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Untitled Ad
MAPPIN'S ELECTBO-SILVER PLATE ASTT * TABLE CTITLERY . MAPPIN BROTHERS , Manufacturers by Special Appointment to the Queen , are the only Sheffield makers who supply the consumer in London . Their London Show Booms , 67 and 68 , King William-street , Londonrbridge , Contain by far the largest STOCK j >! ELECTRO-SILVER PLATE and TABLE CUTLEJ&Y in the "World ; which is transmitted direct from their Manufactory , Queen's Cutlery Works , Sheffield- . ¦ _ . . ¦ ¦ _ ., . _;¦ ., _ ., Fiddle Double King ' s Lily Pattern . Thread . Pattern . Pattn . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ ' .. s .-. d . £ s . d . 12 Table Forks , best quality .. 1 16 0 2 14 0 3 0 0 S 12 0 1-3 Table Spoons do- .. 116 0 8 14 0 3 0 0 3 12 0 12 Dessert Forks do . .. 1 7 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 2 14 0 12 Dessert Spoons do . .. 1 7 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 2 14 0 12 Tea Spoons do . .. 0 16 0 1 4 0 . 1 7 0 1 16 0 2 SailceLadles do . .. 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 13 0 lGravy Spoon do . .. 0 7 0 0 10 6 0 110 0 13 0 4 Salt Spoons ( gilt bowls ) .. 0 6 8 0 10 0 0 12 0 0 14 0 1 Mustard Spoon do . -0 18 0 2 6 0 3 0 0 3 6 1 Pair Sugar Tongs do . .. 0 3 6 0 5 6 0 60 0 7 0 I Pair Pish Carvers do . .. 1 0 0 1 10 0 1 14 0 118 0 1 Butter Knife do . .. 030 0 50 0 60 0 70 ISoup Ladle do . .. 0 12 0 0 16 0 0 17 6 1 0 0 € Egg Spoons ( gilt ) do . ... 0100 Q 15 0 0 18 0110 Complete Service ......-stflO 13 10 15 16 6 17 13 6 21 4 6 Any Article can be had separately at the same Prices . . One Set of 4 Corner Dishes ( forming 8 Dishes ) , Si . 8 s . » One Set of 4 Dish Covers—viz . one 20 inch , one 18 inch , and two 14 inch—1 ( M . IO 3 . ; Cruet Frame , 4 Glass , 24 s , ; Full-Size Tea and Coffee Service , 91- 10 s . A Costly Book of Engravings , with prices attached , sent per post on receipt of 12 stamps . ~ ,. •»«¦ i- -d YOrdinary Medium Best Quality . Quality . Quality . Two Dozen Full-Size Table £ s . d , £ s . d . £ s . d . Knives , Ivory Handles .. -. 2 4 0 3 6 0 4 12 0 1 J Doz . Full-Size Cheeseditfco .... 1 4 0 1 14 6 2 11 0 One Pair Regular MeafCarvers .. 0 7 6 0 11 0 0 15 6 One Pair Extra-Sized ditto .- 0 8 6 0 12 0 0 16 6 One Pair Poultry Carvers , i - 0 7 6 . 0 . . 0 0 15 6 One Steel for Sharpening .......... 0 » 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 Complete Service ..... £ 4 16 0 618 6 9 16 6 Messrs . Mappin g s Table Knives still maintain their unrivalled superiority ; all their blades , being their own Sheffield manufacture , are of the very first ; quality , with secure Ivory Handles , which do not come loose in hot water ; arid the difference in price is occasioned solely by the superior quality and thickness of the Ivory Handles . MAPPIN BROTHERS , 67 and 68 , King William-street , City , London ; Manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield- '
Untitled Ad
H- J . AND D- NICOLL'S PALETOT WAREV ROOMS Are situate 114 . 116 , 118 . 120 , REGENT-STREET , W ., and 22 , CORN HILL , E . C ., where clothing for gentlemen , of the best qualities , may be obtained , and at the moderate charges originating with this establishment , a circumstance the Tiighor and middle classes who deal with . Messrs . NICpLL or . their agents have long since discovered and ap ; preciated . ' ¦ ¦ ¦'' , ¦ ¦' . ' . . Messrs . NICOLL , for shaping and fitting garments , not only employ the best talent in England , or to bo obtained from France and Germany , but they secure to their customers all those advantages which arise from there being no intermediate profit between manufacturer and consumer . The followine may , for example , be chiefly referred to :- — NICOLL'S NEW REGISTERED PALETOTS are worn by professional men , who desire to avoid anything like singularity of dress , and to retain the appearance well-kuowii to be afforded by this garment . ' ' . •'¦¦ ' . For those Gentlemen who prefer NICOLL'S CAPE PALETOT , a garment concealing but giving great freedom to the arms , a variety will always be ready for immediate use ; and estimates as usual are submitted for Military Uniforms and for Servants'Liveries .
