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CEAMER , BEALE , AND CO . have the best of every description for Sale or Hire . Cramer , Beale , an < Co . are the Proprietors of the NEW MODEL OBLIQUE GBAND PIANOFORTE . 201 , Regent-street , arid 67 , Conduit-street .
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HARMONIUMS . CRAMER , BEALE , AND CO ., are the chief agents for Alexandre and Son ' s NEW MODEL , HABMQNxUM . Every variety . —201 , Regent-street .
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CRAMER , BEALE , AND CO . 'S PUBLICATIONS . S . THALBERGK L'Art du Chant applique" ou Pianoforte—a Selection of Melodious Subjects from Ancient and Modern Composers , transcribed for the Pianoforte , with a Preface by Thalberg—3 S " os . 1 to 12 —> A te o cara , " &c . .. .. ... .. •• •• each 3 s . Od . S . HELLER . Reveries d'Artiste , Nos . 1 to 6 , performed by Mr . Charles Halle " , at his Matinees .. .. each 2 s . 6 d . E . SILAS . Amaranth , performed by Madlle . Clauss .. .. 3 s . 6 d . Nocturne in E flat , performed by Miss Arabella Goddard .. .. .. .. ... .. .. 3 s . Od . Andante Caritabile in A .. .. .. .. .. 3 s . Od . Persian Serenade ... .. ' . '¦ .. .. .. ' ... -3 s . Od . Gavotte , &c , performed by Miss Arabella Goddard 3 s . Od . LEON Le ' oNI . Polka de Berlin .. .. .. .. .. ... 2 s . 6 d . Pluie de Mai Valse .. .. 3 s . Od . Les Premieres Roses—Suite dc Valses .. .. .. 3 s . Od . Quadrille , Napolitain .. ... .. .. .. .. 4 s . Od . V . WALLACE . Saltarclle , performed by Madame Qury , also by ^ - ' Madlle . Graever .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 s . Od . Grande Fantasie de Concert , sur un Airs des"" Matelots V .. .. .. .. ¦ .. 5 s . Od . Polka d'Hiyer .. . .. .. .. 2 s . Gd . Cracoviennc .. .. .. .. .. , • . 4 s . Od . J . BLUMENTHAI . Sfarche des Slovaques , performed by Madame Pleyel 3 s . Od . Plaiute du Petit Savoyard . .. .. 3 s . Od . Le R&ve , Caprice .. .. 2 e . Od . Marchc Militaire .. .. .. .. ,. .. 2 s . Od . Lit l ' cns < 'C ¦ .. .. ... .-. .. ... ... 3 s . Od Lea Peux Angos .. .. .. .. .. ... 3 s . Od . Chameh , Beale , and Co ., 201 , Regent-street .
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CRAMER'S INTRODUCTORY PRACTICE , New Edition , Price 5 s . CRAMER'S EXERCISES FOB THE PIANO FORTE , ( New Edition ) , Published in Parts 0 s . each . These Studies remain the Standard Work in the Musical Academies of Europe . All tho eminent Pianifltes , including ; Mosdamcs Plcyel , Clauss , Goddnrd , MM . Thalborff , Halle , Bennott , Benedict , Slower , Osborne , Silas , and Blumcnthal , have oinploycd this work in their genoral , course of Study . Cramer , Beale , and Co ., 201 , Regent-street .
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RENE FAVARGEROperatic Fantasies : —H Barblero , Trovatoro , Ln Travinta , Martha , I Puritanl , Oboron , Sonnamlmla , L'Etoilo du Nord , and Lvisa MUUcr , 3 a . (! d . each . ' Cramer , Beai-k , and Co ., 201 , Regent-street .
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NEW SONGS . MURIEL , from tlio popular Novel , " John Halifax , Gentleman ; " Music and Poetry by G . Unloy ,. .. .. .. ... 28 . Od , LITTLE SOPHY , from Sir L . Bubver ' s Novel , "AVhat will ho do with it ? " Music aud 1 ' oytry by G . LJnlcy .. 8 s . Od , LET -ME-WHISPER IN THINE EAR . by TST . W . Balfo ; coinposod . for aiid sung' by Mr . Sims Vcovcm .. .. .. 2 s . Od , Lou'don : CnAsunt , Bpale , ami CQ ., 301 , Regent-st .
