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This Day , Post Octavo , 7 s . 6 d . ¦/ YN" LIBERTY . By JOHN STUART MILL By the same Author , THOUGHTS ON PARLIAMENTARY REFORM ; Is . 6 d . SYSTEM OF LOGIC . Fourth Edition ^ 25 . PRINCIPLES OF POLITICAL ECONOMY . Fourth Edition , 30 s . ESSAYS ON SOME UNSETTLED QUESTIONS OF POLITICAL ECONOMY . ( 5 s . 6 d . London : John \ V . Parker and Son , West Strand . This Day ; Foolscap Octavo , 2 s . "WHY SHOULD WE LEARN ? Short Lec-W tures addressed to Schools . By EMILY SHIRREFIT . By the same Author , Post Octavo , lOsi Gd . INTELLECTUAL EDUCATION and its INFLUENCE on the CHARA . CTEU and HAPPINESS of women . - , ¦ ' , London : Jons W . Parker and Son , West Strand . Just Published . Price Is ; T HE ORIGIN OF CHRISTIAN TENETSTHE JEWS OF ALEXANDRIA . London : John Chapman , 8 King William-street , Strand . DR . WH £ WELL'S INDUCTIVE SCIENCES . ¦ Small Octavo , ~ s . : TVFOVUM ORGANON RENOVATUM ; being -Ll the Second Part of the " Philosopy of the Inductive Sciences . " Third Edition , enlarged . By WILLIAM TVHEWELL , D . D ., F . R . S ., Master of Trinity College , Cambridge . By the same Author , HISTORY OF SCIENTIFIC IDEAS ; bein g the First Part of the " Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences . " . 'Third Edition . Two vols ., 14 s . HISTORY OF THE INDUCTIVE SCIENCES . Third Edition , with Additions . Three vols ., 24 s . London : John W . Parker and Son , West Strand .
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Second Edition , brought down , to 185 S , in one vol ., 8 vo ., price 12 s ., cloth , . MR . DOUBLEDAY'S FINANCIAL and MONETARY HISTORY ; a Financial , Monetary , and Statistical History of England , from the Revolution of 1 CS 8 to the ' ¦ . Present Time / JJeriyed principally from Official Documents . By THOJIiS DOUBLED AY , Esq . ' , author of "The Political Life of Sir Robert Peel , ' "The True Law of Population , " and "Mundane . Moral Government . " The additional . chaptor to this edition may be had separately by ; the purchasers of the previous one ; '¦ ' . . ' "A work of absorbing interest and uncommon research . We liave tested it minutely , and bolieye . it strictly true * as it . is unquestionably clear in its statements . "— Blackwood ' s Edinburgh Magazine . ¦ . . . . London : Effinguam Wii / sov , Royal Exchange . Tn one" volume , 12 mo ,, 4 $ ., cloth , fTlHE TPIREE SERGEANT'S ; or , Phases of -li the Soldier ' s Life . Beinsr Recollections of Military Service in Germany , Holland , Belgium , France , India , and the Crimea . With Details of the Battles of Qiiatrc Bras , Wtterloo , Alma , Inkermaun , Balaklnva , and Sebastopol . By THOMAS MORRIS , EJx-Sergt . " 3 rd Highlander ( Medal "Waterloo" ); WILLIAM MORRIS , JEx-Sergt . 