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"" ¦"""" iJVjw " ready , price 2 s . Gd . cloth , gilt edges . WHO'S WHO , 1859 ? Beino- a Peerage ; Baronetage , Knightage , Parliamentary G -S o nSth * g about nearly everybody in every profusion , W ho 1 ™ anybody at all may be found in its pages — ^ ^ ' * l ^' ndon : Baily Brothers , Cornhill . : ' ,.
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~~ LITTLE SOPHY . wmmSirE Bulwer Lytton ' s last novel , "What will herlo £ iflfitr' Composed * by G . LDfLEY . 2 S . -CRAMEK , BEAMS , and Cot , 201 , Kegent-street .
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PIANOFORTES . CRAMER , BEALE , AND CO . have every description for Sale or Hire . Warranted .-201 , Rogentstreet . . ' . ¦"¦¦ " — . —
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HARMONIUMS . CRAMER , BEALE , AND CO ., are the chief agents for Alcxandre and Son ' s NEW MODEL HAR 3 IOiftUM Every variety : —201 , Regent-street .
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HANDBOOK OF THE COURT , THE PEEK AGE , nnd THE HOUSE OF COMMONS , for 1859 with Tablos of the Representations , &o . Ninth issue Price 5 s ., cloth g-ilt . —1 \ S . Kino , Parliamentary Depot , 'My Parliament-street , S . W . ; where may be had ail the R .-ports , Papers , Bills , Acts , &c , issued by both Houses ol 1 arliamcnt . . . . .
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VISITEKG AMD WEDDING CARDS . Engraved and -Printed by First -class Workmen , at LIMBIRB' 8 , 3 **» STRAND , OPPOSITE . AVA . TEIli . OO-IJRir > GE . ¦ ¦ Wcclding Stationery , Heraldic Engraving , Die Sinking-, and Plates for Marking Linen , Books , &e . LIMUIRirS , 311 , SRAND , W . C .
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MAPPBN'S ELECTRO-SILVER . : PLATE . AND TABLE CUTLERY . ., v 3 IAPPIN B-KOTliifiKS , Maniitaeturers by Special Appointment to the Queen , are the only Sheffield Makers who supply the consumer in London . Their London Snow Booms , 67 and OS . Kinj ? William-street , London -brkkre . contain by far the largest STOCK of ELECTRO-SILVER PLATE arid TABLE CUTLERY in the World , which is . transmitted direct from their Manufactory , QuociTs Cutlery Works ; Sheffield . , Fiddle Double King ' s Lily Pattern . Thread . Pattcrn : Pattn . £ 8 . d . & a . d . £ . s . d . . & s . d . 12 Table Forks . b < . « Bt qunlitv . . 1 lrt 0 2 14 0 3 ( t 0 :. { lv > 0 ; 12 Table Spoons do . " .. 11 G 0 2 . 14 . 0 . 3 0 0 3 12 . 0 12 Dessert Forks do . .. 1 7 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 2 14 0 12 Dessert Spoons do . .. 1 "P 2 0 0 2 4 O ii 14 0 12 Tea Spoons do .. .. 0 10 0 1 4 0 1 7 0 . 1 10 0 2 Sauce Ladles do . .. 0 . 8 0 0 , 100 0110 n vi o-1 Gravy Spoon do . .. 0 7 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0-1 . 4 Salt Spoons ( gilt bpwlR ) .. 008 0 30 O 0 12 . 0 . <> II 0 1 Mustard Spoon do . , . 0 18 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 : i rt 1 Pair Sumir Tonpj do . .. 0 » G 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 o 1 Pair Fish Carvers do . .. 1 0 0 1 10 0 1 14 0 1 IK 0 1 Butter iinifu do . .. 