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Arrangements for Week ending- Saturday , April 9 th . Monday , " open at <); Tuesday to Friday , open at 10 . Admission , Is . : Children under 12 , Od . . ' ' . „ , . ' ¦ * . Saturday , open at 10 . Vocal and Instrumental Concert at 2-30 . . ¦ •' . ¦ . jfffiB ^^ SiSTSraa-a ^ CHBSl- iSAX BAND , and . GREAT ORGAN daily . ¦¦ __ ,. . , „ , „ + Vlf > Collection of . Autograph ' . Letters of Eminent Men , in the C < Suuda ^ , open ' at 1-30 , to Shareholders , gratuitously by tickets . ' ¦ _ ¦
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ROYAL PRINCESS'S THEATRE . ( Farewell Season of Mr . Charles Kean as Manaffcr . ) On Monday , and during the week , S . intoc presraated bftoJgspeare ' s historical play of IvKNG HENRY 1 HE IJl ' TH . The play will be repeated every evening until the 10 th ot April .
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ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . ( Lessees—Messrs . F . Kobson andW . S . Emden . ) Monday , and during the week will be performed _ the Comedietta , by Mark Lemon , Esq ., entitled FASHIONABLE ARRIVALS . Characters by Messrs . Addison , G Viningv H . Wig-an , G . Cbokc ,. F . Charles , & ¦ Cooke , 11 . Cooper : Mesdames Cottrell , Hughes , Bromley , Mrs . E Afte "' whfch ' r f ^ OItTKR'S KNOT . Characters by Messrs . F . Kobson , G . Cooke , G- Vining , W . Gordon , II . tvWn , H . Cooper , J . and II . White ; and . Mesdames ^ i ^^ h ^^ h SToi ^ ECT OF INTEREST ^ Characters by Messrs . & . CboJte , H . Wig-an , F . Charles , Miss Cottrell ; Mrs- Leigh Murray , and Mrs . Emden . Commence at Half-past Seven o ' clock .
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THEATRE ROYAL , IIAYMARKET . ( Under the Management of Mr . Buckstone . ) _ The New Comedy every ilight , and last week' but one of the eno-ag-ement of JUEr . and Mrs . Charles Mathews . HondayTApril 4 th , and during'the week , to commence at 7 with ( second tinier the New and Original Comedy , entitled EVERYBODY'S FRIEND . Mr . Featherley , Mr . Charles Mathews ; Icebrook , Mr . Compton ; Major Welling ton ^ Boots , Mr . Buckstone ; Mrs . Fcatherly , Mrs . Charles Mathews ; Mrs . Major de Boots , Mrs . AYilkiiis ; and Mrs . Swandown , Miss Reynolds . After which , on Monday , Tuesday , and Wednesday , for the last three nights , 1 I 1 J ^ ¦ GIliTIO . Puff and Sir Fretful Plagiary , Mr . Charles Mathews ; Tilburina , Mrs . Charles Mathews . On Thursday , Friday , and Saturday , after the New Comedy , USED UP . Sir Charles Coldstream , Mr . Charles Mtithews . Concluding everv evening with A BALLET . Stasre-inanaffer , Mr . Chippendale .
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ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE . ( Manager , Mr . Edmund Falconer ) . Immense Success of New Play , New Farce , and of the Delepierre Family ; wlioso extraordinary concerted and solo performances on the violin have excited an equal amount of wonder and approval . ¦ ¦ On Tuesday , April 5 th , and rest of the week , Mr . - J& . Falconer ' s new and highly , successful Piny of FRANCESCA j A DItEAM OF VENICE . Messrs . E . FaUJoner , H , Vandenhoff , Barret , G . Murray , Fitzjamca , J . Neville , and Mrs . Charles yonner , Mrs . Wcston , « fec . To be followed by A MUSICAL ENTEKTA . INMENT . By Jules , Julictta , and Julia Delepierro . And conclude with the New Farce of HUSBANDS BJSWAUE . Mrs . WCstony M ^ iss lvate Saxpn , Mr . S . ' Calhaeni . On Monday , April 4 tlu ior the Benefit of Mr . F . Kingsbury , tho Opera or MARITA-NA , in which Miss Clara St . Caseo will make her ilrst appearance in English Opera , l ' rices as usual . ' ¦ ' Doors to open at half-past six : to commence at seven . Box-office open from eleven to two .
