untitled Ad
EPPS'S COCOA , X ? PFS , IIOMGGOPATXIIO CHEMIST , Low-Xl ^ don ' -llb . ana jib . nackots , Is . Od . mdOd .- 'XhiaoX ' af&lont production . orlHlually . PT ^ limtod bv thatUi « of homivopntlilo |»» llon& , lll i ' l L ^ nSlual arocori Eh rol nuhlln unit now bo had of tho j » ruH > ii »» i Brpoore . uaoa SSJrWa ° ft" " u . « i j " nw « Vvpe , liouicoopfttUio oliomlst , London .
Untitled Ad
THE EXPANSIBLE RESPIRATOR , Variable instantanoously to any of four stages , from a warming power of 4 , 0 dog . down to 15 deg . A papt > r . dosoribing the principles ana right nso of proper Kospirafcors , and especially of tula recent and important improve in out , by the original Inventor of tho Ilospirator , Mr . Jeflroys , may bo obtained by post from J . K , Foroivwl , ai *»»« Kor . Chief Ofllee , 25 , Buoklorabuiy , London ! and of tuo Agouts everywhere .
Untitled Ad
GALVANISM . MR , WILLIAM H . HALSE , the Medical Galvaniat , of No . 1 , Addison-terraco , Kensington , London , solicits invalids to send to him for his Pamphlet on " Mudiual Galvanism , " which lie will forward post free on rocoipt of Two 1 'ostagp Stamps . The boneftoial effects of Galvanism In oases ofPftralysrs , Loss of Muscular Power in any part . Asthma , Indigestion , and Nervousness , are most extraordinary whon applied in a aoiontiua manner , and with an olllclent apparatus . Attendance from Ton to Two o ' clock . Mr . Jlalao ' a Galvanic Machiaea aro Ton Guineas each .
Untitled Ad
ECLECTIC MEDICAL INSTITUTE And PRIVATE JBATH ESTABLISHMENT , 105 , Groat Russell-street , Bloomabury , VT . C—Simple and Medicated VAPOUR , GAXVAN 1 C . and ELECTRO-0 JHEM 1 CA . L BATHS , on improved principles , for the extraction of Load , Mercury , and other Minerals from the body , and for tho cure of Norvo ' us , Diabetic , Paralytic , Cutaneous , Hepatic , Spinal , Rheumatic Gout , and other diseases . Medical Superintendent—JOHN SKELTON , Esq ., M . D ., M . R . O . S ., Eng , For tonus , &c , soo circular sent free upon receipt of address .
Untitled Ad
ECONOMY . TO ALL CONSUMERS OP CANNEL COAL GAS . HAKT'S PATENT ECONOMIZING GAS BURNERS are a great desideratum . NO C 0 KSU 3 JEHS SaOtTUJ BURN TUKIB . OA , S WITHOUT THE 1 T , IMMENSE SAVING EFFECTED . They recommend themselves . —Their effectual working guaranteed for 10 years . One sent post free-on receipt of ao stamps : full particulars on receipt of one . DEPOT , 69 , FLEET-STREET , LONDOTST . NO REGULATOIIS OB AKY KIWD KEQ , TTIUEI > . Neither will any reguUitor diffuse the illuminating power , but on the contrary check its development .
Untitled Ad
WINES FROM SOUTH AFRICA . DENMAN , TNTRODUCER of the SOUTH AFRICAN X PORT , SHERRY , &c , 20 s . per dozen , bottles included . A PINT SAMPLE OF EACH FOR 21 STAMPS . ¦ \ Vinoin Cask forwarded to any Railway Station in England . Extract from the Lancet , July 10 th , 185 S . TrrE Wines ob Softit Afbica . — " \ vo have visited Mr . Dotmah ' s Stores , selected in all eleven samples of wino , and have subjected them to careful analysation . 0 " * " examination has extended to nn estimation of their bouqvet and flavour , their acidity and sweetness , tho amount of wine stone , tlio strength in alcohol , and particularly to their purity . Wo havo tostato that theso Wines , though bmndied to a much loss extent than sherries , aro yet on the average nearly an strong ; that they are pure , wholesome , and perfectly free from , adulteration . Indeed , considering tho low price at ' which t ' .. oy are sold , their quality is remarkable . " EXOELSIOR BRANDY , Palo or Brown , 15 s . par gallon , or 30 s . per dozen . Terms Cash . Country orders must contain a remittance . Cross Cheques— " Bank , of London . " Priced Lists , with Dr . Hassall ' a Analysis , forwarded on application . —JAMES L . DENMAN , 05 , Fcuchuroh-streot , corner of Railway-place , London .
Untitled Ad
WINE NO LONGER AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY . Our superior SOUTH AFRICAN PORT , SHERR MADEIRA , &c ., in brilliant condition , 2 os . per dozen . " I find your wine to 'be-puro and unadulterated . " Ht . Lethebt , M . D ., London Hospital . " Pint Sample of either , Twelve Stamps . Terms—Cash or Reference . Delivered free to any Londou Railway Terminus . The Analysis of Dr . Lethcby sent free on application . Colonial Brandy , 15 s . per Gallon . — WELLER and HUGHES , Wholesale Wine and Spirit Importers , 27 , Crutched-friars , Mark-lane . London , E . C
Untitled Ad
BOND'S PERMANENT MARKING INKTo avoid disappointment from the substitution of counterfeits , be careful to ask for the genuine Bond ' s Marking Ink ; and further to distinguish it , observe that no Sixpennt size is , or has at any time been prepared by him * the Inventor and Proprietor . N . B . —The general and ORIGINAL BOND'S PERMANENT MARKING INK bears the address outhe label , 28 , LONG-LANE , WEST SMITHFIELD , CITY .