0 . JO 0 ' SO 0 00 0 7 0 I Soup Ladle do - .-0 12 0 0 lfi 0 0 17 0 10 0 , 0 Egg * Spoons ( gilt ) do . . . 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 18 0 110 Complete Swiec £ 10 13 10 15 10 0 17 13 0 21 4 0 Any article can be had separately at the same prices . One Set of Four Corner Dishes ( forming- S Dishes ) , SI . I 8 s . ; One Set of 1 Dish Covers—viz ., one 20 inch , one 18 inch , and two 14 inch—iOt . 10 a . ; Crnot Frame , -tGlass , iM . o . j Full-Sizi " Tea and Coffin- Service , ' . (/ . 10 a . A Costly Uook of Engravings , with prices nttnchi-d , sent per post ou receipt of 12 stamps . Ordinary Medium Best Quality . Qunlity . Quality . Two Pozrm Full-Sizo Table & e . d . £ e . d . £ a . d . Knives , Ivory Handles : 2 4 0 3 0 O 4 12 0 II Doz . Full-Sizo ChppBts ditto .. 1 4 0 1 14 0 2 11 0 One Pair Kctfulnr Mwit Carvers 0 7 ft 0 11 0 n tt . 0 One Pair Exlra-Sbced ditto 0 8 0 0 12 0 0 10 0 Ono Pair Poultry Carvers 0 7 0 0 11 0 0 10 < 1 One Steel for Sharpening 0 0 0 0 j 4 ^ 0 0 0 0 " Complete Service £ 4 10 0 0 18 0 0 16 0 Messrs . Mappin ' s Table Knives still maintain their unrivalled superiority ; nil tlit-ir blades , buh iff tl » air own Sheffield manufacture , arit of t . lu-. v < -ry Ilrst quality , with secure Ivory Handles , which do not come looso In hot water ? nnd the difference in price is ocoiuitoncd BQlcly by tho superior quality and thirkiiosn of tin- Ivory Jltindks . MAPPIN ttHOTHKUS , 07 nnd 08 , King Willinm- » 1 root , City , London ; Manufactory , Queen ' h Cutlery Works , Sheffield . ¦ _ ' ^___
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RUPTURES .-BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHTTE'H MOC-MAtN LEVER TRUSS is Allowed by upwnrdt * of iioo jMcdicnl Gentlemen to ha ilio moat Hn-ctlvu-Invention In thu curtvtlvo troatmont of Hernia . Tliu um- of n Htci ' l » pring ( so hurtful In its directs ) id-hurt ) avoidod , unoi ' 1 IJundugobeing wqrn round the body , whllo ( ho rt-qulHllo ivn 1 ntlug power is Hiijipllcd by tin-Moo-Mivln I ' ad untf 1 ' nttmt Lovur , Uttlng with mo much ouiuand ( iloBtnii'fM thai . It cnimot bo doloctet ) , ' nnd mny bu worn ( luring filci'p . A floH ( ir 1 | illv » - circular may bo'hail , ' * u <' TniHB ( which oiumot full to fit ) forwardod by poHt , on tluolroMmrormict ' of ihf body , two inclioM below tho hip , bolntf Honttothe JMunufacturi . r , JOHN WHITK , SM , JHcoailllly , London . 1 'rlco ol' a Hlnfj-lt : ti'iiHH , KIh ,, : J 1 h ., 20 h . Oil ., and 319 . ( Id . — PoHtago 1 h . Doubld TnniH , nis . flrt ., -I ^ h ., and dia , Oil . —l ' o «( nffo 1 « . M . UmbllUiiil Trmm , -l-an . imtl fi'iH . Oil . —Postage In . 10 < l . PoBt-ollimj ordirH to bi > miulo pnyablo to JOHN WHITE , POHt-offltitj , Pici-atlilly . ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , &c , for VAH 1 OOHJ 0 VK 1 NH , nml nil oosob of WEAKNNSS and H "\ VKLL 1 N ( , I of tho LEGS , SPUAINH , ¦ HiV , ^ Uoy are poroiiH , llfiJil In toxturo , and inoxpunBlvp , and uro drawn on UUu an ordinary Btooklng . , __ , Pi'leti from 7 h , Of ) , to Mh , fivcli . — 'PoHtngo Od . JOHN WlHTJi ) , Manufacturer , S ! 88 , riccadflly , London .