Untitled Ad
SOHO LOOKING-GLASS MANUFACTORY . 26 , Soho-square , London . —Established 20 years . —The Proprietor begs to call the attention" of the public to the i following very reduced List of Prices for LOOKINGI GLASSES , of superior quality , fitted in carefully manufactured carved ami gilt frames ;—Sizoof Glass . Outside Measure of Frame Price . 40 by 30 in . 51 in . wide by 3 . 9 . in . high from 37 . 10 s . each . 46 by 36 in . 48 in . wide by 58 in . high from Bl . 0 s . each . 50 by 40 in . 52 in . wide by CO iii . high from dl . 0 s . each . 53 by 43 iu . 55 in . wide by 65 in . high from 71 . 7 s , each . 56 by 40 in . 50 in . wide by 69-in . high from 8 ? . 8 s ; each . 60 byl 8 in . . 02 iii . wide by 74 in . high frtfm 10 / . 0 s . each . 70 by 50 in . 61 in- wide by 81 in . highfrom 1 'il . Os . each . Mahogany dressing and cheval glasses , gilt cornices , girandoles , picture frames ; &c , at equally moderate prices . Mei-chants and shippers supplied by special contract .
Untitled Ad
WARWICK HOUSE , 142 and 144 , REGENT-STREET , W ., is an Establishment also belonging to II . J . and D . NICOLL , in whoso Showrooms female attendants exhibit the Household Jacket , the rich seal fur Jacket , the popular Highland Cloak , Riding Habits , and Pantalonsdes Daines ii Cheval . Also in "WARWICK HOUSE , but in another part of the premises , there may be seen every material adapted for the clothing Of young gentlemen at school and for other purposes . The Kilted or Highland Costume , as worn by the Rpvai Princes , niay also be inspected , with the Cap . Sporan , Scarf , Hose , and all the Ornaments proper for this .. Costume ^ now becoming so popular for youth under ten years of age .
Untitled Ad
CAUTION TO HOUSEHOLDERS , Bankers , Merchants , and Public Olflces . The Patent NATIONAL and DEFIANCE LOOKS can be had only of V . PUCKRIDGE , 52 . Strand , ncar Chariuff-cross . These Locks arc important for theirsecurityagiiinstburglars and thieves , as evidenced in the fraudulent attempt to pick it at the Crystal Palace , in August , 1854 , by John Goatcr , foreman to Messrs . Chubb , for the REWARD of 200 Guineas . See Pamphlet and Description , to be had gratis . Fire and Thief proof Iron Safes , Plate and Jewel Chests , Deed , Cash , and DespatchBoxes , Embossing Dies . &c . Warranted Street-Door Latches , 17 s . 6 d . each .
Untitled Ad
THE VERY FINEST COLZA OIL For moderator lamps , selected from choice parcels direct from Lille , 4 s . Cd . per gallon . Tallow Store Dips , 7 d . per lb . ; ditto Moulds , 8 s . per dozen lbs ,, stored in March last especially forfaftiily use / Household' Soaps , 40 s ., 44 s ., 40 s ., and 4 Ss . per cwt . Delivered free t 6 any part of , or within live miles of , town , and orders of ¦ . ¦ >/ .. value railway free to any part of England : WHITMORE and CUADDOCK , 10 . Bishopsgatc-strect Within , E . C ., London , old servants of ^ arid Cit . v Airents to . Price ' s Patent Candle Company .
