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Untitled Ad
ECONOMY . A 10-traUon cask ( equal to 5 dozens ) of the finest SOUTH AFRICAN SHERKY . for F 6 urQiuneas , or 20 s : per dozen ; best Port , 24 s . per dozen . Cask or bottle , and case ^ ncluded . Three dozens carriage free . Cash . —HENEKEYS , ABBOTT and CO-, Importers , 22 and 23 , High Holborn . Established 1831 .,
Untitled Ad
HENEKEYS' COGNAC , A pure French Brandy , pale or brown , 20 s . per gallon , 42 s . per dozen .. Packages to be returned within three months , or charged Is . per gallon . Six gallons , the cask included and carriage paid . ;
Untitled Ad
HENEKEYS' LONDON BRANDY , Pale or brown , 14 s . per gallon , 30 s . per dozen . Three , dozens carriage free . N . .
Untitled Ad
HENEKEYS' LONDON GIN , As from the still , and the strongest allowed , sweet or dry-, 12 s : per gallon . 2 Cs . per dozen . Six gallons , the cask included and carriage paid' Country orders must contain a remittance .
Untitled Ad
HENEKEYS' PRICES CURRENT OF WINES AND SPIRITS Sent post-free on application : ^ -HENEKEYS , ABBOTT , and CO .. Gray ' s Inn Distillery , 22 and 23 , High Holborn , W . C . Established 1831 .
Untitled Ad
POPE AND PLANTE'S WINTER . HOSIERY of every description , knitted and -woven . Underclothing for Family use and Invalids . Printed and Woven Flannels in great variety . —POPE & l'LANTE , Manufacturers , 4 , Waterloo-place , Pall Mall , London .
Untitled Ad
POPE AND PLANTE'S MILITARY SHIRT , constructed , to fit the figure without < -reasii ) g with peculiar accuracy . —POPE and PL ANTE , 4 , " Waterloo-place , pall Mall , London .
Untitled Ad
POPE AND PLANTE'S L ApIES 'Eli ASTIC SUPPORTING BANDS , for use before and after Accouchement , admii ably adapted for giving efficient support , and EXTREME LlGHTKESS ^ a point little attended to in the comparatively clumsy contrivances and fabrics hitherto employed . Instructions for measurement , with prices , on application , and the articles sent by post from the manufacturers and inventors , POPE and PLANTE , 4 , Waterloo-place , Pall Mall , London , S . W .
Untitled Ad
By Her Majesty ' s Royal Letters . Patent . _ CONDY'S PATENT CONCENTRATED PURE MALT VINEGAR , As supplied to Her Majesty ' s Government , the Council for India , the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company , the . United States Mail Steamers , Prisons , Poor Law Unions , Hospitals * Public Institutions , the principal Club Houses , &c , &o ., is the only Pure Vinegar made or to be obtained . Vinegar , in its ordinary state , is water and poisonous acids . This Vinegar does hot contain any impurity or adulterating ingredient whatever , and families , by using this delicious vinegar , ensure purity , and effect a saving of fiO per cent . See reports of Dr . Lctheby , City Officer of Health , Dr . Hassall , of the " Lancot" Commission , Dr . lire , M . D ., F . R . S ., and many others . Sold by the Trade , in bottles , labelled and capsuled . Wholesale . 03 , King William-street , London-bridge , E . C . Six-Quart Sample sent to any Railway for 3 s . 0 d .
Untitled Ad
HARVEY'S FISH SAUCE . Notice of Injunction . The admirers of this celebrated Fish Sauce arc particularly requested to observe that none is genuine but that -which bears tho back label with the name of Whxi-vm Lazentjv , as well as the front label signed '" Ellzpbeth Lazenbu , " and that for further security , on the neck of every bottle of the Genuine Sauce will henceforward appear an' additional label , printed in green and red , as follow * : — "This notico will be affixed to Lazquby ' s Harvey ' s Sauce , prepared at the original warehouse , in addition to tho well-known labels , which are protected against imitation by n pi-rpetual injunction tn Chancery of Oth July , 1858 , "—0 , Edvvard-atrcet , Poytmaii-squ ' aro , London .
Untitled Ad
THE VERY FINEST COLZA OIL For pnortorator lamps , selected from choice parcels direct from J . illo , -is . Od . per gallon . Tallow Store Dips , 7 d , per lb . ; ditto Moulds , 8 s . por dosson lbs ,, stored in March last ospocially for familyuso . Housohold Soaps , 40 a ., 44 s ., 4 ( Js ,, and 48 s , per awt . ; Delivered freo to any part of , or within flvo nilJos of , town , and orders of & ( . value railway free to any part of Euglund . WHITMORE and CRAPDOCK , W , BlsHopsR-ate-Btropt Within , E . G ., London , old servants of , and City Agents to , Price ' s Patent Candle Company .
