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M&PPEN'S : DRESSlKGt C&SES AND TEAiTELLlNG BA . QS . MAPPEST BROTHERS , Manufacturers by Special Appointment to the . Queen , are the only Sheffield Makers who supply the consumer in London- Their London Show Booms , 67 ^ and 68 , KING WILLIAM STREET , LondonL Bridge , contain by far the largest stock of DRESSING CASES , and . Ladies' and Gentlemen ' s TRAVELLING- BAGS in the World , each article being manufactured under their own superintendence . ¦ . MAPPIN'S Guinea DRESSING CASE , for Gentlemen . MAPPIN'S Two Guinea DRESSING CASE , in solid Leather , ' Ladies TRAVELLING and DRESSING BAGS , from 21 . l 2 s . to 1001 ; each . Gentlemen ' s do . do ., from 31 . 12 s . to 801 . Messrs . MAPPIN invite Inspection of their extensive Stock , which is complete with every variety of style arid Price A costly Book of Engraving's , with Prices attached , forwarded by post on receipt of 12 stamps . , MAPPIN BROTHERS , < 57 and 6 S , KING WILLIAM STREET , CITY , LONDON . Manufactory—Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield .
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MAPPIN'S " SHILLING" RAZORS . Warranted' Good by the makers . Shave well for Twelve months without Grinding . MAPPINGS 2 s . RAZORS shave well for Three Years . SlAPPIN'S 3 s . RAZORS ( suitable for Hard or Soft Beards ) shave well for Ten Years . ' ¦ ' , o . „ BTAPP . IN BROTHERS * Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield ? and 07 , King William-street , City , London ; where the largest Stock of Cutlery in the World is kept .
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VISIT THE CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT OF LAWRENCE HYABI , ; MERCHANT CtOlHIER AND MANUFACTURER , CITY—30 , Gracechureh-street , , T LONDON . WEST—189 and 190 , Tottenham-court-road , ) ¦ ¦ In the READY-MADE DEPARTMENT , such an , inir merise assortment of MEN'S , BOYS ' , and YOUTHS ' CLOTHING , consisting ; of garments of the most novel , durable , and elegant designs , can rarely be seen . The Public yrtll effect a great saving , the prices being- based on the most economical principles , consistent with sterling quality—the only test of cheapness . ¦ BOYS' AND JUVENILE DEPARTMENT ^—Nothing can exceed the variety and novelty of design in this department . For the approaching spring and summer season ^ such an immense assortment is now Deing manufactured , as to exceed all L . HYAM'S former efforts , both in variety and in style . The prices , as usual , are framed upon the most economical scale , and the choice of style and pattern is so extensive , that they have only to be seen to ensure universal approval . . The ORDERED DEPARTMENT contains a magnificent assortment of every novelty for the season . The Artistes , who are celebrated for refined taste and style , are guarantees for a good fit . Economy is the leading feature . CLERICAL and PROFESSIONAL MEN are specially invited , the Black and mixture cloths being of a FAST DYE . An ordered Suit of Blaok for SI . 3 s . Also the celebrated SEVENTEEN SHILLING TROUSERS in great variety . L . HYAM marks every Garment in PLAIN FIGURES , from which np deviation is made . ; and no garment need be kept , when seen at home , if not satisfactory , but can be exchanged within any reasonable time , if returned in good condition . .
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PUBLIC OPINION AND PATRONAGE ijaveproved that the supply of the 45 s .. Black Cloth Frock and Press Coats arc the best in London . Observe the address- ^ J . SMITH , 38 , LOMBARD-STREET '
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THE SCOTCH CHEVIOT TWEED AND ANGOLA SUITS , At 47 s ., fiOe ., 55 s ., 60 s ., and 63 s ., made to order from materials all "Wool , and thoroughly shrunk , by B . BENJAMIN , Merchant and Family Tailor , 7 * , Regent-street , W ., are better vAiaJB than can be procured at any other nouso in the Kingdom . The Ttvo Guinea Dross and Frock Coats , the GuineaTDrosp Trousers , and the Half-Guinea Waistcoats . N . B . —A Perfect Fit guaranteed .
