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Live Stock . —The Christmas show of fat cattle on the " great market-day" was considered quite up to previous years . The point of commendation above every other was the useful aiid selling condition of the stock generally . For symmetrical perfection the Herefords And short-horns were said never to have been surpassed , and the Scots were pronounced finer than had been seen for years . The beef trade was brisk , and the prices obtained were rather above those of Christmas , 1857 . Sheep were in large supply , and though equally well up in quality , met but a moderate demand . Prices were , however , pretty well maintained . There were but comparatively few pigs and calves at market , and they were sold it about late rates . On Thursday there was also a good show and an equally good trade . The following were the numbers at market and current prices : — MONDAT . Beast . Sheep . . Calves . Tigs . £ t a&a 5 m _ 2 OO XJ . 5 oo \ j 3 S . 8 d . toll * L 3 s . 8 d . toss " 4 d . 4 s . Od . to 5 s . 0 d . Ss . Od . toSs . Sd . Thursday . 8 s . Sd . to 5 sV Ss . Sd- toSs ?* L is-Od . to ° ] s . Od . 3 s . Od \ to 3 s . Sd . SrotB .-The market continues dull , and , as usual under the circumstances , prices have a lowering tendency . Only moderate supplies are , however , brought on oflfer , and any appreciable decline is , therefore , prevented . The protracted absence of business is restricting the deliveries , and although but a small proportion of the recent arrivals is as yet warehoused , stocks have somewhat increased . The principal transactions have
inserved sale of Valencia raisins went at 28 a . to 30 s ., being a rise of 4 s . to 5 s . on the forced sales of the previous week . ' Sfices . —Rather considerable supplies have been brought forward from the late imports , and although prices are in several instances easier , they are sufficiently strong to indicate a healthy market ; 1800 pkgs . cassia lignea by the Hindoo , were brought to public sale early in the week , and obtaining bids only at the recent decline were withdrawn , and subsequently 1000 bxs . sold at an improvement of 4 s . to 5 s . per cwt . ; middling first pile , 99 s . ; second , 9 is . to 95 s . ; third , 92 s . per cwt . Pepper is rather cheaper , but about 4300 bgs . have sold : Sumatra , 3 jd . to 3 = d . ; Penang , 3 fd . to 3 £ d . Small parcels white sold at 83 d . to 8 £ d ., and superior , 8 id . per lb . Pimento dull of sale at 34 d . to 3 id . Nutmegs sold at Id . to 2 d . decline .
Indigo . —The Calcutta letters confirm prior estimates of a deficient crop , and also report a high range of quotations . The market is consequently firm , and for East India descriptions full prices are . offered , whilst an advance of 2 d . to 3 d . per lb . was realised , and a public sale of 105 srns , Guatemala , cortes to sobres bringing 3 s . 9 d . to 6 a . per lb . Cochineal has advanced Id . per lb . Safflower continues in request , and , for small parcels , higher prices have again been paid . Cotton . —The demand has improved , and prices tend upwards . At Liverpool , the sales are 67 , 370 bales . Fair Mobile , ^ d . ; Upland , id . ; and Orleans , 1-16 d . higher . Here the sale 3 are 1050 bales . Madras , 5 $ d . to 5 jd . ; Surat , 4 ? d . to 53 d . per lb .
Jute has further advanced . 15 s . per ton , and a large business has been done on the spot as well as for arrival . The shipments at Calcutta continue heavy , but prices had advanced in consequence of the expected deficiency in the next crop . Hemp , of all description , is a slow gale . At Dundee , the price of flax has risen 2 / . to 5 / . per ton . the longest advance being on the finer
qualities . Metals . —The general character of the market is firmer , but , as usual at the closing of the year , any extension of business is only partial . Scotch pig iron has moved up to 54 s . 9 d . to 55 s ., but closed to-day a shade easier . Copper very firm , and a rise in the price of English generally expected . Fine Australian held for HO / . 10 s . Lead rather more saleable . English pig , 2 li to 21 * , 10 s . ; W . B .. 22 / . 5 s . to 221 . 10 s . After transactions to the extent of 1000 tons spelter at 21 / . 15 s . to 22 / . for spring shipment , the market is firmer , and 22 ? . 2 s . 6 d . has been paid for arrival , whilst small parcels on the spot have made 22 / . 5 s . Tin less in demand , and easier to buy . Straits , 125 / . to 125 / . 10 s . ; Banca , 126 / . to 126 L 10 s . per ton .
