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Untitled Ad
MAPPIN'S DRESSING CASES AND TRAOTLLING BAG& MAPFIN BROTHERS * Manufacturers by Special Appoint-^ fe »^ £ rdS ^ tirl s ?^ sf ^ ss ^ & % s&tsssi 31 M ^ s $ liS ladies' and Gentlemen ' s TRAVELLING BAGrS in the World , eafeli article being manufactured under their own SU fipPIN ? S Guinea DRESSING CASE , forGcntlemen . MiPPIN'S Two Guinea DRESSING CASE , m solid X Ladfes TRAVELLING and DRESSING BAG S , from 22 . 12 s . to 10 W . each . _ . agSgrt 2 ife ^« Sg 2 & 2 ftf their extensive Stock , which is complete with every variety of style and P costly Book of Engravings , with Prices attached , forwarded by post on receipt of 12 stamps . . MAPPIN BROTHERS , . 67 and 08 , KING WILLIAM STREET , CITY , LONDON . Manufactory—Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield .
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MAPPIN'S "SHILLING" RAZORS . Warranted Good by the makers . Shave well for Twelve months without Grinding . . ' MAPPIN'S 2 s . RAZORS shave well for Three Tears MAPPIN'S 3 s . RAZORS ( suitable for Hard or Soft Beards ) shave well for Ten Years . , ' ^~ ai , n-e MAPPIN BROTHERS , Queen ' s Cutlery ^ ork s , Sheffield- and 67 , King William-street , City , London ; where the largest Stock of Cutlery in the World is kept .
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PUBLIC OPINION AND PATRONAGE have proved that the supply of the -15 s , Black Cloth Frock and Dress Coats are the best Jn London . ^ Observe the address—J . SMITH , 3 S , LOMBAED-SrK ^ T
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THE SCOTGH CHEVIOT TWEED AND ANGOLA SUITS , At 47 s ., 50 s ., 55 s ., 60 s ., and 63 s , made to order from ] materials all Wool , and thoroughly shrunk , by B . BENJAMIN , Merchant and Family Tailor , 7 * , Regent-street , W , are better value than can be procured a * any other house m the kinffddni ; The Two Guinea Dress and 1 rock Coats , the Guinea-Dress Troupers , and the Half-Guinea Waistcoats . W . Bl—A Perfect Fit guaranteed .
Untitled Ad
KNOW THYSELF . MARIE COUPELLE continues her vivid and interesting delineations of character from an examination of the handwritings of individuals , in a style never before attempted in England . Persons desirous of knowing their own characteristics , or those of any friend , must enclose a specimen of their writing , stating sex ami age , with fourteen penny postage stamps , to Miss Coupello ; ffi > , Castle-street , £ ewiuanstreet ? London , and they will receive per return afull detail of the gifts , defects , talents , tastes affections , &c ., of the writer , with mrtny other things calculated to be useful through life ;—From F . N .. — " I consider your skill , sur-Drisine- " C . S . — ''Your description of her character is remarkably correct . " H . W— "Your sketch of my character is marvellously correct . '' Miss F . — " Mamma says the character you sent me is a true one . " W . N . — " You have described him very accurately . " .. ¦ , .
Untitled Ad
FRENCH SPIRAL ELASTIC STOCKINGS , Knee-caps , Socks , Bei / ts , &c , as manufactured by SPARKS and SON , are allowed by the leading mexabers of the surgical profession to bo the only , articles ever invented for giving' equal and perfect support in all cases to which they are applied , arid are especially recommended to all personsi Buffering from varicose or enlarged veins , for rheumatlc ' and dropsical affections . ; and also for relieving weaknesB of the liinus , & ;' c . —Printed directions for measurements With lull particulars and prices , Bent post free ; . —Address , SPARKS and SON , Truss and Patens Surgical Bandage Mftkera , 28 , Conduit ^ street , Regent-street , London .
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DO YOtT WANT LUXURIANT HAIR ? WHISKERS , & 6 . ? r-If eo , use MISS COUPELLE'S CRINUTRIAK , which is gurantced to produce whiskers , Moustachios , &c , in a ; fpw weeks , and restore the Hair in baldness from whatever cause ,: prevent its falling off , strengthen Weak Hair ; and effectually check Grcyness in all Its stages . If used in the nursery , i * will avert Baldness in after life . Sold by nil Chemists , price 2 s ., or will bo sent , post free , on receipt of , twenty-four postage Btampo , by Miss Coupelle , < M > , Castle-street , Oxford-streof , Londpn , ~ -Teetlxnonials : — " 1 have ordered its use in hundreds of cases with success . " - ^ jOr . Walsft ,, "I have sold it for cloven years , and have never heard a complaint . of Jit . ''—JM ( r * Jones . *• My hair is quite restored , "—& James , Esq . "After nine years baldness , its effects arc miraculouB . " --JF . Mnhon .
