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probable that two new cardinals will be made . Ihe Archbishop of Baltimore is spoken of as likely to be the first wearer of a red hat in the United States . The Pope has offered up prayers for the success of the French arms in Cochin-China . The agitation which has prevailed for the last two months in the north of Italy is beginning to be felt in Borne . Secret societies , it is said , are redoubling their efforts , and there are " signs , impossible to be defined , " which indicate that " something is at hand . " Both the Pontifical Government and the French General were excessively vigilant . The fortifications at Civita Vecchia are being actively carried on .
LOMBARDV . A letter from Milan states that an attempt had been made to smuggle into Lombardy , across the Sardinian frontiers , a great number of incendiary pamphlets . A letter in the Corriere Mercantile of Genoa states that the Italian Princes Lave made a military convention ¦ with Austria , by -which they promise each other mutual succour in the event of certain contingencies occurring . SuLWUi III ^ IIC VTV-MV V * ** WA ****** vvu »« w ^** - •»¦—— — ; .-- ^
bardy newspapers acknowledge that great activity prevails in the arsenal at Venice , and that works are . being hastened on at Pola , Mantua , and Verona . The castle at Milan , which is in the midst of the city , has been declared a fortress , and the owners of the adjacent houses have received notice that their tenements are liable to be demolished at the requisition of the military engineers . In consequence of many arrests having taken place at Pavia , a battery of caunon has been sent thither . " , The Legislative Chambers of Piedmont are convoked by roval decree for the 10 th of January next . A " disturbance occurred at Genoa on the 10 th , the anniversary of the expulsion of the Austrians from that city in 1746 . An inquiry has been set on foot by order of the Government , in order to ascertain on whom the responsibility rests .
NAPLES . Letters of the 28 th of November say that an extraordinary spectacle may be expected this year . Vesuvius is cracking and opening at all parts from the base to the summit . Small craters vomit lava in all directions , without ceasing . It is feared that at the most unexpected moment an eruption will take place from the great crater , in which case the catastrophe would be terrible for Resina and Portici . &lv&v *^^* ^^ i ^^ ifM V * A ^^* ^ k ^^* % * wa *
BELGIUM . In the Representative Chamber a discussion arose on tbe predominance assigned in Belgium to the French over the Flemish language . Several members complained that the Government published its announcements in French where only Flemish was spoken , and that the French theatre was favoured by the local authorities in preference to the national one . The Government promised to take the subject into consideration .
HOLLAND . In reply to an interpellation , the Dutch Minister of Public Worship , in the Chamber of Deputies , said the Government had done all it could on behalf of the Mortara family .
THE IONIAN ISLANDS . A Vienna letter states that the Lord High Commissioner has sent in his resignation , but it is not yet known at Corfu whether it has been accepted by her Majesty ' s Government .. Mr . Gladstone ' s explicit declaration that the protectorate of Great Britain would be maintained produced an extremely disagreeable impression on the National party . A letter from Athens says that the Greek Government , is no longer deceived with the idea of annexing the Ionian Islands to continental Greece . It appears that M . Tricoupi , the Greek ambassador at London , communicated with his Government on this subject , and clearly told the King ( in a private despatch ) that the British Cabinet had no intention of renouncing the protectorate of the Ionian Islands . tectorate of the Ionian islands .
TURKEY . It is stated that M . Sabatier , the French Consul-General , who has been sent on a mission to Jeddah , demands that Namik Pasha , Governor of Jeddah at the period of the massacre in that town , and who is suspected of having excited the mob on that occasion , shall be tried , and , if found guilty , punished on the spot , as an example to the population . . A correspondent of the Times says that active preparatioqs are going on in Egypt for the construction of a canal from the Nile to Lake Timsah , on the line whore an old canal for irrigation is supposed to have existed . These preparations have caused considerable uneasiness at the Porte , and have led to an animated correspondence with the Pasha of Egypt .
SARDINIA . The Grand-Duke Constantino of Russia has been visiting the King of Sardinia . There waa an extraordinary rumour at Turin that the Grand Duke had been incognito to Compiegnc . A Turin correspondent of tho Daily News say a : — " There can bo no doubt but that discussions have passed between the King , Count Cavour , and the Russian Prince , with regard to the contingent probabilities of European politics , and especially with respect to Austria and Franco . Constantino conceals from nobody his profound resentment oguinst the House of Hapsburg . The rumours of speedy war
continue here without abatement . I believe the substance of tho verbal declarations . addressed by tho Sardinian Cabinet to the legations of several friendly Governments , particularly to the English , ia that , since the condition of Italy becomes more serious and Intolerable from day to day , it may give occasion to a war . These words are , in my opinion , susceptible of tho following commentary—that Franco promises that any new oooftHlon shall bo tiikun hold of to proceed hostllely against Austria . And , indeed , that it is the intention of Napoleon III . to make war ugainat Austria eooma ! no longer doubtful ; but when , and how , ho moans to proceed with that great undertaking , and In what manner to secure tho neutrality of Prussia and England , nobody knows , or , rather , nobody can understand . The Lora-
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SINGAPORE . Extensive fortifications are in course of erection at Singapore , every available eminence being made the site for guns . The troops stationed there are healthy , but there is much small-pox amongst the native population . The Bugis traders have arrived in large numbers this season , bringing the valuable product * of the Archipelago .
