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REVIEW OF THE WEEKHOME INTELLIGENCE . PAGE Imperial Parliament ..... 350 Gatherings from Law aud Police Courts ii - ... .. ' *» ° Criminal Record ^ ........... Jo ° Accidents ..., ' . ¦ •••¦ : ~ ° . Ireland ........ • • - ? g Naval and Military 3 j » Political Meetings . > - 3 o 9 The Neapolitan Exiles .......... 3 o 9 FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . Continental Notes » 300 Foreign Summary • .. a 00 Miscellaneous ......... 362
LITERATUREliterary Chronicle of the Week 363 Horace Walpole 364 Sir William Hamilton ' s Lecture ' s 364 General Literature - • 36 ( 5 Facts and Scraps 367 Postscript 367 PUBLIC AFFAIRSPoerio and his Companions 369 The Battle of the Bill ... ' .-.... 3 (> 9 Harbours of Refuge 370 Mutual Assurance Societies ...... 371 Street View of Italy—No . 2 ...... 372
ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE-. France 3 / 2 FINE ARTSHolland House . •••• 3 ' THEATRES AND ENTERTAINMENTSCovent Garden ... 373 Royal Italian Opera . ' £ / . $ Haymarket % l % Vocal Association • • • g £ J Lyceum ; .. ' ..... « *•* Mr . Mason Jpnes' Orations o' ± Explorations in South Australia .. 374 National Lifoboat Association */¦¦*
rNDJA AND INDIAN PROGRESSOne Step Backwards ............ 375 Notes on- Indian Progress 37 ( 5 Latest Indian Intelligence 37 S COMMERCIALThe Accumulation and Value of Gold ...... 577 General Trade Report . i .... ' .. 378 Money Market 378 Stocks and Shares 379 Home , Colonial and Foreign Produce Markets .. 380 Railway and Joint Stock Companies .. .. 380
ffloittcnts :
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MI NISTERS have not much altered their position during the week , and their fate still hangs in the balance . Numerous rumours are in circulation as to the course they" will pursue . Early in the week it was rumoured that , at the Cabinet Council of '' Saturday ' last , tliei'e was a discussion as to the withdrawal of the Reform Bill ; but on Thursday evening we had Air . Disraeli pronjising to produce his amendment of-the obnoxious county voters' clause , and stating generally that , In the event of the bill reacting the Committee state , Government will think itself entitled to go in for a thorough redoctorirtg of its measure . " When the Reform Bill is in Committee , " he said , ** I have no doubt there is . scarcely a member of this House who will not propose an amendment , and I have no doubt that many of these amendments will be favourably received by this House , and I hope that the lion ; gentlemen will not grudge the same privilege to her Majesty's ' Government . " The drift of this speech would appear to indicate that the j > recedent of the India Government Bill is to be followed ; but such a proceeding is not likely to gain by repetition . In the event of a breakdown , dissolution is ¦ understood to form the .. dernier ressort of the ministei ial Reform programme . With what hope of gain Ministers can go before the country , in the face of the late public meetings , it is difficult to conceive . But the fact is not the less certain , that retainers have already been given to some of the leading Conservative parliamentary agents , who are preparing for sudden action . The feeling of the country is every day gaining strength against the present measure ; fund there is not the shadow of a doubt that , even if Lord John Russell ' s amendment were to have the effect of overthrowing the Ministry , and so of doing away with their bill , their successors , must be prepared , to make a very much larger concession to the popular demands than any which has yet foqeh offered by tae leaders of tho " Reform p ; arty »" The results of the struggle over the churchrates question show plainly the powerlossncss of the present Government . A "week ago , a majority of 254 against 17 k threw otit the Government measure so . desperately fought for by Mr . Walpolo . On Tuesday morning , at tho special sitting of the House , Sir John Trelawny carried tile second reading of his total abolition bill b y the decisive majority of 242 against 168 . And tho same results must take place in every case where the Government is unaided by the tolerant assistance of the opposite benches . Witli regard to the Lord Chancellor ' s Insolvency Bill there ore already signs of danger . On Thursday evening tho third roading was oaroied in the House of Lords by the
narrow majority of five . There is a strong feelinj in favour of-themore manageable scheme of Lor < John Russell ; and the Attorney-General coxil < only ask that , after the second reading , on Wed . nesday last , Lord John ' s Bill should not be con sidered in Committee until that day fortnight , b ] which time the Lord Chancellor ' s bill would hav < come before the Lower House . The Solicitor-General ' s bill , ' to facilitate tht transfer of land , has been in Committee , and it supporters have had to do battle against opponent * representing all those who dread change of anj sort ; The well-known success of the Irish Encumbered Estates Court goes for nothing witl men who think with Mr . Bowyer , whose strongesi objection to the present measure is , that the Courts it proposes to establish are " utterly unknown tc the jurisprudence of this ., country . " It is quite true that the present bill may not be all that it niight be , but it is equally true that some such bill is wanted , and that , as Mr . Walpole remarked , " its advantages overpower any inconvenience that may arise from its operation . " If ingenuity could " save the present Ministry , it would , no doubt , feel itself secure . One of the latest evidences of their possession of