Untitled Ad
GARDEN WATERING ENGINES , SYRINGES , ETC . Upon tho most Improved principle , manufactured by RIQHD . RliJAP , 35 , REGENT CIRCUS , PICOADILLY , LONDON . * + * Descriptions sent ppst free .
Untitled Ad
SELF-CURE . —AMERICAN TREATMENT . TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED , CHARLES WATSON * Mombor of thoRofbnnod Medical CoUugoVtJ . S . ; the Society of ¦ Modloino , Rouen j 'the National Academy of aolonces , Paris i and Fellow « nd Honorary Vice-president of tho Imperial African Institute of Franco , S 7 , 'Alfred-place , Bedford-square , London . oontJUiueB to iwSno ^ m receipt of six Btftmp $ , "THE GUIPE HO SELF ^• Thoao about entering' tho Marriage State should peruse J ^ Wfttaon ' stnvaUjabJtfMtlowork . « s tho ndYioo ho . gives ori hoaltU an * dlaoaao reflects much credit upon Wra no a «^ d . mc « J oal phUMopher . '' --CH «<) . ' . _ ¦ " The true Guide to those who desire a speedy and private « wro . "~ tfnitwrWfly Magazine . __ QuallftoaMotoa vW « "Diplomas" and tho " London MedHial Pirectory . "
Untitled Ad
GUiBNITtELD PATENT STARCH . USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY , And pronounced by HER MAJESTY'S LAUNDRESS to bo J T « B FINB&T STARCH ' pHH EVER K When you ask for GlEWFOLD PAWEJNT STARCH , SHE THAT YQU GET' JtT , A $ iWrhrkin #$ are qften substituted . Sold by all Chandlers , Grocers , &c , &o . "WOUHERSPOON » nd 00 ,, CUwgow and Londoa .
Untitled Ad
TRIESEMAR . Protected by Royal Letters Patent of England , * and aeoured by tho" seals of the Ecolo do Pharraacie do Paris , and the Imperial College of Medicine , Vienna ; The Patentee attends daily at No . 19 , Bernqr ' s-streot , Oxford-street , London , between the hours of 11 and 3 , and from 5 till 8 , where the medicines may be had . Triesemur , No . 1 , is a remedy for relaxation , spermatorrhoea , and exhaustion of tho system . Trlesemar , No . 2 , effectually , in tho short space , of three days , completely and entirely eradicates all traces of those disorders which bo often ruin the health of a vast portion of the population . Trlesetaar , No . 3 , is tho groat Continental remedy for that class of disorders which un- , fortunately the English physician treats with meronry , to the inevitable destruction of thq patient's constitution , and which till the earsaparllla in tuo world cannot roxnovo . TrieRemar , Nos . 1 , 2 , and' ? , arc alike devoid of taste or smell , and of all nauseating qualitius ; They may liq on . the toilet table without their use boing suspected . —Sold in tin oases , divided into separate doses , n , s administered , by Valpeau , LftUemand , Roux . &c , price lls ., sent direct from the establishment , No . 19 , Borners-str ( eet , Oxford-etreof , London ( free by post Is . 8 d . extra to any part of the United Kingdom , or four cases in ono for 33 s ,, by post , 3 s . 2 d . extra ) , wlilch saves 11 s .. } and in 61 . oases , saving U , Tie .. upon reoelpt of Post Office Order , payable to Medieatue , and a statement of tho case , tho Medloinos will be sent per return of post ; . Sold by J > . Chuvoh , 78 , Gracechuroli-st . ; Bartlott lloopor , 43 , King William-st . , Ilnnnay , 03 , Oxford-Bt ., London i R . H . Inffhain , Market-st ., M « n « hestor j Pow « U , 10 , Wostmoroland-sT ; . , Dublin .
Untitled Ad
ELECTRICAL INFLIJENCE JN HEALTH AND DISEASE . Just published , price Is ., fruo by post for fourteen . Stamps , SECOND LIFE : or ELECTRICAL NJSRV 0 U 8 FORCE ; a MEDICAL WORK jntouclt-d for the special norusal of nil who aro sufforinff from tlHivirWUO forms of NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEHIM'l V . {^ "iSS distressing ulterior consequences to which they lwi' ;""{ . practical observations on the groat eurativo . l P nl ° ; ELECTRO-GALVANISM in tho Treatmont ol ' thoso 1 > 1 B " orders , by infusing tono' and vigour in constitutions rclr ^ xoa or debilitated from various onorvattng causes , "'"^ r" !^ with oases compllod from the Note-book of a Rogistoroa Medioal Praotitionor of twenty pears standing . Unlike many vaunted restoratives , Elootrloity lai « j »« which commends itsplf to tho medical man ub ' »« " ]!» acoordant with tho soundest teachings of physioloffy , w tho most obvious indication it admits of bointf hIjowij time tho Elootrloal and Nervous © norglos aro . ldonticiil i J ° »^( that when tho latter falls , tho . former can take lt » I ^ ' ^ ous that whop , aom imwularlttca of uny kind , tlw' nwjfflf system i \ aa become dobilitfttca , P <« W ? P . 5 h , tliV total and tho patient brought to a condition , Uttlo 8 l \ ort ol tijnu prostration , thont by tho action of Elootrioity »« 'P ^ ll n o- * oortainty ' and ofllcaoy to modioal trpatment . ho o ^ i'iLJo o invigorated , and hie hoalth ro ^ cstabllshod tp u doijrou almost warranting tho designation of SECOND LIFW . Mann , 80 , Corohlu , and ftU Bopksollorfl .
