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?„ Great Britain on the 1 st inst . was reduced to fk 000 tons against 92 , 500 and 57 , 500 tons in 1857 nnd 1856 , while for the principal continental ports 2 b returns at the same date were only 12 , 000 tons leainst 21 , 000 and 19 , 000 tons respectively . The detention of several Ceylon vessels , long overdue , Kve rendered the operations in coffee unusually limited throughout last month , but liberal importations may shortly be expected . The advices from the different centres of our staple manufactures all concur in stating that business is steady , and that it wears generally a healthy appearance It is true we have no very large foreign orders from abroadif we except India and America , and
the cessation of orders . It is hoped the new year will produce a change for the better . Leicester . —The hosiery trade is in general activity . An excellent amount of business is being done , the open weather operating very favourably on the demand . The operatives are all well employed at good wages in the town and country districts , and materials , especially wool , appear to be at full prices . Bkadfokd . —The wool markets are doing a fair amount of business at remunerative prices .
Iron ^ nd Coal Districts . —The hardware trade is tolerably active . The large masters , especially the Welsh masters * are well employed on railway orders from India , the Continent , and America . The strike is not quite subdued , but men are daily coming in to their work , and there is great hope that we shall soon see an end to the unseemly differences which prevail between employers and employed , and which have already produced so much real injury to both parties , but especially to the turnouts .
, these are riot for piece goods in particular , but we have a fair demand as far as the season will admit , and the home orders are about the usual average . The thick weather has been against the transaction of much business in Manchester , Leeds , and Bradford , as it is unfavourable for ascertaining texture and colours . In Liverpool there has been a very satisfactory amount of business . In cotton , the sales have not been very large but the amount taken for consumption has been very good , while the speculative purchases have been limited . It is very much to the credit of the Liverpool banks , and other provincial joint-stock banks , that they should hare restricted advances to the legitimate requirements
of commerce . They have not fostered the same kind of speculation—at least it is the general belief—which has been going on for several years past and which reached its culminating point in 1857 , when the crash and crisis brought everything to a dead lock . At last we have reason to think the majority of the banks have acted on the prudential principles we have indicated , though of course it would be hopeless to expect that enterprise in Liverpool , called speculation everywhere else , could be quite extinguished , and that banks would not occasionally lend a hand to share profits of a higher rate than the profits afforded by ordinary trade transactions . One reason why business has been less brisk than
common , is that preparations are being generally made for stock taking ; this remark particularly apph ' es to Manchester and the factory districts . Liverpool has been principally active in corn transactions . The favourable wind has brought in a considerable number of grain vessels , and this , of course , produced activity in that direction . At Manchester the yarn market has been brisk ; spinners have obtained very full prices for yarns suited to our Eastern trade . For speedy delivery a good amount of business has been transacted ; the purchases have principally been for Calcutta , Bombay , China , and Germany . It appears that German buyers have intimated their willingness to enter into contracts
with the spinners until the end of the year , but not beyond that period . This is owing to the unusually mild -weather , which renders it less probable that the inland navigation will be stopped . Shippers are thereby encouraged to complete all orders for early delivery . As far as the home trade is concerned , there is not so much activity , but quite enough to keep prices firm . In exceptional instances a trifling reduction is submitted to in some descriptions of yarns , but , generally speaking , prices are good . For the Mediterranean , yarns are in request . In the cloth market there is an active demand for India and China . We mentioned last week that the large amount of exports in this direction has excited atinference
tention , and led in some instances to the that exportors are likely to overstock those markets , But from inquiries we havo made we have reason to believe that the India and China markets will absorb tho quantities sent out and ordered , and that an increasing trade may ho expected in thcae directions . The latest advices from India and China state that shirtings , mndapollums , and jaconets realise full prices . The home orders are noftn such abundance , but trade is not considered dull . Tho demand for printing cloths has been good , but tho demand for long-cloths and T-cloths has not been very acttvo ; prices , however , have been well sustained . From our circulars , we make tho following extracts : —
"There has been a little more inquiry to-day for India gooda , owing to tho continued good accounts from Bombay and Calcutta , and a moderate business has boon done in thorn at tho full rates of Tuesday laat . For T-cloths and long-clolbs there is a less active demand than wo havo hail for somo time , but prices aro well supported . In other respoats thoro is no change from tho regular demand and steady prices of tho Inst two or tlireo weeks . "— " To-day thoro has boon a steady market without chango of prloos for goods , tho trade being generally well hold beforehand to tho ond of tho year . Yarns aro perhaps a little tamor . " Lkeds . —Not a vory active market , but otherwise pueiness wae of a satisfactory character . Tho tone of the market firm , and ordore . as abundant and as extensive as is customary at this period of tho year . Goods of light tcxturo in considerable domand .
