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" ¦? t" «»" , y * -w ^ iawf ^ p * SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE . BOOKS SUITABLE FOR CHRIST | VIAS AND NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS . * Most of these- Works can be had in ornamental li »/ wa , with gilt edges , at an extra charge q / 6 d \ each . PRICE . Auce Gray ; or , the Ministrations of a Child , s . d . 1 A » iy s " Trials ' ; or , a Character Misunderstood . BiRM ^ Esi ^ wiVh 22 * Coi 6 ur « dPlateaof . E gj ^ i 6 mQ . 4 8 Birds of thk Sea Shore . Printed in colours . 16 mo . 1 8 British Settlements in India , History of . Fcap . 8 vo % ° Broken Arm , The . 18 mo .... < - ¦ *¦¦ * ButOscb . A Tale . 18 mo 1 6 Charlie Burton , fine edition . 18 mo ........ i u Chapters on Common Things by the Sea-side . By Anne Pratt . Fcap . 8 vo ..... - 4 0 Chemistrt of Creation . By B . Ellis , Esq . Fcap . 8 vo 5 0 Derby ( Earl of ) on the Parables . 18 mo ......... 1 8 Errand Boy , The . By Charlotte Adams . 18 mo . 1 6 FiREsrbE Tale& First and Second Series . 18 mo ............ each 1 8 Flowers of the Field . By Rev . C . A . Johns . Fcap . 8 vo ..... " 6 8 Flowering Plants of Great Britain . By Anne Pratt . With Coloured Plates . 5 vols . 8 vo .... each 15 0 Ferns of Great Britain . Forming Vol . VI . 8 vo , With Coloured Plates .. 12 0 Forest Trees . 2 Vols . By Rev . C . A . Jobns . Fcap . 8 vo -.. • 7 . 8 Gosse ' s ( P . H . Esq . ) , Natural History" — Bird ? . Fcap . 8 yo . 3 4 ¦ __ ; — , Keptiles . Fcap . 8 vo ... 3 4 __ i ; - Mammalia . Fcap . 8 vo .. i .... 3 4 — Fishes . Fcap . 8 vo 3 4 Mollusca . Fcap . 8 vo ........ 3 4 .. — Text Book of Zoology . 12 mo ... 3 4 — Ocean , The . Post 8 vo 4 8 - ¦ . . i —— Evenings at the Microscope . Post Svo . With numerous Engravings . [ Nearly ready . ] Hannah Lavender ; or , Ladyhall . Fcap . 8 vo ..... 1 8 History of Greece . By the Bev . Dr . Browne . Post 8 vo .. .... • 5 4 —————— Bome . By the Bev . Dr . Browne . Post 8 vo 5 4 Illustrations of Useful Arts and Manufactures . With 600 Engravings and Descriptive Letter-press . By Chae . Tonalinson , Esq . Medium 4 to 4 0 Johnsons , The . A Tale . 18 mo 1 0 Lessons from the Anibi at . World . 2 Vols . fcap . 8 vo . 5 4 Let Well Alone . A Tale . 18 mo ..... 1 4 Mary Morton and her Sister . 18 mo 1 6 Margaret Arnold . A Tale . Fcap . 8 vo 2 0 Mary Gbove , History of . 18 mo ..., 2 8 Military Life , Tales of . ¦ 18 mo ....,., , 2 4 Monthly Flower Garden . Printed in Colours , with Descriptive Letter-press . 18 mo , 1 8 Mountains of Scripture . Fcap . 8 vo 2 8 Natural Phenomena : the Rainbow , &c . Fcap . 8 vo . 2 0 No Lie Thrives . A Tale . 18 mo 1 8 Old Arm Chair , The , A Retrospective Panorama of Travels by Land and'Sea . Fcap . 8 vo 3 0 Our Native Songsters . By Anne Pratt . 73 Coloured Plates . 16 mo 8 0 PrrcAiRN : the Island , the People , and the Pastor . By the Rev . T . B . Murray , M . A . Ninth Edition . Fcap . 8 vo 2 0 Poisonous , Noxious , and Suspected Plants . By Anne Pratt . 44 Coloured Plates , 16 mo C 0 Rambles among the Channel Islands . Fcap . 8 vo . 3 0 Rambles in the Four Seasons . By the Rev . C . A . Johns . 16 mo 3 0 Scenes in the Camp and Field ; being Sketches of the War in the Crimea . 18 mo 2 0 Scripture Natural History . Fcap . 8 vo 4 0 Shades of Character . 8 Vols . 