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A safe and certain remedy for Coughs , Colds , Hoarseness , and other Affections of the Throat and Chest . In Incipient Consumption , Asthma , and Winter Cough they are unfailing-. Being- free from every hurtful ingredient , they may be taken by the most delicate female or the youngest child ; while the Public Speaker and Professional Singer will find them invaluable iu allaying : the hoarseness and irritation incidental to vocal exertion , and also a powerful , auxiliary in the production of melodious ENUNCIA . TION ¦ ' Prepared and sold iu Boxes , Is . lid ., and Tins , 2 s Od ., 4 s . <} d ., and 10 b . Gd . each , by THOMAS KEATING , Chemist , < fcc , 79 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London , Retailby all Druggists and Patent Medicine Venders in the World .
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HALSE'S SCORBUTIC DROPS . This old-established HERBAL PREPARATION has a miraculous effect in all Scorbutic Complaints , quickly eradicating aU impurities from the blood , Indeed , a finer purifier of the blood cannot % voll be cpneeived , the pale , sickly complexion speedily being- converted to the roseate hue of health / Ladles should have recourse to this preparation instead of using the dangerous cosmetics now so much in vogue . Price 2 s . Dd . and lls . a bottle . Wholesale AgentST-Barcloy and Sous , 05 , Farringdon-strcet ; Ilnnnay and Co ., 6 ? , Oxford-street . Any London or country medicine vendor will procure tlic above for any customer .
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ECLECTIC MEDICAL . INSTITUTE . Ana PRIVATE BATH KSTABLISHMENT , 105 , Groat Russell-street , Bloomnuury , W . C . —Simple and Medicated VAPOUR , GALVANIC , and ELECTRO-CHBM / OAL BATHS , on improved principles . For the extraction of Lead , Mercury , and other Minerals from the body , and for the cure of Nervous , Dlaliotic , Paralytic , Cutaneous , Hupntio , Spinal , Rheumatic Gout , and other diseases . Medical SuporintondQjit—JOHN SKELTON , Esq ., ; M . D ., M . R . O . S ., Eng . For terms , Ac , see circular , sent free upon receipt at nddrcea .
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TRIESEMAR . Protected by Royal Letters Patent of . England , and secured by , the seals of tho Ecnlo du Vhnrmacle d « Paris , and tlit ' Importal College of Mwliotno , Vienna . TrloBemar , Tso . 1 , is ft remedy for relaxation , flpermatorrhcon , and exhaustion of the system . Trioseinui , No , " - ' , efleoUmHy , in ( lit- short flpacc aftjhreo days , completely and entirely eradicates nil tracoH of those disorder !) which capsules have so long boou thought an antidote for , to the r . uin of tlio health of a vitst portjlou of the population , Triesomar , No . 3 , in tlio great Continental remedy for tluit olnns of disorders which unfortunntoly tho English pliytdclnn treats with mercury , to the Inovitablo destruction <> ftho patient ' s constitution , a \ u \ which all' the HarHnpurllhi in tho world cannot remove . TrloHomar , Nos . 1 , :. ' , mul U , are alike devoid of taste or smell , and of all nuusonllupr qualities They may lie on tlio toilet tnblu without their ubo being suspoofed . — -Wold In tin OQBps , nriuu llu ,, free by post Is . Bd . extra to any part of the United Kingdom , or four oases in o » u for 83 s ., by po « t , jjs , 2 d . extra , which saves 11 b .. s and In 51 . oases , whereby thoro 1 h a Having of 1 / . 1 Kb . -, divided Into aoparato doses , an namjniBtqrod by Valpoim , Lallomaml , Roux , &o . tfuld by o . Church , 78 , GruoocUuroh-atroot i Bartlott Hoopor , 43 , Klner yVilHam-Btroot , { Q . F . Watts , 17 , Strand * Prout . Stfl ) , Btraml i Hannay , flf » , Oxibrd-uiroot i Banger , 108 , Oxfordfltroot , London s It . It . luohum , Market-street , BlnncheMter » ana Powell , ' 10 , WcBtmorolnnd-Btrbet , Dublin ,
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flOOO 'ftptoii ' ft'RJMiSFnl "RSil ' to ^^ X'Jmvafl "! J—A CU'roryinnn of tho Church of Kiitflanil , having- beem cured ol iiurviuiH cKihlllty , Iosh <» f memory , indlg-OHtlon , ana other fearful HymiitoniH , i <^ oarncHtly desirous of imparting to hiH HUtto-riiii ? fi-lflow men tlie im-anfl whereby hifi restoration was so marvellously ulToeted . He will thereforo send a hook ^ oiitnhiliiff « J 1 tlut iieecsH / iry Information on rtwipt ol two nennv Htnmps to prepay ptmtutyo , addressed to | , the Rov . II . R . T /( avb »« , M . A ., 1 ., North C'liinberhuul-plncv , Kayswatir , Middlesex .