Nottingham . —It is romarlcablo that tho laco trade continues to exhibit doplorntyo depression . It is cuiBcult to account for the absoneo of buyers , and
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The Railway Companies' Association met yesterday at the Railway Clearing-house , H . S . Thompson , Esq ., in the chair . The railway directors present , who represented a capital of 136 , 873 , 000 / ., set forth in strong terms the many serious grievances under which the railway interests of the country labour . It was stated that the report issued by the association has met with the almost unanimous support of the railway shareholders of the kingdom , and that the association intend to bring into Parliament during the next session a measure for legalising decisions of arbitrators on all questions which railway companies may fairly submit to arbitration ; and also for legalising agreements between companies for the division
of traffic . The chairman gave notice that at the next meeting of the association he should propose that the Government be requested to appoint a select committee on railways , with full power to inquire into all grievances complained of by railway companies , and to suggest such remedies as in their opinion might appear desirable . The following gentlemen are chosen for the General Purposes Committee : —Mr . H . S . Thompson , North-Eastern ; the Hon . F . Ponsonby , Great Western ; Mr . E . Tootal , London and North-Western ; Mr . L . Schuster , London and Brighton ; Mr . H . Love , Eastern Counties ; Colonel M Lean , Lancaster and Carlisle ; Mr . T . Salkeld , Caledonian ; Mr . R . Hodgson , North British ; Sir Morton Peto , Chester and
Holy head ; Mr . J . Holme , Lancashire and Yorkshire ; Mr . G . Gamble , Manchester , Sheffield , and Lincolnshire ; Mr . W . Fenton , Oxford , Worcester , and Wplverhampton ; Mr . J . O . Ewing , Edinburgh and Glasgow ; Mr * T . Meynell , Stockton and Darlington . And the following gentlemen the Law and Parliamentary Committee : —Mr . H . W . Wickham , M . P . ; Mr . W . P . Price , M . P . ; Hon . H . W . O . Stanley ; Mr . E . G . Salisbury , M . P . j Mr . It , D . Mangles , Mr . E . Watkin , Mr . G . Leeman , Hon . J . C Dundas , Sir A . Orr , and Mr . G . Wilson . The directors of the Great Western Railway have changed their chairman . Lord Shelburne , eldest son of the Marquis of Lnnsdowne , has succeeded the Hon . Spencer Ponsonby .
Some monthtr ago an Act of Parliament was obtained , authorising an amalgamation between the London and North Western and Chester and Holyhead Railway Companies . A valuable mail contract between Government and the latter company is stated to be in abeyance pending tho completion of tho arrangements . Tho shareholders are beginning to inquire whence arises the delay . Influential buyers of the Chester and Holyhead stock have of late been in tho market . The Mackintosh suit against the Great Western Railway Company has arrived at tho fixing of tho sum to bo paid by the company . There is no quostion as to cither tho law or tho equity of tho case ; but each item in this contractor ' s bill of fifteen or twenty years' standing is vehemently disputed . The object of tho company is apparently delay , and it is possible that the settlement of tho matter niay yet bo adjourned for months . _
A special general mooting of tho North Eastern Railway Company is called for tho 21 st inst ., at York , to authorise tho directors to apply to Parliament for power to construct " a railway to Patoloy Bridgo from tho railway from Leeds to Thirsk , and certain othor branch railways . " A special meeting of tho Midland Company was hold at Derby , on Wednesday , for tho purpose of considering the contemplated leaso qf tho Littlo North-Western lino ; Mr . Bealo , M . P ., tho chairman , presided , A discussion tool ? placo of a somewhat stormy charaoter , and an adjournment was moved ; finally a resolution was carried in favour of tho leaso .
