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ROYAI, PEmCESSS THEATRE. (Farewell Seasoirof -Mr'. Charles Kean as Manasrer.) Last nights of the undermentioned Plays:
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LOUIS THE ^ ELEVENTH , on Monday , March the 21 st , ^^ SSa ^ S& ^ TDBKiM .. on Tuesday the ' 22 hd ; and on Thursday'the 24 th . ' HAMLET will be performed ( lasttime ) on Wednesday TheVhejitre will * e closed on Saturday tlio ^ anth ^ inst . vln consequence of a night rehearsal of KINGHEN JJ 1 THE 3 TXFT . H ' ¦ > ' These ' plays will not be reproduced , with the exception , perhaps , of one or two representations only towards the termination of the Management in the latter part of the month of July . . The Public is respectfully informed that Mr . and Mrs . C . KEAN ' s annual Benefit will take place , on Monday , March the 28 th , when will "be produced the historical play of KING HENRY THE JTIFTH , the last Shalccsperian revival under the existing- management . ¦
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THEATRE ROYAL , IIAYMARKET . ( 0 nder the Manag-ement of Mr . Buclcsfonc . ) Mr Charles Matliews and Mrs . Charles Mafliews erery evenino- during : the week in the New Comedy and Farce , being the last week but three of their eng-aeement . To commence on Monday , Tuesday , and \\ ednesday , at 7 , with 11 th , 12 thi and 13 th times , the New Drama of THI < . TOUNG MOTHER . Mr . Buckstone and Bliias Emily Allen . After which , ? th time , the New Comedy , iir three acts , by Mr . Chailes Mathews , entitled MILLIIsEK TO THE KING ; OK , A ROYAL , SALUTE . Characters by Mr : Charles Mathews , 3 fr . CMiippendale , Mr . Howe , Mr . Clark ; Mrs . Charles Mathews , Mrs . Poynter , Mrs .. B . White , and Miss EUza AVeekes . After which , NOTHING TO WEAK , in which Mr . and Mrs : Charles Mathews will appeal . Concludin" -, for these three nights only , with the Harlequinade portion of the Pantomime of TJNpiNE , in which those unrivalled pantomimists , Arthur Leclerq , GUarles I ^ eclerq , Herr Cole , Mrs . Leclerq , Louisa Iieclerq ^ , and Fauny Wright will appear . . : ' ' ' . Thursday and Friday , Mr . and Mrs . Charles JFathews in MILLINER TO THE K I NG and NOTHING TO WEAlf , preceded by a Drama , in which Mr . Buckstone will appear , and concluding with & Ballet . » : ''~ : ' ¦ . ' ¦ . ' .. On . Saturday ( by desire ) MILLTNER TO THE IvTNG , NOTHING TO AV"EAR , and . positively for the last time , in consequence of great preparation for Easter , tlie ^ entire Ptntoniime of IJNDI 3 S E ; OK , HARLEQUIN . , AND THE SPIRIT OF THE WATERS : Stageonanager , Mr . Chippendale .
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ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATEE . ( Lessees—Messrs . F . Robson and W . S . Emden . ) Monday , and during- the week will be performed THE PORTER'S KNOT . ' Characters by 3 Iessrs . F . Robsoii , G . Cookct G . Viniiig , " \ V . Gordon , H . Wigan , H . Copper , J . and H . White ; and Mesdames Hug-hes and Leig-h Murray . ¦ " . To conclude with the New Extravaganza , founded on Lord Byron's poem of MAZEPPA . Characters by Messrs . F . Robson , G . CookC H . Wigan , F . Charles . H . Cooner , and L . Ball ; Mesdarries Wyndham , Hughes , Marstoa , Gottrell , Bromley , and W . S . Bmdeu . Commence at Half-past Seven o'clock .