Untitled Ad
QUALITY AND ECONOMY . South African Port 20 s . and 24 s . per doz . South African Sherry-. iOs . and 24 s . per doz . South African Madeira . 24 s . per doz . Pure , full body , with fine aroma . Terms Cash . " After giving them a very close scrutiny , we can with the greatest confidence recommend these Wines to our friends . " —Vide Morning Herald , Nov . 0 , 1 S 5 S . BEOWN and BROUGH , Wine and Spirit Importers , 29 , Strand , W . C ., and 24 , Crutched-friars , City .
Untitled Ad
lOtA LETTS'SDIARIES , ALMANACS , lOi / Ji &c , adapted to all Callings , Professions , or Trades , in above 100 VARIETIES of Size and Form , at from Sixpence to Fourteen Shillings each , as well as Descriptive Catalogues , GRATIS , may he obtained at ANY BOOKSELLER'S in the Kingdom . LETTS and Co ., 8 , Royal Exchange .
Untitled Ad
THE PEN SUPERSEDED . Patronised-by Her Majesty ' s Government Offices . — The most elegant and easy method of permanently marking Arms , Crests , Names , or Initials on Linen , Cotton , Books , or other articles , is with the PATENT INCORRODIBLE ARGENTINE PLATES . Any person can use them with the greatest facility . Names ( any style ) , 2 s . ; Initials , Is . 6 d . ; Crest , 4 s . ; Numbers per set , Is . 6 d ., eentpost free on receipt of stamps by the inventors , F . WHITE MAN & Co ., Engravers , &c , 19 , Little Queen-street , Lincoln ' s Inn-fields , W . C . Stamps , Dies , Seals and Book Plates . Arms and Crests fouud free .
Untitled Ad
/ CAUTION to Householders , Bankers , Mer-VJ chants , and Public Offices . The Patent NATIONAL and DEFIANCE LOCKS can be had only of F . PUCKRIDGE , 52 , Strand , near Chariiig-cross . These Locks are important for their security against burglars and thieves , as evidenced in the fraudulent attempt to pick it at the Crvstal Palace , in August , 1854 , bv John Goater , foreman to ' Messrs . Chubb , for the REWARD of 200 Guineas . See Pamphlet and Description , to be had gratis . Fire and Thief proof Iron ' Safes , Plate and Jewel Chests , Deed , Cash , andDespatchBoxes , ErabossingDies , &c Warranted Street-Door Latches , 17 s . 6 d . each .
Untitled Ad
THE VERY FINEST COLZA OIL For moderator lamps , selected from , choice parcels direct from Lille , 4 s . 6 d . per gallon . Tallow Store Dips , 1 A . per lb . ; ditto Moulds , Ss . per dozen lbs ., stored in March last especially for family use . Household Soaps , 40 s ., 44 s ., 46 s , and 48 s . per cwt . Delivered free to any part of , or within five miles of , town , and o / ders of 51 . value railway free to any part of England . WHITMORE and CRADDOCK , 16 , Bishopsgate-street Within . E . G ., London , old servants of , and City Agents to , Price ' s Patent Candle Company . 1 '
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SOHO LOOKING-GLASS MANUFACTORY . 26 , SoUo-square , London , —Established 20 years . —The Proprietor begs to call the attention of the public to the following very reduced List of Prices for LOOKINGGLASSES , of superior quality , fitted in carefully manufactured carved and gilt frames ;— ' ^ Size of Glass . Outside Measure of Frame . Price . 40 by 30 in . 51 in . wide by 89 in . high from 3 « . 10 s . each . 46 by 36 in . 48 in . wide by 58 in . high from H . Os . each . 50 by 40 in . 52 in . wide by 60 in . high from 61 . 0 s . each . 53 by 43 in . 55 in . wide by 65 in . high from 11 . 7 s . each . 56 by 46 in . 59 in . wide by 69 in . high from 81 .. 8 s . each-60 by 48 in . 62 in . wide by 74 in . high from 10 ? . 0 s . each . 70 by 50 in . 64 . in . wide by 84 in . high from 2 . 2 , 1 . 0 s . each . Mahogany dressing and cheval glasses , gilt cornices , girandoles , picture frames , Ac , at equally moderate prices . Merchants and shippers supplied by special contract . - ' , . , ,
Untitled Ad
- I PIANOFORTES . - / CRAMER , BE ALE , AND CO . have ever i K . J description for Sale or Hire . Warranted . — 20 " Regent-street .
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^ . . . HARMONIUMS . i ^ RAMEK , BEALE , AND CO . are the chu ' . \ J agents for Alexandre and Son ' s NEW MODE ] , HARMONIUJl . Every variety . —201 , Regent-street .
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. - . . , * TTTALTER MAYNARD'S INSTRUCTIONS VV and EXERCISES in the ART OF SINGING ' Fourth Edition , 7 s . —CRAMER , BEALE , and Co ., 201 , , Regent-street .
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pRAMER'S EXERCISES FOR THI KJ PIANOFORTE ( KewJBdition ) , published in Parts , 6 s each . These Studies remain the Standard Work in th « Musical Academies of Europe- All the eminent Pianistes ; 1 including Mesdames Pleyel , Clauss , Goddatfd , MM . Thal' berg , Hall 6 , Bennett , Benedict , Sloper , Oaborne , Silas , and Blumenthal , have employed these valuable exercises in their general course of Study . —CRAMER , BEALE , and ; Co ., 201 , Regent-street .
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HANWELL COLLEGE , MIDDLESEX , is still retaining its high character . — United Service Gazette . A Prospectus will be forwarded on application to tho Rev . Dr . Emerton , the principal .
Untitled Article
No . 454 , December 4 , 1858 . 1 T H E X E A D E B > *« 35 /
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 4, 1858, page 1335, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2271/page/31/