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¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; '¦ ¦ : ¦ CHINA : ., ' ¦ ' ¦ " . - . The intelligence , by the last mail is to the 29 th of Januarys but the news is very scanty . Lord " Elgin remains at Shanghai , and his future move ' ments lire unknown . A congratulatory address has been presented'by the commercial community of Shanghai , and replied to by his lordship . At Canton affairs are more peaceful . Since the expedition to Shek-tsimy the Braves have given less trouble , ami' a naval expedition sent to IFatshan was received in a friendly manner by the authorities . A notification has been published threatening the Braves of Canton , -and 'clearly expressing want of confidence with the Government of Pekin .
Lord Malrnesbury having heard that certain British merchants in . China will jendeavour improperly to import goods into Japan , has caused instructions to be sent out to Admiral Sir Michael Seymour , to dispatch to Jeddo a [ shi p of adequate force ,, and to instruct the commander of such ship to inform the Japanese Government that her Majesty ' s ¦ Government are not privy to any British subjects currying on any illicit trade with Japan , if such should be attempted either before or after the exchange of . the ratifications of the treaty ; in connt
sequence . ILM . steamer Inflexible . -whs . se , from Hung Koncj to Jeddo on the 18 th Jan . The Hong Kong correspondent ' of the Timesobserves : — "It is to be feared that her mission will , be productive of harm . We know not whence Lord Malniesbury can have derived information so erroneous . The vessels of all . trO . vty powers which have lately visited Japan have been duly admitted to legal trade , and we believe no complaints have u beeh made by the Japanese Government of the introduction of forbidden goodsor other irregularity . " ¦
, '¦ The Furious and Cruizer ships , that Lord Elgin had to leave behind him up the Yang-tze-Kiang , have returned to Shanghai , having had the advantage of an unexpected rise of the river . It is underst . ood that Sir John Boxvring will soon return to Ehg . la . uilj' and that a successor will be appointed to take .. I / is place-
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MISCELLANEOUS . . ... The Couutv—On Monday the Portuguese ambassador had- an audience of thu Queen to present the insignia of the Order of the Tower and . Sword for the Prince of Wales and Prince Alfred- The Right Hon . W , E . Gladstone was presented to the Queen at an audience by Sir E . Bulwer Lytton , On Tuesday , her Majesty and the Prince Consort , with the royal children , left Buckingham Palace for Osborne , whore they remain in good health , enjoying comparative privacy ; The PniK . cEss JTitppEiucic WiiauM , —Her Ttoyal Highness accompanied by her infant son , will arrive in this country early , in May , on a visit to her Majesty atid the Prince Consort . .
Ejection for CoRONiaa . —TJie- threatened contest for the coron . ership of East Middlesex Has terminated '" t'w quiet return of Mr . Humphreys-Mr . iRaU-lilt ; Mr . J . J . Dcmpsoy , and Mr . O'Brien , who hail been announced as candidates , having rotired , At tho proceedings yesterday , at tho Middlesex Session * House , Mr . Otfbr proposed , nnd Mr . Gftskell Seconded , Mr . Humphreys us a . fit nnd proper j > orn () ii for coroner ; and no other person appearing aa a candidate , ho was declared elected . Mr . Humphreys Mr . O'Brien , nnd Mr . Dempsey , addressed tho electors , aftor which Mr . Hum . ph . roys was dulv sworn in « s coroner . 1
This Biauoiuuo oxGlasgow . —A mandate has boon issued for ' the election of a Bishop for the Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway , rendered vacant by the resignation of the Right Rqv , Dr . Fowler . Two candidates havo applied , the Rev . James Cecil Wynter , M . A ., of St . John ' s College , Oxford , Rector of Gatton , Surrey , and the very liov . W . S . Wilson , M . A . the Dean of Ayr . ' Imprisonment von D ^ nx , vnvit IlAnn LAnoun . -i ~ Mr . Looke King is to movo in committee , on the Bankruptcy nnd , Insolvency Bill , an , amendment ; , " That a person be liable to two yours' imprisonment , with or without hard labour , for a vexatious defence , or for keeping possession of any house or land beyond tho time tho rent was duo , after one month , without the means of naymont . "
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THE JEWEL OF LIBERTY . There , Paddy , my honey , are the men for your money , The Exiles for Erin to brag of and boast , Those noble Italians , no factious rascalions , Who have just set their feet upon Liberty ' s coast . Thev made for the dry land of your happy island , A' refuge to seek from the winds and the waves , From a tyrant escaping , and then . their course shaping To a land of free men from a nation of slaves . In them is exampled what ' tis to be thrarapled , Insulted , degraded , and loaded with chains ; On the limbs of your betters you'll see marks of fetters iFit to make all the blood of ye boil in your veins . In the kingdom of Naples , to positive staples Of iron , set fast in a solid stone wall , Those patriots were fastened , with rale scourges chastened . And not bate in nothing but figures at all .
