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( Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament . ) For Constructing , Maintaining , and Working ( under the sanction and with the support of the Government of India n comprehensive system of Irrigation Works and Navigable Canals throughout the Presidency of Madras and the neighbouring territories of Berar , Coshin , Hyderabad , Mysore . Na « noor , Orissa , the South Mali rat ta Country and iravancore ; and also throughout the Lower Provinces of Benfral when the necessarr powers shall have been obtained . First capital , 2 , 000 , 000 ? . ( with power to increase ) . , _ . First issue thereof , 1 , 000 , 000 ? . in 50 , 000 shares of 20 ? . each , upon which a perpetual minimum interest of 5 l . per cent . lias been guaranteed by the Secretary of State for India in Council , all surplus profits being divisible equally between the Government and the Company ; which arrangement 18 subject to be determined only by the Government purchasing the works constructed within six months after the expiration of each period of twenty-five years , at a sum equal to the market value of the shares of the Company on an average of the three preceding years- ¦ ¦ .... t o Deposit ; 11 . per share , to bear interest at the guaranteed rate from the day on which the same shall be paid into the Indian Treasury . DIRECTORS . Chairman .- JAMES THOMSON , Esq . ( Messrs . Line and Co ., Madras ) , Deputy-Governor of the Agra Bank , and late Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce , Madras , and President of the Madras Bank- ¦ . Golonol PhiMP Anstrtttheb , C . B ., Madras Artillery . The Hon . Phiup Pj . bydell Bouvjsuik , M . P . ( Messrs . Ransom . Bonverio , and Co . ) . '¦« ,. - Lieutenant-Colonel Grimes , Madras Army , Chairman or the Oriental Inland Steam Company . . Colonel Atwei . l Lake , C . B-, late Superintending Engineer of the Kistnah Irrigation Works . Lieutenant-Colonel Onsiow , late of the Commission for Licutenant ^ Genoral Sir Gbobsb Pollock , G . C . B . / F . R . G . S .. Ac Major-General \ Vbstbo * Watrins . Madras Army . Consulting Engineer . —Colonel J . T . Smith , Madras Enm-Audflors . *—James Bonar , Esq . ( Messrs . Small and Co ., Old Bankers . — Messrs . Ransom , Bouverie , and Co ., 1 , rail-mail Solicitor . —John Maekroll , Esq . iU . Cannon-street "West . Secretary . —John \ Vostwood , Esq . Offices-27 , Cannon-street , London , Ji . C . PROSPECTUS . . Tho paramount importance and eminently remunerative character of works of irrigation in India have become , by loug experience and well ascertained results , established facts . Accordingly the Government of Madras , in May last , in a report to the lato Court of Directors of the tast India Company , after setting forth in tho strongest ¦ 1 m gnaw ) their beneficial effects and public utility , certified that " the returns from Irrigation works aro always considerablo , and orton immense i" and the truth of this statomeiit is placed boyond . doubt by onicial returns made to Bytno ° seit appoa . Vs that tho whole of the tlion oxisjUnp worts in the Madras Presidency ( many of which wore much out of repair , and to a groat extent useless ) real sod , during a period of fourtqon years , an averngo not profit of 0 J per cent , upon tho cost of their construction and maintenance ; whilst tho thirteen largest yielded during ; tho samo term a like profit of more than 120 per cent . Those works also which have boon since uudortnkon but not yot completed - viz . on the Qodavory and Kistnah rivors—liavo a [ ready producod largo returns , which will shortly , it is stated , exceed Hitherto works of this nature havo boon executed by tho Government only . 13 ut from tho want of funds and a suitnblo and trained ngency comparatively littlo has boon or . footed , and it hns now bocomo ' impossible nt least for many years to come , to provide others out of the ordinary rovenuo , Much , thoroforo , remains to . bbdono in this respect to muot the iiosltivo and immediate requirements of the country i in truth . it has boon for many years post repeatedly recordod by members of tho LoBWlativo Council , by Governxnent commissioners , by civil nnd military am I noors , auu by many others of high oharaotor and . intialUKontio , that n vast numbor of new works which will yield rotuniH equal to what lias boon aliovo stated aro imperatively roqulrod within tho territories above named , and that in the Madras Presidency alone tnany millions of aeros of good land are now lyinK wnflto , requiring only irrigation to ponder thorn eminently fortlloand pro / ltabJo , whilst imnionso volumes of water , ( and more than svillloioub for tho purpose required ) flow by neglected to tho son . . , , , ., . Ncxtto Irrigation works , both in importance and in tlioUremunerative ahnrnotnr , nro choap means of transit . Their pxtension is al « o us largely a > id wveontly called for j and it Is a fortuitous oiroum » tivmx \ that . iiv India thetto two ossoiv tint olbmontB or prosperity may bi secured by one operation , for works of irrigation can in nioBt oases bo con-