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THE SURPLICE SHIRT . ( Acknowledged as the most comfortable and durable Shirt ever yet produced ) , made to measure , Os . Od ., 7 s . OcL , 8 s . Od . ana 10 sT Od . Cards for solf-measuremQHt . JOHN SAMPSON , Hosier , 123 , Oxford-Street , W .
Untitled Ad
PRENOH SPIRAL ELASTIC STOCKINGS , Knee-oaps ,. Socks , Bet / ts , &o ., as manufactured by SPARKS and SOJT , are allowed by the loading members ol the uurgioarprofoBBlqn to be the only articles ever invented for fflvJng equal and perfect support in all oasoe to which thoy are applied * ana aro especially recommended to all poraons suffering irora varicose or enlarged votes , for rhoumn . tj | o ' and dropsical uffectiona \ and algo for relieving weakness of the limbs , &c—Printed directions for measurements with full ' particulars and prlooa , sontpoat froo . —Addroae , SPARKS and SON , Truss and Pultons Surgioal Bandage Mftkors , 28 , Conduit-street , Rogont-streol , London .
Untitled Ad
AN ACT OF GRATITUDE . f ) A f \(\ C \ Copies of a MJjDDIQAL BOOK for < 4 \ Ji \ j \ J \ J cTftlultoua . oJroulatlon . A Nervous Sjjjpphweu having Boon offootuaUy cured of Nervous PobUlty , Loss of Memory , Dimness of Sight , Lassitude , vnd Indlportion , reBultJnff fro ^ tho flarly pyror ^ f ^ utlu bv follow - Ing ! tho , instructions ffivoh In . a MEDICAL YvOJtK , ho cpn ^ d waU his duty , in gratitude to tUp author , mafax the Vo ^ MtV ptUord ; to . publish tbo meawj ueod . Ho will . tlierSfdre . Honft . ft'qo , secure from observation , on reoolpbof a directed onyQlofco , ami two stawpB % o prepay po » W A cony v of the booKcontalntnK every information required . Aqtmws , James Wawcaob , iDbq ,, wilford . House , WurtoncroBoont . TavlstQok- « auaro . London . W . O .
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ELECTRICAL INFLUENCE IN HEALTH AND DISEASE . Just published , price Is ., freq by post for fourteen Stamps , SECOND LIFE-: or ELECTRICAL MRVQUS FORCE 5 a MEDICAL W . ORK intondod for the spoolnl perusal of all who are suffering ; iVom the various forms of NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY , and the distressing ulterior consequences to which they lead i with practical observations on the groat curative power of Jfll ^ ISOTRO-GALVANISM in the T . r < jatmont of those Disorders , by Infusing tone and vigour In constitutions rulaxed or debilitated from various enervating causes . Illustrated with , oases compiled from the Note-book of n Registered Medical Practitioner of twenty years' standing . Unlike many vaunted restoratives . IQlootrlolty Is ono which commends itself to the medioal mua an bolnfr accordant with the soundest teachings of physiology . By the most obvious Indication it admits of bolne shown thufc tho lDlootrloul and Nervous onorglos aro identical \ houoo , that when the latter fails , the former can take its place , and thftt when , front irregularities of any kind , tho nervous system has booo ^ no aobilltatoc ] , pnralysod , or oxbaustori , and the patient brought to a condition Uttlo short of total prostration , thon , by the action of Eleotrlolty imparting : cortainty and ofllcaoy to modioivl treatment , ho can be ro lnrlfforated , and hia health ro-OBtabllshoa to a degree almost warranting tho donlgnatlon of SECOND LIFJfl . Mann , 8 f > , Oomhill , opd -All BooksoUore .
