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Now ready , in small 8 vo , 6 s ., STBTTGGL ^ ES IM" FALLING . By HENRY JOHN LESTER . Richabd BEMTiET , New Burlington-str « ct ,
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Immediately , in 2 vols ., small 8 vo , 12 s ., FREDERICK THE GREAT AND HIS MERCHANT . Translated and Edited by Lady "WALLACEEichard Bentktt , New Burlington-street .
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Immediately , in 8 vo , with Portrait , PASSAGES FROM MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY . By SYDNEY LAPY MORGAN . Richard Bestlbt , New Burlingtonrstreet , Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty .
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This day , in post 8 vo , with portrait of Dr . Doran , 10 s- 6 d ., NEW PICTURES AND OLD PANELS . By Dr . DORAN , Author of " Habits and Men , " Ac . Richard Bentxet , New Burlington-street .
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USEFUL BOOKS .-NOW READY . 1 . HOW WE ARE GOVERNED ; or , the Crown , the Senate , and the Bench . By ALBANY FONBLANQUE , Jun ., Esq . 2 s . 6 d . 2 . SLEIGH'S HANDY-BOOK OF CRIMINAL LAW . Chiefly applicable to Commercial Transactions . 2 s . 6 d . 3 . WALSH'S ENGLISH COOKERY . Assisted by a Committee of Ladies . Containing many original Receipts . 3 s . Gd . 4 . HOLDSWORTH'S LAW OF WILLS , Executors and Administrators . Boards . Is . 5 . THE RIFLE , AND HOW TO USE IT . With practical Advice as to the merits of the Rifles now in use . 2 s . 6 d . ? . MECHI'S HOW TO FARM PROFITABLY . Being Mr . Mechi ' s Account of the Agricultural Im-Srovements carried on by him at Tiptree Hall , with ( lustrations . 2 s . London -. Rottti ^ dge , "Wabjtes , and Rotttiedge , Farringdon-street . :
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DISRAELI'S WORKS .-NEW VOLUME . In one vol ., price is . 6 d ., cloth lettered , CALAMITIES AND QUARRELS OF AUTHORS . By ISAAC DISRAELI . New Edition . Edited , with Notes , by his Son , the Rt . Hon . B . DISRAELI . Also now complete , the New Edition of THE CURIOSITIES OF LITERATURE . In 3 vols ., 13 s . 6 d . " What was once said by a distinguished critic of ' Boswell ' s Johnson' may not be inaptly applied in ' The Curiosities '^— Everything is so delightful , and the great charm of it is that when I lay it down and return to it » fter some months , I find that I have forgotten what I read in it , and I find everything just as uew and fresh to me as before . '"—Press . London : Routledge , Wabnes , and Routledge , Farringdon-street . .
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NEW BOOKS .-NOW READY . 1 » SICILY , CALABRIA , and the Top of Mount Etna . By " The Unprotected Females . " With Coloured Plates . 7 s . 6 d . 2 . THE CAVALIERS OF FORTUNE ; or , British Heroesln Foreign Wars . By JAMES GRANT , Author of " The , Romance or War . " With Eight Illustrations . Cloth . 5 s . 3 . THE UNPROTECTED FEMALES IN NORWAY AND SWEDEN , with the best way of travelling there . 7 s . Cd . 4 . HOWITT'S HOMES AND HAUNTS of the most Emihont British JPocts . With many Illustrations . Cloth gilt . 8 s . Cd . London : Routxedoe , Wabfes , and Routvledge , Farringdon-street .
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NEW WORK BY THE REV . DR . GUTHRIE . Just published , in crown 8 vo , prioo 7 s . Gd ., CHRIST AND THE INHERITANCE OF THE SAINTS . A Scries of Discourses from the Coloasians . By THOMAS GUTHEIE , D . D . Edinburgh : A . and O . Buoe ; and all Booksellers .
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A NEW EDITION , REVISED . This day is published , THORNDALE ; OR , THE CONFLICT OF OPINIONS . By WILLIAM SMITH , Author of "A , Discourse on Ethtos , " * o . Second Edition , crown octavo , lOa . Cd ., Wiixjajh Biaoxwoop and Sows , Edinburgh and London .
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Just published , BELL MARTIN : AN AMERICAN TALE Off REAL UFB . By T . S . ARTHUR . Author oir" Tho Maiden ' '" Tho "Wife , " " The Mother , " &o . Uniform with " Tho Good Tim © Coming ' " Foap . 8 vo , Illuminated boards , prioo As . THE GOOD TIME COMING . BvT . S . ARTHUR , 'Author of " Tho Maiden , " " Tho Wife , " " The Motnwr , " &o . Price is . Illuminated boards i 2 s . cloth . ' This Is a good and useful story ...-Tho moral is veil brought out ( and , In eplto of the style , deserves to be read . ' —Athen&um . Hovaox and Sow , B ? , Portugal-etroot , W . O ., London * I
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A SYSTEM OF PHRENOLOGY . By GEORGE COMBE . 2 vols . 8 vo , 15 s . Fifth Edition . Revised by James Coxo , M . D . London : SimpkiiT , Mabshai . 1 ., and Co ^ Lon&maw and Co . ; Edinburgh : Maciachlan and Co .