18 mo .., 6 4 Short Stories founded on European History . lCmo—No . l . England ( 3 Parts in a vol . ) 4 8 2 . France , ... " ) iSHK ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [•••••^ a ° 5 , Italy ) Sisters , The . By Mrs . Chae , Tomlinson , Fcap . 8 vo . 8 0 Stories of the Norsemen . ] 6 mo .., 1 C , — ¦ ¦¦ for the Nursery . 16 mo ... 2 0 ¦ ' on the Beatitudes . 16 mo 1 0 Skktohes of Rural Affairs . New Edition . Fcap . 8 vq ... 8 4 Summer in the Antarctic Regions . With Map . 16 mo 2 0 Three Cripples . 18 mo 1 0 Two Firksides . Fvap . 8 vo 2 0 - Twins , Tho ; or , Home Scenes . Fcap . 8 vo 1 8 Walton ' s Lives of Herbert , Hooker , Sanjdekbow , Donne , and Wotton . With Portraits . ¦> Fcap 8 vo 4 0 Wanderings through the Conservatories at Kew . Fcap . 8 vo 2 8 Wild Flowrrs . Bv Anno Pratt , 2 voIh . 102 Coloured Plates , lumo 16 0 Winter in tho Arctic Regions . With Map . lGmo . 2 0 Year of Country Lifr ; or , Chronicle of the i Young Naturalist . Fcap : 8 vo 2 8 DEPOSITORIES t 77 , Groat Quoen * strcot , Lincoln ' s Inn-flelda \ 4 , Royal Exchange ( And 10 , Hunovor-atroot , Hanover-aqnaro . ' I
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INTERESTING NEW WORKS . Now ready , in 2 vola .. with Tino Plates , 21 s . bound , STEPHAN LAICGTOW . By MARTIN F . TtfPPER , DG . L , F . SS ., Author of "Proverbial Philosophy , Ac "The present work is incomparably superior to anything the author has hitherto producod . " r-5 r «» . HENBY III ., KING OF FRANCE : HIS COURT AND TIMES . By Miss FREER . 3 vols ., with Portraits , 81 s . bound . . ONWARDS . By the Author of " Anne Dysart . " 8 vols . JOHN HALIFAX , GENTLEMAN . Forming the Second Volume of Hurst and Blackett ' s Standard Library op Cheap Editions of Popuiah Modern Works , each comprised in 1 vol ., elegantly printed , bound , and illustrated , price 5 s . . . WINTER EVENINGS . By LEITCH RITCHIE . 2 vols ., with Illustrations , 2 is . [ Immediately . Hitrst and BiicOTT . 13 . Groat Marlborou « rh- street .
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No 3 tt week will be published "" WHAT WILL HE DO WITH IT ? By PISISTRATUS CAXTOX Author of " My Novel , " &c . ' Four volumes , post octavo , price » l 2 s W . I"L A " . ? tAeK % VoOD an 4 SoNS ' Edinburgh and London 11 /\ flf TT A Wt iTl ' rii -K . v v _ i _ ¦ ' ¦•_ iwuiian
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* . juviiiMiL . K PUBLICATION THIS PARENTS' CABINET OF AMUSEMENT A ^ D INSTRUCTION FOU TOUXQ Now Edition , carefully revised , . in Tvvelvo Monthly < ai ,-i hug Volumes , each complete in itseir , and each coniaiT ,-a Pull pa Ke Illustration in oil colours , with woodcniS "" 5 handsomely bound in ornamented boards . wooacul ! » and In a letter to tho Editor , Miss EDUEWORTH ) h ,, . •» of the PARENTS'CABINET : — ""^ thus writes I almost feel arraid of praising it as much as I think it deserves . . . . There is so much variety in tii ,, i , that . it cannot tiro . It alternately excites and rel Us ? t . tcution . and does not lead to the bad habit of frittwhw away the . mmd by requiring no exertion from the rend " , ... -Whoever * your sciontiHc associate is , he understands Ins business ami children s capabilities right we'll Without lecturins ? . or |» io . sin K , you keep the right " and tho ' wrong clearly marked , and lu-uee all tho sympathy of tho young people is always virlistud on thu rij ? lit side " » ' Vo - \ i V V ' . ^ B ^ Vn-LixG . Wiis published December l ; and \ ol . 11 ., price Onb Shilling , will be published « l unimry i » lSoOLondon : Smith , Eldeb , and Co ., 03 , Curnhill .