Untitled Ad
BRECKhELL'S SKIN SOAP , Tho boat for producing a oloar and healthy ekin ; In Is . pitokutn of four tablets or eight Hquaros . jSropkncJUtt'Olyvorltit * Soap , for uso when tho Hkin 1 b rough or chappedj in paokMBOffouT tablets , Ih . < Id . — BREOKNELL , TURNER , und SOXS , manufacturers of Wax , Spermaceti , Stoarino Cawponito . and Tallow Candles to nor Majesty \ agents to Price ' s i ' nront Candle Company , doalora In all other Patont Onndl « if » , all kinds of household apd toilet , Soaps , and in Colzn . 'Sperrn , Vegetable , and . athor Lamp OilB / . / fca— Houhivo , : il , Hnymarkot , Condon . — N . B . iflaoh Tablet and squaro Jh fitinppcd with tho name of "BrooknoII . "
Untitled Ad
~ DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT HAIR , WXllSKIDKS , Ac?— If ho , uho MIStf OOUPMLLM'S ClUNUTRIAR , which Ih gurantqecl to produoo whiskers , MoiiBtaohloB , &c , in a , tt'W weeks , and restore tho Hair in itaMnvsH from whatever cruiso , nrevont its Inning oft . wtrungtlion Weak Hair , and effectually ohoolc GroynoHsin all Hh Htna-uy . If used in tho nursery , it will avert llaldijoMH in uttorm ' o . Sold by all Chomifltfl , prico 2 » ., or will bo sent , post free , on receipt of twonty-lbur pontage stamps , by MJhh CdupolU 1 , OH , Oaetlo-Htroot , Oxford-Btroot , London . —Tout ! - nionlttltii ~ " I have ordered itB uso In liimdroUs ol eases with . HUpcoH 8 . '«~ y ? 7 ' . Walah . "I have sold it for elovon yours , and havo novor hoard a complaint of tt . ' V- % fl / r . Joncn , "My linir Ih quite restored . "—IB , Jamcv , JEaa . "Afror nlno yoiti's' 1 ()«]( Iik'hb , Itu oM ' ootH aro mlruouloiis . "— W . Alahon ,
Untitled Ad
THE SCOTCH CHEVIOT TWEEDS AND ' ANGOLA SUITS , At 47 h ,, ( 50 h ., 5 ( Sh ., OOh ., aiulflQn ., inado to order from material * all Wooii , and thoroujrlily Bhrunk , by » . IWJ 3 N . TAMIN , ^ turoliant and Family Tailor , 74 , ltoN » ont-HtiHiut , ' ' \ V ., nrJi nETTKn vai . cr Mian can be prooni'ocl ( it any othor Iioiihc in Ujo kingdom . Tho Two Ouliiuii Dpohh and Fvook CoatH , tho Guinea Droas TvoiiHorH , and ( ho linli ' -Guiiioii Wal « tcoutH . N . B . —A I ' ori ' t'ot Fit minrantOtfil .
Untitled Ad
GALVANISE . , , , Mr . WIIJJAM H . HALSlfl , the Modlcul < j l \ " } \ u \ l 1 , ArtdlBon-torrnoo , KoiiHinglon , J ^ oihIoii , hoIIHIh '" V V .. •" to sand to him for ills PnmnhU-t on " AlmlUuiI , t Jlllvi J ! , f , .:,. which ho wifl forward ponf Iron on rucclpt o < « «<> I ""'" K . Btamps .. Tho bonollolal o , II \ k > 1 h of OnlvUnlHin In «¦'"" ;* < l ParalyBiH , Lobs of Afuwojilar J ' oWit In any purl , AMUmil . JncllguflMon , and Noi'vontmcHfl , ai-i . « ino « f l l ' xl '''" , ;< when applied in a noUmUflo mannor , nnd with m y ltli m v anparatHH . Attondanco from Ton to Two o ' i'lock . J » n . llalHo ' B Galvnnio MttoUUica . avo Ton < ivilnoah ouch .
