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T ^ S ^ S dPtoLISTrFST ) OR SOLD BY C ^ AfcliES AND ipWIlf LATTOlf 150 ^ Fieet-i 8 treet ,, iiOn ( aoDi . . TOXJBNAL of the INSTITUTE of ACTUAO JEilES' and ASSURANCE MAGAZINE . Vols . I . toV . cloth boards . Us . 6 d . each . "Vote . ¦ VI . and VII ., 13 s . 6 d each . Vol . VIII ., Tart 3 , April 1 , 1859 . BUNYGN ( C . J . ) LAW of LIFE ASSFRANCE the A SSIGN 3 IENT of POLICIES , and EQUITABLE X . IENS . ( 1854 . ) 8 vo , cloth hoards , price 1 £ . Is . . / CHESHIRE ( EDWD . ) , The RESULTS of the * J CENSUS of GREAT BKITAIN in 1851 * with a Description of the Machinery and Processes employed to obtain the Keturns . 20 th Thousand . Is . nn IS H O L M ( DAVID ) , COMMUTATION yj TABLES for Joint Annuities and Survivorship Assurances , for every Combination of Two Lives , according to Carlisle ^ Mortality , at 8 , 3 & 4 , 5 , and 0 per Cent . Interest ; with Tables of Annuities and Assurances on Single Lives , « nd other useful Tables . Two vols . sup . royal 8 vo . 41 . 4 s . TlAVIES ( late GRIFFITH ) , TREATISE on J-J ANNUITIES , with numerous Tables based on Experience of the Equitable Society and on the Northampton Kate of Mortality . Svo , 11 . 6 s . TTILLMAN ( late W . E . ) , TABLES on the JLJL VALUE of a POLICY of INSURANCE for 11 ., according to the Carlisle Mortality and the combined Experience of Assurance Companies ; with Tables for ascertaining' the Value of such Insurances for every Age from It to GO , and of Duration froin 1 to 50 Tears . 8 yo , bound . 31 s . Cd . T AOTDY ( S . L ) , TABLE of QUARTERJ-i SQUARES of all INTEGER NUMBERS to 100 , 000 , by which the Product of Two Factors may be found by Addition and Subtraction alone . 21 s . TlyTARSHALL ( late J ) , TABLES and TRACTS -LtJL connected with the Valuation , whether of'Annuities and Assuraiices contingent on the Duration of Life , pr of Sums and Aiimiifies Certain ; with various Formulae and incidental Notices . Fcp . fol ., 7 s . 66 % ¦'¦ . ; ¦ T 3 APWORTH ( WYATT ) , NOTES on CAUSES -L of FIKES ; or , which is the Safest of various Methods of Warming-Buildings . Is : 6 d . T 3 APWORTH ( WYATT ) , NOTES on SPONX TANEOUS COMBUSTION . Is . POUGET ( M . LOUIS ) , i ) ICTIONNAIRE des JT ASSURANCE ? , Printciples , Doctrine , Jurisprudence , ILegJsIation , EtTangejfe , Statistique . 2 Vols . imperial $ yd ; 11 . Y ^ ftSTJEiLET'S LETTERS on the THEORY of ^^ pKOBifeBlLITIE ? , Translated b ; y 6 . Gh Downes , Esq . 8 Vo , cloth boards . : ; 32 s . , ' OANO ( E 3 DWL >) , LLFE ASSURANCE and D . ANNUITY TABLES . Fcp . folio , cloth lettered . Vol . I . ^ OheXife ) , 4 L 4 e . Ditto , VoL II . ( Two Lives ) , 41 . 4 s . Now Keady . O * the Two Vols ., 71 , 7 s , mHOMSON ( W . T ) , ACTUARIAL TABLES ; Jk Carlisle , 3 per Cent . Single Lives , and Single Death ; with Auxiliary Tables . 4 to , cloth , 2 / . 2 s . LoNa > 63 f : CtlARLES and EDWLY LAYTON , - - 150 , iFjLEET ^ STJlEET . DEPOT FOR BOOKS ON ASSURANCE .
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MR . GBANT'S ; NEW NOVEL . 1 In 1 vbli , prjee 5 s ., cloth ; HOITWO Op HALL ; . An English Tiileof 1715 > By the Author of the "Romance of War , etc ., etc . This New Novel of Mr . Grant ' s is the second volume o : an entirely New Series of Original Works , wMch , under th ( title of " RdUTjLEbGB's Njew Library of Sicrrou , wil be issued monthly , each complete , printed in a large type ^ fefiJsTvolunie of this series is , " The Wife T * nd th < Ward , " a Story of Indian Life . By LIEUT-COL . MONEY . London : Routxedge , Warnes , and Routi-edge , ¦ Farringdon-street : ¦
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This day is published , pr ice 6 s > , THE NATIONAli REVIEW . No XVI . COH TENTS : — X . Sir E . B . Lyttpn , Novelist , Philosopher , and Poet II . Mommsen' 8 History of Rome ; " « * oet . HI . Social Innovators and Reformers . IV . The Present State of Photography V . Mill on Liberty . VL Morley ' s Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair . VIL D'Ag-uesseau arid French Jurisprudence . VIII . Peasant Life in Russia . , IX . The True Difficulties of the Italian Question X . Schleierriiachcr . XI . Conservatism and Reform . XII . Books of the Quarter . CHAPJdAN and HalIi , 193 , Piccadilly .
