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— . WINE AT HALF DUTY . QUALITY AND ECONOMY COMBINED . annth African Port and Sherry ... - 20 s . and 24 s . per doa . South African Madeira and Amontillado .. .. 24 s per doz . S outtt AI pure , full body , with fine aroma . « Messrs . Brown and Broth's Wines prove , upon trial ? wttavl rS richer arid finer-flavoured than much of the ^ Winel " -Vide ^>; MiJ ?«« , Nov . l 3 , 1888 ^ the delivered free to any London Railway Terminus . Perms-Gasli . Country Orders must contain a remittance . ¦ WROWN andBROXJ'GHi Wine and S p irit Importers , 29 , oftwn ^ W . C .. and 24 , Crutched-friars , City .
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" wInTno longeran expensive luxury . Our superior SOUTH AFRICAN PORT , SHERRY , MADEIRA . &c . in brilliant condition , 2 « s . per dozen . "I find your wine to be pure and unadulterated . A •» 4 . jjx # LBTiiEBr , M . D ., London Hospital . " Pint Sampl e of either . Twelve Stamps . Terms—Cash or Reference . Delivered free to any London Railway Term The S ' Analysis of Dr . Letheby sent freoj ^ n application . Colonial Brandy , 15 s . per Gallon , — WELLivR and HUGHES , Wholesale Wine and Spirit Importers , 27 , Crutc hed-friars , Mark-lane , London , E . C .
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WINE NO LONGER ANI EXPENsFVE LUXURY . TNGHAM'S MARSALA , 24 s . per dozen . X INGHAM'S VIRGIN MARSALA , 26 s . per dozen . Terms cash , and delivered free within five miles . WELLER and HUGHES , Importers , 27 , Crutchod-friars , i ¦
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jaarK-ane , n . v . < . _ ' - ^—~ r ~ ~"~ " malmsey . 24 s . per doz ., Cash . —This delicious wine may bo obtained at the above extraordinary low price , fr 6 in the importers , HARRINGTON ; PARKER , and Co ., 5 * . Pall-mall , S . \ V . _^
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CADIZ . A PURE PALE SHERRY , of the ¦ Amontillado character , 38 s . per dozen . Cash . We receive a regular and direct shipment of this fine Wine . ¦ „ ¦' ,. ¦ HENRY BRETT and Co ., Importers , Old Fumival ' s Distillery , Holborn , E . C
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PURE BRANDY 16 * . PER GALLON . Pale or Brown Eau-de-Vie , of exquisite flavour and frroat purity , identical indeed in every respect with those choice productions of the Cogiiae district , . which are now iliiljcult to procure at any price , 35 s . per dozen , French bottles and ease included ; or 10 s . per gallon . HENRY BRETT and CO ., Old Furnival ' s Distillery , Holbora . ¦
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ECONOMY . A 10-gall 6 n cask ( equal to 5 dozens ) of the finest SOUTH AFRICAN SHERRY , for four guineas , or 20 s . per . dozen ; best Port , 24 s . per dozen . Cask or bottle , and ense included- Three dozens carriage free . Cash . —HEN-EKEYS , ABBOTT , and CO ., Importers , 22 and 23 , High Holborn .
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HENEKEYS' COGNAC , A pure French Brandy , pale or brown , 2 ( ts . per gallon , 42 s . per dozen . Packages to bo . returned within three mouths , or charged Is . per gallon . Six gallons ; the cask included and carriage paid . ' . .
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HENEKEYS' LONDON BR ANDY , Pale or brown , Its . per gallon , 30 s . per dozen . Three dozens carriage free .
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HENEKEYS' LONDON GIN , As from the still , and tho strongest allowed , sweet or dry , 12 s , por gallon , 20 a . per dozen . Six gullous , the cask included and carriage paid . Country orders must cont .-iin a remittance .
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HENEKEYS' PRICES CURRENT OF WINES AND SPIRITS Sont post free on application . —HENEKEYS ; ABIJOTT . and CO ., Gray ' s Inn Distillery , 22 and 23 , High Holborn , W . O . Established 1881 .
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" WHISKIES-EQUALISATION OF DUTY . Tho chojeosfc Scotch and Irish fronrl 4 s . to 18 s . por gnllou . —OWEN and Co ., 75 , Lower Thames-street , London , K . U ., opposite tho Custom House . Shipping and tho Trade supplied . .