Untitled Ad
D'ALTEttBURG'S ORIENTAL OIL . A aafo and certain euro for baldni'HH , wln'thur nrlnliur IVoiu HiaknosH or any other cause Tliirt v / iliuibli ; pri'i <; mi | l <>» Htrungthens weak hair , andoiroctnnlly proinotos n liiNiiriunt . and hoHlthy growth . It . MpnoUily rcHtorcM grry IimIp (<> us original colour , obviating the ihingoroiiH urn ol prnilHoin * ( iy ^ H . I ' rteo « h . t ) d . and " Ha . 0 d . per bnttlr , hciii tr-i- ! " >• " stainpa extra . D'ALTEJNBUBG'S DENTIFRICE i « an Orlontnl preparation , which piM-nmiu'iitly InipiiriH t ) tho Tooth a porfoot whltononH mid lil « ' ! i poJMi , lu-rm .. * duuay , provontrt tonthaoho , Htronwthj'UM I lie k '"' ^ "" ' rondorH tho breath fragrant uuil puiv . I ' rK'i Ih . * j 1 »• 1 ' box . Freoby poutfor 10 ntainpM . . vi . i-iw Hold liy C'lH'inlMts nnd PornijiiiTf-, nml hv D'Ai . ti . mh im . and Co ,. ! 18 a , Lunib'H Conduit-Mtivol , I , < iimioii , ( . 'AUTIOX . —None can U < Kiniilm- wIMiout th . ' i < l < nnlii »« of the L ' roiirlctorn , D ' Ar . TKMMtiin Mini ('*»•
Untitled Ad
CAUTION TO HOUSEHOLDERS , Bankers , Merchants , and Public Ofllooa . Tho Patent NATIONAL and DKFTANCK LOOKS can bo had on III of F . PUOKJ ^ IDGE , m . Strand , near Charlng-orosH . Thowtv Ijookfl arc important ' for thoir Boourity against burglarn and thlovcB , a . 8 cvldoncod in tho fraudulont attempt to pick II : at tho Crystal Palaeo , in Auguat , 1884 , by John Goatnr , foreman to MoBBra . Chubb , for tho UEWA 11 D of « 00 OuineiiM . Seo Pamphlet and DoHorlption , to bo hart gratln . Fim mid Thiof Proof Iron Safes , 1 'lato and Jownl ChoHra , Pcnrt , ('««!) , and Doapatoh Roxoh , KmboBBlng Dloa , * Sjo . WaiTantcil . Stroot-Door Latchoa , 17 b . fld . oacl ) .
Untitled Ad
KNOW THYSELF . MARIE COUPBLLia continues hur vivid und inl « . 'n ' i » Mng delincfttionH of character from an ONainluntiini ol'Oie lnindwritinga of individuals , in a stylo novt-r bcfni'e atti'iuptcil in Knglaud . Poraous dowiroUH of knowing llivir own chiirnc ^ tcristics , or thoso of any friend , must oiioIdsji . n spi-rimi'ii « il their writing , stating box and age , with lonrircii pruiiy postage stamps , to Miss Ooupello , Ci ) , Cast W ' -stivri , . \>\ viiwinstroet , London , and thoy will roceivo por ntuni n full < uriill of tho gifts , defects , taTonts , tastes all'oftl . nns , \ c ,, ol tlui writer , with many other things calculateil to br um'tur through lifo . —From F . N .. — "I connldi-r your skill hidprising . " C . S . — " Your tlOHcrtptton of Iht chunici . ' ) 1 ^ ftmark ^ iblv correct . " 11 . W . — " Your Hki-tch <> f my churai-tir 1 b man'oUously correct . ^ Miss F . — ? 'Mwnina hiivm thi- rlmractcr you sont iuo . it ) a truo out . ' . " > V . jN ' . — " ^ <> u Inivn doecrlbod him very accurately . "
Untitled Ad
FENDERS , STOVES , AND FIRE-IRONS . Buyers of the above arc requested , before finally deciding , to visit WILLIAM S . BUKTON'S SHOW-ROOMS . They contain such an assortment of FENDERS , STOVES , RANGES , FIRE-IRONS , and GENERAL IRONMONGERY as cannot be approached elsewhere , either for variety . ' novelty , beauty of design , or exquisiteness of workmanship . Bright stoves , with ormolu ornaments and two sets of bars , $ 1 . 15 s , to 3 & . 10 s . ; bronzed fenders , w ith standards , 7 s . to 51 . 12 s . ; steel fenders , 21 . 15 s . to 11 ^ . ; ditto , with rich ormolu ornaments , from 2 / - 15 s . to 18 / . ; fire-irona , from 2 s . 3 d . the set to 41 . 