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100 , 000 jssssmp& ^ TIONl'UtY is tlio KHtt'f and QIIEAl'JflST to bo obtained . H . d . o . d . Oroam-hild note . . v » onorrin . Croam-lal < l iidho-TUlolc do . .. 4 0 „ , Hive onvclopuH .. U 0 prlOOO Uunlurod noto .. 10 ,, Lurt fo coimiiurclul Htntw paper .... Hi ) „ o . nvvl «) i > uH 4 0 „ 1 ( 1 no couinicrclul Lar ^ O Ainuricuu no ' to )} 0 „ , bull ' t'livt ' lopofi .. !) 0 i . mtUt , lottor hIjco . O 0 „ Foolrionp pup * 1 ! 1 .. 7 Opornn , Mormon pupei ' .... 4 0 ,, Coniniorolul pons . l UprfrrsB . A BAMl'LE PACKKTofSTATIONMltY ( HtxtydoHOilp-< Ioiih , pi'jicod iukI numbunKl ) noat l ' rtio , toiiutlier with a prieu list , oj » rccclj ) t of four Nluinpa . NO ClIAKGH niadu for Htainplnp ; arm » , oruslH , lultiult * , < Nco on oithor paper or envolonoH . X ! AltlHA < HO I'AIU on itN orUoru ovor « 0 h , — . « A 1 JM > JOU 8 IJKOTIIKHS , Munufaftiu'lutf StiitlonorB , 0 « mU 10 J , J ^ ondou-wall , Luiulon , E . O .
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GREY HAIR RESTORED TO ITS NATURAL COLOUR . NEUll ALGI A , Nervous I loiwluclio , Iti . oumatlHm iniil Htin' ilollltH CHI'iM l ' . V I ' ¦ AI . IIEKHINCJ'S ilXu ' lflNT wKc ? N KtKIlliutflU / ri . I "" . •""' . " »«•« WOMBS , tfH . Od lo ttiw . Oi-oy lmlr ¦ nnrt J » aI « lni' « H I'Iihyhnvhu by F » r II ' h VnUmt JTuvi-ntlvo Hi-jihIi . I ' pIws -In , and ftH . bVllcoH , iW , lldNliiM'lirtH-Htrjml ., Lonilon , wlnu'it i ) iiiy bi- bad , firntlH II i IFltiMt-ratixl pnmnli <« t , "Why Hair l ^ ooinoH Grey , mid \\ h ji . niiudy . " Wold by all ChumrHta tvuel 1 'vrfumors of upiiU 1 .
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swsnsz BRECKNEJIiL'S SKIN SOAP , Tlio best for producing a clonr and hoalthy Hkln ; In Is . packutH of four tablots or el / j-lit qqimruH . Urockiu'll « ( Jlycorlho Soap , for uho whojvtlm Hkln In i-ontrli or « h » J } V , "' , , « , } l paokotH of four tablotn , 1 h . Od . —JiKKOKNKM ,, TUlUVJflK , mid WON . S , mimufaoturorH af Wax , Hiiornmcctl , bluinino Composite , and Tallow Candluu to lu ; r AInJwHty t «« ' «;"'» to I ' rlou ' H PatuntCnndlo Cuni | iiiiiy , donKth In all o ( . Ik-i- 1 alcint CundloH , all kliidH of houHuhold and toilet ijoiipn , mi In Colzn / 8 ponn , V « wotablo , imdodior l , umi ) HIm ,: & « . —I «< - «< Iv v 31 , jrnyiniirkot , London .- ^ . li . JK . iu ; 'l '« Wot . « nd dfiiiMi ' o 1 m starnpoil with I ho nanio of "Hrooknoll . " ^
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HOLLOW AY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT " . Anxiety is the greatest obstacle to human happiness . The prudent prtdo themselves on adopting ; nionsurca for avoiding it : thoy assure their houses and nliipn , and tlio still more thouffhtfiil iusuro their lives . Yet what is life without lioalth ? Cun pal « and enjoyment dwell harmoniously to-Ketlior ? 'JFho wisest man Bocures hi » own well-being , and in Holloway ' H remedies finds a perfect and indisputable policy ot assurance against most of . the disenHos by whlcft , liumanlty is assailed . TJicbo preparations ward off ino , » y an attack that , without them , would leave dottola-tiou In its track s and cause the hoar ' t-rcnt mourners linavalllngly to rogrgt that those two pollcloB—IloUoway'fl Tills and <^ fntmont—were not numbered among their houHChold treasures
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P erfect freedom from Coughs is secured by DR . LGCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS ,. They give instant relief and a rapid cure of uathma , consumption , coughs , and all disorders of tho breath aud , 1 U To srNGERS AND PURLIC SPEATCEUS they arc invaluable for clearing and strcngtlK-ning tho voico . They have a most pleasant taste . ITico Is . l £ < t ., ^ b . Vd ., nnd lla . mm hnv Knlrl liv nil ( "llfmilstfl .