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ATLAS FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE OFFICE , 92 , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON . Established 180 S , And Empowered by Act of Parliament of the 54 th Ged . III . c-79 . DIRECTORS . Chairman . —J . Oliver Hanson , Esq . Deputy Chairman . — "William George Prescott , Esq . Sir William Eaynes , Bart . Arthur Edward Campbell , Esq . Thomas Chapman , Esq ., P . K . S . Benjamin JJuck Greene , Esq . Joseph Grote , Esq . . John George Maclean , Esq . Samuel Eustace Magan . Esq . Captain Alexander L . Montgomery , R . N . Joseph Pulley , Esq . Arthur Augustus Kasch , Esq-Auditors . —John Oliver Hanson , jun ., Esq ., and Philip Ainslie Walker , Esq . Actuary . —Charles Aiisell , Esq ., F . R . S . Solicitor . —Thomas Browning , Esq . JBankers .-rMessrs . Prescott , Grote , Cave , and Gave . LIFE DKPARTJYIENT . The Accumulated Premiums are over 1 , 600 , 000 / . And tb . 6 Annual Income exceeds 184 , 000 ? . ... _ ,.. . Bonuses have been declared on Policies to an amount greater than the sum originally assured . Premiums havo been extinguished , where the parties assured have applied the bonus in reduction of the Annual Premium . At the last valuation up to Christmas , 1854 . there existed , a Surplus of 268 , G 9 U-, which had accrued during tho five years ending at that period—the whole of which Surplus belonged to the policy holders . . Tho next valuation will bo made up to Christmas , 1 . 859 . Policies on ifie Participating Scale , in England or Ireland respectively , which may be offected before that date , willi if the parties bo then alive , participate in the surplus iu proportion to tho time they may have been in forco . Tho sum of 3 , 130 , 975 / . has been paid during the existence of tho Omco for claims under Life Policies , of which , amount a very considerable part was for ^ onusos . Persons assuring in Great Britain havo the option of Participating Bates of Premium , or of X * on-Participating Rates . The Directors bog to announce that tho rates of Premium have been recently rovisod and readjusted in accordance with a Ions experience , and that Tho Now Scale will bo found very advantageous to persons desiring to commence assuring early in life . The Non-Participating Scale is particularly adapted to parties wishing to assure a fixed sum only , at a fixed , rate of ^ Sfu ' m'S ^ W SSr * i » n « ff * ITal fwarlv . oT by a FIRE DEPARTMENT . Renewals should bo paid within fifteen days after tbo rospoctivo Quarter-days when tlioy become duo . . . Tho Company undertakes the assurance of Property in tho Manufacturing . Agricultural , and other districts , on favourable terms , ltisks of extraordinary hazard on spooial aS ° AlTowanCfTO ' loss of Rent of Buildings rendered unlonablo by Tiro Is one of tho advantages oflored by the tables of Ratos , forms . of proposal , and any information uoQdful to effect Life or Flro Assurances , may bo obtained on application to tho Olllco , Wo . 02 , Ohoausido , London , or to any of the 0 ° *! ^^^ . JGH , SoorotaK »|; -- ...
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SPECIAL NOTICE . ' ' && £ } £ ¦ ' - ' ¦' . ' *'* A ' •" ROYAL-EXCHANGE ^^ & * W ^ $ F& * Ufo PoUclos olfcotcd duriiiK tho !'"{•? " * ^ SrajJ ^ igfiffi ft ^" . f * C a ^ -rqaM ^ ' ^^ 'afflffiM ^ i f ? Pivjb V ^ Ajtfl , M ; Y $ ^ 5 ^^ ir J tf ! ^ iiSlV ' i '" I ' ! ' I " '' / '^ 1 " *
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F 7 ] 2 / feu ^ - 4 t ^~ tftvwf 1 * _ r ; . - . , / t- vc I / ' \ MIf CMvu **^™^^ 1 J **<* # > \ I rr ^ r ^ * wr ^ " - ¦¦ ¦ z ^ c- $ lucx , I A POLITICAL AND LITERARY REVIEW , MERCANTILE JOURNAL , I ¦ ¦ ¦ *' . ' AND I RECORD OF JOINT STOCK COMPANIES , BANKS , RAILWAYS , MINES SHIPPING , &c . iCE
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I VOL . IX . No .-4 , 56 . ] SATURDAY , DECEMBER , 18 , 1858 , Price { jgSag . ? S : JB ^ B 55 - because the most
The Madras Irrigation And Canal Company.
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, , . ' ' && £ } £ ¦ ' - ' ¦' . ' *'* A ' •" & * W ^ $ F& * ^ SrajJ ^ igfiffi ft ^" . f * C afflffiM ^ i f ? M ; Y $ ^ 5 ^^ ir J tf ! ^ iiSlV JGH , SoorotaK »|; -- ... ' i '" I ' ! ' I " '' / '^ 1 " *
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 18, 1858, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2273/page/1/