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INDIA . ImportaJIt telegrams have been received this week , as well as the despatches by the overland mail . The Queen ' s Proclamation is giving general satisfaction throughout India . The Talookdars of Oude , encompassed by the troops of Lord Clyde ready to close upon them , gladly prefer accepting the Queen ' s grace to prolonging a contest of which they see the inevitable end ,, and surrendered their forts and arms . Lall filadlio Sing surrendered himself and his stronghold on the 10 th
of November . Amety , in which this chief has hitherto defied the British power , was the strongest fort in Oude . Lall Madho Sing ' s example has been extensively followed The Nawab of Banda has separated himself from the rebel cause , announcing that he claims the Queen ' s promise , which guarantees his life , and secures for him a full consideration of the circumstances under which he was induced to throw off his allegiance . Tbe telegram adds that the remaining rebel leader * have given themselves up- battles in
primary difficulty for Lord Stanley to meet and -fT succeeds without crippling our military streak 1 ! is , without perilling the . . mphe-he ^ iu ^ - ^ earned the right to be considered the first of modi ™ Indian statesmen . On this side of India he i 3 SS trusted as no President since Dundas has been " . ?
We hear , and we shall hear , of no more Central India . Tantia Topee , who turning westward in night from General Michel , has taken refuge in the Satpoorah hills , is no longer to be regarded as an active leader , and bid capture is almost reduced to tin affair of police . The Indian papers report the public and ceremonious reading of the Queen ' s Proclamation at Calcutta , Allahabad , Lahore , and other important stations , accompanied everywhere with loyal enthusiasm . At Calcutta it was frothe
read in the English and Bengalee languages , m steps of Government House , ia the presence of a vast concourse of people . On the conclusion of tho proclamation the royal standard of England was hoisted , the troops presenting arms , and the band , playing the , National Anthem . In the evening there was a general illumination of Calcutta and the ships in the port . On the 3 rd inst . a meeting of the inhabitants of Calcutta was held to ' adopt an address to her Majesty . It was crowded by natives as well as Europeans ; some lliuduo merchants made loyal speeches .
Mr . Halliday , tho Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal , has sent in his resignation , and it is reported that Mr . J . P . Grant will be appointed to tho vacancy . nKCUPTION OP TIHC I'liOCLAM . VTION . Tho Times correspondent says : — " Gonuinencss of Asiatic feeling ia always a problem , but I have little doubt it is iu this instance tolerably sincere , lhe people understand an ' Empress , ' and did not understand tho Company . Moreover , they have a vory decided for of
notion that the Queen has hanged tho Company - fences ' which must havo been groat , ' and that fact gives them hope of future justice . Lastly—I am speaking of tho masses , and repeating actual opinions uttered in my hearing—they think hoy Mnjosty inconceivably , and I am afraid a little ridiculously , honost for accepting her predecessor ' s debts . Immediately aftor tho Proclamation appeared » ( JttzeUo Extruordinury announcing a change in tho form of the promissory note , which completed nutlvo satitifuctlun . "
fllli INDIA * KBVIWUIC . Another letter says ;—" The- aoOoit ffor 18 & * -B 8 ih stated in tho Parliamentary return at 9 , 600 , 00 ) 6 1 hut of 1858-59 will bo lurgor ; for , though tho million und a quarter stolen by tho mutineers will not recur , there id a hugo addendum to bo made in tho shupu of tho cojt ol ne ^ v levies- Add tho value of Government property destroyed which must bo replaced , the eluiina forcompomiUtan , and tho cost of refilling tho ursQualti , ami you havo » loss of at least 25 , 000 , 000 / . starling in the two years , There Is , then , the old deficit of 1 H 57 , 000 , 000 * ., and tlxe coat of 45 additional regiments of luuvopoaiia . No mode of calculation will reduce tho dollolt IjoIow 5 , 00 O , O 0 O ; . a year , to bo met out of a rovouuo ua yat unolaatio . This , and not reorganisation , will bo tho
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CHINA . We have intelligence from Hong-Kong to the 29 tt > « e October . u ot The Imperial Commissioners had arrived at Sliantrhno and commenced negotiations for arranging the ne tariff . Lord Elgin was actively engaged in securing Z most liberal terms for-commerce . t > " « : The news of the death of the Emperor of Japan is confirmed . ; he died of cholera , which disease waa carrying oflf great numbers . •*" The United States Minister had returned to Shanehae from Japan , but some apprehensions are entertained for the French Plenipotentiary , nothing having been heard of the chartered steamer Keini , on board of which vessel his Excellency had embarked from Japan for Shangbae . It is reported that the insurgents have latel y issued from Nankin , and have taken several citie 3 from the Imperialists . The North China Herald gives the heads of the different clauses in the Russian treaty . One clause stipulates for the appointment of a commission to settle the boundaries of the two countries . This opportunity may be availed of by Kussia to obtain considerable advantages , but otherwise her treaty duly secures her the same privileges as other nations . It removes , however , the restrictions tliat existed against the liussianscarrying ou trade at the rmrts .