Tallow . —Up to yesterday mid-day the price was quite steady ,, 51 s . and even 51 s . 3 d . had been paid for fine quality , but on change the market became flat at 50 s . 9 d . As usual at this season of the year the consumers buy as sparingly as possible , and our deliveries have been smaller in consequence ; all purchases are however made for instant deliver }' , which appears to betoken want of stock , and . a continued good demand after Christmas . We close rather firmer for delivery , spot 50 s . 9 d . to 50 s . 6 d . ; all the year , 50 a . ( id . to 50 a . 3 d . } January to March , 60 s . 6 d , ; March , 51 s . sellers ; October to December , 1859 , 50 s . 6 d . buyer 3 . The public sales of 218 cks . tallow went off freely ; Australian beef , 48 s . 3 d . to 49 s . 3 d . Town tallow , 53 a . Od . ; rough fat , 2 s . 9 Ad . ; melted stuff , 37 s . Cd .
eluded 2814 hds . TVest Indies ; Barbadoes low to fine yellow , 38 s . 6 d . to 44 s . 6 d . ; Tobago , 38 s . 6 d . to 41 s . 6 d . ; crystallised Demerara , 42 s . to 47 s . 6 d . ; 2000 bgs . Mauritius , yellow , 41 s . to 43 s . 6 d ., brown , 35 s-to 38 s . ; crystallised , 44 s . to 46 s . ; 10 , 000 bgs . Madras grocery , part new crop , low to good yellow , 42 s . 6 d . to 46 s . 6 d . ; native brown and yellow , 83 s . to 34 s . ; 60 OO bxs . Havannab , 41 s . to 46 s . 6 d . ; low to good yellow , 41 s . to 46 s . 6 d . ; 500 hds . foreign Muscovado , brown and yellow , 38 s . to 43 s . A floating cargo of No . 12 Havannah at 28 s . 9 d ., and one of Macao at 25 s . per cwt ., both for the United Kingdom . To-day Havannah
1000 bgs . Manilla sold at 39 s . and a cargo , No . 13 £ to 14 , at 30 s . 6 d . for a near port . Coffee . —A moderate instalment of the newlyarrived supplies has been brought on the market , and found ready buyers at full prices , the sales having comprised about 800 cks . 300 brls . and bgs . plantation Ceylon , at 64 s . 6 d . to 75 s . for fine , fine ord . to good mid . coloury ; 57 s . for gpod ord . pale , and 63 s . to 68 s . for pea ^ berry . A few lots good ordinary native realised 50 s . ; a small pile of common to fair greenish garbled Mocha sold at 76 s . 6 d . to 79 s . ; long berry , 93 s . per cwt . The Ceylon advices give the shipments at 11 , 166 cwts . for London , and 2333 cwtg . for Liverpool during
the mail . ¦ . ., Oils . —With better supplies prices of linseed oil are easier . There are sellers at 29 ? . 10 s . to 29 ? . 15 s . on the spot , and business has been done at 30 / . for monthly deliveries all through next year . Rape oil is still a slow sale : foreign refined at 46 ? . 10 s . to 47 ? . ; and brown , 42 ? . 10 a . to 43 ? . ; English refined , 41 ? . 10 sf ; Bombay ground nut and Gingelly , 34 / . 10 s . ; Madras , 39 / . Olive oils are purchased sparingly , although quotations _ from producing countries come higher by every mail ; Galh-Seville 48 / 10
poli offers at 51 / . ; Corfu and , . s . ; MogAdore , 461 to 46 / . 10 s . Cocoa-nut is much neglected , but stocks are well held ; Ceylon oil , 38 ? . ; Cochin , 40 ? . to 41 ? ,, and 43 ? . for an extra fine parcel . The shipments from Ceylon during the mail just received were 31 , 800 gallons for London , and 19 , 000 for Liverpool . Palm oil is in good supply , and fine Lagos offers at 41 / . Sperm firm , at 91 ? . for colonial , and 90 ? . for American . Common fish oils are qoiet ; pale southern , 34 ? . ; paleseal , 86 ? . 108 . } and cod , 81 ? . arrivals of h
Tubfjenttwb . —There have been no roug this week , but a salo of 1000 brls . has been made at 10 s . ; spirits are dull of Bale at 89 s . for American , including casks . Hides . —At the public salw of hidea , to-day , 148 , 317 East Indift were offered . There woa an improved d <* mand , and nearly the whole found buyers at late prices . Those . unsold consist chiefly of second light descriptions , for which there was comparatively less inquiry . Tea . —Attention has been directed chiefly to the China intelligence . The shipments to the date of the present mail were 11 , 600 , 000 lbs ., bat the trade had opened at Canton , and rather large settlements had taken place . Opinion here is generally in favour of the article , and stocks are firmly held , but the market is inactive , the passing business being principally in the blackish leaf-kiud » .