Untitled Ad
HOLLOWAY'B PILLS i Are undeniably the Unost nietllciiK ? for debilitated constitutions , Unordered liver , bilo , and lndic-estion . The wonderful omeix'y of this salutnry modlclno , and tho good ofloctrt i < n > ducod on patluntu , 8 utVorlii (? from the above eomphilnts , would nppcnr incredible If not confirmed by daily . > rooffi of the enros e ( Tectort by them , nnd tho permanent lenoflt derived fi'om their use . Those Invaluable pills soothe and ftre . nu'then the nervous syHtom . ' purify tho blood . re > r « - lute the HvcrutloiiM , mid invl n'ornto the coiiHtitutiou . Plwense Illes before Them . They lire composed of vegetable extracts , iiihiixed with ii eruiii of any mineral or noxious HubRtanco . They may . therefore , be wlvon with tho utmoHt . confidonce , and ' with ' perfect eiifoty , to delloato females and young ahi ' lt'lren . '
Untitled Ad
A "REAL BLER 81 XO TO » IOTIIKH » . " liritMi Medical JoumuL \>\< h ,, }' i , 1 SW . PERSONS who cannot swallow Cml Livm- Oil X . should tako Ninvunnnv nmt Sox . h * COD LIVEW Oil . CAKBH , which are pleuHiint an . l do not iiauBeato Bach cako contains ono teiiBpoouful of tho tlnewt oil , and in taken even by children without suMnlolon . ' 1 lmy rouomWo c-lntrorbroad } n appearance , nnd will Hupersedu C '« I Liver Oillrom its liortablllty and greater dlffOHtlbillty in Its combination . Invalids ( rnvolUnir fihoul < fnot bo without , thorn , br ovon as an article of diet whilo travoUhipr , they posses * a larffc nnwiint of both anlnjitl and ve ( joM <)» le nutrition , moBtHustalnlnff und inTlfforntluff . VromvaA by 1-. NwnKRiiv and Honh ( Established a . d . JMO ) , 15 , rtt . l ' ftiir » - churohyard , London i and Boldbychonilwtn , &o ., U \ town mid country . Price , jib ., le , (> d . ( 1 ) l > ,, U » -
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ABERNETHY'S PILL . FOR THE NERVES AND MUSCLES . INVAX . JDS who , puffer flrom Lowioss of Spirits , Want of Sleep , Loss of Appotito , and Bilious Attacks , will hail . this medicine as a prroat blessing . It acts by purifying- tho blood , and by restoring tho Btomaoh , liver , and bowels to their healthy state , and thus eradicates melancholy , weakness of limbs , &c . Tho BmftlloBt sized box will lie quit © eufflciont to convince any invalid of the extraordinary virtucB of those pills . Price 1 b . l $ d ., - 's . » d .. and -In . Oil . a box . AgontBr-Barolay , 06 , FarrJnffUon-struf ^ , and Ilaunay , 03 , Oxford-Btrcot . Ariymodlolne vendor wiU prooure them .