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a guarantee of 7 per cent , on the privilege of a line of railway to run between the capital and the town of San Fernando—about twenty miles distant . The agents of Mr . Price , the contractor for the first section of the Dora . Pedro Segundo Railway , having refused to hand over to the company the last part of the section , the directors attempted to take possession of the . same by force , but failed , on which the Government interfered and possession was given , the Government undertaking to settle promptly the contractor ' s claims . At Bahia the railway works were progressing most favourably ,. native labour being abundant , and Mr . Watson , the contractor , having smoothed all difficulties encountered between the interests of the landed proprietors and those of the railway company . Prospectuses for a new railway have been sent home—the line to run between Cachoeira and the Diamond Mines . The provincial guarantee of 7 per cent , required had been referred to the imperial
government . The Lombard Railways . —A Vienna telegram of the 4 th says that the Emperor has sanctioned the charter of the Southern Railway Company ( amalgamation of the different Railway Companies in Lombardy ) . Gr ^ sd Ckntkal Tekmxntos . —We , are informed that local meetings are about to be held in Whitechapel , Borough , Clerkemvell , and Holborn , in support of this scheme .
Brazilian Rail-ways . — The CUainb ^ havo gran tod
The Great Northern of FRANCE . ^ -The new terminus at Paris is to be constructed next spring . It will be a grand building—the facade will be three times longer than that of the Strasburg Railway . A part of the new terminus will be built on the waste ground to the right of the present terminus , which will be taken down to make way for the new building . The works of the line to connect St . Quentm with Rouen , through Amiens * are commenced , and within two years the line will be opened .
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JOIjS t T-STOCK COMPANIES . At the meeting of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company , the dividend recommended in the directors' report , viz ., 3 £ per cent , for the halfyear , with an additional payment of 1 per cent ., was agreed to . A special meeting of the African Steamship Company is called for the 22 nd inst ., to consider the resolutioa submitted at the meeting on the 1 st inst ., to alter certain clauses of the deed of settlement , " in so far as they refer to the deduction of 20 per cent , per annum from revenue on original first cost of the company ' s ships for wear , tear , insurance , and depreciation . " The dividend declared at the meeting of the proprietors of the Bank of British North America was at the rate of 6 per cent , for the year , free of incometax . It was announced that a branch will be established , with the assent of Government , in the vicinity of the Fraser river gold-fields-. The shares of the London General Omnibus Company continue to droop . They were currently offered at the close of business on Tuesday at 30 s . per 47 . share . Rumours were circulated that this company will not be in a position to pay any dividend for the current half-year . The company have obtained their certificate of registration under tho Limited Liability Act , Ere long the shares will be called in for registration , which is looked forward to with a good deal of distaste by the shareholders . At the . meeting of the East India Coal Company , tho report was adopted , and a dividend declared at the rate of 7 J per cent . From the active exertions of tho new officers the yield of coal has augmented fourfold . There is no intention of making a call in tho course of tho ensuing year .
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BANK OP ENGLAND . Ah Account , pursuant to tbo Act 7 th and 8 th Victoria cap . 32 , for tho wook ending ou Wednesday , tlio 8 tu day of December , 1858-ISSUE DEPARTMENT . £ \ £ Notos issued 32 , 770 , 170 Government dobt .. 11 , 015 , 100 Otlioi-socuritles ... 3 , 450 , 000 Gold coin aud bullion 18 , 206 , 170 Silver bullion £ 32 , 770 , 170 £ 32 , 770 , 170 BANKING PEPABXMEKT . „ Proprietors ' capital 14 , 553 , 000 Govovnmont sopujRost , 3 , 01 ) 0 , 933 rltioa ( including Public deposits ( in- Dead Weight Aneluding Excho- nutty ) //•' " ^ ' ^ W quor Oomralstjion- Othor Securities , lfi . m 3 , 731 ors of National Notoa , •¦• & „••;;"" Dobt , Savings' Gold and Bilvoi fl 01 Hanks , avid Pivi- Coin OJifln dond Accounts ) .. 8 , S 5 . \ t f 1 l , Othor deposits . > . . 12 , 37 l , 0 eJ $ @ovon l ) ny Ss othor Mils 7 PAUW r-iii r ! 7 i nsii £ 30 , 081 , 083 Dated thO Oth cluy of Poeombor . XSM .
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No . 456 , December 11 , 1858-1 THE IEABEB . __ 1363
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Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 11, 1858, page 1363, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2272/page/27/