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BR . DB JONGH'S ( KnigMof the Order qfZ , eoj > otd of Belgium ) LIGHT-BROWN ' . Q . Op LIVES Oil , Administered with the greatest success in cases of CONSUMPTION , QEHERAL 0 EB 1 LITY , RHEUMATISM , INFANTILE WASTING , AN (» ALL THE OlSORBEBS OF CHILDREN ARISINQ FROM DEFECTIVE NUTRITIOH , Is the most efficacious , the most palatable , and * fx-om its rapid curative efiectsy unquestionably the mos-t economical of all kinds . Its immeasurable therapeutic superiority bvec every other variety is now universally acknowledged by the faculty . " . _' . opinion op W . MURDOCH , Esq ., M . D .. M . E . C . S ^ Medical Officer of Health , St . Mart / , Jiother \ ithe , &c , &c . " I entertiiiii a ' high opinioa ' bf Dr . dc Jough's valuable Oil , the results in my practice being much more satisfactory since I have ( idmi , riistered it , than they were when I used the preparations of Pale Oil usually sold by the druggists . I never could . get two samples of them alike ; whereas £ > r . de Jough ' s Oil is always the same in taste , colour , and other Sropernes . Mx own opinion is , that it is the best > ii < sold . " Spld oni / V in JaiPERiAfc . Half-pints , 2 s . Od . ; riuts , 4 s . Od . y Quarts , us ' ., capsuled arid labelled with JJr . de Jonoh ' 8 signature , vithodt which none is oenuine ^ in the . Counthy by respectable Chomists , . IN LONDON BY HIS ' -SOXE AGENTS , A ' WSAR , IIARFOKD , & CO ., 77 , STKAXD . W . C . CAUTION —nurunive recommendations qf other hinds of Cod Liver Oil shouM be strenuous /// resisted , ns they solely proceed from interested motives , aiid will infallibly result in disanaointitmnt . ' ¦
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UNSOPHISTICATED GENEVA . Of the true Juniper flavour , and precisely as it runs from the still , without the addition of sugar , or any ingredient whatever . Imperial gallon , 13 s . ; or in one dozen . easesr 20 s ., bbttfes and case included , l'fice currents ( free . ) by post . HElSfRY BKETT , and CO ., Old 'Furnival 's Distillery Holborn . '¦¦'¦ '¦ .. '¦ .
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OPORTO . AN OL . D BOTTLED PORT of higli character , 48 s . per dozen , Cash . This genuine Wine will be . much approved . HEHRY BRETT and CO ., Importers , OldFurnival'B . Distillery , Holborn , E . C
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TjTAMiLIES REMO \ TOG vr ' Al find the BEDJD FORD PANTECHNICON , 194 , Tottenham-court-road , the most extensive , best ventilated , and by far the cheapestestablishment for warehousing furniture , luggage , and every description of valuable property . Separate ¦ rooms where depositors can - attach their own'locks . Piano room , kept . at proper temperature . Estimates free within 10 miles : Prospectuses on the premises . K . B . Removals in town or country by time or contract . Furniture packed for railway or shipment .
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CARDS FOR THE MILLION . A Copper Plate Engraved in any style , Is . 50 Best Cards ( any kind ) Printed for Is ., post free . ARTHUR GRANGER , Stationer , 308 , High Holborn .
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HANWELL COLLEGE ; MIDDLESEX , ¦ Is still retaining , its high character . — United Service Gazette . ' ¦ . ¦¦'' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ '•" ¦ ' .. . ¦ ¦ A Prospectus will be forwarded on application to the Rev Dr . EMERTON , the Principal .
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The China Teade . —According to the latest China news , the export of tea from China to Great Britain is on a par with last year at the same period , butavery large deficiency will appear in the course of a month or two , when the very small supplies of the present season come to be placed against the large spring export of 1857-58 . At this time last year no less than 320 chops of tea were stored in Canton , and there are now only nine . At 1 ' oochow the comparative export shows deficiency of 4 , G 00 i 0 G 0 lbs ., while at Shanghai there is a deficiency of 8 , 000 j 000 lbs . The balance is therefore made up by the Canton teas , nearly all of which have been already ex ported , whereas shipments had not commenced in February , 1858 . To the United States there is an increase of 500 , 000 lbs . Silk export to Europe is about 5 , 000 bales , in excess of last season , viz ., 58 , 662 bales against 53 , 744 bales .