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By Her Majesty ' s Uoynl Letters Pnteut . CONDY'S PATENT CONCENTRATED PURE MALT VINEGAR , As supplied to Hop Majesty's Govern moiit , ( ho Council for India , tho Peninsular and Oriental Stoam Navigation Company , tho United Statos Mail Stonniors , Prisons , Poor Law Unions , Hospitals , Public Institutions , tho principal Club Houses , &o . & . O ., is tho only Puro Vinogar made or to bo obtained j Vinegar , In its ordinary utato , la wntor and poisonoua acids , This Vinegar doua not coutuln any impurity or adulterating Ingredient whatever , and fawflivH , by using this delicious Vinogar , ensure purity , anil oll ' oo ) . a saving of BO por cent . Soo roportti of Dr . Lothoby , City Offloor of Health , Dr . Wassail , of tho" Lnnoot" Uouimlsttlou , Dr . Uro , M . D ., F . R . S ., and many otW « . Sold by tho Tnulo , W bottles , labelled and capsuled . Wholesale o ° & K » iik William-street , Loiulon-bildgo , 13 . 0 . Blx Quart Sample aont to nny Railway I ' orJ Ja ^ fkl .
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THE EXPANSIBLE RESPIRATOR , Variable instantaneously to any of four stages , from a warming power of 40 dope , down to 15 dog . A paper , dosoriuiug tho nrliiQlplos and right uso of propor RoHplnUor » . atiaospoolally of this rooontand important improvement , by tho original Inventor of tho RoHpirntor , Mr . JolVroya , w « vy bo obtained by pout from J . E . Porolval . THiuiUKor . Chiof Oinoo , So , Buoklorsbury , London i nuil of Llio JVeonta everywhere .
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MAPPRNTS " SHILLING" RAZORS . Warranted good . by tho Makers . Shavo well for Twelve Months without Cmmllng . MAPPINfS gs . RAJSORS shave woll for Turoo Years . MAPPTN'B JiH . H / kZOHS ( sultablo for Hard or Soft Bonrds ) Shavo woll for Ton Yoaru . M APPINHROTHBRS , Quooh ' h Cutlory Works , Sliomold , 5 and « 7 , King Vy'UliainrBtiroofr , Olty . London \ whore thn ai'HO « t ( Stock of Outloi'y in tho Worm id kont .
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MAPPINGS DRESSING CASES AND TRAVELLING BAGS . MAPPIN BROTHERS , Manufacturers by Special Apiiointmont to tho Queon , nre tho only Sheffield M » kors woo supply tho consumer in London . Their London Show lloohiB , 07 and 08 , KII ^ G WILLIAM-STREET , London HrKlKc , oontHtn by far tho largest STOCK OP DRESSING CA-SES . and Liulios' and Ocntlomon ' s TRAVELLING BAGS In tho Worhl , onch Artlclo boing manufactured under their own suMoriutomlouco . MAPPIN'S Guinea PRESSING CASE , for fteutlomon . TWAPPIN'S Two Guinea DRESSING CASE , in solid Leather . Lndles" TRAVELLING nnd DRESSING BAGS , from 21 , liifl . to 100 / . each . Oontlomon ' s do . do ., from &J . Via . to 80 * . Mossrs . MAPPIN Urvito Jnspootion of thoir oxtonslro Stock , which is complete with , every Variety of Stylo and Prlco . A costly Book of Engravings , with Prices attached , forwarded by post on receipt of 12 Stamps . MAPPIN BROTHERS , 07 and 03 , KING WILLIAM-STR . EBT , CITY , LONDON . Manufactory—Qubkn'a OuTLflWY WoKKS . SxtBB'B'rBWO .
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1 A A AAA CUSTOMERS W ANTED . JUV / . V / UU —SAUNDERS BROTHERS' STATIONERY is the BEST and CHEAPEST to be obtained . s , d . | s- d . Cream-laid note ... 2 Operrm . Croam-laid adho-Thick do . ... 4 0 „ sive envelopes .. 3 0 pr 1000 Kordered note .. A 0 „ Largo commcroi « V Straw paper ...... 26 „ envelopes .... .-4 0 „ Blue commercial Large American note . 8 0 „ buff envelopes-. 8 6 , < Ditto , letter size , 0 0 „ Foolscap paper ... 7 Operrm . Sermon pnper 4 6 „ Commeroial pens . 1 Oprgrss . A SAMPLE PACKET or STATIONERY ( Sixty descriptions , pricod nnd numbered ) sent free , together witb a prico list , on receipt of four stamps . NO CHA . RGE made for stamping arms , crests , initials , &c , on cltnor paper or envelopes . CARRIAGE PAID on all orders over 20 » . ~ SAUNDERS BROTHERS , Manufacturing Stationers , 05 and 104 , London-wall , London . B . C .
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THE PEN SUPERSEDED . The most elegant ,, easy , and best method of marking Arms , Crests , Names , or Initials on Linen , Cotton , Books , or other articles , -without the ink spreading , or fading , is with the INCORRODIBLE ARGENTINE TLATES . Any person can use them with the greatest ease . Names ( any style ) , 2 s . ; Initials , Is . fld . , Crest , 4 s . ; Numbers per set , ls r 6 d ., sent post free on receipt of stamps by the inventors , F . WHITEMAN & Co ., Engravers , &c ; 19 , Little Queenstreet , Lincoln's Inn-flelds , W . C . Stnmpsi seals , dies , embossing presses , book plates , monumental brasses , door , window , and stencil plates , &p ., in a superior style .