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THEATRE ROYAL DRURY LANE . Last Week of the Season . ( Lessee , Mr . E . T . Smith . ) Triumphant success of the ballad Opera of "William and Susan , Bevorley ' s splendid scenes "The Abode of the Arcadian ' ' Fairies . " First time this season of the laughable piece of Two Heads Bettor than One . Monday , and during the week , the highly successful original English Ballad Opera , entitled WILLIAM ANP SUSAN , Founded on the favourite ballad of " Black-eyed Susan - , or , All in , the Dowiib , " with the entirely new and elaboratelybeautiful scenery by the eminent nrtint , Boverloy . PRINCIPAL , CHAHACTEKH . William .. .....,.....:. Mr . Haigli Captain Cinncron Mr . I ' tOBunthnl Dickey Daisy , Mr . Manvcrs Susan Miss Iuioctto Bella PrlnirOBc . Miss Huddavt Adinirnl Mr . Moitow The Worda by Mr . T . H . Rkynoldson . Tho Music by Mr . J . II . Tuli , y . To bo followed by tlio laughable plocc , Avrittcn by Fvcd . Lenox I Ionic , of ¦ TWO II KA . DS ARE BETTER TIIAN ONE . Charles Conquest ( Ills original character ) , air . ltoborfc KoTcby . To conclude with the BALLET DIVERTISKMENT fj'om tho oelobrated pnutominio of JtOBINIIOOD , in Bovcrloy ' q splendid ecouo , "Tho Abode of the Arcadian FaH'lOB , " with roul water . Stogo-JIttnng'er , Mr . Robort Roxby . t : ^___
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BEETHOVEN . To-inorrow ovoninR- ( Monday ) , March shut , JIIBS ARABELLA aOUl > AUP nnd M . WIENIAWttKI « t tho MONDAY POJ'ITLAK CONCERTS , St . . TnriiOH ' 8 Hall . In comnllnncQwIth n very general demand , another . BcothOYon ttoleotjon will bo elvon . Among other grand nieces tho progrftinmo vfl \[ Jncludotho cmna Bonnta ( lodicnted to KvoutzQv , in A minor , for plnuoi ' orto and violin , J ' or full particulars boo Programme . Bol ' a Stalls . Ob . } Rouorvod Softts ( Balcony ) , 3 b . j UnroBovvod , 1 h . ; plaooa may bo obtulnoa nt tho Hall , 28 , PJccddllly ; Kcitli . Vvoxveo , ami Co . ' s « Oramur nndCo . ' a ; Hanmnond ^ B ; tu > d Olmppoll undCo . ' a , 50 , Ntjw Bouu-sh'uot .
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MR . AND MRS . HOWARD PAUL . LART WEHIv lit tho ST . JAMES'S HALL , oloBinfr Siiturdny , Miiroh «( ltlir of tlmlr Prftwlner-rooni MntortulnmQMt , I ATOIl \ yo ) l « v . Kvory ntoht ( Batnrday oxooptqd ) up to this c \ iitp . Mrs . Howard Paul h « a varied Iiw Hetonffihine : '( ronrodMot / oii " of Mr . films Koovoe Uyiutrodiiclnff "My I ' rotty Jano ? " and Mr . Howard rnul . u ' ath ' o ! w ° ? ii ^ y ' jy ' , , 81 " ^ « n pntlroly ngw eonff , ontltlod " F « lthlcs 8 Sarftli . " Morulnff ro |) rospWftHons oii . Tuesday and tho last porformanco on Hntuirdar , Mai-oh 2 ( 1 , at Throo o ' clock . Tho ontranoo to tlio mile Mn Plcaadlllv . Stalls . Us . } Aron , Ho . t Qflllory , Is , OoVn-aaouoiluft-nt JJlah
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HANDEL COMMEMORATION . miCKET NOTICK . —TIIE OFFICE AT JL EXETER HALL will bo ppon . cd to tho I ' alrons of the Festival , and the Public gcnornlly , from mid n < t < -r lhN ( J'CLOCJv : TIIIS DAY , for tho iss'tio el Vouchers lor Tickets , whlc'h for tho present u » ay 15 o Holccled irom tlio Numbered 1 'lan . ., , , « . Immodiato application 1 b requisite to Bicuni the bust scats . EXETER HALL , March itith . __
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THE VOCAL , ASSOCIATION , ¦ RT , JAMES'S HALL . , Conductor , M . BENEDICT *—WEDNKSlUV , . ainrch 23 . at Eight—MENDELSSOHN'S "AVE MAKIA , " from the OpcrJ of "Lorelj ' , " and HANDEL' .-S "A < IS A > D GALATEA , " with Mozart ' s additional Accompaniments . Principal vocal performers—Madame Catherine Hayes ,. Miss Louisa Vinning , Miss Stabbach , Mr . ( icorgo . l ' crron , Mr , Suchot Chnmplon , and Mr , Santloy . Bund and choir of 400 performers . , Tickets , 2 s . ( id . and 5 a . ; Balcony Stalls , 7 s . Oil . ; becond Row , 58 . ; Sofa Stalls , 10 s . ( id . ca »" . h . —At nil th « prinj'iiml music sellers , and St . James ' s Hall Ticket Oillee , -JS , l'icundilly , W . '
