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sale Steady at the quotations ; Tdrk Regents , 80 s . to 100 s . ; Scotch , 70 s . to 80 s . ; Cups , 50 s . to 60 s . ; Dunbar Regents , 85 s . to 90 s . ; CupSj 70 s . to 75 s . ; French , 45 s . to 65 s . per ton . Hops . —Choice qualities continue in active demand at . improving rates ^ but low and middling descriptions remain without quotable change . . . Live Stock . —Increased supplies of beast and sheep , with a limited demand , caused a reduction of 2 d . per stone at Monday ' s market ; and although the trade was rather better on Thursday , the decline was not recovered . Veal niet a good demand throughout , and the little on offer sold readily at 4 a . to 8 d . per . stone advance . The following were the numbers at market , and prices currently quoted : — ¦ Monday . Beast . Sheep . Calves . Pigs . 4 , 100 19 , 800 98 178 3 s . 8 d . to 48 . lOd . 8 s . 6 d . to 4 s . l 0 d , 4 s . 0 d . to 4 s . lOd . 3 s . 0 d . to 8 s . 8 d Thwbsday . 789 2 , 180 160 150 3 s . 8 < L to 4 s . lOd . Ss . 6 d . to 4 s . l 0 d . 4 s . 4 d . to 5 s . 2 d . 3 s . Od . to 4 s . 0 d . Provisions . —The dead meat markets are well supplied with beef and mutton , for which the demand is very sluggish and prices barely sustained . Veal is comparatively scarce and dear . Pork is still unsaleable ^ This morning ' s quotations were for beef , 2 s . 8 d . to 3 s . lOd . ; mutton , 2 s . lOd . to 4 s . ; veal , 4 s . 4 d-to 4 s . 8 d . ; pork , 3 s . to 4 s . 4 cL per stone , by the carcase . Sugak . — -Grainy and strong refining sugars have met an increased demand from the home trade , and . an advanceof 6 d . to Is . per cwt . advance has in many cases been realised . Low soft qualities are still without
improvement . The stock of "West India being much reduced , but a small and comparatively indifferent assortment has been placed on show , and the business has consequently been chiefly in East India description * . Floating cargoes have also beenmore in request , both for the . Continent and putports , and altogether the 'market , has had a more animated tone . The principal transactions have comprised 1800 cks . West India * at 38 b . 6 d . to 45 s . 6 > d . for low to good yellow Barbadoes ; 41 s . to 44 s . 6 d . for crystallised Berbice-j atnd proportionate rates for other descriptions . 14 , 109 bgs ; Madras , S . K . 'A * , white , 49 s . ; yellow , 45 s . to 4 . 7 s . 6 d . ; low to good middling grainy yellow , 42 s . to 44 s . 10 , 876 bgs . Bengal , grainy yellow , 45 s . to 47 s . 6 d . ; Benares ^ 45 s . 6 d ; to 47 s . 6 d . ; Gurpattah date , 37 s . 6 d . to " 42 s . 6 d . 500
bgs . Cossipore , 48 s . 6 d . 18 , 000 bgs . Mauritius , superior crystallised , 49 s . 6 d , to 50 s . ; low to fine yellow , 4 ls , 6 d . to 478 . ; 6400 bgs . Penang , brown , 33 s . to 38 s . ; low to middling yellow , 38 s . 6 d . to 42 s . 4000 bxs . Havannah ( out of about-10 , 000 bxs . brought to auction ) , low to good yellow , 4 ls . 6 d . to 46 s ; 6 d . ; brown , 38 s . 6 d . to 40 s . ; floretts bought in at 48 s . to 503 . 350 casks Cuba Muscovado at 39 s . to 40 s . fpr brown , and 40 s .. 6 d . to 42 s . for yellow . Eight floating cargoes , viz . two Havannah , 27 b . for No . 10 and 81 s . for JNb . 13 £ ; three Paraiba at 24 s . l £ d . to 25 s . and 27 s . ; one brown Rio Grande at 24 s . 6 d . ; one fine brown Bahia ( duty paid ) , for refining here , at 40 s . 6 d . and one Maroim , at 25 s . 9 d . The refined goods market has not varied , a moderate demand having been experienced at late rates .