Some linked to each other their groans had to smother , And whisper the curses they couldn ' t restrain . ; No hope for to-morrow to lighten their sorrow , No prospect but Death to release them from pain . And these arc no traitors , nor yet instigators To riot and bloodshed with daggers and pikes , They are patriot statesmen—not iiibandincn ' s males ; men Of whom you may go far to meet with the likes . And they ' re come toold Erin , that freedom tosharein , Which all Queen Victoria ' s true subjects enjoy . What a proud situation , and fortunate nation , Must yours ' then ' . be , Paddy , my broth of a boy ! So join we together in extending-, like brethren , A fist to the band who at Bomba may smile , No tyranny dreading , the soil who are treading Of Liberty ' s newel , the Emerald Isle . — Punch .
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Common Council . —The Court met on Thursday at Guildhall , the Lord Mayor presiding . . A letter was read from the Metropolitan ToU ' Commissioners asking whether , in the event of the turnpike gates being abolished , a rate should be levied for tho repair and maintenance of the roads , when a discussion was raised on the question , but eventually the letter was referred to the Coal , Corn , and Finance Committee . The Chamberlain is to attend the Commission on Friday with -information . ' relating ' to . subject . ' •' ¦ ' ' .
Ptni . ic HEA-i . Tni-r ' The return of the registrarjreneral again exhibits a satisfactory view of the . health" of the metropolis . The deaths last week declined to 1 , 174 , having-been 1 , 215 in the previous week , the former number being 177 less than , the average . The number of births was 1 , 864 . Dr . Letheby ' s report for the city is not so favourable , the number of deaths during the past week having been 63 , whereas in the preceding week they were only 48 . . Ejection Items . —In anticipation of a vacancy for the University of Cambridge , several influential members of the University have resolved on presenting a requisition to Mr . Beresford Hope to become a
candidate . On Monday M r . Peter Blackburn , the new Lord of the Treasury , was re-elected member for Stirlingshh'e . ' - ^ In the event of a dissolution of Parliament &ir Edward Lytton will not come forward as a candidate for Hertfordshire . In all ^ probability , Mr . Abel . Smith , ; will . again come . . forward' as the Dor-bj'ite candidate . The Hon . Robert Grosvpnor » the son of Lord Ebury , has been mentioned , aa likely to come forward as tho Liberal candidate . —> Mr . Robert Palmer , who has for very many years represented the county of Berkshire , will not qlibr himself for ' re-election in tho event of a dissolution . Mr . John Walter , of . Uearwood , who has large property in thepounty , nnd who at present represents
the borough of Nottingham , has been solicited to become a candidate , . and seems inclined to yiekl to tho request .- * -Wo , Cheltenham Examiner , understand that Mr . 0 . J , Monk , who had been named ns one of tho Liberal candidates for the representation of Gloucester , intends again to contest the borough of Cricklado . Mildnesb op the WiNTKii , — -ThQ remarkable winter of 1858-9 ought not to pass away unnoticed In rogard to its meteorological character , becuuue It happens to havo boon very interesting in its floptical disclosures . It may bo true of us English that
when we have nothing to say wo talk of tho wonthor ; but it ought not to be true that whoa wo huvo other things to speak of wo neglect ; tho weather , whatever it may bo . The effects of the late winter will not pass away with its names and dates ; and it is ns well to recognise this probability in good time . The nightingale was heard in England on the 18 th February . That is a remdrkablo ( act . It has boon repeatedly hoard since ; so the declaration may bo bojioved . Over tho greater part of tho pasture age of tho kingdom tho grass lias not ceased to be green throughout tho winter j and tho rosps and honeysuckles put out shoots almost as soon as thoir latest leaves dr-opnod . All tho Bpring flowers of our
gardens welcomed open-eyed the coming in of March , The elm , Lombardy poplar , and thorns have burst their buds at the very beginning of the month , while the willow catkin * have overhung the streams as in April . Apricots and peaches were in bloom above a week ago ; and in the fruit-growing counties , where the cherries and pears are blossoming already , the growers are in a state of high tension . A touch of frost between night and morning would cost hundreds of pounds each to hundreds of proprietor s of orchards . The sheep-farmers and graziers are happier . The lanibing has . apparently been very favourable ; and the prospects of the grass are as fine as can be in those parts of the country which have come in for a share of the prodigious