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HANDEL COMMEMORATION FESTIVAL , 1859 , CRYSTAL . PALACE . The Directors have the pleasure to announce that this great CENTENARY MUSICAL FESTIVAL , thL > prep « - rations for which have occupied the closest consideration for nearly three years , will take place as follows : Messiah .. . ^ . Monday , June 20 tb _ Df . ttingen Te Deum , \ vithselec- ) . " . ¦ tions from Belshazzar , Saul , > . Wednesday , June 22 nd . Samson , Judas Maccabeus , &c ... j ISKAEL in Kgypt ..., Friday , . Tune 24 th . Commencing each day at One o ' clock . The Orchestra in the ' Groat Transept , now being extended "to the clear Width of 21 G feet ( or double the . diameter of the dome of St . Paul ' s Cathedral ) , will be vendered capable of accommodating nearly FOUR THOUSAND CHORAL ' AND ' . INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS , who wilt be selected with the greatest care from the various metropolitan , provincial , and continental orchestras , cathedral choirs , and choral associations , presenting a-combination ' of musical executive talent far exceeding any previous uuderr taking . Tlie orchestral arrangements for this unparalcllod musical congress will be under the direction of the SACKED 1 IA 11-MONIC SOCIETY , EXETER HALL . Conductor ; MR . COSTA . - ^ Tickets will be issued according to priority of sipplicatioh at tlie following rates . " 1 Two Guineas and a Half the set Central Nunibered Stalls , f for the- three days , or . if for one ' in lettered ; blocks ...... ( or two days' rcrformances ) only , Onk Ouine . v . each . Seatsnot . mnnbered ^ reserved in side-blocks j t ^ ay . vperf 6 rauuicps : . . Preference , will be given to . applications for sets of tickets . ¦ : . ' ¦ .- '¦ ' .. '¦" .. ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ The Ticket Ofll ces at the Crystal Palace , mid at No 2 , Exeter Hall , are now open for the issue of Vouchers ; where the plans of seatsmay be irispectod , and the full programme of arraiigejneuts , with block plans , may bo . hsul ou either written or ' personal application . No' application can bft atteridod to . unless accompanied . by a rc ' mittuncc of the amount ; and all cheques'or pbs ' t-oflice ' orders sentto cither offlce , are to be hiade payable to the order of O-eo ' rce . . Grove , Esq ., Secretary of the Crystal Palace Company . By order , ' GEORGE < 3 RO-VJ 5 , March 10 th , 1659 . . Secretary .
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CRYSTAL PALACE . Arrangements for Week ending Saturday , March 26 th-. Monday , open at 9 ; Tuesday to Friday , open at 10 . Admission , is . ; Children Under 12 , 6 d . Saturday , open , at 10 . Beethoven's Opera of TMDELIO will be performed by' eminent , solo vocalists , supported by all efficient chorus ,-coinmeiicing at 2 . 20 . The PICTURE GALLERY is open for this moiith only and contains a J ^ rge number of Paintings , on view and sale LECTURES , BAND , and GREAT ORGAN daily . Sunday , opgn at 1 * 30 ^ to Shareholders , gratuitously by tickets . ' .
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founded ; With respect to the bill entailing further expense pn the country , he was not prepared to give a decided answer oh that point . The bill would define -what the Civil Service meant , arid rio one -would be entitled to superannuation in future who did did npt come under the definition of a civil servant . Securities would be taken that improper persons were hot admitted into the service , nor persons too x > ld . Also care would be taken to select a better class of persons to fill subordinate situations . Then with respect to very old civil servants , liberM provision for their retirement would be made . There might be some discontent , but he believed the mass of civil servants were satisfied with the bill .
After a . long discussion the House went into Committee . Several alterations Were acceded to , but nohe of any vital importance . The bill then passed through Committee , the other orders of the day were disposed of , and the House adjourned at halfpast twelve .
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FRANCE . Count Cavour has summoned General Ulloa , the defender of Venice , to take service in the Piedmohtese artillery . It is stated that General Patrick M'Mahon is to command the Piedmont army as Oeneralissimo . I / Univers of yesterday prints a letter from George Bowyer , abusing Poerio arid applauding the perjured King for " sweeping the streets" with grape-shot in 1849 . He says their dungeon at Monte Sarchio was far too good for them . The same journal weeps over the " persecution" of the , Phoenix conspirators at Tralee .
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Harwich Ejection . —At half-past twelve this day ( . Friday ) , Mr . Campbell ' s committee issued the following statement : —Campbell , 120 ' , Jervis , 119 . Mr . Jervis ' s committee , on the other hand , claim for him a majority of four .