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DR . DE JOXGH'S ¦ ' ( Rn iffh t of the Order of Leopold of Belgium J LIGHT BROWN COD LIVER OIL , Is uhivertiully ackno % vk'dj , ed by the most emment Medical uuthoritici ? to be immeasurably superior to every other variety . It is not only the most efficacious' and the most palatable , but from the sm-vilness of the pose bequirbu , and the iiapidity or its curative mffkcts . Dr . de Jonah ' s Oil will be found in use unquestionably tho jnoHt economical of all kinds—a fact amply corroborated by the subjoined extracts , selected from innumerable medical opinions : — . _ „ "Dr . Granvillo has found that Dr . do . Tongh ' s . Oil produces the desired effect in a shorter time than others . ' — A . B . Guanvijlle , Esq ., M . D ., F . K . S ., Author of the " Spas of Germany . " , . . . " Dr . de Jonah ' s Oil Is stronger than the other kinds of Cod Liver Oil , and consequently a smaller dose is sufficient . " —C . Radclyffe Hall , Esq ., M . D ., Consumption Hospital . Torquay , _ , , , .. „ . " I consider -that a tcaspoonfiil of Dr . do Jong-h ' s Oil in equal iu ittu-flVctH to a tabluspoonful of the Pale Oil . ' — \ V \ lUvins , Esq ., M . l > ,, Brighton Dispensary . " This Oil iroos three times as far as any other I have tried . "— Thomas Hunt , Esq ., F . K . C . S ., Western Dispensary for Diseases of the Skin . Sold ont . v in Imperial Half-ptnts , 2 s . fid .: Pints , 4 s . 9 d . ? Quarts , 0 s ., capsuled nnd labelled with Dr . do . Tonph ' s niR-nature , without which none aue of . nuine . In the Country by respectable chemists . IN LONDON BY HIM ROLF . AOF . NTH , ANSAIi , HAKFOKD , and CO ., 77 , Strand , W . C .
Untitled Ad
LADIES' JACKETS or this novel design , in superfine cloth , beautifully embroidered , at one guinea ; or in velvet at two and three guineas . AIXA DltESSES , of glace silk , of grout richness and beauty , three aud a half and four and a half guineas , AIXA DRE 3 SES , for mourning , of Paramatta cloth , trimmed crape , two and a half guineas . AIXA DKESSES , of shepherd check cashmere , at 21 s ., very neat and pretty . AIXA DKESSES , of- granite linBeys , 31 s . 0 d ., very v ^ arm . Tho skirts are all lined ready for -wear , and trimmed with the"Aixa" ornaments . Illustrations and patterns , with instructions for measurement , free by post . THOMAS FOHD ( late Dorey ) , Mourning Warehouse , 42 , Oxford-street , London .
Untitled Ad
HYAM & CO : S * novel , fashionable , becoming , and wellmade Overcoats arid Capes are , in all essential respects , the leading garments of the season . ' Price 20 s ., 30 s ., and 4 Os . XTENSIVE STOCK OF DEMI-COATS ., All ^ heTiewest and most approved Designs in Gentlemen s Undress Jackets are now displayed at HiAJI and CO . s Establishments . Price 15 s . «» d . to 31 s . Cd . 'XAGT FIT IN SUITS COWIPJLETE , . , at 38 sf ^ 48 s ., and 63 s ., are all that can bedesircoViin material , style , and make . . ¦ . ¦ WEf' ^ d ¥ UM 29 ^ 2 !!^ m ^ i 9 ^ t ; Guinea Coat and Vest , and Whole Suits at 38 s ., are highly excellent in material and durable in make . 'XPENSE SAVED IN ALL , ATTIRE . A HYAM & CO . S' Clothing , whether ready-made or made to order , including Dress ot every deBcription , for Gentlemen , Children , Boys , and Youths , Ladies' IlabitH , and Servants' LivoricSi is the most economical ever offered to public notice . ¦ — i — ¦ - HYAM & CO . arc connected only with the . following _[ oi _ fi _ i 8 * LONDOX—86 , OXFORD STHEET , WEST EXD . BIRMINGHAM—23 and 24 , NEW STREET . LEEDS—42 , BRIG GATE .
Untitled Ad
" ' ' ¦ y llin 1 TIQItf ——The past holidavs have aflorded us a ; ^ further proof of th < fact that we live' in an agre of Exhibitions . More than evei is our attention drawn to collections of art , science , ; and inventive skill , which at once deligrht , interest , and edify the mind . HYAM ; & CO . flatter themselves that the Public will not be disappointed on making inspection ol their magnificent Stock of Clothing , now on View ^ and Sale at ^ 6 , OxVord-street , West End ; 24 New-street , Birmingham ; and 42 Briggate , Leeds . ¦ .