rainfall of the winter . " The oldest inhabitant" of many an agricultural district hardly remembers so mild a season . He must go back more than twenty years for any winter that can bear a comparison with it .. " The oldest inhabitant" speaks of it as a great blessing—being old , and therefore thankful to be spared the ills of frost and bitter winds . The health-officers will / on the whole , give a- flattering account of . tlie season . If they had to tell of . a great mortality caused by a bout of frosty weather in November ,. before people wore ready for it , they -will doubtless celebrate , for years to come , the rnorciful allotment of deaths during . the succe-aling months , when there was no more , frost , except in some f ew cold ¦ spots .. <—Daily News . ¦
. Exetkk ITaix . —A meeting was . held on Wednesday ,. in the lower room ,, for-the purpose of considering tlie dangerous tendencies of the new Roman Catholic Oath Bill , and to frame . petitions to Parliament against it . Mr . John Binghaiii having been called to the chair , in a brief speech introduced the Rev . Mr . McCarthy to move the first resolution . The rev ., gentleman , concluded a speech strongly denunciatory of Roman Catholicism and of the new-Oaths Bill , -by moving si resolution deprecating any change in . the present oath- Mr . lliirper seconded tlie resolution . The Rev . Tresham Gregg got up in thebo'dy of the hall , for the purpose , as lie said , of moving an . amendment . . A scene of great uproar ensued , Mr . Gregg being regarded as an enciny in the camp . '
Tub CoAL-WiiiriVERS . — On Wednesday night a tea-meetiny of coal-wliipperfl took place in the Sehool-roouis , \ Vhitcchap
was expressed in letters from Lord Ebury , D of Norfolk , Lord Shaftesbury , the Bishop ol Chichestcr , the- Hon . G , Jiyag , the Lord Mayor , too Bishop of London , the Bishop of Carlisle , the harlot llipon , Earl Ducie , the Itfglit Hon . W . 10 . Gladstone , Lord John Manners , the Archbishop of Canterbury , Mr . H . Pease , and Mr . Joseph Sturgo . Lord iunnatfd spoke a few words of encouragement tome , qoal-whippers . Ho belieyed in the rightoansnessoi their cause , and held out to them stiiiyu » ne expectations of ultimate success in their movement , ino object of the various specphos made was to poini out the present abuses in the coal-wliippniir system , and to impress upon tho trade the necessity oi tneu distinctly undertaking to support tlio proposed oince , and to furnish funds necessary for its ostiiblialimoiu .
Eakl Qhhy on IlKFOjiaf . —Lord Grey , In a lo oi which he has addressed to Lord Klcho , shows iihu his mind has become very unsuttlod in rolcrencc to Paxliamontary Reform . He seems to Imvo . now » conversation with Lord Elcho on tho courso that should bo taken by Liberal members ol tho Uouw of Commons , and ho noAv ' tcuders advice , ' T " * i been written for publication . In this cttcj horn Grey says tho ' course vlilch Lord John « w intends to take in rosisting the Govoruinont W j » a highly objectionable ono , and lie thinks tho > iiow auostlon is getting into a state very dangorou » w thp country , Hq Uous not houltutu to bollovu Ume * Liberal opposition to . tho eoOond reading oi tuo w » will ho a factious and party movo . Ho « av 9 . u " . bad bill , but ho would havo it . vni « mled iJ " » mittoo , and it could bo nmendod , ho bo | io \ os , o \^ to tho unfortunate « fcun < l-point of Mr . Hi is [• JJ Qhango of Ministry would boa tfvent oaliniHi generaloloctiun would lia a gr , oatgr . hto p ^ Lord Elcho ' s place , continues tho V , ' uJM should earffully vote ogainst Lord J . } f *^ amendment , even though ho " oonourrod in principles sot forth In that resolution .
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JAPAN . ' We extract the following from the North China Herald : —" From Nagasaki we have dates to-the 31 st ulf . The Japanese of that port how have permission to sell bullocks to foreigners , and they do so at three Mexican dollars ' . ahead-j ^ the Governor has also imported . a large number of sheep for breeding , from . Shanghai , with a view to providing foreigners and shippiu . i > with supplies . " Further telegrams bring the following news : — A Danish ve . ssel has been driven ( iway froni tlie coast of Japan , no treaty having becii concluded witli Denmark . 50 , 000 men died of cholera in Jeddo during < one month .
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362 TEE LEA DEB . [^ To . 469 , March 19 , 185 Q .
Leader (1850-1860), March 19, 1859, page 362, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2286/page/10/