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ST . JAMES'S HALL . Madnrnc LOLA MONTEZ ( Countess of Landsfold ) will give her pOPULAK SERIES . OF FOUR LECTURES , on tho Evenings of April 7 , 8 , 1-1 , and 15 : Thursday 7 th , Subject , ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CHARACTER ; Friday' 8 th , EUROPEANS IN ¦ TJ-IM NEW WORLD . Doors open at Sevun , to . commence at Eight .. Carriages ordered at a quarter pust Nine . Stalls , Os . ; Reserved ( Balcony ) Seats , ! fa . i Uiirosoi'ved , Is . s may lie obtained at > Ut « ohoU ' s Royal Library , JKJ , Old Itond-Btreet ; Cramer and Jioale ' H , 201 , Recc'iit-s'troot ? Ilanunoiurfl , 214 , Regontstreot ; Keith , w , Cheapsldo ; and at St . James ' s Hall ticket ofllco , S 8 , PlcoadiUy .
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CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS . ST . JAMES'S HALL . The CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS will resume their Popular Entertainment on Monday evening-, April 11 , at tho St . . Tunica ' s Hall , to bo ropoatod Every Evening' at Eight , and Saturday mornings at Throe o ' clock . Admission , is , ; Area , 2 a . \ Reserved Seats , Or . To bo Obtained at Mr . MltclioU ' e Royal Library , U 3 , Qld Bondstrcot . - '
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ST . JAMES ' S HALL . THE VO 0 A . L ASSOCIATION ; Conductor Bf . BMNlflpiCT . —WEDlOiDSDAY , April 0 , at M tf lyV MENDELSSOHN'S "I . ORIDUflY , " inoludinff the " KYp SIARIA " (\ vhioh will bo fonontod by croncral doslro ) , i \\\< y . for the urHt Umo In public , TWO MARCHES , eomposoti by MondolBsohn for a Military Band at Duasoldorfj also , Mr . Lindsfty Slopor ' e upwO «\ ntata . " TJ 1 E BIRTH-DAYl { ( first time of norformunco ) Principal VoonllntB t- Madame patherino Ifayos , Jraaamo Anna Hlfilioij . MIsh Dolby , and Mr . Tonnivnt . Band and Choir of ' 100 . pcrforniorn . Tickets , # » , oa ., Cji ., 7 s . Od . i Sofa StallH , 10 s . tld . caoh . —At all the Prtn «» pn » MhbJoi Holloas , aiuVSt , JivmoB ' sJInil Ticket Ollloo , S « , Piccadilly , w .
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¦ < MAN AND HIS HABITS . Tine day , at Three and half-prist Ei « ht , l > w . Kahh -will deliver Lectures at his unrivnllud nntl oriyinul Jlusi'imi , J , Tiehborne-streot , fatcintt the Hayrnnrfcot , SYtr . Anus . —Ideal of Self-love n \\ A HooJul- 'lh « . l' »} osophy and Physioldg-y of Mnrri « g : o—Il « i > l > y it ''" V i Vl . Tt Uniona-Whom aaicf when to tiurry— 'mw Uwi hociul Kvil , its real Curor-Philantlu-oplsts tiud thHr ^ 1 'lc m * ~ Js ow Views of Men and Things— UnnuvrM oi Vmi < 1 | mv iio Of Advanced Afro—Tho true Ulory of Middle Ago—31 * . vkt moirs—Much l » i Little . ¦ . . 4 Vnm Tho Museum is open dully ( for qpntlumen only ) wom Twelve till Five nn < l from Seven « llTi ' on . Kxi » luiwMo » w tho Models every hnlfrhour . Admbslou < > m » « I » JJ ' « Jf \ 1 J eluding Itnndbook : to which is npyt- ;» idod tll 0 ,, 1 t ; I V ^ AND QU 10 KtfANJ > S OF YOUTH , l ? y Johk •" .. M- t ^ o M . D ., Graduate iu Medicine , Surgery . niupiidwU v ' T ' . ^ Yvo Imperial University of Vlonha , &c . i fro « by pout , ior *\ fvl \ o stnmpB , direct from tho author , 17 , MurU-y-irtm'ti Cu \ onfllHh-squaro .