Rice . —Low qualities for feeding purpose * , aro in steady demand , and la « dl about 20 , 000 bgs . have b « en disposed of at fuUy late rates , prinplpally at G » . to 7 b . 64 . for BanffOQ * . Fine Bengal w &vm , tbo C * 1 cm <*« shipment * being still very wnali . Saltfeibb . — -The recent heavy arrival , and the large shipments at Calcutta have a . depressive influence , and anything Hk « quantity could not be placed except at decidedly lower pricoe . The week ' s business iB extremely small , at uligfatly easier terms . ] f nwre /*~ Thft »» ikat ia flwnor , and to-day &tt unt « -
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iiidividuully , show that the imports from V , v * """ 1857 amounted to 2 , 472 , 479 / ., and the o « or £ T 7 , 511 , 110 / ., being 0 , 049 , 280 / . ' British ^ T % ' S foreign goods . From New South Wales tho , •«!¦" worp 2 , 035 , 380 / ,, and the exports thereto 3 50 r r « f being 3 , 130 , 700 / . British 405 , 886 ? . foreign goods p " ' South Australia the imports amounted to 6 M i » T and the exports thereto 988 , G 10 f ., bdn * 0 T * n-7 British and 75 , 493 ? . foreign goods . From T ' ''' the imports were 563 , 113 / ., and the exports tZlT 504 , 979 / ., being 509 , 242 / . British and 85 737 / fr g 0 od 3 . From Western Australia tbe impor J ? 43 , 927 / :, and the exporta thereto 75 , 027 / . ; beiK 5 S * British and 9887 / . foreign goods and from New ' zt ! land the imports amounted to 157 , 220 / .. and theexnnT thereto 408 , 204 / ., being 304 , 430 / . British and 1 4 ? 774 , foreign goods . Wo have already mentioned that tW imports of gpld are not included in these figures but thl exports of copper and other baser metals from these e < T lonies form part of the aggregate sums . It is wortliv of mention that while the production of the precious metal from the gold mines of Victoria have not advanced sines 1854 , the yield of copper from the mines of South Aus trulia has considerably increased , the returns showing that the total value of copper imported in 1854 was 99 , 937 / ., while in 1857 it amounted to no less than 380 , 257 / . —Miniiia Journal of December 11
Anothkr Ei . EGRAPri , —A South Atlantic teWrnph is projected . The line -would start from Falmoutl ° touching at Cape Fhiistcrre , Lisbon , Cape St , Vincent ( with a branch to Cadiz and Gibraltar ) , Canaries ( with a branch to Madeira ) , the ( Jape de Verde Islands , and the islands St . Paul and Ncronha , it will arrive at or near Pernambuco , in the Brazils . Aland telegraph . will coutinue this line through the Brazilian territory as far as Parn , whence a submarine line will be carried to the British settlement of Demerara , in Guiana . From here a combination of land and submarine wires will be constructed through the principal West Indian islands to New Orleans , in the United States , where it will join the network of existing telegraphs belonging to the American companies . '
Opium . —On Tuesday night a great demonstration against the opium traffic was held at Leeds , the tou-nin which Mr . Craw furd delivered a speech , in defence of the trade . His statements were ably answered by Mr . Edward Haines , Mr . liichard . and other speakers . Tin-: Lesskivs StruiME . — The meeting at Paris for the purpose of regularly constituting the Suez Canal Company is to bu'hold on Monday next . It is positively stated and generally believed that bun *' t Jiilc subscriptions , have been obtained for the full amount of nominal capital .