Untitled Ad
TO INVALIDS , MERCHANTS , & QTHEBS . rnT-TTO patMT ALBERT rOKTABLb tfoouanloal Ohalro onrt Bods oi ^« v" » T , Hih l' !^ i , uhvnyB bulators , &o . ( tho largost asaortmont j » « iq ^ Tliylor , on hand for flftle or hlVo . Aft ' " ^< 7 , ^"" „ ¦ „ , ! Huninnu'tf } and Oo ., Bombay , Batavla , ^ nKap ° ro , <>»« ,, « " loo « ud
Untitled Ad
TRIESEMAR . mHE Patentee has conftded the Preparation of JL these Medicines to a Thysiclan of the Iioy . il V '" ^ ' ^ of Erlane-cn , and Member of tho Jioyiil Collide ^^ urcoons of England ( who is rerfsterpd umlor the mw Mwlii ul Act ) , and attends daily at No . JO , jtorrtcra-stm-t , <>^ ° « I - » f l S ? 1 l London , botween tho hours of IX nnd 'A .. '"^ ! iroin 6 till 8 ( Sundays excepted ) , in order to adylw ; •'« ' , "" ° , iv I , diseases and -f reatment , and thus u . ld to , ilir » i ) t . uly ccitninty of cwro . —Protected by nayri ^ } v n Vntimt of England , and peoured by tho suiils oi tlio l-. colo « o X'harmaeio do Paris , n » d tho Xmi )« r al Von ^ o fM ^ cine , Vienna . — Tricsomur , No . JL , 1 h a reiiudy Joi it laxation , sporraatorrliaitt , and fxhau » tlon oi * , !! " o of torn . Vriesoinnr , No . 2 , oflfcetunlly . in thv Hlior't » P « w « three days , completely and entirely eradiea i' « i , «»« » J of those aiBordors which so oftpn ruin thu lit-nl « ° '; ! J 5 j portion of the population . Trl ( j » ojnnr , ^ o . A In 'l \« I"l . Continental romgcly for that cIiihhI of < Vttor . n , n ' ourv to fortunately the Engliflh physician trontB > vl h in "W ^ the iuovitablo destruction of the patient * h cons It itlo , aw . which all the sarflapftrllla in tlio wor'il on ni t umw o Trioaomnr . Nob . 1 , 2 , and 3 , aro tlovold oi tiiHt « oi s » u h and of ali nauseating qunUUoH . They in IK- ' » ' yg toilet table without tjiolr uHubo ( ny »«» F ' ¦^ 'B caboa , dlvidod-into soparato dost-H , lirlee 11 h ., . boju u from No , 10 , Bornors - strdot , Oxlord - Btrnul . i * ° ^ ¦ froo by poet Is . 8 d . extra to « ny part ol tho imm Kingdom : or four cusos In ono < or •««•• . ^ l ' . ™"' , i 2 s .. oxtift ) , wJileh miveslla . ! and In 0 / . ™«\ ' "> »> l \ l . f , '„ B » d upon receipt of Post Offloo Orclor , pnynW . . * ° ^ S '" V reaatatemontof tho case , tho Brodlofnos will bo »»} f-P , ' t Sum of post . Sold by I > . Clinroli . W . ; , , Ox-Uartlptt iloonor , 43 , King WUllum-st » """ WVaoiwatePi ford-Ht ., London ; K . H . fiigham , Markot-ut ., wuueuto I ^ woll , 15 , "WoBtmoroland-st ,, Dublin . ____— —
Untitled Ad
ABERNETHY'S PILL FOR TJIE NERVES AND MUSCLES . INVALIDS who suifer frojn Lo ^ vness of Spirits , Want of Sleep , Loss of Appetite , and . Bilious Attacks , will hail this medicine as a great blessing . It acts by purifying the blood , and by restoring the stomach , liver , and bowels to thoir healthy stato , ana thus eradicates mojnnoholy , weaknosB of limbs , « Sie . Tho smallest sisscd box will , bo quite sufficient to convince any invalid of the extraordinary virtues of these pills . Price Is , l&d ., 2 s . 0 d ., nnd 4 s . 0 d . a box . Agonts—Barclay , 95 , Farringdon-stroot , nnd Hannay , 03 , Oxford-street . Any medicine vendor will procure them
Untitled Ad