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New Edition , crown 16 mo , antique cloth , red edges , 4 s ., EMBLEMS , DIVINE AND MORAL . By FRANCIS QUARLES . With a sketch of the Life and Times of tho Author . Ulustrated with 78 Engravings . •»• Quarles' ( F . ) "School of tho Heart . " New Edition , will be ready early in December . London : Wiixiam Tegg and Co ., 8 D , Queen-street , Cheapside , E . C . __ _
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Frontispiece , ISmo , cloth , gilt edges , Is . Gd ., free by post , "OUR WILL I E ;" or , Home Teaching . By Mrs . W . H . COATES . Author of " Look up ; or , Girls and Flowers , " "Grace Dermott , " &c . London : William Tego and Co ., 85 , Queen-stree t * Cheapside , E . C .
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MOSHEIM'S ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY . 8 vo , cloth , 8 s ., MOSHEIM'S INSTITUTES OF ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY , Ajjciekt and Modern . A New and Literal Translation from the original Latin , with copious additional Notes , original and selected , by JAMES MURDOCK , D . D . Revised , and Supplementary Notes added by James Seaton Reid , D . D . London : WmUM Tego and Co ., 85 , Queen-street , Cheapside , E . C .
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Frontispiece , 18 mo , cloth , gilt edges , Is . 6 d ., free by post , SUNNY SEASONS OF BOYHOOD . By the Author of " The Village and the Vicarage , " &c . " Like sportive deer they coursed about , And shouted as they ran , Turning to inirth all things of earth , As only boyhood can . " London : tVn . ii . AM Tbgg and Co ., 85 , Queen-street , Cheapside , E . C . . ' ¦
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THE JUVENILE GIFT BOOK OF THE SEASON . PETER PARLEY'S ANNUAL FOR 1859 . Price 5 s . 18 th Year of its Existonce . Full of . beautiful Pictures in Oil Colours , with Tint Grounds , by Birket Foster , Melville , and George Measoiu . Magnificently bound , forming the most perfect volume of this well-known annual . London : Dartok and Co ., 58 , Holborn-hill .
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NEW AVOEK ON INDIA . Ready on the 15 th . A GALLOP TO THE ANTIPODES : returning Overland through India , Ac- By JOHN SHLAW , MTD ., F . G S ., F . L . S ., Author of "A Tramp to tho Diggings , " " A Ramble through the United States , " " Recollections of Travel , " &c . NOVELTY IX NOVELS . Beautifully Illustrated . BLIGHT ; OR , THE NOVEL HATER . By the Author of " Good in Everything , " &c . 3 vols . J . F . Hope , 16 , Groat Mnrlborough-street .
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Now ready , price 3 d ., stamped 4 d .. A HOUSE TO LET , ENQUIHE AT THE HOUSEHOLD WORDS OFFICE , 10 . Wollington-streot North . CHRISTMAS NUMBER
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HOUSEHOLD WORDS . The Eighteenth Volume is now ready , price Ss . Od ,, bound in cloth . Conducted by CHARLES DIOKENS . Tho Numbers , Parts , and Volumes aro always on sale Office , 16 , Wellington-stroot North , Strand .
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THE CRITIC : WEEKLY JOURNAL of LITERATURE , ART , SCIENCE and tho DRAMA , is now published ovory Saturday , nrieo 4 d ., stamped 6 ( 1 . Tho OitiTio contains Reviews of all tho current Literature of tho Wook , Homo and Foreign , including French . Gorman , Italian , Splavonlo , and Oriontal . Arqhcoplogical , Scientific , Artistic , Musical and Dramatic Summaries . Reports of the Learned Societies . Loading Articles upon Literary and Artistic topics , and nil tho Literary , Scientific and Artistic News of the Wook . Tho Critic may bo obtained through tho trade , or oruorod direct from tho Ofllpo , 2 tf , EaBOx-atroot , Strand , W . C . ——i i i ii i
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" ii' ¦ ' ¦ ' ^ ii ii ¦ - ¦ .. i ,, . . . . .- —¦¦ . . . . _ . ^ i i i i i i f i i . . . i Noxt week Trill bo published , WHAT WILL HE DO WITH IT 1 By PISISTBATUS CAXTON , Author of " My Novel , " &c . ORIOINAU-Y PUPMBHBD IN ' ULAOICWOOn ' s MAOAZINIB . " Four Volumos , post 8 vo , price 21 . 2 » . WILLIAM BLACKWOOP AND SONS , EDINBURGH ^^^ J ^^ f ^ J ^^^ z ^ s ^^
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Now ready , 32 pageSi 3 vo . sowed , price Gd " *' Proposal for tho Vublication of A NEW ENGLISH DICTIONARY By tho Philological Society . ( Will be sent nost fr ™ receipt of six stani , ) S . ) V ° froe on Tkubner and Co ., CO , Paternoster-row , London .