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THE WESTMINSTER EEVIEW . NEW SERIES . No . XXX ' APRIL , 1800 . PHce 6 s CONTENTS : — I . Yorkshire . II . The Morals of Trade . III . Weimar and its Celebrities . IV . The Drama in Paris . V . The Italian Question . VI . Adam Bede . VII . De Lamennais , his Life and Writings . VIII . England's Political Position in Europo . Contemporary Literature : —1 . Theology and Philosophy . —2 . Politics , Sociology , Voyapos , and Travels — 3 . Science . —4 . History and Biography . —5 . Belles Lettrcs and Art . . London : John Chapman , 8 , King William-street , Strand .
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BOS WELL'S JOHNSON , ILLUSTRATED . In 4 vols ; , cloth boards , each 2 s . ; or cloth gilt . 2 s . 6 d ., BOSWBLL'S LIFE OP JOHNSON . Illustrated with 2 S 0 Portraits , Views , and Designs . Also uniform , at 2 s ., or 2 s . Gd ., THE TOUE TO THE HEBRIDES . With numerous illustrations and a complete indc 3 f of the five volumes London : RoutIiEdge . Warneb ,. and JKoutIjEDGE , Farringdon-street .
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, ROUTLEDGE'S ILLUSTRATED NATURAL HISTORY . Part I . By the Rev . J . G . WOOD . Now ready , price One Shilling . Illustrated by Wolf , Harrison Weir , Coleman , etc ., etc . NOTICES OF . THE PRESS . . * ' Our readers who can afford it—and who cannot?—should at once ^ order the ^ i work . "^—Gla 3 g < no Examiner . . "Mr . Wood , the author , is one of the most pleasing writers on natural objects . ' *—Liverpool Courier . " This work promises to stand alone in the fulness and correctness of fts information , the truth of its pictorial embellishments , and the attractive mannerin which it . conveys scientific instruction . "—Oxford Herald . v We cannot appreciate or commend too highly the work before us . V—St . James ' s ' Chronicle . " One of the most valuable works on Natural History ¦ which has been produced . " - ^ Morning Chronicle . " About thecheapest shilling ' s-worth we have ever had : in our hands . "—Leicester Journal . "It has all the features of a gi -eat national w'ork . ' ' '—Bath JEsdpress . " Promises to he one of the most complete and . best illustrated popular works on Natural Historvi "—Brighton Herald . " The work will infallibly takerank as the standard authority on natural history . ' *—Kendal Merciiry . London : RbuTiEDGE , Warnes , and ItouTZiEDGE , . Farrmgdon-street . And sold by all Bookseljers in every Town .
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BLAG K WO OD'S MA G A ZIN E For April , 1850 . No . DXXII . Price 2 s . Cd . CONTENTS . A Cruise in Japanese Waters .- ^ -Part IV . The . Luck of Ladysmede . —Part II . A Winter Journey . The Turks in Kalafa't , 1851 . —Part II . Christianity in India . A Dissolving View of Money and tho Franchise . Adam Bede . The Cry for Reform . The New Reform Bill . ¦ ffiitiAM BiiACKVOOD and Sons , Edinburgh and London
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LIVING CELEBRITIES . A Series of Photographic Portraits , by JIAULL and POLYBLANKi price 5 s . each . The number for APRIL COntl The Right Hon . Lord JOHN MANNERS , M . P ., \ vith a Memoir . ' MATJtii and Poi . ybi < ank , 55 , G racechurch -street , and 187 a , Piccadilly , and W . Kent and Co ., Fleet-street .
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ERASER'S MAGAZINE FOR APRIL , 1859 , 2 s . 0 d ., CQXTAIXS Sword and Gown . By the author of Guy Livingstone . Part I Concerning Two Blisters of Humanity : beiny Thoughts on Petty Malignity and Petty Trickery . Holmby House : a Talu of Old Northamptonshire . By Or . . 1 . White Melville , author of Digbv Grand , l ' art IV . The Court of Russia a Hundred \ eins Ago . Prbfessionul Sectarianism . By Shirley . •• Hints for Vagabonds . By One of TJieniselves . —Connemara . ltussian Dinners . Excursions in the Eastern Pyrenees : William John Broderip . —In Mcmnrium . Recent Writers on Reiorm .
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FRA ^ ER'S MAGAZINE FOR MAY WILIi CONTAIN A ItEVIEW OF 3 IR . JOHN . STUAUT MILL'S ESSAY " ON LIBE « TV , " By Henry Thomas Buckle ; . ALSO THE FIRST OF A HEHIKS OK 1 'APKltS OX THE SPANISH DlfcAMA . By John R . Cuour . KV . London : John W . Parker uud -Son , Vcat Strand .
