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mices . India cloths may be placed l $ d . per piece dearer , the last quotations 50 s . to 803- ; mule , about x , } per lb ., and 16 s . to 203 . ; India water twist * d per lb . higher . For the home-trade cloths cannot now be purchased on the easy terms of last Liverpool . —The demand for cotton has not been very brisk , but a better feeling appears to prevail than was the case last week . The sales have somewhat increased , both for speculation and export . Holders have shown no disposition to press sales , and this has tended to make the market firm . Leeds . —No particular feature has presented itself this week ; but though business has not been remarkably brisk , it has been very fair , and rather more in quantity than the average at this period of the year . The same may be said of Bradford and the cloth districts in the West of England .
Leicester . —The hosiery trade , which has been so unusually active in every department , has not been so brisk this week . But more is doing now than is usual at this time of the ye * r , and manufacturers , large and-small , have no reason to complain . Business appears to be in a sound and satisfactory condition , not only as far as the towns are concerned but the country districts also . The operatives appear to be generally well employed , and this is very encouraging . We understand that for choice lots of farmers wool high prices are asked and readily given . _ ' .. _ ..
. , . _ , _ Nottingham . —We wisli we could make a more favo \ irable report of the lace trade . Every department remains dull , and this slackness of business has been increased by the duty of stock taking . Two failures in the lace trade have occurred , and such is the dull look which matters wear that manufacturers are prudently producing as little stock as possible . There is , however , a hopeful feeling as to the future , and the trade seem to be of opinion that in a very few weeks the inactivity prevailing in all departments will give way to general emp loyment . The hosiery trade still continues very good . t has
Glasgow . —The cotton marke generally been quiet , and transactions are on a limited scale . The downward tendency of prices has been arrested and the markets are firm . The iron trade is steady , the inquiry is for immediate delivery warrants , shipping lots not being in request . Birmingham . — Trade is not particularly good but it is fair for the season . m ¦ ^ The coal districts are not yet quite pacified . Coal has advanced in price retail . The men on strike are lessening in numbers , and matters appear to be resuming their ordinary aspect .
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A special meeting of the London and JSTorth- ^ estern Company is appointed to be held on the 30 th inst ., for the purpose of considering an agreement under the Chester and Holyhead Railway Act , 1858 , for the gunrantefe by the London and North-Western Company of interest on the debt and of dividends on the shares of the Chester and Holyhead Company , and for the purpose of sanctioning the purchase of the Chester and Holyhead Railway , or the amalgamation of that company with the London and North-Western Company . The terms fixed between the companies have been officially announced , and are 'aa follows : •—Tho London nnd North-Western guarantee on the original stock of the other company : In 1859 , nil ; in 1860 , nil ; in 1861 , 11 , 000 / ., or 1 per cent . ; in 1862 , 22 , 000 * ., or 2 percent . ; in 1863 and thereafter , 27 , 500 / ., or 2 A per cent . The London and North . Western Company also undertake tho charge of the Chester and llolvhtad Company's preferential nnd
capital debentures . The Calcutta and South-Eastern Railway Company , connecting Calcutta with tho now port of tho Mullah , having obtained tho Government guarantee of b per cent ., tho directors have fixed Wednesday next aa tho last day for receiving scrip for registration , and for tho payment of tho call of 1 / . Is . per share which has to bo paid into tho East India Troasury forthwith . Tho Punjab Railway Company have notified that no call will bo required till after Midsummer . Anothor extraordinary meeting of tho Calcutta nnd South Eastern Railway Company is called for tho 24 th inst . to confirm the resolutions adopted at tho mooting on tho 2-ith ult . Tlia directors have extended tho poriod for tho registration of scrip and payment of tho call unj . il tho 4 th of January .
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CAMuuipau and Bbdi- 'oiw . —A now railway has been dotormtned on . Tho lino has boon surveyed ; tho plans have boon t . uly deposited in good timo ; and tho proper legal noticed have bi > on given fur applying for tho bill in the noxt , session , it will bo called the "• Cambridge and JBuilford Kullway . " It commonqoa its uonnexion vrlth tho London and Nov-lh Western lino at Bedford ; crosses tlio Uryat Nor thorn at Sandy i nnd it runs into tho Eastern Counties noar Trumplngton . —Cwnlridye Ijtdepmdcnt . Nk > v Russian Link . — -A St . Petersburg letter Bays
Peiinambuco Railwat . —This Company have received from the Brazilian Minister 12 , 369 / ., the amount required under the guarantee of 7 per cent , on the workng of the line from the 9 th February to the 31 st July last , calculated on the capital ( 375 * 000 / . ) of the first section . The circumstance corroborates the intimation that the Government Las authorised the company to look to it for the entire amount of the guarantee of 7 per cent ., the Imperial Government undertaking the settlement of accounts with the provincial Government .
that an English company is endeavouring to obtain a license for a railway intended to connect Warsaw with Odessa , by way of Lembery . They will , in the first place , construct a road from Warsaw to Lembery , and Kamintec Podolski , that line running through the Austrian dominions for about half of the distance . The remainder of the way , it is hoped , will be advantageously performed by means of steam-ships on the river Dniester . The company have already commenced their investigations as to the navigability of tbe river .