this faculty , has been given during the week . by Lord Derby ,, who has asked to have the Ionian affairs kept dark , for the odd reason that they are in such a very bad state . Lord Grey had made some movement towards opening up the subject , when Lord Derby , wrote him a private note , begging him not to bring on a public discussion . It would involve the necessity of producing a great number of documents , which " wotild revive the recollection of facts and occurrences which would be better buried in oblivion , and which would reflect censure upon persons not how ; in a position to answer in their defence . " Lord Grey very reasonably dissented from the conclusion arrived at by Lord Derby , but did not feel inclined to take upon himself the responsibility of bringing on a discussion which might be attended with such sinister consequences as those which were foretold by Lord Derby , The Ionian case appears from this to bouva very pretty condition ; too bad to be meddled with . The country , it is to be imagined , will be curious , not to say anxious , to know what is to be the upshpt of the whole affair . Mr . Gladstone is silent , and agrees that it would make bad worse to talk about the matter . From the outward signs ,, it is plain that affairs are not mending in Ionia . Sir Henry Storks has given the Ionians a strong taste of his quality ; he has prorogued their Parliament for six months . Meanwhile , wo leam that he has authorised the formation of a nrixqd commission to draw up a list of the reforms demanded by the Ionian people . Doubt still hangs over the question of peace or war , doubts not at all disturbed by the pacific periods of the Imperial writer in tho Mbnitour . According to tliis writer , France has had no other idea than to find a peaceful solution of the Italian xliflioulties . "It is impossible , " he says , "to show a more sincere desire to unravel peaceably the existing difficulties , and to prevent further com " plications , which are always the result of want of forethought and decision . " The mistrust of . |
tr "apart of Germany , " he says , " springs from reflections unjust and painful to France . " There-, j fore , the Emperor does not hold the whole of Germany responsible for these maniiestations " Germany , he says , has riotliing to fear from - France . Y " Part of Germany" proceeds with its arming 2 and day by day builds up hew positions of defence " and offence on the Piedmqntese frontier . In the middle of the week a telegraphic communication 3 came from Paris , stating that the Sardinian Go- * s vernnient had formally demanded » f France the 3 assistance of a complete corps d ' armee , 75 , 0 OO r men . This statement , however , has Hot re-. cerved official confirmation . Letters from Northern- Italy are filled with details of the 1 Austrian war-preparations , and of the entlmsiasni fc with , which Italian volunteers are flocking to join 5 tlie Sardinian standard . One of the Litest facts > reported is that the Austrians have mined the i Bridge of Buffalora , over the Ticino , ready to ; blow it up whenever it shall be necessary to check l . the advance of the Piedmontese troops . In the meantime , the results of Lbi ' d Cowley ' s mission to Vienna are the subjeet of anxious debate . A report was current , yesterday , that so far from his journey having been fruitless , he had returned from -Vienna empowered to make such concessions as would remove all impediments in the way Of a peaceful settlement of the Austrian differences with France . If such is ' really ^ the cage , the truth is too important to admit of its being long kept secret . While this state of doubt remains with rcp ; . ii- < l to the Governments immediately concerned in the , present state of complication , the other great European Powers are deciding upon the line of policy they intend to follow . Russia , which had taken no direct share in the dispute , has , it is reported , communicated with the Prussian Government the views of the Government of St . Petersburg . The Emperor of Russia is strongly in . favour of the preservation of peace , on the basis of the treaties of" 1815 , and is ready to join with . Prussia and Great Britain in their endeavour ^ to arrange present difficulties in central Europe ; he is also strongly of opinion that Austria ' s n [> ocial Italian treaties ought to be revised . The weight of Russia ' s mediation thrown into the pence scale at the present moment would , no doubt , hnvc an important influence on the course of events ; but the ' report needs official confirmation . Public interest in the Neapolitan exiles has been largely exhibited throughout the week . Homo of tho party have reached London in adyiuicu of their compatriots , and these have received tho most marked attention from men of nil stations in society . Lord Shaftesbury and Mr . ( il ' atlHtonu wore anxong the earliest to wait upon tho exiles ut thoir hotel . Circumstantial accounts have been given of the means by which the destination of Hie liana was changed from New York to Queenatown , Cork ; the whole of their proceedings , arol 4 such an to command respect and admiration . Young Settotnlmm stands out as tho horo of tho adventure ; and with the modesty of real heroism disclaims tho ftnmllost praise . There is little doubt but that , when fclio whole party are assembled in London , some ^ retit public demonstration will mark the British estimation of these brave men , and of the Cause for wluoli * they have moat nobly Buffered .
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Leader (1850-1860), March 19, 1859, page 355, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2286/page/3/