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FRENCH EXHIBITION , 120 , PALL MALL . The SIXTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION of PI (; TtJ « ESjtlio Contributions of Artists of 1 ho FRENCH and FLKWlbll SCHOOLS , will be OPEN TO TIIJO . 1 'UHLK 1 on Mondav , April 4 th . Admission , Is . ; Catalogues , ( id . euch . 1-romU till dusk .
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INSTITUTION OF FINE ARTS , rORTLAND GALLERY , 310 , REGENT STREET , W . Opposite the Polytechnic . The TWELFTH AlfNUAL' EXHIBI' l l < ) X of the WORKS of LIVING PAINTERS is NOW Ol'IS-V , from !> till dusk . Admission , One Shilling '; Catalogues , Sixpence . UKLL , SJM 1 TH , Secretary-
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IVIR . JOHN BENNETT'S LECTURE ON WOMEN AND WATCHWORK . April 1 st , Ncwbury ; 4 th , Hanipstead ; 7 ih , Crosby ¦ Hall ; 11 th Bethnal Green . The Ijecture will be illustrated by a grout variety of Models and Diagrams , and Specimens of Clocks aud Watches . Syllabuses can be had at the "Wsrteh Manufactory , 05 , Cheapsidc . : ¦ ¦"
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A FANCY FAIR . A FANCY FAIR , in support of the DISPENSARY TOR CONSUMPTION AND DISEASES OF THE CHEST 2 < 3 , Marg-arct-street , Keg-ent-street , will be held at the ' HANOVER SQUARE ROOMS , ON TUESDAY aud WEDNESDAY , June 2 Stii and 2 «) Tir , under the following : distinguished patronage : — The Duchess of Beaufort . Viscountess Dillom . Tlie Duchess of Sutherland . Lady JJrokc .. The Marchioness of Staflbrd . Lady ( Jonstauce Grpsvcnon The Countess of Clarendon . Lady I . yndhurst . The Countess of Derby . Lady Louisa Pnkcnham : The Countess of Granville . ' Lady Ibbetson . The Countess of Longford . Hon . Miss Copley . The Committee of Manag-ement , in amiomicin ^ a Fancy Pair in aid of the Charity , earnestly solicit assistance to enable them to bring tho undertaking- to a successful issue . In their anxiety to meet the . demands made upon them , tliey have incurred liabilities to the extent of £ -100 , but they trust that the result Of this appeal will eiiablothem to liquidate the debt , and greatly extend tho ' usefulness of the Charity : Ladies who would kindly hold Stalls , or join the Ladies ' Committee , are invited to communicate with the Secretary , ait the Dispensary , by whom articles for sale will be thankfully received .
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ADELAIDE ROOMS , LOWTHER ARCADE . MISS MARGAKET COOPER will give , at the above Rooms , oh Monday , 4 tli April , ior one night only , her new successful Drawing-ltpom Entertainment , entitled SKITs AND SKETCHES-t-PAST AND PUKSENT , in which she will be assisted by Mr . J . B . Dale , the favourite Comedian . Pianiste , Miss Poncioni . Tickets may be obtained at any of the principal Libraripv
^ A J. Pj08t£N*Hjt» 'Lp' V "?¦
^ Qstetngt . ' . ¦ ¦ ¦ A ' . ¦ .
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' V leader Office , Friday Eveningy April 1 st .
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' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . — : " ¦ : ~ THE MINISTERIAL CRISIS . The Chancellor of the Exchequer had a consultation ¦ which extended over two hours this ( Friday ) niorn-Ing with the Earl of Derby , at his residence in St . James ' s-square . At twelve o ' clock they proceeded together to Downingrstreet , where a Cabinet Council was held at the official residence of the ' Chancellor of the Exchequer . The Cabinet rose at half-past two o ' clock . The Earl of Derby immediately after proceeded to the Palace , where he had an audience of the Queen .