Untitled Ad
A PATENT CORN FLOUR , / \ with BROWitf and POLSON'S name , # X . tvng iiow the annexed trade mark on each packet . For . Puddings , Custards , & 6 ., preferred to the best Arrowroot , and unequalled as a . Diet for infants and Invalids . The Lancet says , " This is superior to anytliing of thekind known . " —See Reports—also from Drs . Hassall , Letheby , and Muspratt . . ¦ Sold by Grocers , Chemists . &c , at Sd . per 16 03 . packet . Paisley , Manchester , Dublin , and 23 , Ironmonger-lane , London .
Untitled Ad
VISIT THE CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT OF LAWRENCE HYAM , MERCHANT CLOTHIER AND MANUFACTURER , CITY—36 , Gracechurch-strcet , 1 LONDON WEST—189 andl 90 . Tottenham-court-road , / ^ vj * yy- « In the READT-MADE DEPARTMENT , such an immense assortment of MEN'S , BOYS ' , and YOUTHS ' CLOTHING , consisting of garments of the most novel , durable , and elegant designs , can rarely be seen . The Public will effect a great saving , the prices being based on the most economical . principles , consistent with sterling duality—the only test of cheapness . BOYS' AND JUVENILE DEPARTMENT . —Nothing can exceed the variety and novelty of design in this department . For the winter season , such an immense assortment is provided as to exceed all L . HYAM'S former efforts . The prices , as usual , are framed upon the most economic scale , and have only to be seen to ensure that patronago which their intrinsic merits so well deserve . - ^ The ORDERED DEPARTMENT contains a magnificent assortment-of every novelty for the season . Tho Artistes , who are celebrated for refined taste and style , are giiaraiir tees for a good fit . Economy is the loading feature . CLERICAL and PROFESSIONAL MEN are specially invited * the Black and Mixture Cloths being of a FAST DYE . An ordered Suit of Black for 3 i ~ 3 s . Also the celebrated SEVENTEEN SHILLING TROUSERS in great variety . L . HYAM marks every G ( irment in PLAIN FIGURES , from which no deviation is made ; and no garment weed be kept , when seen at home , if not satisfactory , but can be exchanged within any reasonable timo , if returned iii good condition . ¦ . ; ¦
Untitled Ad
FENDERS , STOVES , AND FIRE-IRONS . Buvers of the above are requested , before finally' deciding , to visit WILLIAM S . BURTON'S SHOW-ROOMS . They contain such an assortment of FENDERS , STOVES . RANGES , FIRErlRQNS , and GENERAL IRONMONGER'S as cannot be approached ' elsewhere , either for variety , novelty , beauty of design , brexquisitehess of workmanship . Bright stoves , with ormolu ornaments and two sets of bars , 81 . 15 s . to 33 ^ - 103 . ; bronzed fenders ,. with standards , 7 s . to Si . 12 s . ; steel fenders , 2 , 1 . 15 s . to 11 ? . ; ditto , with rich ormolu ornaments , from 21 . 15 s . to IS / .: fire-irons , from 2 s- 3 d . the set to 4 / . 4 s . The BURTON and all other PATENT STOVESi with radiating hearthplates . BEDSTEADS , BATHS , and LAMPS . — WILLIAM S , BURTON has SIX LARGE SHOWROOMS devoted exclusively to tho SEPARATE DISPLAY of Lamps , Baths , and Metallic . Bedsteads . The stock of each is at once the largest j newest , and most varied ever submitted' to the public , and marked at prices proportionate ¦ with those that have tended to make his establishment the most distinguished in this country . Bedsteads , from ,-........... 12 s . 6 d . to 201 . 0 s . each . Shower Baths , from •¦ 8 s . 03 . to 6 J . 0 s . each . Lamps ( Moderateur ) , from .. 6 s . Os , to * ll . 7 s . each . ( All other kinds at the same , rate . ) Pi * r e Colza Oil- - - • • - • • • • " 4 s . 3 d . per gallon * /^ TJTltERY ,. WARRANTED .