73 rd and' 03 rd Rogts . ( Medal "Waterloo" ) : and WILLIAM MORRIS , Jiin ., Colour-Serg-f , 03 rd . Reg * . ( Medal "Crimea , " with four clasps—French war Medal ) . London : Effingh am Wilson , Royal Exchange . English Guano—Just published , price 0 d ., post free 7 d . A PLAN for COLLECTING the SEWAGE jCjl of LONDON , and Xlemo-ving it to the Country for Manure : to which the serious attqntiou of the ratepayers of the rnotropolitmx district is invit ' ecl . By a RATEPAYER . The estimated expenso of the plan 1 b £ 500 , 000 , and it promises a considerable , revenue , Tlio < istimated expense of the plan promoted by the Board of Works is more than £ 5 , 000 , t ) 00 , and promises no return . London : Efllngham Wilson , Royal Exchange ; James IUdgway , Piccadilly . Just published , price Is ., post free , Is . Id ., T ETTRE concerntvnt L'ETAT ACTUEL do JU Tarhiti , addressee i \ Sa MajoBtQ ImpcSrialo Napoleon JEII . Par ALEXANDER SALMON . London : IflwiNGiiAM Wilson , Royal Exchange . This day , Second Edition , price 0 d ., post froe , 7 d ., PERSONAL LIABILITIES of DIRECTORS X of . JOINT-STOCK COMPANIES , under the Fraudulent Trustees Act , ( ' ^ OtJj and ' 41 st Viet . cap . 04 ) , with Kejnurke on . Limited Liability , London . Eitinojiam Wii . son , Rpyal Exchange . WoHtorn Central Afrtofl . — -Just published , price Is ,, A BRIEF REVIEW oftho SLAVE TRADE , i * . and the Moumii'os adopted for lta Suppression , as bearing on the Interests of British Commerce in Africa , preliminary to Kuggcmtlons for tlio Dpvolopmont of the Comjnorolul Jti'soui-ocH of Central Afi'iou , as tho only effectual Antidoto to I ho Exportation of Negroes . With a short , notice oi' ( he kingdom of Konln . By KOBJ 311 T JAMIBSON . London i Eitinguam Wxi . son , Royal Exchange . Uilovonth thousand , rovlsofl ( vrfd corrected . This day , price In ., post fl'OQ Is . Id ,, HANDY BOOIC on tho LAW of BILLS , ChoqueiH , Notes , and IOU ' h . By JAMI 28 WALTER SMITH , lijfttq ., LL . ' D ,, of tho Innor Temple , Barrlstor-at-Xmw , Thin ih an oxtromaly useful and valuable compilation , which ought to bo In tlio handH of every commercial man , and would bit found urui n on tly useful byainuoh largor class of men than thoso diruotly engaged in oonnnorao , "~ Economist . ¦ London i IflppiwaiiA M Wilson , Royal Exchange . HANDY I ? o 8 ' ir on ti ^ xflw * of ifRIVATE rn . it , ^ . f ? , ^ 1 ''ARTW BTISHH > . By JAMES WALTER , SMITH , ] flHO ., LL . D ., of tho Inner Temple , Author © I tho "Handy Book on tlto Law of Bills , &o ., of which Ifilovon . thousand have boon ho 1 «|> London s EmNQiiAM WxfcsoN , Royal Iflxohnngo .
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In 8 vo . price 10 s . ( kl ., cloth , HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF SPECULATIVE PHILOSOPHY FROM KANT TO HEGEL . By » r . IT . M . OTIALTBAOUS , of Kiel . Translated by ALFRED HDUUSHjflIM , Ph . D . "An ncuto Hpcatilator , a fair critic , and a hiold wrltor . I am Htrnngly impruMJurt witlitheui- 'neral Udollty audoloarnosH of the translation . —Sir William Hamilton . In ii voIm . post 8 vo . price 8 h , 0 d ,, COUSIN'S COURSE OF THE HISTORY OF MODERN PHILOSOPHY , In pOHt avojjvtoo Oh . ( Id . . COUSIN'S LECTURES ON THE TRUE , THE BEAUTIFUL . AND THE GOOD . Trannlatud < tan tlie la « t French Mdltlon . BcUuburgh s J , and T . O ^ aiik . London ; HAsntTON and Co .