The Nicar , \ . guan Scheme . — " Although by the recent news from Europe , certain extraordinary details are given relative to M . Belly ' s extravagant pretensions , and stock jobbing schemes about the Nicaragua ship canal , the whoie magnificent fabric must shortl )* fall to the ground . We have seen a letter from Mr . Baring , the great English financier , to a distinguished gentleman in this country , in which M . Belly ' s canal project is spoken of as visionary . Mr . Baring says that none of the English capitalists will touch such an impracticable thing . Our Government is assured that the Emperor Napoleon does not interest himself especially for M . Belly , or any one else , in the ship canal matter . Louis Napoleon desires simply to favour a great work , if practicable , which would be invaluable to the commerce of the world . Any wish to promote any particular Prench interest is disavowed . "—New York Herald . in
FitEE Ti ^ aue Belgium .- —The Belgian Customs Reform Association have had a meeting at Ghent , where the introduction , of a more , extensive system of free-trade was powerfully supported by several members , who were fully alive to tho importance of the subject . This is a question which has never before found niuoh favour at Ghent ; arid while those who are connected with the woollen trade at Vorviers , and with tho iron trade at Liege , have ever been conspicious for their support of freetrado principles , those engaged in the cotton trade at Ghent—unlike their brethren in
Lancashirehave on all occasions been alike distinguished for their maintenance of the ¦ protectionist doctrines . Tho groater merit , therefore , is due . to M . Corr Van dor Maoron , the president of what should properly do called the Free-Trade Society , and not that fyr Customs Reform , for tho manner in which ho has laboured to make this quostion more thoroughly understood there—a task in which ho lias been ably seconded by M , Masson , of Verviors , nnrt by other mombors of tho association j and although thoi'o may have boon less enthusiasm in tho Gauscdisplayod at Ghent than those gentlemen havo boon accustomed to seo in other places where tho question was move congenial , they havo good ronson to bo well satisfied with tho progress thoy havo made , "which affords groat encouragement for porsovoranco .
Punuo IIiui / rn .- ^ Tlio report of tho RogistraruoiK ' jml shows a satisfactory state of tho health of the metropolis , The deaths last week wore , 1 , 141 , a number loss by 34 than tho previous wook , and 210 09 s tlinn tlio culculatod avorago . Tho number of blnhs was 1 , 042 .
The Ieon Tblade . —The preliminary meeting of the members of the iron trade will be held duririg the week ; but its near approach excites little interest , as it is generally understood to be the intention of the iron-masters not to interfere with existing rates . First-class iron is in good request ; and although the mills and forges of those producing am inferior article have not been kept fully in gear , yet up to the present time there has hot been much room to complain . There is a fair demand for merchant iron , and evidently more inquiry for railway iron . The pig-iron market is hardly so buoyant as it was , purchasers waiting to see the result of the deliberations of the trade at the forthcoming meeting .
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A general meeting of the Canada Company took ulace on Thursday . The report stated that commercial difficulties prevailing in Canada throughout 1858 led to a great reduction in the sales of land , m the collections of money , and , in fact , under every head of the company ' s business . Since the commencement of the present year , however , there has been a large increase in the company ' s money collections , owing to the more favourable position of trade The assets show a surplus beyond the amount of capital of £ 807 , 297 , after providing for all liabilities . After some discussion , the report was adbpted . . . „ ¦ '„ ., ' U : _ , ¦» , _ ii " o ;_ ^ - « . of the Mail Steam
The annual meeting Royal Packet Company is called for the 27 th inst ., and that of the Oriental Bank Corporation for the 28 th . At an adjourned ineetingof the London Assurance Corporation , a dividend of 35 s . per share , free of income-tax , was declared for the half-year ending Lady-day , 1859 . At the 49 th annual meeting of the North British Insurance Company , held at Edinburgh , the directors' report stated that the profit , amounting to 136 , 6297 ., realised since last septennial investigation , allowed the directors , after setting aside one-tenth as the proprietors' guarantee fund , to declare a bonus addition of 17 . 5 s . per cent , per annum on every policy opened with the company on the participating scale prior to 31 st December , 1858 . The directors recommended the usual dividend of 8 per cent ., leaving 53 , 145 Z . 6 s . 10 d . to be carried to the rest for the next year . .
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• NTn . 471 . April 2 , 1859 . 1 THE P ADEB , 445
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Leader (1850-1860), April 2, 1859, page 445, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2288/page/29/