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JOINT-STOCK COMPANIES . A general court of the proprietors of Bank Stock , being one of the quarterly general courts fixed by the charter , is called for the 16 th inst . At the meeting of proprietors of the Bank of Australasiaj the directors' report stated that , although the Australian markets have not thoroughly recovered from tlie shock occasioned by the crisis , the business of the bank maintained the sound and healthy character referred to in former reports . It is anticipated that the arrangement made with the Government of Victoria for the disposal of debentures for railway purposes to the extent of 7 , 000 , 000 / ,, spread over a series of years , will become an additional source of profit to the establishment . No statement of profit and loss was presented , but the chairman remarked that the profits of the half-year would prove highly satisfactory .
An extraordinary general meeting of the Atlantic Telegraph Company was held on Wednesday , when a report from the directors was presented . The capital expended amounts to 379 , 029 / ., leaving a balance in hand of 7996 / . The directors express a " sanguine hope" of a successful result to their application to Government for a guarantee of 4 J per cent , on-the half million of further capital proposed to be raised , but they have not yet received the decision of the Government . at both ends
The report also stated that defects existed of the cable , and that it would be necessary either to underrun or to raise it . The report was unanimously adopted . Mr . Whitehouse , the company's former electrician , announced that a second company had been formed , and that half of its capital bad been paid up . He said he was ready to state the terms upon -which the new company was prepared to amalgamate with the old . It was agreed that Mr . Whitehouse ' s proposition should be submitted to the directors . The Port Phillip Mining Company have received from their resident director the sum of 1500 / ., which will complete the sum of 5000 / . necessary for the dividend .
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BANK OF ENGLAND . An Account , pursuant to the Act 7 th and 8 th Victoria cap . 3 : 2 , for the week cndinR on Wednesday , tho 15 th day of i ) ecoinbor , 1858 . ISSUE DEPAETMEKT . £ \ £ Notes issued 32 , 852 , 470 Government debt .. 11 , 015 , 100 i > olc u o » " « ' other securities ... 3 , 450 , 000 Gold coin and bullion 13 , 377 , 470 Silver bullion £ 82 , 85 : 2 , 470 £ 32 , 8 f $ 2 , 470 BANKING DEPAUTJUENX . £ . I *• Proprietors * capital 14 , 553 , 000 Government soou-Rost " ... 3 , 100 , 441 rities ( including Public deposits ( in- Dead Weight Annliirlinir Uxflho- muty ) 10 , 808 , 501 S&nS- OthoVSocuritios . 15 . 088 , 503 ors of National Notes . 13 , 100 , 215 Uebt , Savings' Gold and Silver Hanks , and Divi- Coin 040 , 809 dond Acoounts ) .. 0 , 520 , 771 OUior deposits ... . 13 , 000 , 131 Suvuu Vny & othor Hills 703 . 802 __ je 40 ~ 500 203 £ ' 40 , 550 , 203 ' SiMARSHALL , Ohiof Onshlor . Tinted tho 10 th day of X ) ooonibor . 1858 . = __
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REVIEW OF THE WEEK . Mincing Lane , Friday Evening . - Tub general features ' , of trade , as connected with these markets , have not varied materially since our last . Importers show undiniinished confidence ; and , notwithstanding the recent heavy arrivals , avoid pressing them largely on sale . Buyers , on the ' other hand , are equally reserved , in their operations , especially in such articles as
from diminished stocks have an upward tendency ; and with matters thus equally balanced cqrrent values are necessarily subject to bat very slight fluctuations . From the same cause , however , passing transactions are of only moderate extent , and trade in general , although very sound , is very slow . The advices from producing countries , to hand this week , are not calculated to disturb this state of things , as they merely confirm those previously received , and as another week will bring us to the closing of the markets , any important change is not to be expected .