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/ In Two volumes , impoWtil svo , j , ) p . 'JIJSJ , ci km . ' THIS IMPERIAL DICTIONARY , lCNGLiyir , TBCIINOLOfilCAl-, AM ' SOUBNTIKIC . Adapted to tho prosout Ht » lo of Mti'ivitinv , Prlmcc , ii : nl Art i eomprlning am . M' < m »> h im !|{ i : j-v i : x < n . ifii . iumI mk ' principal twlinloiil and noUmtlilc In-nm , iiiMrttirr wlili llu 1 " ofynioiDglcH and their pronuuelutlon , aci'nrdlii ); to tUc ui'hi autlioritli'M . Kdilod by JOTTX OOIF . V 1 K , I . I .. I > „ . . IlluHtratc < l by ubovc Two Th «»«» nil KiiutiivIiiuh ( in U |« m | . 11 ( Jgllvlo has not only produced tlii ¦ O "' Kuull . " i I ' " " Houary thiit cxIhI « , but ho far uh thcnciiml hihu > «•! Iuijjw - lodgo permitted , haH tnado hou ' ui npprcmcli IhwuhIh p ' ' ' ! ' " lion . \ V < t noi'd Hoiirci-l / add that the worli Im * uiir niniin eoniinondatlon , —lirltlah'Quarter / u Iti'iilew . In Ono Volume , imperial £ vn . R \ , A SUrPLKMKNT T II E IMPERIAL DlC T T O N A 11 Y , 10 NOLIS 1 I , TK ()| INOI . ()( JIC . \ r . . UK SCIENTIFIC . By JOHN OOI 1 . V 1 K , l-L . 'D . lllufilratod l > y nearly Four Hundred KiirthvIuh """' V ' ' , ' TIiIh work contalnH an rstoiiHlvo cmiIIociI « hi « "' , v ( crniv , and phrnHPH , U ) ( lu 1 vtt ' rlnumlcpnrtiiH'Minm l ) " ' " ' , „ . ' Holenoo , and art , tofrotliur with niiTnci' « tiiH ohNolrti-, n " i ( f mint and KooltlHh words found In < 'Iuum' ; 1 ' , ¦? l 1 ' ' ? '' BhakHiu-ro , and Scott , notlnoludcd In prevloiin I-. um """ - tloivarloN . , , , ,.,,, 1 Hi . ackii ) and flow , Warwlck-squaro , City , Loiidi '" i uuu Glasgow and Kdinburgh ,
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Now Tloady In 2 vols ,, Svo ., with Portrait * , 30 s . MEMOIRS OF THE COURT OF 6-EORGE IV , From Original Fnnilly Doouments . By Tho DUKK OF BUCKINGHAM , K . G . .. AImo , on Frlclay , February 2 . T . rnilE CRESCENT AND THE CROSS . By JL KLTOT ^ VARJHJKTON . Fifteenth " Edition , with l ' l IlluHtratioiiH , prloo tia . bound , forming the Third V . olum « of ITuitti . T and JJlaokrtt ' h Stanuabd i-uni . vuy or Ciiijap KDrTIONH OF VOPUIVAK MOORHN AVOKKS , Hurst and IU < ackktt , in ; ( Jit . IMarlboroufrli-Htreet .
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Shortly will bo published , in one vol ., crown 8 vo ., of about 400 pajjes , MEMOIRS OF THE EMPRESS CATHERINE IX ; OF RUSSIA . Written by Herself , and Edited , with a Preface , by ALEXANDER HEuZESr . Translated from the French . " That these extraordinary memoirs are yenuiuc we . see no reason to < loubt . " - ~ Tintw , Jan . 7 . TnunNEB and Co ., 00 , JL ' aternoster-row .
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FRASER'S MAGAZINE For 3 IAK 0 II ivill oontnin WAR % AN KRSAY AND CON \ 'K 1 ? SATFON By " Frii-nds in Council . "' London : John W . L'aiikf . h and Sus , Wi- ^ i siniml .
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WOltKR BY CHARLES I ! If AY . rPIIE PHILOSOPHY of NECESSITY ; m-JL tho Law of Consequences a . s applicable to Mcutnl , Moral , and Social Scionci » , U voIh ., Svo , price , ins . dil , THE EDUCATION OF T 1 IK FEIOLIXdS . The 'Second Edition , in post svo , pric ; ' Vs . lid . London : Longman , Bkom'N and Co ., ruternostiT-voH ' .
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Ifow-ready , in Two Vold . j 8 vo ., uontainiii ^ . uoU pp ., wiih numerous illustrations , ¦ handstmiely ' -bound , iu bi-vi-lk-d . cloth boards , price 2 l . i > s ., MEMOIRS OF T ^ IBRARIES , includin . r a HAND-BOOK OF LIIUtARY ECONOMY . By EDWARD 'EDWARDS , formerly of the British Mus . 'iuii , and latoLibrarian of the Manvhostfr Free . Library . Tin ' s important work has been iu-preparation diiriiitr r . pwarrts < if . thirteen years , and is now presented to tht > public-in si form deomid worthy of the liifrhexpectatiuas raised thron ^ li rl » e ( letniled prospectus so extensively oirculated in ! - ^ ii ami 1 S 47 , tog-ether with a series of . questions rohi-1 iy < - to tlioorgCiiuizntioii- iind economy of public libmrlrs , in-r «'; j > Iy to whichmore valuable information bus from time to tinie hi-iii rtceiyed . Jfwither Fnmce no . r Germany can bo ; ist of a work treating tlie subjects 1 o which it is devoted with a similar comprehensiveness ; and in England the work certainly lias ha « 1 no predecessor . No < 'X ]> eiise has been fpitreil hythu I ' til'ilishers to iruikf this truly Nuiiunal work perfect , in every . rep / x .-ct . ' . ¦ . ' ¦ . ' . The volume contains tho following llhtstral-iojis : —Eluht Copper / ' /( itr . t , illustrative of tin : Jfaiin . t' -ripts disint , iwl nt Jfcrcufinieuiii ; thirty-four wooc / cuts <> fintt : ri < irn and v-ctt' p ' tors of colebrnted lihrnrfen ; c . if / ht lithom-nphrd p / atr * , < -o ) itri ; n ' my j ' nc-shni / i'S of the tj / pps < mpl <> i / ''d hi / earl // priiiti r $ ; wreu ' chroma-lithor / rapkic ptatrs , r . vhihitii :.- / . sjU'rimnKt <• / Jioul ; - lihtdhif / , a ricio of St . Ayfimtinc ' s inond . iti-r // a . ' Con ' irbiirii , and several plans ofttricievt f . ihmricx . : Tuuis 7 f-r . it & . Co ., i ' nternostcr-row .