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¦ PROTECTED BY ROYAL LETTERS -JL LATEST , and received by the most eminent of the F " aeultv , ^ Mr . LAWRESCE'g IKPUOVED ARTIFICIAL " TEETH by the CLEO-rLASTIC process entirely supersede the Soft Gum , and every substance thatbecomes putresceut in the mouth . Their cleanliness , case , and comfort render therii available iu every cafee , without springy or wires , ' at less than ' Advertised pricos .-- 'l'AII « LEbS TOOTH EXTRACTrON by GRADUATED ELECTRICITY is always attended with certainty and success . Medicated White . Gutta-percha Enamel for Decayed and Painful Teeth ( by self application ) Is . ; post free , fourteen stamps . ' , . Mr . LAWRENCE , fiurffeon-dentjst ; 53 , Bcrner ' s-strcet , Oxford-street , London ,
Untitled Ad
ttrOt \ 7 \ Afy ailU A . JvO > X <^ v ^*» - « ¦ ' - 'V ""^ T " **¦» , . SELF-CURE . —AMERICAN TREATMENT . TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED . CHARLES WATSON , Member of the Reformed Medical College , U . S . ; the Society of Medicine , Rouen ; the National Academy of Sciences , Paris ; and Fellow and Honorary Vice-president of the Imperial African Institute of France , 27 . Alfred-place , Bedford-square , London , continues Jo issue ; on receipt , of six stamps , " THE GUIDE TO SELF I " TX"R"F " . ¦¦ '' , ' ' ¦ ¦ ' Those about entering the Marriage State should peruse Dr . Watson's invaluable little work , as the advice he gives on health and disease reflects uviich credit upon him as a sound medical philosopher . "—Critic . _ ¦ " The true Guide to those who desire a speedy and private cure . " - ^ -University Magazine . For . Qualifications vide "Diplomas and the " London Medical Directory . "
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Perft-ct freedom from Coughs is secured by __ DR . LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS . T * hey Sve mstant relief and a rapid cure of asthma , consumption , coughs , and all disorders of the breath and luh <> -s . They have a most pleasant taste . Price Is . l ^ d ., o ^ ii . Q o-.-. v » itu r-,. n- iinv Snlfl hv nil medicine vendors .
Untitled Ad
Z ^ M ^^^^^^^ O ^ e ^ he ' a ' d ^ e ^^ S ^ TilfgoMBARD . STREET
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^ m § % m ^^ m ^^ PEPSI A , &c , their Causes and Cure . —AN i-SSAY ; tn < result of a long and extended practice in the treatment ol nervous maladies , head affections , indigestion , relaxation , debility , &c ; , and intended as a source of easV referencefoi the non-professional reader . By A PHYSrCIAN . Few diseases are more prevalent , less understood , and consequently more erroneously treated , than the above , to which thousands of invalids , whose prolonged sufferings nave been an enigma to their friends , trace their position ; while in most cases the im mediate cause of those complaints remains unknown to them , and any treatment , in the absence of this knowledge , becomes uncertain , often fruitless . Where ordiuary resources prove abortive , the use of the m croscope is hot unfrequently attended with the happiest results , the long-concealed cause of mucti misery being thereby brought to light , and a correct and generally . successful mode of treatment at once indicated . The object of this work is to clear up some matters of vital importance that have hitherto remained obscure , and to point out to the nervous aud hypochondriaeal invalid the means by which he may arrive at a state of health to which , in all probability , he has long been a stranger . The above will be sent post free , on receipt of twelve postage stamps , by _ Mr . Rddge . 4 . Hand-court , Holborn , London ..
Untitled Ad
^ TO MANUFACTURING CHYMISTS . — MANAGER WANTED .-A Person thoroughly acquainted with the Distillation of Earth and other Mineral Oils , and with the manufacture of the various products derivable from bituminous substances . Salary , liberal . Apply ' by letter only , stating qualifications , to A . C , 34 , Great Winchester-street , E . C .