4 s . The BURTON and all other PATENT STOVES , with radiating hearthplates . . ¦ BEDSTEADS , BATHS , AND LAMPS . — WILLIAM S . BURTON HAS SIX LARGE SHOWROOMS devoted exclusively to the SEPARATE DISPLAY of Lamps , Baths , and Metallic Bedsteads . Tho Stock of each is at once the largest , newest , and most varied ever submitted to the public , and marked at prices proportionate with those that have tended to make his establishment tho most distinguished in this country . Bedsteads , from 12 s . 0 d . to 20 / . 0 s . each . Shower Baths , from ., 8 s . 0 d . to 0 J . 0 s . each . Lamps ( Moderateur ) , from .. ( 5 s . Od . to 71 . 7 b . each . ( AH Other kinds at the same rate . ) Pure Colza Oil , .. 4 s , 3 d . per gallon . PUTLERY WARRANTED . —The most va-VJ ried Assortment of TABLE CUTLERY in tho world , all warranted , is ON SALE at WILLIAM S . BURTON'S , at prices that are remunerative only because of the largeneaa of the sales . 3 £ -inch ivory handled table knives , with high shouldors , 12 s . Od . per dozen ; desserts to match , 10 a . ; if to balance , Od . per dozen extra ; carvers , 4 s . 3 d , per pairs ; larger eizeB , from 20 s . to 27 s . Od . por dozen ; extra lino Ivory , 338 *; ifwithsilvor ferrulea , 40 s , to 60 s . ; white bono table knives , 0 s . por dozen ; dessorts , 5 s . ; carvers , 2 s . 3 d . per pair ; black horn table knives ; 7 s . 4 d . per dozen , dcssoi'ts , 0 s . ; carvers , 2 s . Od . ; black wood-handled tables knivea and forks , Oa . por dozen } table atools , from la . each . The largest stock in existence of plated dessert knives and forks , in oasca and otherwise , and of the new platod fish carvers . WILLIAM S . BURTON'S GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY CATALOGUE may bo had gratis , and froo by post . It contains upwards of 400 UluBtrationa of hia ilumltcd Stock of Electro and ahoflleld Plato , Nickel Silver , and Britannia Motti ] goods , Dish Covers and Hot-wator Diehoa , Stovos , Fohdors , Marble Chimney-pieces , Kitchon Ranges , Lamps , Gaso Here , Tea Urnis and jiettles , Tea Trays , ' Clocks , Table Cutlery , Batha and Toilet Ware , Turnery , Iron and Brass Bod-Htoads , Bedding , Bod Hanging , &o . &o ., with Lists of Tricon , and Plans of the gixtcon largo Show Rooms , at Rt > , Oxi'ord-Htroot , W . ; 1 , 1 A , 2 , and 3 , Nowman-atroot \ and 4 , S , and 0 , Porry ' 8-placo , London . —ESTABLISHJKD 16 ao .
Untitled Ad
FURNISH YOUR HOUSE WITH THE BEST ARTICLES . THEY AHE THE CHEAPEST , IN THE END . DEANE and CO- ' s Priced Furuisliing List iniiy bi- Lad gratuitously on application , or forwardc-d by j-iost , fret . This lint embraces the leading articles from all llio various departments of their ' establishment , aud is arranged td facilitate purchasers in five s . eU'Ctiuu of their goods . It comprises Table Cutlery—Kieptro-plafo— Lumps -rBatlis—Fenders and Fire lrons-r-lrou Ut-dst-i'adM , and Bedding—Britannia Metal , Copper , Tin , and Brass < Joods—Culinary Utensils—Turnery—Brushes—Mat * , < ic—Di-uni : and Co . ( opening to the Monument ) , London Bridge . Established a . i > . 1700 .
Untitled Ad
A . PATENT CORN FLOUR , / \ with BROWN and POLSON'S namo , £ ___\ has now the annexed trade mark o « each packet , ^ b ' or Puddings , Custards , &c , preferred to the best A . rrow Root , and nnequallcd as a diet for Infants and Invalids . Tlie Lancet says , ' > This is superior to anything of the kind k n own ' . "—Sec . Reports also . -from Drs . Hassall , Lotheby , and Muspratt . ¦ Sold by Grocers , Chemists , &c , at 8 d . por lfl . oz . packet . Paisley , Manchester , Dublin , aud ii 3 , Ironmonyer-lano , London . ' ¦ ' .
Untitled Ad
WHISKBES-EQUALISATION OF DUTY . The choicest Scoteli arid Irish from ISs . to l . 'Js . per gallon .. — ¦ < JWEN and CO ., 75 , Lower Thames-street , London , E . C ., opposite the Custom Hoiisc . Shipping and the Trade . supplied .