Wksteux Bask of Scotland . — All the judges of the Court of Session , vxcopt Lord Murray , have decided that the decree sought by the liquidators of the Bank against the contributaries who have not paid the late call of lUU / . per share ought to be granted without notice to the parties , and on the . ex purta statement of the liquidators ; further , that the minute of the 4 th of October , 1858 , of the liquidators , stating the assets mill liabilities of the bank , and intimated to all the shareholders , is j > rini < i facie evidence that a decreo for the call would be just and beneficial , and that it will be competent to eacli individual contributary to suspend tlio decree , and raise the qucstipu of liis special liability by suspension .
The PuiiliC Revenue in Fkanck . — Tho French budget for 1800 , just published in tho Moiu ' lcur , cannot be regarded as a document of much importance , since t doala with u period tho requirements of which at im moment it would bo idle to scan in any . country , ana mpre particulnrly in France . According to his 1 >» Fh M . Magne will then ( hid the revenue not only suflic . c for the service of tho year , but such as to afford tiio moans of raising the salaries of tho smaller public omcials nnd the magistracy , whose fidelity is . H »» lw ' '" present inexpousivoly stimulated , and to yield ¦ nn « J "" 800 , 000 / . to bo applied to tho sinking fund . iiw "| » r . r Mm Btnt . « mnnt . ia dovototl merely to an cxpon < " lu "
mannor in which tho budgets of tho \ ml » oU 1 Jt ! have been kept frco from delioitu , and ns no « " » - ¦' was nocoaaary to tho hpnvy nnnunl inaroaso o « by which that equilibrium has been iniuntiui . od , entire report will doubtless convoy to most oi readers for whom it is Intended an nffWonMe imiflflMw » I may offinn , " aaya M . aingno , « wlili « " « ro ««« nncothan over , that sinco JbfiJ tho do" 011 , / , , "L getH , tho primary onuso of tho UoafuiR debt , » o « ' incrousod one centime . " Hut capitalist * c « ii » w «•> b ' that Frnnco has added to her national debt fli y' « of more than 12 , 000 , 000 / . per annum for tnoi in » yoaro . As Huh , however , « nn | iot go on uninte " "I ^ it may bo hoped to operate- as a warning in »•> ^ poaco and tho advantage of cultivating oomnuru . Magne mentions Umt tho budget for W » w "" , tIl ( l with an eatlm « tod surplus of 820 , 000 / ., and tniu ^ rocont oxperlonce of tlio revenue mOvomQ >» i « ^^^ country tends to show that evou ft moro favour » filW cidfttlon might liavo boon inndo . It won < 1 , «• appear obvlouely in tlio power of tho b ™ P °° l ^ from thia date tho oonutnnt rcsorb to the loan i » n « " ° ' Junes .
The Australasian Tradb , —By refqrence to tho statistical documents publiohcd by tho Government in connexion with tho trade and commorcq of tho country , and considering our Australasian possessions specially , we find that tho total amotint of imports ^ J- }^ ^ ' lonies during tho past year of 1857 wns 5 , 815 , 805 / ., Without reforonco to gold , which of Itself was about 10 , 000 , 0 ao ? ., and from thoso documents it apponrs that the aggregate for the year 1804 was 4 , 801 , 808 / ., con-Beqnonfly showing that thoro has been an increase during the last throe years of 1 , 518 , 437 * . Tho oxporte ror tfio same period of 1867 gave a total v » luo ' of 18 , 176 , 1267 ., wWb In 1864 It was 18 , 405 , 080 / ., so that last yea * -was lose by 280 , 801 ? ., thereby indicating the advance modo by those colonies to provide moch of their own requlremcnto . Tlio different colonies , taken
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1394 THE LEADER . [ No . jgg ^^ ECEMBEB 18 , 1858 .
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NEW INVENTION . A most useful little article has been registered in the shapeof aneedlo envelope and caae , a great improvement upon tho old system of placing tho needles loose in papers , by which a lady can select any needle she requires , and return it to its proper place without displacing or running tho riak of losing tho othcra . Tho invention has been registered by Messrs , Milwanl and Sona , of Rodditch , whoso improved oval-oyod needles obtained tho modal at both the Paris and New York Industrial Exhibitions .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 18, 1858, page 1394, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2273/page/26/