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THE GALWAY OUTLAY . The picture in „ " Punch" of Sir James Graham as the dirty boy , " is one which that hoary politician apparently-delights to recal to our remembranc . e . ITor as many assertions as he knew how to cram into an after-dinner election speech , he has had to make about as many retractations and apologies . As the friend of Italy in his old age , Sir James Graham is grimly amusing . We remember the man who was branded with the everlasting dishonour of breaking the seals of letters in their transit throughthe Postronice . But since the Tories are supposed to lean'towards Austria now , Sir James Graham has become sentimental and poetical about Italy .
There is , however , only one of the late charges made by Sir James Graham , which we think fit to refute and comment on at any length . Our readers will not fail to remember that we have been constant advocates of the Galway Steamship Line , and of the postal subsidy finally granted to it , as a bare act of justice , by the Government . When , therefore , Sir James Graham declares that this has been a Government election job , wo feel bound to refute it , knowing , as we do , the full facts and history of the case , and the absurdity of the fiction which ho has propounded . We may truly say that the concession was
demanded by a majority of the British press , repre * sontiug the mercantile views of the country , ami by the Irish nation with one acclaim , including Catholics and Protestants ^ and excepti ng only a portion of the inhabitants of tho single rival locality of Limerick . No Government , with tho slightest pretension to wisdom , honosty , policy , or fairness , could have turned a deaf car to tho modcrato roquiromout ; of the sister isle . Had tho present Ministers dono so , they might have been justly accused of narrowminded jobbery ,, or tho stupid continuanco of that
traditional tyranny , against which a Gmtfcan hurled tho withoring scorn of Ills invective . Wo aro positively not giving tho Government any credit for tho grant . We aro not making < 11 for the Torlos out of a tardy act of grace and justice : but wo deny emphatically that they liavo thereby secured any Irish votes . If they had , they might ; aflbrd to admit it . Tlxoro is no jobbery in deriving a bonoflt from a dood of justice—one that it would havo boon oppression to refuse . The carrying trade of Ireland is rightly her own ; whether It is a
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perjury they commit a worse sin than theft . A deserter should bear his punishment patiently , without murmuring , or cursing his superiors . He should reflect that he deserves his punishment , and he should adore divine justice 1 " While England , France , and other enlightened countries endeavour- to elevate the soldier ' s character for intelligence , and cherish in him a love of duty , a high spirit , a generous enthusiasm , and love of inculcates hatred
country , Austria brutifies hers ; a to freedom ; , disciplines men , like inules , with the stick ; endeavours to darken their intellects , and ensure obedience by making religious bigotry useful and ignorance more dense—allies worthy her ruler and his system . Such is the people and' such are the governors who desire to govern the fair southern land of literature and the arts which Austria would blot , if she could , froni the face of the earth to secure her arbitrary will .
honour our parents , because sovereigns are the fathers of their subjects . Sovereigns are usually called •« Fathers of their people , ' because they concern themselves for the welfare of their subjects , in the same manner as parents concern themselves for the welfare of their children . " ' "It is not enough to show outward respect to sovereigns , bowing before them , It is the will of God that we honour our sovereign in our hearts , respecting him , loving him , wishing Mm long life and a happy government , praying to God for him , and submitting ourselves obediently to Ms commands . Subjects are bound to pray for their sovereign , for God has commanded them to do so by the mouth of St . Paul . We ought to pray for our sovereign , in order that we may lead a quiet life , 'in all godliness and honesty . '"
.. " Other sovereigns must be prayed for , and honoured by being feared , because God has placed the sword in their hands . Good subjects should fear their sovereigns , in the same , way as good children fear their parents , by taking care not to offend them . The sovereign , the Scriptures say , is the minister of God to thee for good . But if thou dost that wMch is evil , be afraid > for he beareth not the sword in vain , for he is the minister of God , a revenger to execute wrath on Mm that doth evil . We sin against honouring our sovereign by wishing him misfortune or 111—murmuring at or despising Mm . Subjects should conduct themselves towards their sovereign as " faithful servants conduct themselves
toward their masters , because the sovereign is their master , and has power not only over their goods , but over their lives . We ought to be faithful to our sovereign , by studying never to depart from the obedience we are bound to pay him , and to preserve and promote , as far as in us lies , collectively and individually , the honour , dignity , life , and prosperity of Ms sacred person . Subjects ski against the duty they owe their sovereign by betraying and abandoning him in Ms necessity . When designs are plotted , it is the duty of subjects to denounce them to their sovereign . Disloyal subjects , although / their infidelity may be concealed from man , have to fear the chastisements of God , both temporal and