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i OK (\ LETTS'S DIARIES , ALMANACS , XOtii /* &c , adapted to all Callings , Professions , or Trades , in above 100 VARIETIES of Size and Form , at from Sixpence to Fourteen Shillings each , as well as Descriptive Catalogues , G RATIS , may be obtained at ANY BOOKSELLER'S in the Kingdom . LETTS and Go , 8 , Royal Exchange . ¦ ¦ .. " ¦ ¦ .. . ' .
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THE VIOLIN , SPOHR'S GREAT VIOLIN SCHOOL , edited by JOHTN BISHOP , 31 s . 6 d . ; Campagnoli ' s New and Progressive Method , translated and edited by John Bishop , 24 s . ; Rode , Baillot , and Kreutzer's celebrated Method , 10 s . 6 d-THE VIOLONCELLO . DUPORT'S ESSAY , Theoretical and Practical ,. translated and edited by JOHN BISHOP , 36 s . ; : Baillot . Levasseur , Catol . and Baudiot ' s Method . 12 s . ; Husdesforge ' s Instruction Book , 10 s . 6 d ., part second * 10 duets , 7 s . 6 d . MUSIC For Pianoforte , with Accompaniments ad lib . —HAYDN'S 12 GRAND . SYMPHONIES , arranged by CZERNY , with ad lib . accompaniments , for flute , violin , and violoncello . Piano Solo , 21 . 5 s . ( with accompaniments . 3 / . 6 s . ); . Piano Duets < 37 . 9 s . ( with accompaniments , 5 l . ); the Symphonies , separately , from 4 s . to 7 s . 6 d ; each ; Beethoven s Masterpieces ( grand sonatas ) , piano solo , 5 vols ., each 15 s . ; Mozart's Six Grand Symphonies , arranged by Gzerny , 6 books , each 6 s .: Mozart ' s Six Symphonies , as piano duets , each Ss . 6 d . ; Mozarts Six Symphonies , for piano , flute , violin , and bass , by . dementi , 42 s . ; Oratorios and Masses , arranged for piano without voices , from 4 s . to 15 sr each . London : Robert Cocks and Co ., New Burlingtoustreot . Publishers to the Queen . . ¦ . ¦ ¦¦ .. ¦¦ ¦
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ACCIDENTS ARE OF DAILY OCCURRENCE . Insurance data show that ONE PERSON in every FIFTEEN is more or less injured by Accident yearly . An Annual Payment of £ 3 secures A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF JE 6 PER WEEK IN THE EVENT OF INJURY , OR £ 1 OOO IN CASE OF DEATH , FROM ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , ' By a policy in the ¦ RAILWAY PASSENGEES' ASSITRAlSrCE COMPANY , Which has already paid in compensation for Accidents £ 37 069 ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦" Forms of Proposal and Prospectuses may be had at the Company ' s Offices , and at all the principal Railway Stations , where , also . Railway Accidehtsalonemaybeinsuredagsuns . by the Journey or year . . . NO CHARGE FOR STAMP DUTY . CAPITAL , ONE MILLION . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary . Railway Passengers' Assurance Company . Olfices , 3 , Old Broad ¦ street . London . E . C . _
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SMITH , ELDER , ANL > GO / S NE W P U B t , 1 C ATI ON S . . : ; ' ¦¦ ' il . ' - ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ : - CHRISTIANITY IN INDIA . Axl Historical Sketch . By J . W . KAYE , Author oT " The Life of Lord Metcalfo , " &c . £ J » February . ¦ •¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ . - .. 2 . ' . ¦• ' - . . ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ A LADY'S ESCAPE FJROM GWALIOR , 33 y Mrs . B > M . COOPLAND . Post 8 vo . ^ Nea rly ready , ¦¦' .. ''¦ ' 13 . ¦ ' . ' ' ' LIFE IN TUSCANY . By MABEL SHARMLAN CRAWFORD . Post 8 vo . ZZTedrhi ready . ' ¦ ¦ : . ' ' ' ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ 4 , " - ' ¦ . ' ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ; NEW NOVEL . LOST AND WON . By < 3 rEOR ^ IANA M CRAIK ,. A « thor of " Biverston . " 1 voL l ln a few days ' ¦ '• ' ¦ 5 . ' . ¦' POEMS . By FREDERICK W . WYON Fcap . 8 vo , 6 s . cloth . . \_ Nearly ready ¦' .. - . . 6 . : . THE PARENTS' CABINET OF AMUSE MENT AND INSTRUCTION . New Edition . Vol . III . with full page illustrations in oil colours , and woodcuts price is , ornamental boards . £ February " . l . % * The New Edition will comprise Twelve Monthly Shilling Volumes , each complete in itself . ' " . 7 . . ' . '¦ NEW ZEALAND AND ITS COLONIZATION . By WILLIAM SWANISON , Esq . InSvo , 14 s . cloth . ' [ In a Jew days . 8 . . SOCIAL INNOVATORS AND THEIR SCHEMES . By W . LUCAS SARGENT , Author of " The Science of Social Opulence / ' &c . Post Svo , 10 s . 6 d . cloth . [ J&st published
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Now published , in one vol . 8 vo , 360 pp . in handsome wrapper , price 10 s . 6 d ., MEMOIRES BE L'lMPE ^ RATillCE CATHEEIlfE II . Ecrits par elle-meme et pre ^ jed ^ s d'une preface par A . HERZEN . "That these extraordinary memoirs are genuine we see no reason to doubt . "— Times , Jan . 7 . . An English edition of the above work is in the press , and will be published very shortly . . . CAUTION . — . Messrs . Trubner and Co ., the proprietors of the copyright , and of the exclusive right of an English translation , will' take legal steps against any person or persons infringing upon their rignts .