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ENGLISH PHILOLOGY . MESSRS . TRUBNER AND C 0 . 60 , Patemoster-row , have the following IMl'OUTAST WORKS in the Press , BARTI . ETT . —A DICTIONARY OF AMERICANISMS . A Glossary of Words and Phrases colloquially used in the United States . By JOHN RUSSELL BARTLETT . Second Edition , considerably enlarged and improved . In one volume , 8 vo . COLERIDGE—A ( GLOSSARIAI , INDEX OF THE PRINTED ENGLISH LITERATURE OF THE THIRTEENTH CENTURY . By HERBERT COLERIDGE , Esq . * of Lincohi ' s Inn , Barrister-at-Law . In one volume , fivo . . . PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY'S NEW DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE . In 4 to Parts . 5 s . each . . . * ? An octavo Pamphlet of 32 pajros , entitled "Propoaals for the '• Publication of a New English Dictionary by the Philoloffical-Society , " - detailing the Plan , &c , is now published , and will bo sent post free on receipt of six stamps . WEDGWOOD . —A DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH ETYMOLOGY . By HENSLEIGII WEDGWOOD , Esq . Vol . L Svo . ThiiBNEK ; ind Co ., 00 , Paternostor-rov . - , London .
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Just published ^ price Is ., post free Ik . id L AW the SERVANT NOT the TYRANT of COMMERCE . Boinjv a ri ]> ly to 31 r . Ford ' s 4 ttcm » J to Make Rrefereiitial Securities , & . c , Secret . x London : Effing ham AVit . son , Iloyal Exchan g e
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IMPORTANT- WORKS OF TRAVELS , Published by T RITBNEB AND CO , 60 , Patemosteir-row , London : — FREMONT—NARRATIVE of EXPLORATIONS and ADVENTURES in Kansas , Nebraska , Oregon , and CaUfOTml By Colonel JOHN CHARLES FREMONT . Author ' s Editiou , profusely illustrated in uniform style with Dr . .. Kane ' s Arctic Explorations . 8 vo . ^ ^?^ - OSBORNE . ¦'— PALESTINE , PAST AND PRESENT ; with Biblical , Literary , and Scientific Notices . By the Rev . HENRYS . OSBORNE . A . M . In 1 vol ., royal 8 vo . of 000 pag-esv with numerous "Woodcuts , Panoramas , Chromo-lithogrraphs , Tinted Lithographs , Maps ^ c ., 21 s . PAGE ;~ LA PLATA : THE ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION AND PARAGUAY . Being a Narrative of the Tributaries of the River La Plata and adjacent Countries , during- the years 1853 , 1854 , 1855 , and 1850 , under the orders of the United States Government . By THOMAS I . PAGE , U . S . N ., Commander of the Expedition . One volume , large Svo . with Map and numerous SARTORIUS -MEXICO AND THE MEXICANS . Landscapes and Popular Sketches . By C . SARTOR I US . With Steel . Engravings by distinguished artists , from Original Designs by Mokitz Rugendar . One splendid 4 to vol ., 200 pages of letter-press and 18 Engravings , 18 s . TkubSer aud Co ., CO , Paternoster-row ,. London .
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226 THE LEA DEB . [ No . 465 , Februar y 19 , 1859 . Just price Ispost free Ik
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 19, 1859, page 226, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2282/page/2/