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COCHIN CHINA . A L'Gttkk from Manilla bringing news of the French Cochin Chinese expedition down to October 11 , says it was not tliutight probable at that date that any movement towards the interior of the country would be attempted for two or three month * .
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SI AM . Her Majkst y ' s steamer F . » k , Captain Sir R . M'Clure , has proceeded tu Siam , ami her Majesty ' s surveying schooner Saracen has gone to survey the Malay coast , on -the west of the Gulf of Siam . Our latest accounts from Bangkok are to the 28 th of October , at which date there were some apprehensions of a disturbance by the many Chinese settled at the capital . An additional guard of one thousand troops had for several niylits surrounded tho palace , and this precautionary measure would check the rebellious disposition of the Chinese , who at Sarawak and in the Straits of Malacca have displayed a turbulent spirit . On the 18 th October—the fifty-fourth anniversary of the first king ' s birthday—his Majesty gave a grand entertainment at t | io palace to the principal inhabitants at the capital . Among the guests was the Urilish consul , Sir Robert Sehoniburgli , and the French and United States consuls . His Majesty invested Sir Robert Schomburgh with a gorgeous robe of stato in proof of his friendship towards Great Dritflin . Trade wua not very active . There are now several mercantile firma established at Bangkok .
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JAVA . LiCTTBns from Batavin , dated October 2 oth , speaK favourably of tho coming crops . We have account * from the newly-conquered Jainbi territory , which » P «»* favourably of tho general hcn-M ) of tho troops , ami 11 » said tho Netherlands India Government |» ro |> o « w raiso to the throno the son of tho dethroned king , uui « present tho son remains iu conuoulinent , probau'v a < HW " ing tho sincerity of the oiler * made to place Him o » unthrone . . . t i . Two Kuropoan merchants worn immleruu \>) " > piraten , and their vessel talu-n , but it was sjiu . ilquontly recaptured . Tho pirates had been brougM 0 trial and sentenced , some to dunlli , the rcmiuudu w twenty years' labour in aiming
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WEST INJD 1 KS . This Ia Plata arrived at Southampton on ^' Clllu 'Tj : Sho brings advices from Jamnica tu t » u S " ll > N « veu » u « . the news is of littlu interest . JAMAICA . , 1 ., Tiwlo continued dull , owintf to tho incroa « e iU « p V " of Halifax and American pn . viaio . ia . JtnllroaU Mi " had boon suspended iu coii 3 C ( juuiioo of daiimjjiy u " , / . tho heavy ruins , nnd thu dlffluulty oxnoriuiiccil » ™ * , iiitf produco to murkot had enabled lioli \ un » » i couu ^ pinlonto on the spot ) to obtain full rnti- * . , " , . J ,.,.. ^! good supply , and priced oxhlbUod : i fiualicr il . ^»« totuloucy . ¦ , 1 111 , iiiislneiiii Tho hQfflHlaturo was steadily pi' ^ odliig wI 1 , ! ,.,.. | 0 u but of no general inUront out ol tlio colony . ¦ i " was oxpooted to close by tlio and of tl » o year . tfintf Hoavy raliw luul inundatod »« v « ral purU , « y u » tho crops , and swoaplutf « w . iy oottiitfiw wu a ) jJ nmtos . Sovou wgio Urowuoil iu St , i >«> id « l >»"
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1376 T HE IEA D E ^^_^____ [ Nj >^ 56 > ' -Decembbb , , 1858
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 18, 1858, page 1376, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2273/page/8/