- —The most va-KJ ried Assortment of TABLE CUTLERY in tho worlds ^ 1 warranted , ^ ON S ABB at WILMAMi S .-BTTRTON'S , at prices that are remunerative only because of the largeness of the sales . 3 J-inch ivory-handled table knives , with , high shoulders , 12 s , 6 d * per dozen ; desserts to match , 10 s . ; if to balance , 6 d , per dozen oxtra , carvers , 49 . 3 d . p er pair ? larger sizes , from aQs . to 27 s . 6 cL per dozen ; ostta lino ivory , S 3 sT- if with oilvep ferrules , 40 s , to 60 s . ; whlto bpuo table knives , 6 s . per dozen ; d , essort 8 , 59 . 5 carvers , 2 s ., 8 d . per nairs black fiorn table kinves , 7 * 4 d . per dozen j desaerts , 6 a .: carvera , 2 s . 6 d . ; black , wood-handled table knives aud . forks , 6 s . por dozen ; table steels , from Is . each . The larjjpat stock in existence of plated dessert knivos and forks ,, in cases and otherwise , and of tho new plated fish carvera . WIULJAM S . BURTON'S GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERS CATALOGUE , may bo had gratia , and free by post . Ifc containa upward ? ofloo ^ IUustrAtlQiw of his IllfmUod Stpc ^ of Ekctro and Shomold Plate , Niokol Silver an ^ Britannia Metal- goods , Xfieh OovorB atod Hot-water Diehos , Stpvoa ^ Ifeiwlora , Marble Ohlraney-pioces , J ^ itohen Ranges , Iiampa . Gnso-Wersl Tea Urns andTKottlea , Tea Traya , ; Olooka . Tablo 0 h | - lery , Bfttha and Toilet , Waroi / JJurnor ^ , tron and Braaa Bed-Btoads , Bedding , Bod Hanging . &o . $ o ., wlth LiatftofPrlcos , and pianaof fcho Siitoenlarge ShQwRopma , at 89 , Osfordatreot , W , ; l , U . 2 . «^ 3 , ^ wman-Btofiotj and 4 , 0 , a » d 6 , Penry ' B place , t . owdou >^ 301 STABLI 3 HJ 3 X ) X 3 aO . .
Untitled Ad
CARDS FOR THE MILLION . A Copper-plate Engraved in any style . Is . 50 Best Cards ( any kind ) Printed for Is ., post free . ARTHUR GRANGER , Cheap Stationer , 30 S , High Holborn ; .
Untitled Ad
HARVEY'S FISH SAUCE . "Notice of Injunction . The admirers of this celebrated Pish Sauce are particularly requested to observe that none is genuine but that which bears tho back label with the name of Wir . LiA . ji Lazendy , as well as tho front label sifrnt ' d " Elizabeth Zazenby , " -a . nd that for further socurity , on tho neck of every bottle of tho Genuine Sauco will lionculctrward appear an additional label , ' printed in green and red , as follows : — " This notice will be allised to Lazenb . v's llarvt-y ' s Sauce , prepared at the original warehouse , in addition to the well-known labels , which aro protected ajiainstiinitaVion by a perpetual injunction in Chancery of Oth July , 185 S . " 6 , Edwards-street , Portman-sciuare , London .
Untitled Ad
DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT HAIR , WHISKERS , &cP —If so , use MISS COUi'KLKE'S CRINUTRIAR , which is guarautood to product : Whiskers , ^ loustachios , &c , in a few we ' eks , and restore the Hair in baldness from whatever cause , prevent its railing oil ' , strengthen Weak Hair , and effectually check Groynes iu . all its stages . If used in the nursery , it will a-verC Baldness in after life . Sold by all Choinists , price 2 s ., or will bo sont . ppst free , on receipt pf twenty-lour postage . stamps , by Mi >? s Coupollo , 0 » , CastlOTstrcet , Oxford-streot , London . —Testimonials;— "I have ordered its uho in hundreds of castjs with success . "—Dr . Walsh . " 1 have sold it for eleven years , and have never hoard a complaint of it . "—Mr . Jones . ' x > My hair in quite rostoroU . "— J 2 . Jamas , Es ^ . ' After ijino years' baldneaa , its effects are miraculous . "— \ V . blah on .