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This day , 8 vo , 7 s . 6 d . CAMBRIDGE ESSAYS . 1858 . ( CONCLUDING THE SERIES . ) Newspapers and their Writers . By A . J . Beeesford Hope . M-P . . \ r ,-2-The National Defences and Orgamsation of the Militia . By A . Shafto Adaik . Sir Philip Sidney . B y W . Stioant . _ The Ancient Bashan and the Cities of Off . By the Rev . Crnit Gkaham . „ ,, _ _ , Commissioners and Colleges . By the Rev . \> . M . CAvriov . Ilyeratic Papyri . By C . W . G oodwin . London : John W . Parker and Son . West Strand .
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NEW AND ' -CUE APE It EDITION . " " \ Royal 16 mo , with Eij ? ht lllu- > tratioiiM , engraved uv TVli-m per , printed on toneii paper , and bound . in extra el ' th ' with gilt leaves , price 5 s ., ' ' THE HEROES ; Or , Greek . Fairy Tales for my Children . By CHARLES K 1 XGSLEY , Uwtor of Eversl . y . With Ei ^ ht Illustrations . Second Edition / Cambridge : Mac . mILI . ax and Co . ; and 23 , Henrietta , struct , Covi-iit-gardon , London .
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FBASER'S MAGAZINE For JANUARY , 1859 , " ~ ¦ WILL CONTAIN ¦ H-OLMBY HOUSEc a Tale of Old Northamptonshire . Bv G . J . tVHYTE MELVILLE , Author of " DiKby Grand , " "The Interpreter , " &e- To bo completed in Twelve Parts . Parti . MR . GLADSTONE ON HOMER AND THE HOMERIC AGE . By the Rev . BARHAM ZINCKE . In Two Parts . 1 ' art I . SCITLOSS-EISHAUSEN : a Mystery . Tn Three Parts . Parti . London : John "W . Parker and Son , West Strand .
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This day , cloth , 2 s ., INTRODUCTORY LESSONS ON MIND . By the snmo Author , LESSONS ON REASONING . Ninth Edition , Is . 6 d . LESSONS ON MORALS . Is . Cd . LESSONS ON CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES . Fourteenth Edition , 6 d . LESSONS ON THE HISTORY OF RELIGIOUS WORSHIP , 2 s . LESSONS ON THE BRITISH CONSTITUTION . 6 d . London : John \ V . Parkt ? h and Son . West Strand ¦
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WALKEU ' jS PUONO'L'NCI'NG DICTIONARY . Svo , cloth . Is . Cd ., with Key , 5 s ., WALKERS CRITICAL PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY , AN 1 > EXPOSITOR OK THE KNGLIS 1 I LANGCAGB . A Now Edition , c . oncctod ami-cularffcd with upwards of Three Thousand' Words \> y Uie llw . JOHN DAVJS , A . M . Lonilou : Wtlliam Tr . aa and Co .,-S 3 , Queen-street , Chcap ' sidc , K . V .
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ANTHON'S SELECT ORATIONS . OF C 1 CEUO . linio , roan , t ' s ,, SELECT ORATIONS OF CICERO ; With an English Comuicntaf > -, and Historical , Oeogrnpiileali and Li-k : i 1 Indexes . Thoroughly revised , correctbil , and improved by the Kcv . G U , WlltKLER , A . 31 ., T . C . D . London : William TiiOO and Co ., 83 , Queen-street , Choapsidc , E . C .
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THE LATE MAJOR HOPSOX Next week , post 8 vo , with Portrait , TWELVE YEARS OF A SOLDIER ' S LIFE IN INDIA . Being Extracts from tho Letters of Major ^ V . S . R . TIodsow , Commandant of Hodson's Ilorso ; including a Porsonal Narrative of the Siege of Delhi and Capture of tho King ? . Edited by his brother , tho Rev . GEORGE II . IIODSON , MA , Fellow of Trinity College , Cambridge . London : JqhnW . PARKEnand Son , West Strand .