Untitled Ad
WINE N O LONGER AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY . ING HAM'S MARSALA , 24 s . per dozen . INGHAiVI'S VIRGIN MARSALA , 2 fis . per dozen . Terms * cash , and delivered free within five miles . WELLEli and HUGHES , Importers , 27 , Crutched-friars , Mark-lane , E . G .
Untitled Ad
MAPPIN'S " SHILLINC" RAZORS . Warranted Good by the makers . Shave well for Twelve months without Grinding . ¦ ' MAPPIN'S 2 s . RAZORS shave . well , for Three Years . MAPPIN'S 3 s . RAZORS ( suitable for Hard or Soft Beards ) shave well for Ten Years . MAPPIN BROTHERS , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield ; and 67 , King William-street . t y , London ; where the largest Stock of Cutlery in the World is kept .
Untitled Ad
MAPPIN'S DRESSING CASES AND TRAVELLING BAGS . MAPPIN BROTHERS , Manufacturers by Special Appointment to the : Queen ? are the only Sheffield Makers who supply the consumer in London . Their London Show Rooms , 07 and 68 , KING WILLIAM STREET , London Bridge , contain by far the largest stock of DRESSING CASES , and Ladies' and Gentlemen ' s TRAVELLING BAGS in the World , each article being manufactured itnder their own 8 U M APPIN ^ Gninea DRESSING CASE , for Gentlemen . MAPPIN'S Two ^ Guinea DRESSING CASE , in solid Ladies TRAVELLING and DRESSING BAGS , from 21 . 12 s . to 1 O 0 Z . each . Gentlemen ' s do . do ., from 3 J . 12 s . to 801 . Messrs . MAPPIN invite Inspection of their extensive Stock , which is complete with every variety of style and f flCG ¦ - A costly Book of Engravings , with Prices attached , forwarded by post on receipt of 12 stamps . MAPPIN BROTHERS , 67 and B 8 , KING WILLIAM STREET , CITY , LONDON , Manufactory—Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield .
Untitled Ad
HAIR DYE , ETC . 248 , High Holborn , opposite Day -and Martin ' s . ALEX . ROSS'S LIQUID KAIR DYTE is easily used , producing a perfect light ; pr dark colour , permanently , -to . the hai r , whiskers , and eyebrows > 3 s . 6 d . Sent free in blank wrapper , the same day as ordered , for 54 stamps . \ &ntharides oil ; a sure restorer of the hair , 3 s . 6 d . ; hair curling fluid , 3 s . 6 d . " Hints on Dress , and on the Arrangement ot the Hair , " Is . ; free for 13 stamps . Wigs of perfect make and natural appearance , from 11 . 10 s .
Untitled Ad
SOHO LOOKING GLASS MANUFACTORY 2 $ Soho-squarCi . London . — -Established 20 years .. —The Proprietor begs to ' call the attention of tlie public to the following very reduced List of Prices for LOOKINGGLASSES , of ' superior Quality , fitted in carefully manufacturedcarved and gilt frames : — : . Size of Glass . Outside McaBiire of Frame . Price . 40 by 30 in . 51 in . wide by 30 in . high from 3 / . 10 s . cac 7 i . 40 by 36 in . 48 in . wide . by 58 in . high from 5 ; . 0 s . each 50 by 40 in . 52 in . wide by 00 in . high from 0 / . 0 s . each 53 by 43 in . 55 in . wide by ( 5 o in . high from 71 . 7 s . each 50 by 46 in . SO in . wide by 6 !) in . high from 8 / . Ss . each . 60 by 48 in . -62 in . wide by 74 in . high from 101 . 0 s . eacli 70 by 50 in . 64 in . wide by 84 in . high from 12 / . 0 s . each Mahogany dressing and cheval glasses , gilt cornices girandoles , picture frames , &c , at equaHy moderate prices . Merchants and shippers supplied by special contract .
Untitled Ad
WINE NO LONGER AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY . Our superior SOUTH AFRICAN PORT , SHERRY * MADEIRA , &c , in brilliant condition , 20 s . per dozen . . "I find your wine to be pure and unadulterated . : " Hr , Letheby , M . D ., London Hospital . " Pint Sample of either , Twelve Stamps . Terms—Cash or Reference . Delivered free to any London Railway Terminus . The Analysis of Dr . Letheby sent free on application . Colonial Brandy , 15 s . per Gallon . — WELLER and HUGHES * Wholesale Wine and Spirit Importers , 27 , Crutched-friars , Mark-lane , London , E ; C .
Untitled Article
254 THE LEADER . pTo . 465 , February 19 , 1859 .
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 19, 1859, page 254, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2282/page/30/