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i nn f \ r \ n cusTo ^ rRiis wanted . XUUj UUV —SAUXD 10 KS I 3 ROTHEHS' STATIONKUY Jh thi- TIKST and CHEAPEST to bo obNiinccl . s . ( 1 . « . d . Croam-lald notc . 'J Opornn . Croam-lald adhc-Tlilok do . .. 4 0 „ . ttivo unvolopi-H . .. 1 OprlOOO Itortlurud notu .. 40 ,. Lur ^ u ctmimvrelul Straw paper .... '¦ i 0 ., t'im-lopeH -10 ,, IJluo ooininei'diil Lar ( r <« Amcrloun iiotn : i 0 „ bull'cnvt'lopoH . . a 0 „ Hllto , lutter Hlset-. O 0 .. VooIn < m |> paper . . 7 Oporrm . Hi-rniou paper .... 4 0 ,, Coinint'i'clnl potiH . l OprpvrwH . A SAMI'lJOVACTCET ofHTATHINICUY ( Sixty di'Morlptlon ' s , prlt'od unil nninbi < rod ) sont fivi-, tnpithor with a prlco Ilrit , on receipt ; of four Hlamj ) M , NC » 01 IAIK 1 . K madn for HtamwliiK urniH , qivnlM , liiltlalH , &i ! ., on olthur paper or envelopes . liAimiAOK I'AI ' U on all ordv . rti « ver ! iOa , — sAlJrTDKRrt JVU ( . ) 'niKUS , Miumfticturlutf BtntionorH , 00 and loi , London-wall , London , K . C ,
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E 3 LEGTEI 0 AL INFLUENCE IN HEALTJI AND DISEASE . Just puMishod , price Is ., frow by pouv ftirfourt .-cn Siiiinjm , SECOXD LIFE : or ELECTim . 'AL NKU-\ OUH FrtUCK ; a MEDIC AT , WOltK Inlendi-d loi-tho flpeolal pi-muni of nil who are snflV-rlntf from iliw viix-Ii'iih forms of N KKVOl'S and I'll YSIC , \ MHOHl MTV , im « l tho dlstrosHlun \ iljerlor coiiHequeiit'eiH to wlilcli l / i < - . v Irnil i wJln p ' rnt-tlcnl olMi'rvatloiiH on : the n'ri-at i-iiratlvi- imwr ol KMCC-TKn-c . 'ALV .-VNISM fn the Tfciitnicni " ( 11 ivp * > 1 > Ihordei-H , by liinmlnw tone nnd vl ^ om-In ( -onHilMillonHi-Hiixt'rt or ( lebillliileil IVom viii'Iouk cihim i , lit « ' cinmr * ^ llliiHlrateil wlth'cuseH eoinplli'd IVoni'the N otr-book ol a livtfinlt-rud Medicul I ' rncdtloner of tttnif / ' . ' ¦ ' •"•'' ' nIii " , ; 11 ' ' ; , . 1 , ' nllke ninny vaunted n moimiIvch . Kh-cli-lflty M nno Which OlMtlllK-IUl " ^ It Hel f to I III- lllr . llcil 11 ) 1111 III * bl-lllp nccorduni wlih the M ' oumlehi teuchlntf . H <; i liliyHloltin-y . Hy the nioHt olnloiiH ' Imlleiiilon l ( inlinltiMil Ih-Iuh hIiowii Iliat the Klei'h'leiil und Nei-voun enci « li'H urn identleiil | lu'iioo , ( hut wlK'ii « lh' liilti-i 1 I ' iiDh , the ( iinii'Tcnn tnue IIh pliuv . iuid Hint when , iVuin Irremilarllles of uny Kind , lln- iivi-vomh ¦ H Vfilcnr Iiiih lii'i-min- ilehllllatetl i iiiiritlyHetl , ov t-xlmiiHtetl , and llu ' liiillriil bronchi ton condition llllle nhort u 1 ' tclal proof i-h | ii >» , I hen . by the notion of Kletti'leliy iiiipni-l iiifr cerlulnty anil elllcncy to modlcul trenlincii'i , he umii nv hiliiv . lHornleil , nml his health ri ' -i . 8 lahjlijlied lo « « K- ( rivo alintmt wuri'unilnixtlK ' doMlmjulioii of bKCONI ) I . IVK . JIann , W , Cornhlll . and nil liyokNolli-rf .