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; THE AUTHOR . OP " VATHEK" ~ MEMOIRS OF WILLIAM BECKFORD OF FONTHILL , ' Author of " Vathck . " Is now ready in ' 2 vols ., with Portrait , price 21 s ., Charles J . Skeet , 10 , King Williara-strect , Cl ) aring-cross .
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Just published , in one thick , volume , Svo , price 18 s cloth TOPICS FOR INDIAN STATESMEN By . JOHN BRUCE NORTON , E * q ., Barrirter-aNLaw Madras . ' "One of the most valuable mines of condensed infm-m . tionyct opened to tho public . " -irar / er lforma " Richardson * Brotheus , 2 : j , Cornhill , E . C .
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UNIVERSITY OF OXFOBIX UNDER THK STATUTK " De Examinatione Candirfaloriun qui non stint de corpore UnU'crsitatis . " The Examination will commence on themornuvof Tnn « day the 14 th of June . lSjit . ° xura ' Junior and Senior Candidates will he examined at the same time ; but the Papers * for the two Examinations will be different . THE REGULATIONS FOR THE YEAR lSoOtnny be now had . . gratis ; on application to Messrs . Parkor , Oxford , and » 77 . Strand , London . Just jpublislieil , price 2 s . Oil ., by post 2 s . K ) d ., EXAMIX ATI ON PAPERS , DIVISION LISTS , &c , for the Kxamination held in June , 1 S 58 . Oxford : Printed for the iH-hjrates , at the Vniversitv Press , and sold by J . II . and J . Pajikeh , Oxford , and 077 , Strand , Londun .
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Now ready , price i ! s . r .. | , postage five , A KEVISKD CATALOGIK OF HW AND ' , CIIf ) ICE JiOOKS I > " Cl It C V 1 . A T I 0 X At IV ] UDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY .
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Also , Gratis , and postapro free , A LIST OF S L' If PLUS COP 1 KS OF RECENT WORKS withdrawn from circulation , and oirered at greatly reduced prices for ensli . CHAHFvKS EDWARI ) MUDIE , New Oxford-street , London , ami Cross-street , Manchester .
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ALL THE BEST NEW BOOKS , English , French , ami ( iorman . added immediately on Publication to JK ) OTU \ S , CHl'RTO . WS , and llOWSOYh United Librarios , : }» 7 , RuKont-strcet , London , W , ncjet door to the Royal Polytechnic I u&ti tution . Single . Subscriptipn . One fJuinca . I ' aniily and Club Subcriptious , from Two ( . Juineas to One Hundred ( . iunieas . Terms and Catalogues forwnnled on application . ao 7 , Ito ^' cnt-stri'i- 't , W .
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THEY MUST NOT KNOW I LOVE THEE . Now Jiallad , bv Jessica Ronsein and Walter Maynard . THE OLD 1 JKLL . Uulltul bv . 1 . W . t- 'V ^] 7 ' - ,, ™ I > KT MK WIIlSI'Elt IN Til IN 13 EAR . ltalto » i > cw ballad , composed for Mr . Sims KeoVes . London : CRAMER , liKALK . and Co ., 201 , Regont-streof .
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PIANOFORTE MUSIC MINNIE : Air Vnrid , by S . ¦ Thalbcrg-Ss . LAST KOSK OF SUMMICJt . 1 J , v S . Tl . alberg-ls . HOME , SWE-KT HOME , liy fcJ . TImHwnf-to . Ah played hy Mh » Araliulla Goddnrd . London : CRAMER , 11 KALK . and Co .. tiul , Ro Kont-strcet .
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PIANOFORTES . CRAMER , liEAJ . K , AND CO . lmye every \ J dosoriptlon for Sale or Hire . Wnrrnnlod . -- «« . Regont-ati'eot . .
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HARMONIUMS . pRAMER , BEALifl , AND ° O . nro tbj ^ jf V ^ iwonlH for Aloxandro and Son 8 *]' " [ „ $ "" HARMONIUM . Evoi-y vnrloty .-2 « M , K « BOiit-slieoi .
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WALTJKK MAYNAKD'S INSTRUCTIONS and EXKRCISIC 8 In tho Al « ' O 1 'J g ? 201 Fourth Edition , 7 a .--CRAM 13 R , liliALli , and Co .. Rogont-utrcot .
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LONDON i Prlntocland . published by Frederick GuwtTomUnu » b » TUo Loader" Offloo , No . aoa , Strand , in tho Oouuty of Middlesex . —Pocotubor Ji , l « S < V
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1368 THE LEAPEB . _^ L [ No . 455 , December 11 , 1858 .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 11, 1858, page 1368, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2272/page/32/