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HOUSE 01 ? LORDS . —FRIDAY . SALE OF GAS . Lord REDESDALElaid on the table a bill to regulate the sale of gas . The bill was read a first time . EDUCATION IN INDIA . tord Stanley of Aldekley asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs , whether any instructions had been sent to the Earl of Elgin to negotiate with the Chinese Government respecting the admission of British salt into that empire , and also whether any communication had been received by liimon the subject ? The noble lord also inquired whether any instructions had been given to the Hon . 3 ? . Bruce , her Majesty ' s ambassador atl ' ekin , direcjtr ing him to press this matter on the attention of the Chinese Government . The Earl of Maemesbetry said no instructions had been given to the Earl of Elgin ; but the Hon . Mr . Bruce , previous to his departure to Pekin , had had his attention drawn to the subject , in order that he might press the matter on the attention of the Chinese Government . . THE MINISTERIAL CRISIS . The Earl of Derby , in moving the adjournment of the House , said he trusted that his silence would not be misconstrued , with refei'ence to the vote of last evening , and that their lordships would not suppose him , wanting a due sense of the importance of their present position . On the contrary , he considered he should best consider the convenience of the public , and heat show his conviction of the importance of the present state of affairs by postponing for the present any reference to the course the Government had deemed it their duty to pursue . He had , in con- , sequence of the vote of last night , thought it advisable to hold a consultation with his colleagues that morning , and he had since had an interview with her Majesty . He had not the sanction of her Majesty to make any communication to their lordships with reference to the course the Government intended to . adopt . Ho thought , however , as the House of Commons stood adjourned until Monday next , that he should be acting in a manner most conducive to the public advantage , by postponing , until that evening , any explanation with regard to the course the Government intended to pursue . On that evening , Jiowcver , he should bo m a position to give their lordships a full explanation of the advice which Ite find his colleagues had tendered to hoi" Majesty , and the course they intended to follow . Their lordships then adjourned .
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FRANCE . Wo have no further intelligence in the Paris papers of this ( Friday ) morning , with regard to the Congress . The meagre information afforded by Lord Malmosbui'y ' s speech continues to bo the latest , and the fullest' that is known . It is observed that since the Monitcur did not think it necessary , whoa it announced the consecutive adhesion of the diflbyent groat Powers to the idea of congress , to make any allusion to conditions , although , it is now known that somo of { hem did make reserves , it may Ibe that dlflbroricos may yet exist of such importance as to render the mooting of the Congress doubtful after . all . A Paris correspondent of the Jmtepondanoo of Brussels wrltos : — " The Congress will , without a doubt , meet at Baden-Baden . Count Walow ; 6 ki has announced the tact to several members of the diplomatic corps , adding that ho Is to represent Franco on . the occasion . " ,
The Patrie , on the authority of an Amsterdam journal , speaks , of a sanguinary collision between the Papal troops and the populace at Forli . Several lives were lost , it is said , and a great many people wounded . . Count Cavour left Paris on Wednesday evening . He has gone to Turin , and not to London .
Crystal Palace.
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Aj-DEitMAit Andrews . —Richard Androws died at Southampton , yesterday , nftor a lingering ami painful illness . He was originally a journeyman blacksmith in a Hampshire village , and bgeiuiw uie largest coaohnmlcer in the south of England , wo workod for the Quoen and a largo number ot mio nobility , and sont carriages to all parts oi ino world . Ho was three times successively nmyor or Southampton , ana was distinguished for m « nmniilcont hospitality . No distinguished man or member of tho aristocracy , whether Wg or Tory , ovoi « ame to Southampton without visiting tho Hud en eoaohmaltor , He was uneducated , but gMod : vi tu xomarkablo shrowdnoss , IXo employed const antiy upwards of 100 workmen , to whom he was a Kinu and consldoratq waster , and by whom ho la mu . cn regretted .
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432 T HE LEADIE , fflo- * 7 h M ^ 2 , 1859 .
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ORATIONS BY Mr . T .. MASON JONES . WILLIS'S ROOMS , This day , Saturday , April 2 nd , at half-past tliive o ' clock ,. "Milton , the Patriot , Statesman , Prose Writer , ftucl , j > O 0 t ;'? ¦ Monday evening- next , Apr il 4 th , at half-past eight , "Grattan , and the Wits and Orators oi" the Irish rania-Stalls ( numbered ); 5 s . ; Reserved Sc « ts , -is . ; Hack Scats , Is . May be obtained at Mr ; Mitchell ' s , ltoyul Library , 3 i > , Old Bond-street .
Leader (1850-1860), April 2, 1859, page 432, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2288/page/16/