ECLECTIC MEDICAL INSTITUTE , And PRIVATE BATH ESTABLISHMENT , 105 , Great Russell-street , Blobmsbury , W . O ^ Simple and _ Medicated VAPOUR , GALVANIC , and ELECTRO-CHEMICAL BATHS , on improved principles . For the extraction of Lead , Mercury , and other Minerals from the body , and for tho cure of Nervous , Diabetic , Paralytic , Cutaneous , Hepatic , Spinal , Rheumatic Gout , and other diseases . Medical Superintendent—JOHN SKELTON , Esq ., M . D ., M-R-C . S ., Eng . For terms , &c , see circular , sent free upon , receipt of address . -
Untitled Ad
a REE NHALL MAKER OF THE SIXTEEN SHILLING TROWSERS , 323 , OXFORD STREET , LONDON , W . ( Two doors west of the Circus ) . Overcoats • • • • & % 2 ® Frock Coats ..... ¦••• 2 10 0 Dress Coats ••• ^ 10 0 MOrningCoats , - ? ~ " Waistcoats .. ¦• ? ? „ Black Dress Trousers •¦ " No . 3 ^ 5 , OXFORD STREET , W .
Untitled Ad
TEETH . Bj ) Her Majesty ' s lioyul Letters Patent . 33 , LUDGATE HILL , and 110 , ItEGKXT STREET . Are the Dental Establishments of Messrs . GAKKIEI ^ old-established Dentists—patenti-i . ^ of the nU'KUM-D shaded MINERAL TEETII and FLKXIULIO ( JUMS X ttcd on their newly-adapted principle of solf-atilicsioii , without springs , wires , or any operation . They am composed of best materials With first-class workmanship , ana-are supplied at charges lower than any-advertised . J ' -stjilihsnea 180-1 . Particularly observe tho numbers . Ami at in , uukcstreet , Liverpool . ^
Untitled Ad
Q P R IN . G O V E R C Q A T S .-HYAM O and . CO ., 86 , OXFORD-STEET , have introduced new and improved designs in Gentlemen's and Youths spring- Over Coats , which for elegance , seasonable adaptation , and general utility , will be universally admired . Price 16 s . 6 d ., 21 s ., 25 s . ; and 30 s . . ' ' . ' QPRLNa Uin ) KESS JACKETS—HYAM O and CO- have introduced an entirely new assortment of "Secondary Coats " for the general wear , pii the design and make of which the utmost taste and care have been bestowed . . Price 18 s ., Gd ., 21 s ., 25 s ., and 30 s . SPHESTG DRESS & Surtout COATS . —HYAM and CO . ' s styles in Dress and Surtout Coats arc graceful , perfect in " , and superior in make , material , and finisli . Price 25 s ., 35 s ., 42 sl ,. 4 Ss . and 55 s . SPR ING TROUSERS and VESTS . —IIYAM and CO . have introduced a diversity of new and seasonable patterns for their Vests and true-fitting Trousers . Price ( made to measure ) , Trousers , 17 s . Gd . ; Vests , Ss . Gd . QPRING CONJOINT GARMENTS . —HYAM O and CO . ' s . Guinea Coat and Vest ; true - fitting Trousers and Vests , one pound ; and Whole Suits , at 3 tfs ., for secondary and undress purposes , are got up in the neatest and best possible style . . SPRING & Order DEPARTMENT of HYAM and CO . —This Branch is supplied with materials of every possible description for Capes , Coats , Trousers , Waistcoats , &c . Suits complete , for half-dress , undress , and professional purposes , from 50 s . to 105 s . ; . Pages' Suits , from 26 s ; ; Footmen ' s Suits , from G 5 s . ; Coachmen's Suits , irpin 70 s . ' . ' .-. ' ¦ . ;
Untitled Ad
SPRING ATTIRE for the YOUNG . —HYAM and CO : have introduced a variety .. of . New Designs for Children , Boys , and : Youths , in which adaptation to age and ¦ growth is conspicuous .. The Half Guinea Play Suit and the 15 s . ' Gel . School Suit , as well as the superior halfdress , and full-dress Suits , Trousers , Vests , &c , are much recommended . ¦ ¦ CAUTION—HYAM and CO . are connectecl only with the following- Establishments : — LONDON : 86 , Oxford 7 street , BIRMINGHAM : 21 , 22 , and 23 , New-street . LEEDS : 42 , Briggato .