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HO USE HOLD WORDS . T HE resitlt of an application made this day to the Master of tho Rolls , on behalf of Messrs . Biiadhurv and Evans , having been an undertaking on the part of Mr . Charles Dickens to alter tho statement put forth by himself in reference to "Household Words , ' Messrs . Bradbcry and EvanS liavo to announce that it Is only Mr . Dickens's editorial connexion with that work that is about to cease . March 20 , 1850 .
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DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE FOR APRIL . 2 s . < W 1 . The Season Ticket . No . 1 . —An Evening- at Cork . A Triad of Poetesses , , ... ¦ ... , « i ,, » o l . v tlu > The Birth-Day of Burns . Awarded tho third place by tiu Judaos of the Burns Prize Pooin . Jiiflod Ordnance—Armstroni } 'Gun . „ ¦ , „ .. _ ,,,, „ ,., „ jj v t ! i « - Uuivorsity Essays . No . 3 ;—pomonlncnl 1 '«> ; « s » on . "i "" Very W . l ^ iomaH Woodward , »«'»'«< } " \ Lt , Gerald Fitzgerald , " Tho Chovaliur . " Ity Chailos U \ cr . Part XV 7 ,, , , Tho Lust Journals of Iloraoo Wnlpolo . I'lio Female Artists' MxliibUlon . The Houaokocping ' of Irish t'h'olfl . vitrhtlnirnlo . KaiBorsworth , tho Tvnlnlng School oi Florenci . ' > . igmi » b »" r ' }»« JJrido of Glon Arvft . Now . Novels . Anfflo-Saxon Colonization . lrnnaT and liiibllii : Amx , Tuioivt and Sonh . London : liuntji Ulaokbtv . Sold by « U Booksfllcrs .
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" Tub Story of our Lives from Year to YjzAJi . " - ~ -Shakcspeare . On Saturaay , the 30 th April , 1859 , will be published , Price Twopence , the First Number of ALL THE YEAR ROUND . A WEEKLY JOURNAL , Designed for the Instruction and Entertainment of all Classes of Readers , and to assist in the Discussion of tho Social Questions of the Day . Conducted by CHAKI / ES DICIiENS ^ Published also in Monthly Parts and in Half-yearly volumes , at tho office , 11 , Wellington-street North > Strand , W . O . 5 also by Owajpman and IfAW , 198 , Piccadilly , London , W \ On Saturday , 28 th May , 1859 , Mr . Charts Diokbns will CEASE to CONDUCT " HDUSEHO 3 LD WOKDS j" that l ' oripdical will be DISCONTINUED by him , and its i » artnership of Proprietors dissolved .
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?• The Story of Otjr Lives itrom Year to Year . " - — Shakespeare . Tho I'irst Number , Price Twopence , of tho New Wecltfy Journal , ALL THE TEAR BOUND , WHUP CONTAJW THH FIRST 1 » ART OJi * A NEW STOEY—I ^ y CHARLES DICKENS . TO BE CO ^ TINUEP PROM WEEK TO WEEJK UNTIL COMPLETED .
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Ouuflt Oa tho let of ! April , No . XIV ., Now Borlo * , P ^» *» -M ., THE JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE . lSdUQdbyFOniJKSWINSLOW , M . D ,, D . V . h ., Oson . CONTJCXTS :-J ' syoliolofflcal Qunrtorly llot | P V } ; ,, . , . ) t , . ^ r t . nnd Ijituraryl ^ oolS- ^ -OuIUuumo roati'l , ( . lnistopiH-i . 0 » tlfoAT'tiflolaJ Promotion or mtnUUiy In SoIiooIh . Tl »«) Motliodiuul HtiitlBtipB of Suloiji ' . Judicial Psychology in Frtmoo . 811 8 S ^ ¥ WitutleH of London . atutietloB of Insanity i—1 . Franco . JM-opisittmenilmont oi tho'J / « w / " fXiXi In «» o M « ry Alurclviroim AHBiiult on tliu VIbHIdk 1 nywuuw JWft iSSt ^ m&mU , Now ^ ia ^
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JLoN » 6 wV''l ? rtutoa by Moaere . Kelly ™ a Op . 18 to 81 , OM IJorwoll Court , in tho l ' nrinli of St . Clomont ' fl » nnon , Strnnd , W . O . find injbUHlijKi b 7 ^ rodorlok Ouuflt Tom """' '' , ' , ;¦' ,: M "The lion < h > r " Ollleo , No . W , Otithwlnu-atroot , ptruml , botlttntlio County of MUltllouox . —April a , WW .
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l ^ $ ® i $ mmvl !®^^ - ¦ ¦ : ' t - : ¦; . ]¦ :: / . , - : ¦ ¦ ¦ - '¦ -: ¦¦'/ ' ; : ¦ : ; .- ¦ . ; . - ¦ - ¦ \/ -. w . r - ^•^» t ^«« wjw t ^ 8 T HI IEAB 1 H . [ N 6 , 471 , April 2 , 1859 . S ^ S SOLD his is
Leader (1850-1860), April 2, 1859, page 448, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2288/page/32/