Untitled Ad
KNOW THYSELF . MARIE COUl'ELLE continues her vlyjd and intoroslinff delineations of character I ' rom un examination of the handwriting of individuals , iu-a stylo novor before attomptod in lilnttland . Persona dwirona « l" knowiiiK tlioh' own charautonHticH , or lho » o of nny IVIcnd , \ in \ al unclbau a spuoiuien of their writing , hlnllnfr sox and aw , with fcuii'Luoa pouny liiistnjjeHtanips , to Miss (' , ' oupttllu , (! 1 > , Cnstlo . street , Newmanstroet > , London , and tliuy will roroivo |><* r return a Cull detail of the giftH , defects , tjilcnls , tiwtoo , iillVuMonu , &c ,, of tho wrJtor , with ninny otlier thlu / ra uuluulutuil to bo useful througli lil ' Oi— From' I ' . N . — " I coiiNlilor your ukill surnrlfciliiK . " ( J . 8 . — ' Your desoription of her character is romiiWtnbly oori'oot . " JI . W . —• ' x . our skcti . 'h of u ^ y character 1 h marvellously correct . " Miss fc ' . — j Uiiihiuii hh . vs the chariiotor you HoiAt mo i « ft tr . 110 ono . " \ V . N . — " \ oil hjivo dcfiorlbod him very accurately . "
Untitled Ad
THE PAST AND THE FUTURE . HYAM and CO ., 86 , OXFOiZD-STREET , beg to acknowledge gratefully the encouraging success which has at * tended their trading operations during the year 1853 . So great has been this success that the proprietors arc led to augur favourably for the year 1859 . HYAM and Co ., on a review of their past , efforts , congratulate themselves on the assurance that they have extended tho advantages of their business to the material benefit of the public . Nothing will be wanting on the part of . tho Proprietors to secure by merit a continuance of support during the year 1859 .
Untitled Ad
CHILDREN , BOYS , AND YOUTHS . HYAM and Co . respectfully invite tho attention of parents and guardians to the superior Overcoats , Sleeve Capes , School Suits , &c , which they have now on stock , Stylo . Sorvicpablenoss . and Suitability being admirably combined in these matchless ear men ts .
Untitled Ad
chTldren , boys , and youths . HTAMand Co . havo contributed materially to tho comfort and appearance of the Youiig in the design and mako of their JDR 15 SS and UNDltlDSlf JACKETS for Little Uoyn and Youths . A vast variety may now bo solcofcod from , at the most economical nricoa .
Untitled Ad
CHILDREN , BOYS , AND YOUTHS . HYAM and Co . avo celebrated for tho Elegance , Excellence , and Economy of tho HUSSARS and TUNICS which ihoy fashion , fabrlcato . and finish la fcho most approved stylo , and from tho ohoiooat patterns .
Untitled Ad
CHILDREN , BOYS , AND YOUTHS . HYAM and Co ., in . their , excellent and diversified GARMENTS OF A-PJEOE for the Young , havo provided what was long wanting lu convenient and becoming Undress for Children and Boys . Those oonjoint Gannonta look exceedingly well , and acrvo to spare the woar and toai ' of other articles of attire .