Cornv—Foreign advices excite very little interest , as the market is more immediately , if not exclusively , affected by local influences , the most powerful of which , is perhaps the weather . With a humid atmosphere , the samples of English wheat at Mark-lane have again , been deteriorated in character , and chiefly from this cause have sold Is . lower in price . The few prime dry lots to be found could hardly be called cheaper . The general demand was , however , anything but brisk . Choice dry white was quoted as high as 49 s . to 50 s . ; prime new , 46 s . to 48 s . ; good runs , 44 s . to 45 s . ; damp , 40 s . to 43 s . ; prime heavy red , 42 s . to 44 s . ; runs , 40 s . to 41 s . ; common , 37 s . to 38 s . Foreign wheat has undergone very little change , the buying , as of late ,
being merely for immediate wants . The top price of Dantzic white was 54 s . to 55 s . ; mixed , 50 s . to 52 s . ; other imports , 42 s . to 45 s . ; French red , 41 s . to 43 s . ; Archangel , 31 s . to 35 s . Flour is held for late rates , at which but small sales are practicable . The top price of town made stands at 40 s . ; households , 33 s . ; country households , 32 s . to 33 s . ; seconds , 30 s . ; Norfoiks , 27 s . Cd , to 28 s . ; French , 33 s . to 35 s . ; superior marks , 36 s . to 37 s . per sack . American good and superior brands , 22 s . to 26 s . 5 sours , 20 s . to 21 s . per brl . Barley of inferior quality has been pressed more freely on sale .
and quotations are Is . per qr . lower , whilst even the choice grades of both malting and grinding descriptions are less firmly held than of late . The few transactions in malt have been at about late rates , prime new Ware 67 s . to 68 s . ; choice ship samples , 64 s . to 65 s . ; inferior , 56 s . to 60 s . Beans , of which there have been some further arrivals from abroad , have declined fully Is ., per qr . A similar reduction in the value of peas has followed increase of supplies from Canada . With heavy arrivals oats have declined Is . per qr . ; Russian , 20 sto 218 . perqr . The market is pretty well cleared of floating cargoes , and prices are firmer . CORK ARRIVALS .
English . Irish . Foreign . Wheat qrs . 6710 — 21 , 856 Barley „ 6971 — 18 , 831 Malt ,, 18 , 842 — — Oats ,, 12 , 300 — 48 , 517 Beans „ 880 — - 1787 Peas „ 514 — 4438 Flour sks . 19 , 116 — 1636 Ditto brls . — — 611 LOSDON AVERAGES . Qrs . s . d . Wheat 2586 at 43 2 Barley 836 „ 85 6 Oats 2361 „ 24 0 Beans 252 ,, 34 10 Peas 106 „ 50 0
Seeds . —Arrivals this wooJc aro yvoQ qrs ., comprising 7400 East India , and 2550 St . Petersburg . Prices continue steady . Bombay seed at ' 56 a . on the spot ; Calcutta , 5 Is . to 53 s . delivered , and 51 s . 6 d c . f . and i ., including baga . The St . Petersburg seed is going to store for higher prices . Several floating cargoes Taganrog have hoen sold at 51 s . 6 d . to 52 s . for old , and 52 s , Cd . for now crop , delivered U . K . Rape seed is in moderate demand for consumption and export . Calcutta , 54 s . ; fine Bombay , 63 a . to 68 a . 6 d . ; inferior to good , 45 s . to 57 s , per qr . I ^ otatobs . —With fair supplies , trade ia very alow , excopt for the boat qualities . York regents , 90 s . to 100 a . ; Scotch regents , 60 a . to 85 a . j oups , 45 a . to 00 s . ; French , 68 s . to 66 a . ; Dutau , 60 s . to 55 a . por ton . Provisions , — The dead moat mnrkols « ro beginning to indicate the approaoh of Christinas , tlio supply Incroasing and the quality improving . Tiio boof trade ia rather brink and prices nro liltflier , pnmo o «« i » mb touching 4 s . 4 d . ; good , 4 s , to 4 s . 8 ( 1 . | ™} ? ling , 8 * . 8 d . to 3 s . lOd .: Inferior , 8 h . 8 d , to 8 a , 4 d . Mutton , 4 a . 2 d . till . 04 . for prime 8 s . 8 d . to 8 a . 100 . for f ^ B * and 8 s . 2 d . to 3 a . 4 d . for inferior . Veal , 8 s . 8 d . to "" 8 d ., and a slow sale . Pork , 8 a . 4 d . to 4 s . 8 d ., and in plentiful supply . Irish owed moats Are unaltered ia value . American lAfd , Is . aewor .
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No . 456 , December 18 , 1858 . ] THE LEADER , 1393
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Tins Nitw Turkish Loan . — Tho Porto has placed m tho hands of tho commissioners for tho now Turkish Loan tho s um representing the interest and sinking fund for tho past thrco months , as agreed in tlio contract , I he dostruction of the paper money has commenced , Qniinos to tho amount of 68 , 518 , 750 piastres have already boon burnt in tho prosonco of tlio conunlasionors , Mr . A < aloonuot . Mr . StAiiaon , and their Turkish colleagues , and a further amount , making « total of about one million of piastres , will shortly bo destroyed , fho quantity already burnt represents 607 , 181 / . sotting at rest tho question as to whether tho paper monoy ia really to bo withdrawn . Tho stipulation Ima boon voluntarily ontqrod into on tho part of tho Government , that the Minister of Finance will account to tho commissioners for tho whole of tho procoodn of the loan .
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Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 18, 1858, page 1393, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2273/page/25/