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A LL THE LOXDOX KEWSPAPERS vo u-XX lurly SUPPLIKD in town , nud furwavded tonll pni-ts of ( Ins L ' nlu-il lylnffilom , i ' ndin , < 'lii-itn , Ansir-ullu , mid f' » rel ( , 'ii countries . Al ) VJ ? K'riSEM . KNTS 1 N . SKUTKD . A list fur 1 S 6 D , wllh pollfluti , day « of publicntittii , Ac , Hint unitl-i . —¦ U'JI , 1 > A \ N ' S «) X and . SONS , newsvcuilortt , booUnellei'B , tind Htntloiiern , 71 , Cannon-street , City , K . C ( ( rtiibli . shcil l Wi ) .
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NivW WORK BY CAPTAIN CLAYTON . -PERSONAL MEMOIRS OF CHARLES J 7 TII 10 S FCCOKD , with Sketches of his Court aud Times , TJvCAJ'TAIN CI . AVTOX , Author of " Lortord from the Nile , " "Ublq . no , " ^ voJp . ' - Mtf . [ This tiny . ir . Tn two vobi . with lino l ' ortrnits , ! 31 s , MEMOIRS OF WILLIAM BECKFOI 1 D OF KONTH ' IKI-, Author < if "Vatlu-1 > . " 'Con-tains' matter of much Interest , nud is lvpli-ttMVltU anocdotes of thnt Hln ^ nlnr man himself , and of tho' illustrloUH circle of which hi- was n nieniber , "— Ut / tin'rcr . ill . Ono vol . Bvo , with 3 frtps , 10 e « . ( Id . mi IK FRENCH IN AF 1 U . CA . By OAPTATN " " ¦\ Ve welcome thin voUuno ns n solid nnd valunble addition to modern history , anil future hlstOrlnim will be grateful tn Cnptiiln Ciive fnr ^ hnvlim'broiiH'ht within their ivuch , and droned up In such iittrnctlvenui ^ e , tl | e facts eouc-eriiliif , ' - tho l- ' reneh cumpulL- 'iis In AlVirn , "— < ' rifle . CUAitLUH , 1 . ( SitKET , rublishor , 10 , KhiH'AVIlllnm-stiV'Ot , Chnrlnw-croBH .
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Now ready , in one thick ' volume , fool ? eiip , Svo . IC ? . Cd . cloth ¦ . ' MEN OF THE TGSViE . ¦ V seHo « of > nccinet'f ? iiiH-raph « -s of the most ' ominc-nt liviiipr liotnbles : —Authors , Artists , Capitalists , Mvn of yc . ience , Ministers , 1 ' oets , i * rcncl : t > rs , St « t < -mnen , Trnvf-llers , " ¦ ar- rinrs , &c , with bio ^ r ; i ;> 1 iies ofcelebl-uteil AVomen . . London , 'AV . ZCkSt ntu ' l Co . ( hire 1 > . Bojrue ) , Sfi , Fle-ot Street .
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Works by ^ r r . Borlase Childs , F . K ' . C . S . by Exam ., Sufnenu , Metropolitan Freo Hospital ; Surgoon-m-Cmet . City l ' oliee Forces , &c , {\ X THE IMPROVEMENT AND PRESEll-\ J VATinN OF THE FKMALK FIGUHK . UJtETHXUTIS AND ITS CONSEQUEXCE . S ; with ii » .-hort Tlistorieul sketch of Syphilis . J-Jfvinowam \ Vil . son , lJoyal Kxoliaiig- * , 1 S . C . LEC'TUllKS ON INJURIES INCIDENTAL TO WAKFAflK . LoiKlon .- John CnrRc-imvr ,, >\>> v Biiriinftlon-stn-i-t , W .