Untitled Ad
FURNISH YOUR HOUSE W 4 TH THE BEST ARTtCLES . < Savx Aiafl xhb Okwajpjbw iw ««»»»» . 3 DBANB and Oo . ' b Prlcpd / Purniahlns Met- way bo had Kratuitouoly > on application , br ; : forwarded ! by POBt . free , This Hat omb ^ o »' tUo loading ' arWojefl f ^ om all the vartovTa ' departments of tjholP establWhinonfr , and is »*• - ranfeod to faoHltafte nurohaaora fa too Bplfiofcloa of . their KooOt . It comprises Table Outlory ^ Eleotro-plator-Larap !* £ ^ Batha—F <» n 4 om w » d- FJro Iiron »« -Iw )» v Bodatead » , and BeddlnK—Britannia Metal , OoT > poriSl « i , jw 4 Bra 8 S Qoods—OUHnftry UtenBH »~ Turnory ^ firuslio »« . i } Jal » , to > , — Poano nnd Co ' xoponlns- to the Monument ) , London , Bridge . ] j » ta * bU 4 bte * A . V < I'm , 1
Untitled Ad
SPECIAL CAUTION . a YAM aud Co . arc not In any way oouuootod with any her estabJlslimonfcs than tho following , vlss . :-LONDON-80 . OXFOUD STRl-lIfl'l ' , Vj'JST END . BIRMINGHAM—83 anil 24 , NJUW STREl'JT . LBIfl ^ S ^* 3 yBlUGGATJil .
Untitled Ad
EPPS'S COCOA . EPJ ? S , HOMaSOl'ATJjUO CHEMIST , London . —lib . and 4 M > . piidltptH , ih . ( id . and Od . —TIiIhoxcollont production , oriKlnally prepared for tho upoulul uhh of homaJonathiepatlouLw , leaving bouu adopted by tho kohoral public , oan i > ow bo had of tho principal fjrooers . Wiieh locket Is ittbpUod JftinoH Eppa , hoxnooopathJlo oliomlat , ' flfMlHffWTi ' '
Untitled Ad
BRECKNELLS SKI . M SOAP , yiio host for producing a clear Hiid hoaltliy okini in 1 ^ . paokuta of four tablets of wteht sijuaivrt , lirucknull a ( Myoorlne Boap , for uho whou tho akin in roiifjh or u ) ifW >|> "U \ iu paokotH of Ibur tablot-H , In . 0 d . — HUNClCNIiiiJi . TUli . VKU , mid SOWS , manufacturers of Wax , Spoi'inaeoil , tiioiiriuu . Composite , and Tallow Oatidk-M to hov ^ IhJomI . v , ' ii ^ ciiU tw Trlco ' s Patent Oauillu Coinnuny , dun lorn in nil other I ' ntont Oandlos , all kluUs of liou » ul » o ) il and toilet Hoaps . and 111 Colza , f ^ norm , Vcgotablo , and other Lamp Oll « , . •«« . Hoolilv *; . 31 , Hay market , London . —N . 11 . Kiioh tablet and aijunro is Htainped with the uauie of "Urooknull . "
Untitled Ad
HAIR DYE , * C . 243 , IIIku ITolliorn , opposlto Day niul lUiu'Liu ' s . ALEX . ROHS'S [< lQUiD HA I ft JJYM i « cjihlly ui «« l . I'l'o-UuoliiK a pcrl ' uut ) light or UarU colour , imm'iiiiiihiivI . v , 1 «» H >" hall ' , wluHkm'H , nua wyobrowH , !? k . ( Id . Hnnl J ' r « - « Hi bliniK wrannoi " , tho htunu Uny n » opJiTod , I ' m M « Miuiiiim . <¦•«•» - liliaridon oil , awui'o rewlorcrol thn hull , Us . Oil . 1 Intlr tnu'lliiK fluid , art , ( Id . " J j in tN 011 DreuH , ami on U \ o Arnu ^ onidiil . <> t UioHaii' /' Ih . i I ' roe for 111 m vm . VUtfa ul' porfoot mauo and natural appimrunco , froxu U . 10 u .
Untitled Article
126 THE liEAJDEB ,. [ Na 461 , January 22 , 1859 . 1 ¦ ""'¦ - ¦ ' . ¦ .... '• .... ¦ ,. ¦ — ..-r 1 . — - ' . ¦ - — ¦ --.- ¦¦ ¦ r- - ¦¦ . - ' ; " ¦ - *— - ¦ "V : _—Lij : 11 _^^___^_; ; : ~ - _^^ _ ; -j _^ l . — - _
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 22, 1859, page 126, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2278/page/30/