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GKOUUE CltUJKSHANK'S 1 MMITAIJLE SCUM'S AM ) SKKTCUKS . With tho Mapnzincs on tli « - Slst Divemnor will hn i- » U ' lished , price 2 h . t * > d . | i ! : tin , , "> s . coloured , . \ u . l . of a REISSUE OF SCRAPS AND SKETCHES . Uy GKOKUK CUUIlv . SHANK . , To bo completed in Ten Parts . Paii I . will contain tho ' ¦ Illustrulions of Time . "Theso ' Illustrations f . f Time , ' ' Tin- . Smps and Sketches , ' , and * Tli < 1 Must rations of l'liriMioKwy , nro nmoiiKst the niosl famous of our artiM a pul'licatiom-.. — \ V . M . Thnckevuu in the Westminster Ji '< n < u : lioudpu : W . Kent and Co . ( late 1 > . Boiifi : ) . Nl , ll « tstroct . _ ^
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This day , in post Svo , price 7 a . 0 d ., cloth gilt , FATHER AND DAUGHTER : A Portraiture from the Life . ByFREDRIKA BREMER . ARTnun Hall , Virtue , and Co .. 25 , Patornostor-row .
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This day , in post Svo , price 0 s ., antique , DEBORAH'S DIARY . A Sequel to "Mary Powell , " by tho samo Author . Also , recently published : TUB YEAR NINE . GOOJD OLD TIMES . MOItE'S HOUSEHOLD . OHKBRY AND VIOLET . OLD CHELSEA BUNHOUBE . ARTirun Hall . Viutur , and Co ., 25 , Patornostor-row .
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" NOW RKADY AT ALL TUB LIDRAUWS . In 1 vol ., price 0 s . in cloth , A FEW OUT OF THOUSANDS ; THEIR SAYINGS ANI > IIOINCJS . By AUGUSTA JO 1 INSTOXK , Author of " A \ Umi \ t rronehings for Woman ' s l ' ractiee . CONTENTS : A Quiot Street . I ^ l ' tlll < 7 J l Iul i > , ' i" , rps , A Sunbeam . Hie Wuslo Slistrog . i . An OVr True Tale . Tho Sclf-. Miulo Mm .. Mr . William Collins . A , '! a 'J , o | l | ! \ nn ,. ontll' 0 Tho Quoon B «»« h . T io . ^ V / 'i ^ V i , ilin Tho Sohool MlHtrflHBOH . Tho Wiiilu l ft ii'Hln .. TIjo Draper ' s Assistant . Tho Go tlpn *<> ,, Our Mary A lino . }< « rn . tlm »{» ' " "' Lydla Lunn . Tlio Urond V ii "" "' London : GnooMiminan and Bons . o . l > rtte rnostoi ^; .
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This day , in 1 . 8 mo , price 8 s ., cloth gilt , FALSE APPEARANCES . 3 y Mrs , MAOKAY , Author of " Tho Family nt lloathor-AitTnvn IIai . 1 ., ViRTun and Co ., 25 , ratornoator-row .
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. «* **•••**»•! q ¦¦ i . Edinburgh i A . Mid 0 . Bicaqk i and all BookBollora .
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Now ready , i » i 2 pages , Hvo , bowoJ , prico < ul , Proposal for the PubHoatlo . ii « f A NEW EN » LISH DICTIONAp By tho Philological Socloty . ( Will l > o sonl | io » l frteoi rocolpt ofHix Ktaui |» N . ) TrUbnf . r and Co ., 0 « , Paloniostor-row , Loiiiiwii .
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i ... I , i ii i . ¦ . . i - '_^ rr ^ -i- —~ " - » " »»—*^^ ~ Sooond Edition . JiiHt published , price y < J ± ' HEALTH AND LONG HFl . " In thlH HLtlo uw-rtkm ' work , inuoh llinl J » ^/ iViV- * VoV > l <^ tho wny of IiIiiLh and illrpctloiiH wil . ' > ' ;„ ;'" ; , , ulli'y . " - of arariimont aro troutod with intolllffoiK'" «" » u Weekly Diapntah . ,, . ,, lftUi ,, v . roff . Pippfn , S » RPiiK « fBow , and Brr . Ncr , ^ rat '" " ™ ' '
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1400 T H E LE A DE R . [ No . 4 < jt ) , December 16 . isrq
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¦? t" «»" , y * -w ^ iawf ^ p * **•••**»•! q ¦¦ i ** i » i « v * a /» **»««»»**» . t « --- .. ¦ i ... I , i ii i . ¦ . . i - '_^ rr ^ -i- —~ " - » " »»—*^^ IiONPON . Printed and published by Prod » rl « k Guoit Tomltiw » t " Wo * Loadar" OIWoo , No . 18 , Oafchorlno-stroot , Strand , in tho County of Mlddloaox .-Pcomnhur 1 * . aqnaro . . .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 18, 1858, page 1400, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2273/page/32/