CoFFEas . —Eine colory plantation kmds continue to command high . prices , : but low and middling qualities have sold on slightly easier ' terms . At public sales 550 cks . 185 bris . 108 bgs . were disposed of . Low mid . to good . mid . at 67 s . 6 d . to 74 s . 6 d . ; . fine marks , 87 s . to 93 e . ; 2500 bgs . native Ceylon , good ordinary clean , 51 s . to 51 s . 6 d . ; doubtful as to condition , 49 s . 6 d . ; and unclean , 48 s . 6 d . ; superior bold , picked , 55 s . to 59 s . per cwt . ; 278 brls , 671 half-bales Alexandrian mocha partly sold at 71 s . to 76 s . being about late rates . JEn
other East Indian coffees but little is doing , Brazil is firmly held , and 1864 bgs . in auction were bought in at 44 s . per cwt . Floating tiargoes meet some inquiry , and one of 2700 bgs . St . ( Domingo has been sold for a near port at 47 sf 6 d « per ow ' t . insured in Hamburg . The clearances progress steadily . Oh the Continent the markets are firm , generally . Crop estimates from Batayia , by advices dated 24 th November , calculate a deficiency of 100 , 000 piculs . To-day a cargo Rio sold at 47 s . 6 d . for the Continent .
Tea . —The overland letters , mentioning a rise in the price of tea at the Chinese ports , consequent upon short supplies reported in the interior , imparted a better tone to this market , and prices have moved up id , per lb . Public sales of 21 ^ 00 J ) pkgs , . passed off with . spirit , and some 8500 ipkgs . found buyers . Common congou fs now quoted . ll ^ d . to Is . CocoA , —r 4 rbe mackot remains inactive , and some parcels Guayaquil lingoublio isale twete withdrawn without eUqittngta ibid . Riobv—Lotr qualities , have found onxrdfclve Dole , about , < JO , OOO ? bgB . havingichanged hands -at flu . to ^ d . » dv « noe . Rangoon , tfls . Id . to . /? s , ^ ipalo , Tin . 6 d . tp 8 a . ; Madras , Ss . Sd , to So . fid . * Bengal , icmlytsraall ptwcels havefbeem
placed . ' SAi ^ raf « inKi —« Aborit MOO bga . were disposed of early in tUo wetrtc , at ; full iprioes . TUeije ( orders were ip « nrtly to fill up Ocmornroent contracte , and « b ( others 'are yet known to toe open , lioldors of suitable descriptions are comparatively firm , but the position of the market is not regarded aw very promising , ias 4 > be Jnet accounts from
Calcutta give a stock of 5000 tons * besides which there are 3700 tons on the way , and 3000 tons in stock here , whilst pr ices are imich above an average . To-day , however , the stone was strengthened by a report that although the stock at Calcutta was heavy , the shipments by the present mail were light . - Spices . —A large business has again been effected in black pepper at steady prices . Alleppy , 4 d . to 4 id . ; Sumatra ^ 3 Jd , to 4 d . for good clean ; and 3 | d . to 3 di . for grey ; White is rather easier ; Singapore having sold at 8 d . ito Sid . Smail sales of pimento were made at late rates . First pile Cassia Lignea sold 99 s . to 100 s ., aiid second at 95 s ; to 96 s . In other spices the dealings have been unimportant and prices unaltered . the
Fruit . — -Heavy public sales have depressed market for low qualities of currants , damaged having sold at 29 s . ; fine fruit is , however , steady in value . Valentia raisins of tender quality have sold for export , at moderate rates . . Sago is 6 d . to Is . cheaper , owing to increased suppl y * Grey to fine small grain , 15 s ; 9 d .. to 20 s . ; fine medium and large , 20 s . to 20 s . 6 d . ; flour , 15 s . 6 d . Indigo . —Low and middling qualities in request ; fine meet little inquirj ' . 500 srns . Guatemala realised 3 s . 6 d . to 7 s , 2 d ., being 4 d . to 6 d . advance on the October pr ices for ord . and mid . qualities , and par to 3 d . advance on good and fine . For the sales of the 8 th , only 2200 chests are as yet declared . Cochineal . —Heavy supplies have been cleared off at full terms to Id . advance , but to-day the market was barely so firm . : .