Untitled Ad
GALVANISM . Mr . WILLfAM H . HALSK , the Medical Onlvimlut , o * , 1 , Addlson-torraco , Konslnfftt ) n . London , HollclfsiiiyuJW ^ to send to htm for his Paihphlot on " Moclionl , p ^ » lvi }» l 8 n 3 ' rt which ho will forward post free on reqoipt oi Two I ' outngo Stamps . Tho beneflclal offocts pf Gdilyanism in ™ w » <» - Paralysis , Loss Of MuBoular Power in any part , Asthmn , Ipdlgestlon , and NervousnoBS , arc inont iixtmord niiry when applied in a solontlflo jonanner , and with tvn ufllclont apparatus . Attendance from Ton to Two o clock . m > Halpo ' B Gnlvnniq Machtn 6 & nrc Ten Guinuiw oaoli *
Untitled Ad
AN ACT OF DEEP GRATITUDE . 5000 Copies of a Medical ltook to bo k' 1 v « 'm nwuySIl—A Clergyman of the Church of England , hnvihg been cured ot nervous debility , loss of memory , indigent ion , and othpr fearful symptoms , is earnestly desirous of impdrtnia : to ins sufferlug fellow men the means whereby his restoration w ( is so marvellously effected . He will therefore wend a book containing all the necessary information on receipt ot two penny stamps to prepay postage , addressed to tho l ^ cv . « ., R . TnAVEKS , m " a ., 1 ., NorthCumberland-p lnee , UnyBAvator , Middlesex .
Untitled Ad
RUPTURE S . BY ROYAL XETTEES PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAESf LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to be the most effective invention in the curative treatment of Hernin . The use of a steel spring- ( so hurtful in its effects ) is here avoided , a soft Bandage being worn round the body , wh ' i . le < the requisite resisting power-is , supplied .. by-the Moc-5 tain ' Pad and Patent Lever , fitting with . so-much case and elbsoness that it cannot be detected , and may be worn during sleep A descriptive circular may be had , and the Truss ( which cannot fail to fit ) forwarded by post , on the circumference of the body , two inches below the hip , toeing sent to the Manufacturer , JOHN WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . , Price of a single truss , 10 ? ., 21 s .,- 20 s ; . 6 d ., and 31 s . Gd ;^ - Postago Is . i ¦ ¦ ' © oublc Truss , 31 s . Gd ., 42 s ,, and 52 s . Gd . —Postage Is . 8 d . Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . ( id . —Postage \ s . lOd . Post-offlco orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post-office , Piccadilly . ELASTIC STOCKIKGS , KNEE-CAPS , &c , for VARICOSE VEINS , and all eases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of the LEGS , SPRAINS , &C . They arc porous , light in texture , and inexpensive , and are drawn on like an ordinary stooWng . Price from 7 s . 6 d . to 16 s . each . —Postage Od . JOHN WHITE , Manufacturer , 228 , Piccadilly , London .
Untitled Ad
NERVOUSNESS , EPILEPSY . MIND . and HEAD -COMPLAINTS , INDKJKSTION , DYSPEPSIA , &c , their Causes niul Cure . —AX KSSAY ; the result ; of a long and extended practice in the treatment of nervous maladies ,, head affections , ' indigestion ,- relaxation , debility , &c ., and intended' as a . soiireeof easy refeivncefor theiiori-professibniil reader . By A 1 ' 11 'YrtlCIAN . Few diseases are more prevalent , less umk-rstootl , jiikI
Untitled Ad
ECLECTIC MEDICAL INSTITUTE , Ar id PRIVATE BATH ESTABLISHMENT , 105 , Great Russell-street , Bloomsbury , WiC ^ MjmpIg ^ nd . Medicated VAPO-IIR , GALVANIC , and ELECTRO-CHEMICAL BATHS , on improved principles . For the extraction __ ot Lead , Mercury , and other Minerals from the body , and tor the cure of Nervous , Diabetic , Paralytic , Cutaneous , Hepatic , Spinal , Rheumatic Goiit , and Other diseases . Medical Superintendent—JOHN ' SKELTON , Esq ., M . D ., -M . R . C .. S :, Eng . For terms , &c , see circular , sent free . , upon receipt of address . .