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This day , THE PATHPINDEB .: A Weekly Journal of Political , Social , and , Religious Reform . Conducted by P . W . PERFITT . Price 2 df Published by J . Pattxe , Paternoster-row , and by G GiiAiSHER , 470 , New Oxford-street . ^ _
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This day is published , 2 vols . 8 vo , price 32 s ., D E S C BIP TIV E E T H 1 ST OX 0 G Y . By R . G . LATHAM . M . A ., M . D ., F . E . S ., late Fellow off King ' s College , Cambridge , &c . From the above Work , the ETHITOL 0 GY OF INDIA . May be had separately , 8 vo . 16 s . John Vak VooBai . 1 , Paternoater-row .
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Just out , price 3 s . 6 d ., SKETCHES OF AND FjROM JEAN PAUL EICHTEE . London : A . W . BBKWETT , S , Bislnopsgate-street Without .
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Just published , in fcap . 8 vo , cloth , gilt , price 5 s ., BALLADS AND SONGS . By EDWARD CAPERN , Xtural Postman , of Bidoforcl , Devon . " This now volume may be said to be the natural and obvious continuation of those exquisite fancies whioh grace tho early poems of Mr , Cftporn . "—Criido . London : W . Kent and Co . ( late D . Boatrsi ) , 80 , Flootstreot .
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THE C 3 ElITiq : WEEKLY JOUP . NAJL of LITERATURB ^ RT , SOIJENCB nnd tho DRAMA ; is now published every 15 aturd « y , price 4 d ., stamped P ^ l . ¦ BheGRTTlo contains Reviows of all the outoeofc Literature of the Week , Honxe and Foreign , inoluding "French . Gorman , Italian , Solaronio , and , Oriental . Arph « ologiQal . Soiontinc . Artistic , Musical and Dramatic Suromnrtes . Tweporfcs of tho Learned ^ Societies , Loading Articles upon Literary and Artistic tonics , and all tho Literary , Solontlfl * . and Artistic News of tho Wook . Tba Okitio mny bo obtainod through the trado , _ or ordered dlroot from tho Office , 20 , ^ ssox-fltreet , Strand , W . O .
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Nearly ready , 0 "N SYPHILIS . By O . OP . MAUNDER , F . R . O . S ., Domonstratorof Anatomynt Guy ' s eospj *^! 5 21 S !*™* ^ of Operative Surgery in JParis . ( A Translation Of Ricord's rocoiYt Lectures , with a £ « tt « r on JBatfowial Division" of Stricture , Uy tho Translator , ) London : JpnrN Oxtvmomat , Wew < Burlinston ^ itretft , W .
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~ PATENT DOUBLE SAFETY ENVELOPES . When ypu . havo tried ( hem you . w ! U use no othpr . For b £ *} V Ing , qommorqlal , arid private sor ™* m $ m <} ajh * y afforfl tho perfect security so much destrqd . / UsoTrtl slaes »* « Ma-, 7 b . A . lOfl . por 1000 . SOW toy * H ^ W < " ^^^ & £ 2 P " nliod fo tW trado at the T ^ nu 1 &t < X % ^ Jfolnffinjtutwh Souchwark , whoro all varieties of . note , letter , oRloial , an « EroncHSisos , oa wollaa opftquoandwourninc , m » y bo n » a
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No 461 , Jaxvaxx 22 , 1850 . 1 T H E > L E A , jb 33 B . 127
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 22, 1859, page 127, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2278/page/31/