DRUCs .- ^ rCamp ~ hor has risen to 70 s . to 72 s . per cwt ; Castor-oil is £ d . per lb . cheaper . Cotton . —The trade continues dull , and prices weak . At Liverpool 44 , 210 bales sold during the week , fair uplands showing a decline of id . per lb . The week ' s imports were 56 , 837 , and the present stock is 345 , 800 bales . In London only 120 bales are recorded as having changed hands . Quotations are therefore nominal . HEMP .- ^ -Russian has improved to 297 . 15 s . ; for clean St . Petersburg . East India kinds remain inactive . Jute has sold in small quantity at barely late rates .
Metals .-r--Manufactured iron is unaltered in value . Scotch pig is moved up to : 53 s . 9 d . to 54 s . Copper is as last quoted . Lead a slow sale , without change in price . 600 tons spelter sold to-day at 22 / . 15 s . for spring delivery . After touching 133 Z ., Banca tin closes at 132 ? ., and Straits 130 / ., prices coming lower from Holland . Tin plates are 6 d . per box higher . OtLS . —The supplies of linseed exceed the demand for the moment , and on the spot 291 . to 29 ? . 5 s , is the quotation . . 3 Tor " monthly deliveries up to June 29 ? . 10 s . is asked . Rape oil is purchased sparingly , andis barely 10 to 47 ?
so firm . Foreign refined is worth 46 ? . s . . ; brown , 43 ? . ; English brown , 41 ? . ; Bombay gronnd nut or Gingelly , 347 . 107 . to 357 . ; Madras , 39 / . ; Niger , 35 ? .. Olive is difficult of sale ; Gallipoli offers at 507 ., Spanish at 487 ., and Mogador at 44 ? . 10 s . to 457 . Cocoa nut firm at the late advance ; Ceylon , 397 , ; Cochin , 407 . to 437 . ; fine palm readily commands 417 . 10 s . Sperm oil has advanced to 987 ; , the demand ^ from the cotton spinners being large ; head matter is held at 105 ? . ; common fish oils are neglected ; pale southern quoted 84 ?;; pale « eal , 367 . ; cod , 317 . 10 s . to 827 , short
Tavwvy , —On "Monday we had a very delivery , and but few orders for consumption , which caused a very flat market and a slight decline in price , but , with the large delivery on Tuesday , the market at once recovered its former tone and price , and has continued firm all through the week , though fresh orders for consumption have not beep , so plentiful as in former weeks . A considerable speculative business -was done in the early part of the week , principally for forward delivery , and there are now few sellers for Marqh , even at 63 s . 6 d ., some still thinking a large oversold account still exists for March , To-day the orders are more plentiful , and
the-market firm . 58 s . 8 d , spot ; 68 s , 8 d . January and March ; 58 s . 6 d . March , buyers ; 62 s . April-June , and October-December . The public sales of 800 casks to-day -went off quietly , nearly all selling . Australian sheep , 68 s > 6 d . ; South American , 61 s . 9 d . to 53 S . 8 d . St . Petersburg letters to 80 th December , 1858 , O . S . ; r-Tallow-market firmer . 167 £ to 166 J offered for August , T . O . no transactions reported ; in loco , 200 casks done at 164 , and 800 casks 166 , cash ; 161 cash offered for June at 168 , -with 104 down ; 100 casks offered out . Exchange , 864 to f . Town tallow , 65 s . ; xongh fat , 2 s . lOJd .: melted stuff , 88 s . 6 d .
Turpentinb . —There have been no arrivals of crude ; for about 600 bris . very indifferent quality , 10 s . per c \ vt . was accepted ; good is hold for 10 s . ' 6 d . Spirits in -moderate request at 40 s . 6 d . to 41 s . for American barrels .