Untitled Ad
VISIT THE CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT OI LAW 3 EIENCE HYAM , MERCHANT CLOTHIER AND MANUFACTUEER , CITY—36 , Gracecnurcll-sfcreet ' , } L . ONJJON . WEST—189 and 190 , Tottenham-court-road , ) In the READY-MADE DEPARTMENT , such an _ yn mensV assortment of MEN'S , J 5 OYSV and YOUTH £ CLOTHING , consisting of garments- , of--the most novu , durable , and elegant eTesig-ns , can rarely be seon ^^ Ihc Public will , effect a great saying , the prices . b ^ ft ^ aed on tlie most economical principles , consistent with sterling quality—the only test of cheapness . BOYS' AND JUVENILE DEPARTMENT --Nothing can exceed the variety and novelty of design in this dx-pai £ - merit . For the approaching spring and summer season such an immense assortment is now beingmanufactured as to exceed allL . HYAM'S former efforts , both in vnr etyand in stylo . The prices , as usual , are framed upon the most economical scale , and the choice of style and pattern is so extensive , that tliey have only to be seen to ensure universal " ^ FhToRDERED DE . PA RTJIfiTvT contains a maffnificent assortment of every novelty for the season . -I he Ar ^ stc'S , who are celebrated for refined taste and style , are gnaiantees for a good fit . Economy is the leading feature . CLERICAL and PROFESSIONAL MEN are / specially invited , the Black and mixture cloths being of a . l'Ahi DYE . An ordered Suit of Black for HI . 3 s . Also the celebiated SEVENTEEN SHILLING TROUSERS in great variety . : . ' L . KtTAM marks every Garment in PLAIN FIGURES , from which no deviation is made ; and no garment need be kept , when seen at home , if not satisfactory , but can be exehanged-within any reasonable time , if returned iu good condition .
Untitled Ad
ALXA . LADIES' JACKETS of this novel design , in superfine cloth , beautifully embroidered , at one guinea ; or in velvet at two and three guineas . ATXA DRESSES , of glace silk , of great richness and beauty , three and a half and four and a half guineas * AtXA DRESSES , for mourning , ' of l . ' aramatta cloth trimmed crape ^ two and a half guineas . * AlXA DRESSES , of shepherd check cashmere , at 21 s very neat and pretty . " ' AIXA DRESSES , of granite linseys , 31 s . ( id ., very warm . The skirts are all lined ready for wear , and trimmed with the " Aixa" ornaments . Illustrations and patterns with instructions for measurement , free by post . THOMAS FORD ( late Dorey ) , Mourning Warehouse 42 Oxford-street , London . '
Untitled Ad
OIL OP HORSE CHESTNUTS . This recently discovered remedy for GOUT , Rheumatism Lumbago , Neuralgia , Toothache , &e ., applied externally ' allays the pain and quickly cures the worst cases . Fresli proofs daily of its wonderful efficacy . . In bottles , 2 s . 0 d . and 4 s . Od ., by postoii receipt . of stamps Prepared only by REW and CO , operative chemists , 28 ' Regent-street . City agents , BUTLER and HARDING , 4 , Chcapside . . .
Untitled Ad
ABERNETHY'S PILL FOR THE NERVES AND MUSCLES . INVALIDS who suffer from Lowness of Spirits , Want of Sleep , Loss of Appetite , and Bilious Attacks , will hail this medicine as a great blessing . It acts by purifying the blood , and by ¦ ¦ restoring the stomach , liver , and bowels to their healthy state , and thus eradicates melancholy , weak ; - ness , of limbs , &c . The smallest sized box will be quite sufficient to convince any invalid of the extraordinary virtues of ; these pills , l'rici ; Is . ljd ., is . « . ) d :, and 4 s . 6 d . a box . Agents—Barclay , 95 ,-Farringdoin-stree . t :, aiuMIjinnay , 03 , Oxford-street . -Any medicine vendor will procliriithein
Untitled Article
oqo THE LEADm [ Nq . 469 , March 19 , 1859 > ^^ fS . ^ 5 ¦ . . - . ¦ - . ¦ ¦ ¦ ,. ' . ¦ . ¦ ' '^^ tm-t—m- - ^^^^^^ Mg ^ MCMS ^^ M ^^ BBMCta ^ BMWWP ^*—* JPM ^^ MPl ** P * OCi tuml'i ^ m — ... jj- ^ Ji If ff'UJ 1 JLO 3 C CJ ¦¦ "IITfTWic ^^ M ^^^
Leader (1850-1860), March 19, 1859, page 382, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2286/page/30/