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The Rev . Henuy Hampton . —In consequence of the wish expressed by the Bishop of London , that , on account of the recent inquiry , the Rov . Henry JHampton should retire . from the niiiiistryof St . George's Church , Tuffnell-parJc , Islington , that gentleman declined-to officiate last ; Sunday , and the service was performed by the Rev . Dr . iBlotnfield , brother of the late bishop . The seat-holders have held a meeting , and have resolved that , in t lie event of the bishop ' s refusal to sanction Mr . Hampton's ministering to this congregation in the present building , or in one that may be erected in any other convenient locality , ¦ that % \\ a committee bo instructed to register this place of worship as a freo church of England , and to
eolect a gentleman to carry on the services in the strictest conformity with the Book of Qommon Iftrayer and Rubric , and to ha of such talents as may secure to the sent holders tlio high advantages they have hitherto enjoyed under ifylr . Hampton ' s ministry . The GrovunNonsHir of IIono Kono . — £ > ir John Bowring ' s functions as Superintendent of Trade having been merged in thoso of the Minister latoiy Appointed to Pokin , his Excclloncy will cease to hold tlio unpaid office of Governor of Hong Kon # , hitherto lield in conjunction with that of Plenipotentiary «* nd Superintendent of Trado in China . Tho
principal officer at Hong Kong will therefore , for tho future , discharge solply tlio duties of Governor of that colony . The first Governor of Hong Kong under the new system will bo Mr , Hcroulos Robinson , at present LiQuteimnfc-Governor of St . Christopher ' s , who disthvguifihod himself by his offloial exertions in Ireland botli during and after the famine , and whoso Borvieos wero rewarded by tho barren appointment of a Wosfc Indian Governorship in 18 C 4 . Wo is no . w transferred to a position where his ( idminlatrativo talents -will have a wider field of usefulness . — Times .
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368 THE LEA D E R . [ ffo- 9 > March 19 , 1859 .
Royai, Pemcesss Theatre. (Farewell Seasoirof -Mr'. Charles Kean As Manasrer.) Last Nights Of The Undermentioned Plays:
ROYAI , PEmCESSS THEATRE . ( Farewell Seasoirof -Mr ' . Charles Kean as Manager . ) T . nnf . nio-Vife of t . lie ' imdermentioned l'lays :
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PRINCESS ' S TrtPATttE . " The final round of Shakespearean revivals is in course of performance at this house to large and fashionable audiences , occasionally varied by Mr . Keari ' s master-pieces , ' T . iouis X I . " and the " Corsi-« ah Brothers . " On Thursday next , for the benefit of Mr , Kinloeh ( the treasurer of the house ) , Ave observe an announcement of the latter piece , to be followed by ** The Midsummer Night'sUream . "
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AMERICA . The Europa arrived at Southampton this ( Friday ) morning , with the New York mails of the 5 th instant . Congress has closed . The Post-office bills -were throwii out , and it was feared that an extra session would have to be : called to prevent the Post-office service from coming to a dead-lock for want of funds . Robert Maclane is to be sent minister to Mexico . The ship Vanguard , with 41 , 000 bales of cotton for Cronstadt , was burning at Algiers , opposite New Orleans , and it was feared would be totally destroyed .
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Tub RovAr . X-itkuahy Fund . —Tho annual meeting of this Society was hold on Wednesday afternoon , at the chambers of the Corporation in great Russeiifitreet 5 'Earl Stanhope in the olmir . Among tlio gentlemen present wyre-vSir H . Ellis , Mr . 13 . a-Qabbell , Mr . Spotitiswoode , Mr . Nichols , Hir J . loi'bes , Dr . Major , Sir' J . Prior , Mr . G . CrulkshAnk , Mr-Bcntloy , Mr . Burton Cooper , Q . C ., Mr . H" « wby , Mr . Musters , Mr , Clowes , and Mr . fflnl « ieon . 'The report of tho registrar was read , and stated that tlio general oommittou had hold eleven meetings since lass March , and 1 , 840 / . had boon granted in rdliof . -i » ° chairman stated that ; tho committee had roeeiveu a letter from Mr . Charles Dickons , announcing uie prospect of a certain oflbr to tho socioly from a person not at present named on certain terms and st'P ' lations . With those torms and stipulations u » o committee wore not at present acquainted , but , expected to learn them fully at an interview wiuou tliey had agrood to hold with Mr . Charles P > |\ on and another gentleman a few day ' s hence i nna ™ W will then proceed to givo them and tho vliole euujecl ) their most careful consideration ., In « - io" ° *» Mr . Dickons said that he should refrain from nttending tho soeloty on t , ha fourth anniversary mooMnff with his friends , but thtit lie did not withdraw ma opposition , but left it suspended ovor tlio commit too
Leader (1850-1860), March 19, 1859, page 368, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2286/page/16/