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USEFUL WORKS . THE MER C A NT T XL E and M A RIX E GUIDK- Hy GRAHAM AVTr / rMOHE , A . M ., au . l EDWIN 1 JKIDKLI ,, of Her Majesty"s Customs . New Edition , one large volume , 8 vo ., "Jus . ; cloth . rpiIE -LIBRARY GAZETTEER . of UNII VIoKSVr . -OKOGRAPflY . My- . TAMES TJIiVCK , LL . T ) ., F . ( J . s ' . With munerous Mnns and IllustriVtious . One large volume , SvO ; , - 'Us ., half-bound . rrVHE C'YCLOP ^ DIA of BRITISH ARTS , JL UANL'I'ACTL-RJ : ^ . and M ^ ACHJXKltV , My 1 ' roffcjssors i ? ARLOU" and i ? AIil 5 AGE . New Edition , with numerous enjrravintrs ; on steel , 4 to .,- ^ ls ., cloth . A MA-XUA'L of POLITICAL ECOXOMY , J ~ J ^ JH- NA ' SrSAl " \ V . SENIOR , M . A ., late Professor . of T ' o 'i ' itica-1 Econoniy in . the University of Oxford . Fourth Edition , crou ' n * vb ., 4 s ., cloth . . HiciiAiti ) UniFi-iN aiid- < 'o . Mi * . ANY , 1 , r > , C > , "Wai-wick-square , E . C ., London a : nd Glasgow . ¦
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This day is published , in post octavo , price 10 s . Gd ., THE AEMIBS OF THE GREAT POWERS ( AUSTRIA , FEUSSIA , FRANCE , RUSSIA , V ENGLAND ) . By Lascelles Wkaxall . IJondon : Mr . II . Allen aud Co ., 7 , Leadenhall-strcctv
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THROWER'S ATtlTnMETICAI . QUESTIONS . Sixteenth Thousand , 12 mo , 2 s , cloth , QUESTIONS IN ARITHMETIC . By WILLIAM TIIKOWER , ArUhmetical Master in the English Depurtment of the Free Grammar fochpol of King Edward the Sixth , IJirmingham . Also , . A > TSAVETJ to the QUESTIONS in the above . Svo . 3 s . ( 5 d .. cloth . " London : -. Simjikin , Marshall , and Co . Birmingham : Napper and Wright . \
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WORKS PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY ' CHARLES AND EDWIN LAYTON , 150 , Fleet-street , London TOURXAL of the INSTITUTE of ACTUAO RIES , and ASJ 5 U 11 ANCK MAGAZINE . Vols . I to V , cloth boards , lls . 6 d . each . Tola . VI . and XII ., 13 s . GcL each . Vol . VIII , Part 3 , April 1 , 18 r . y , ¦ DUNYON ( C . J . ) LAW of LIFE ASSURANCE , J 3 the ASSIGNMENT of POLICIES , arid EQUITABLE LIENS . ( 1854 J . 8 vo ., cloth boards , price 11 . Is . CHESHIRE ( EDWT > . ) , The RESULTS of the . J CENSUS of GREAT BRITAIN in 1851 , with a Description of the Machinery and Processes employed to obtain the Returns . 20 th Thousand . Ik . nillSIIOLM ( DAVID ) , -COMMUTATION W T V P . LES for Joint Annuities anrl Sm-vivorehip Assurances for every Combination of Two Lives , according to . ' Carlisle Mortality , at 3 , 3 £ , 4 , 5 , and 6 per Cent . Interest ; with Tables of Annuities and At-suraucvs on Single Lives , aud other useful Tables . Two vols . sup . royal c > vo . 41 . is . DAVIES ( late GRIFFITH ) , TREATISE on NN"UIT 1 ES , with nnmerous Tables based on'lix-r porieiiey of the Equitable Society and on the . Northampton . Kate of Mortality .- Svo . 1 / - Os . HIL-LMAN ' ( late W . E . ) , TABLES on the VALUE of a POLICY of INSURANCE for II ., ac-¦ cordini ; - to the Carlisle Mortality- and the combined -Experience " of Assurance Companies ; with Tables for ' asccr- ? tainino- i he Value of such Insurances for every Agrefi-oni 34- to 00 ami of Duration from 1 to 50 Years . 8 vo ., bound . 