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JOINT-STOCK COMPANIES . At the half-yearly meeting of the St . Knthovlno Dock Company , a dividend of ' 2 & per cent , for the six months , as recommended , in the directors' report , wn , agreed to . The annunl meeting of proprietors of the London iuul Couiriry Bank is convened for the 8 rd Fobwnry . The annual meeting of the North Brltlah Australasian Company Is called for the 31 st inst ., when ft dm-Uoncl Is to bo declared .
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Pout ojt Londow . —During the past week the trade of tfho port has shown rather more activity ; 181 vessels were announced at the Custom House as having arrived from foreign ports . Thoro wore 7 iVom Ireland , and ' 26 % colliers . The entries outwards amounted to 101 , and , those cleared to 86 , besides ' 20 in ballast . ' The del . parturos for the Australian colonies were three vosboIbtviz ., 1 to Adelaide of 709 tons , 1 to Port Philip of 768 tons , 1 to Swan Rlvov of 010 tons , making a total of 2187 tons ,
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Friday Evening . Money is easier , and the best bills arc ¦ discouiilctl at 2 per . cent . The difficulty of finding employment lor'it is enhanced by the uneasy state pi the relations between France and Austria , and by the less confidence now inspired by the Emperor of the French . A loan for Austria for 6 , 000 , 000 / ., to be negotiated by the Rothschilds , is spoken . of , and should it be brought forward here , it may increase a little the demand for nioney . At present business is so little animated that it is not immediately likely to make a demand for much capital .
In the Stock Exchange money is quite a drug , and is freely lent at 1 per cent . There people shrug up their shoulders at the Austrian loan , and doubt whether it will be well received . Saks of Consols by the agent of the eminent capitalist mentioned as connected with the loan , have kept the Consols market flat to-day , which otherwise , from the purchases of the public , would have a . tendency upwards . x In general , the funds have
been much quieter this week than last . To day the market has been flat and uneasy , varying , however , only between 96 6-Sths and 7-Sths . In the early part of the day the telegraph brought an improvement at the Paris Bourse of 15 centimes in the Three per Cents ., which contributed to the firmness of oux- market ; but a later despatch brought an equal decline in the French Threes , and the market here closed heavy . There is , however , not much interest attached to these slight and temporary
vacations . A great increase is noticed in the receipts of the Lbnibard-Veneto Jine , occasioned , most probably , by the movements of the Austrian troops , and if they all have to move back , the gain may be repeated ; but such temporary spurts ^ of prosperity cannot compensate for tlie general inteiTuption ot traffic occasioned even by rumours of war . The settlement for the company is likely to take place at Paris on the 3 rd , and London 011 the 4 th , of February .
Ii appears by a correspondence which has becu sent to us , but for which we cannot find room , between Messrs . Seymour , Peacock , and Co . and the Earl of Malmcsbury , that it is doubtful in their minds whether or not the American Government is aware that our coasting trade is open to American ships , and the Foreign Secretary has undertaken to instruct the Minister at Washington to inquire of the United States Government , and seize the
opportunity of urging on that Government the justice and good policy of conceding corresponding advantages to British vessels in American waters . Had these gentlemen and the Foreign Secretary attended to the communication , lately made by Mr . Fenwick , M . P ., to the Sundevland Shipowners ' Society , they would have had no doubt that the American Government and the American merchants are well acquainted with the fact that our coasting trudq is open to American ships ; but there exists in our ports a system of exceptional privileges in favour of British vessels , which at least serves foreigners as a pretext for not opening their coasting trade to our shipping . In the Tyne , at Dublin ,
Bristol , I-Iuij , &c , ships and goods belonging to freemen , are exempt from river and other dues which foreigners must pay . On this account the French Government would not open the coasting trude of France to our shipping , and no doubt the same reason operates in the United States . Several of the Joint-Stock Banks havo held their annual moptings this week : the Unity to-day . By the end of next week all the banks will prolmbly havo held their meetings , and wo shall then givo our readci'S a gomnloio synopsis of tho reports of those companies . Wo reprint several of them m our present numbor , from which it will appear that tho Joint-Stook banking business is just now in n most flourishing position .
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W 2 THE LEADER . :. ¦ -v . ; _ j ^ o , ^ 461 v-Jact ^ t . 22 ; iJ ^__ .,.
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 22, 1859, page 122, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2278/page/26/