Untitled Ad
o ^ . VISIT THE CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT OF LAWRENCE HYAM , MERCHANT CLOTHIER AND MANUFACTURER , CITY ^ 36 , Gracechurch-street , 1 LONDON WEST—189 and 1 < JO , Tottenham-court-road , ) ^ yja- ^ V-w . in the READY-MADE DEPARTMENT , such an immense assortment of MEN'S , BOYS ' , and YOUTHS ' CLOTHING , consisting of garments of the most novel , durable , and elegant designs , can rarely be seen . The Public will effect a great saving , the prices being based on the most economical principles , consistent with sterling qU BO ^ AN ^ can exceed the variety and novelty of design in this depart ment For the . approaching spring and summer season such an immense assortment Is now beiugmanufactured , a £ to exceed allL . HYAM'S former efforts , both in variety anc in stvle The prices , as usual , are framed upon the mos economical scale , and the choice of style and pattern is s < extensive , that they have only to be seentoensuroimiversa aP V ORDERED DEPARTMENT contains a inagiuficeni assortment of every novelty for the season . The Artistes who are celebrated for refined taste and style , are guarantees for a trood fit . Economy is the . leading feature . CLERICAL and PROFESSIONAL MEN are specially invited the Black and mixture cloths being of a FAbl DYE An ordered Suit of Black for 3 / . 3 s . Also the celebrated SEVENTEEN SHILLING TROUSERS in great V lf Ct | ' YAM marks every Garment in PLAIN FIGURES , from which no deviation is made ; and no garment need be kept ; when seen at home , if not satisfactory , but can be exchanged within any reasonable time , if returned in good condition . ' .
Untitled Article
ISTo 465 , February 19 , 1859 3 THE LEADEB . . 253 ¦
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__ ^^^^ i ^^^^^ aaca ;! 11 ¦——^^—* ^ ° — ^^ ^ ^^^^^^^ The Bbess in China .. — -A meeting of public interest was held at New castle-on-Tyne , on Wednesdav In November last the Government of Hong Kone prosecuted . Mr . William Tarrenfc , the editor of the F riend of China , for charing them withjiaving destroyed certain documents , which implicated Mr , Cald ^ ell , the Registrar-general and Protector of Chinese It had been imputed to Mr . Caldwell that , alth ough a British : official , he had held intimate relationsNvith one Mahchow Wang , a notorious pirate , ¦ w ho although great efforts were made to effect his release had been tried for his crimes , and convicted bv a jury . The evidence of Mr . Caldwell ' s connection with the pirate was said to be contained in the papers which had been destroyed by the local Government . The witnesses for the prosecution , some of whom were members of the Government , admitted that the documents in question had been burnt , and the result was that the jury returned a verdict for the defendant without calling upon him for his defence . Another singular feature of the case was , that Mr . Chisholm Anstey , the Attorney-General , who had been suspended by Governor Bowring , was retained as counsel for the defence ; but by the precipitate verdict of the jury he was prevented from delivering a speech which would , perhaps , have shed some light upon his own case , as well as have given us a more intimate acquaintance with the conduct of the Government in regard to Mr . Caldwell . Be this as it may , enough is known to require from Parliament a searching investigation . / V ; '' Colonial Congratulations for the Quekn . — The Hon . John Baker , member of the Legislative Council at Adelaide , has just arrived in England . This gentleman , who is one of the largest landed and stock proprietors in South Australia , where he has long resided , lately held the office of first minister in the colony , and by the unanimous vote of the council is charged vrith an address to her Majesty on the marriage of the Princess Royal . A Brace of Advantages . —One advantage of living at Eastbourne , —that you get the morning papers earlier than you do in London . One advantage of living in London , —that you get mueh better fish than yoil do at Eastbourne . — - Punch . ^^^^**^^^**^^^ " ^^^ " ^™^^^^^^^^ M ^^^^ " ^^^^ " ^^ " ^^^^^^ i ^^^^^^^* M **^^^^^^ ' ^ " ^^^^^^^^ ¦ i — i I ___ n—fr ¦ ¦_—** ¦ - ¦** ¦ - ^~—i- ^ r ^—^^ - ^ -in ^^^^ f^^^^—bB—t ^^ -
Keatinc's Cquch Lozences.
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 19, 1859, page 253, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2282/page/29/