31 s . Gd . t ' \ UXDY ( S . L . ) TABLE of QUAJRTERt . i SOI ' AIJES nf all INTJ 3 GEK NUMBERS to 100 , 000 , by which tk < - Pi-oduct of Two Factors may be- found by Addition : ; nd . Subtraction ulone . His . MAR SHALL ' ( late J . ) TABLES and TRACTS co'inectorl with the Valuation , whether of Annuity's and ¦ As stiTan ' ces c-ontinp . - .-nt on the Duration of Life . or . of Sums and Annuities Certain ; -with various Formulae aim incidental Notices . Fcp . fol , 7 s .--6 d . T > APWORTH ( WYATT ) , XOTES on CAUSES JL af FIKE . S ; or , . which is the Safest of various Muturids of AVarmin *? Buildines . Is . ( i d . T 5 AFWORTH ( WYATT ) . XOTES on spokta ' - JT NEOUS- COilBUSTIOX . le . POUGET ( M . LOUIS ) , DICTIOXXAL&E des X ASSirifANCES , Principles , Doctrine , Jurisprudence ,. Legislation , Etrantfea'c , Statistiqtie . - ' Vols . im-pi-riali ^ vo . XL QUETPTLETS LETTERS on tlie THEORY of PlHHJAlSILITiES .. Translated by O . G . Downes , Esq . Svo ., cloth boards . 12 s . QAXCr ( EDWD ) . LIFE ASSURANCE and IO ANNUITY TABLES Fcp . folio , cloth lettered . Vol . I . One Life ) . It . 4 s . Ditto , Foi . IJ . ( Two Lives ) , 41 . 4 s . Now Koady , ' C > r the Two Vols ., 7 / . 7 s . THOMSON ( W . T . ) , ACTUARIAL TABLES ; J- Carlisle , 3 per . Coat . SinR-loLivi ^ , anil Single Death ; with LowioS '? CllARLES ani EDWIN LAYTON , 150 , Fluet-Struet . PEI'OT FOR 'BOOKS ON ASSURANCE .
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¦ CONTRIBUTIONS TO VITAL STATISTICS : Beinff A DEVELOPMENT of the RATE of SIOR ; TAL 7 TY and the LAWS OF SICKNESS , from original and extensive data , applied to the Formation , Reconstruction , and 3 Iana > rement of Friendly . Odd . Fellow , Foresters Kechabife , ' and other Benefit and I ' rovident Societies ; with an Inquiry into the Influence , of Locality , Occupations , and Habits of Life on Health ; an Analytical View of Railway Accidents ; and aii Investigation into the 1 ' rogress ol Crime in England and Wales . By F . G . P . NEISON , F . L . S . &c . London : Simpkin , JIarrhail , and Co ., Stationers - court , and all booksellers .
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CARDS FOR THE MILLION . A Copper-plate Engraved in a . ny style . Is . 50 Best . Cards ( any kind ) Printed for Is ., post free . ARTHUR GRANGER , Cheap Stationer , 30 S , High Holborn .
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wrv - •'¦¦¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦'• . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ "¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ . ¦ ¦¦' ... ¦ ¦¦¦ . ¦ ¦ ' . --. ' ¦¦ •¦ ¦ -.. : . ¦ ¦ TMn 4 fi 5 . February 19 , ia 59 j THE LEA DEB . _______ ___ J ! gg _
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THE PEN SUPERSEOED . The most i li'g-nnt , Ciisy , and best method of marking Arms , t ' rests , 5 'amos , or Tnitiftls ; on Linen , Cotton , lio . pks , or ' other ' article * , without . tho' ink ppreadinp- or fudinp :, irt with tho INCORKOD 1 IILE AlifiENTIXE PLATES . Any IKTiioii can use them with the greatest cnao . Names ( uny style ) , 2 s . ; Initials , Is . i ' . d , ; Crest , 4 s . ; Numbers , per set , Ik ( id ., sent pot-t free on receipt of stumps by the inventors , F M'HITEJMAN At CO ., Kn ^ ruvew , Ac , 1 » , Littli ! Qvieonptreet , I > inboln ' R Inn-tiulds , AV . C . Stamps , seals , dies , emboBsinn- presses , book platcs , monumental brasses , door , window , and sUneil plates , &c , in a superior style .
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 19, 1859, page 255, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2282/page/31/