Untitled Ad
AIXA . LADIES' JACKETS , of this novel design , m sunerfii ™ cloth , beautifully embroidered , at one guinea '; or involve ? at two and three guineas . , . ¦ -vvmct AIXA DRESSES , of glace" silk , of great richness and beauty , three and a half and . four and a half guineas . AIXA DRESSES , for mourning , of Paramatta cloth trimmed crape , fevyo and a half guineas . ' ' AIXA DRESSES , of shepherd check cashmere at 21 s very heat and pretty . AIXA DRESSES , of granite liuscys , 31 s . Gd ., verv warm . . ¦ * . The skirts are all lined ready for wear , and trimmed with the" Aixa" ornaments . . Illustrations nnd patterns with instructionsfor ' measurement , free by post . ' THOMAS FORD ( late Dorey ) , Mourning Warehouse 42 Oxford-street , London .
Untitled Ad
R U PTU R E . S . BY ROYAL LETTERS FATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to be the most effective invention in the curative treatment of Hernia . The use of a steul spring ( so hurtful iii its effects ) is here avoided , a soft Bandage being worn round the body , while the requisite resisting power is supplied by the Moc-Main Pad and _ Patent Lever , " fitting with so much ease and 'Closeness that it . Cannot bo detected , and niiiy be worn during sleep A descriptive circular may be had , and the Truss ( which cannot fail to fit ) . forwarded by post , on the circumference of the body , two inclies below the hip , being sent to the Manufacturer , JOHN WHITE , 2-, > y , Piccadilly ^ London . Price of a single truss , IGs ., 21 s ., 2 Gs . Gd ., and 31 s . Gd . — Postage Is . ¦ ' ¦ . Double Truss , 31 s . Gd ., 42 s ., and His . Cd . —Postage-Is . Sd . . Umbilical-Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . ( id . —I ' osthgc Is . lud . Post-oflice orders to be made payable to . JO 1 IX WHITE , Post-olfice , Piccadilly . ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KXEE-CArS , &c , for VARTCOSE VETNS , and all cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of the LEGS , SI'RAIXS , ftc . They are porous , light in texture , and iiiexpeusive , nnd are drawn oii like .. an : ordinary stocking : Price from 7 s . Od . to His . cai-h . —Postage Gd . JOHN WHITE , Manufacturer , 228 ,-Piccadilly , London .
Untitled Ad
OIL OF HORSE CHESTNUTS . This recently discovered remedy for GOUT , Jtheuhiafisni , Lumbago , Neuralgia , Toothache , * te ., applied externally , allays . the pain and quickly cures tho worst vase& I- 'resU ' proofs daily of its wonderfulT-flieacy . - In bottles ; 2 s , 0 d . and 4 s- Gd ., by post on rocOi . pt of stamps . Prepared only by REW and CO , operative clioniists . 282 , Regent - street . City agents , Ujutler and H . vni > LSG , 4 , Cheapside .
Untitled Article
: ^ 3 : ' - ' ¦ '¦ THJ I > EAl > EIt . ' - [ NQ . v 4 ylI ! ApRii 1 j 2 ,, 1 ^ 5 ak '
Leader (1850-1860), April 2, 1859, page 446, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2288/page/30/