eternal . " : . ¦ " The obedience which subjects owe their sovereign consists in the punctual observance of the laws ., and in the docile and cheerful fulfilment of Ms commands . Disobedience is a sin , and in case the thing commanded be of importance , disobedience is a mortal sin , proved by the words of Holy Writ . In the Epistle of St . Paul to the Bomans we read ,: ' Whosoever , therefore , resisteth power , resisteth the ordinance of God ; they shall receive to themselves damnation '—that is , the eternal torments of hell . St . Paul adds : ' Wherefore ye must needs be subjectj not only for wrath , but for conscience sake . ' Subj ects are bound to obey bad sovereigns . God has Peter Servantsbe sub
so commanded . St . says : ' , - ject to your masters with all fear , not only to the good and gentle , but also to the froward . ' Subjects should obey their sovereign ps children should obey their parents . Joseph and ^ ary , the parents of Jesus Christ , gave a signal instance of such obe- ? dience . They wont to Bethlehem to be inscribed in the registers forming by order of the sovereign , although the journey was long and painful , in t he winter season , in obedience to the order of Augustus , Emperor of the Romans . The consideration of the recompense which God has promised should stimulate obedience , for God recompenses the obedience of subjects with temporal benediction , and with eternal life in heaven . "
The same system of monkery , to support absolutism is adopted to make the taxes be paid readily ; the not so paying them is a sin , because taxes maintain the court , army , magistrates , &c . " Ho who has the means of paying and will not pay , transgresses a divine command . " In war , subjects aro to abstain from talking lightly about events , because , being ignorant of the true oircunistanoes , they may , by their discourse , mislead tho people . Not to be suspected , both citizens and peasantry are to remain quiot at home , attend to their concerns , work , and pray for victory to their sovereign , and peace to their country ; and when they flutter loss from tho enemy , boar it with pajiienco , trusting in God and their Emperor . [ War is admitted to be a soourge , but there is a long tirade appropriated to soldiers and discipline . Tho part devoted to desertion is right Austrian , as if written under tho cane that enforces everything
ITALIAN LIBERTY . — -No . H . While Austria lays claim to be German in character she is only so partially ; and even in the less ¦ barbarous territory so denominated she has managed to suppress intellect and stifle inquiry even in matters not political . Her dominions are the modern Boeotia . Doubt , the parent of truth , is not admitted into , her dominions , either in religion or politics , lest it lead to the development of some principle favourable to freedom . No despotism on earth has been so felicitous in the preservation of intellectual darkness . Thus Austria is the enemy of our common humanity . No genius
irradiates her , no learning elevates , no generosity ennobles—all is sedulously stifled that is deemed elsewhere to confer glory 6 n character . In Russia , the court , nobles , and merchants are well informed and courteous , if the peasantry are not yet out of serfage ; and there the arts are encouraged . In Austria all is stolidity , ignorance , and vice . The extent of social immorality is considered of no moment , if it have no political bearing . Vienna is the brothel Of Europe . No celebrated names illustrate Austrian annals , no bright examples of genius . Her glory is her selfishness , her bearing a cold insolence , her public disgraces never shame
her . She cherishes her army before every other branch of her service , till its expenses crush her ,-and is nine -times out of ten obliged to employ foreign commanders . She sticks at nothing : take ° for . example the cruel murder of the plenipo ^ teritiaries at Radstadt , who met there to negotiate a peace . The Emperor , getting a subsidy , resolved to continue the war . The three unfortunate . men set out on their return home , under the security of the honour of Austria , and-. her safe conduct as well . They had not gone far , when they were stopped by a party of the Emperor ' s own dragoons , murdered by them , and robbed bf their papers .
Twojwei'e dead , and one , beKeyedmortaUy wounded , was undesignedly lef t to tell the tale of the atrocity . The papers of the unfortunate men were the objects of this horrible and unheard of crime , for which Austria did not blush , although it filled Europe with astonishment , because , until then , for mutual convenience , the persons of envoys , plenipotientaries , and ambassa ^ - dors had always been sacred . Austria may some day be again the exception—the sole example of the repetition of such a crime , for at this hour she is not ashamed of the past . Biit whv do I quote these things within the
memory of men ? I reply , to show that Austria is an exception to all the other states of Europe—republican , monarchical , or despotic . Abject in adversity , arrogant in success , haughty without dignity , shameless under disgrace , and ^ contempt- , iious of everything which elevates man in the scale of being , with a population of thirty-four millions , she has been successful in veiling her dominions from the intrusion of the arts and sciences , and in deepening the slough of religious and political bigotry , into which , as into another Styx , she dips her population , rendering her people invulnerable to all those considerations which m every other realm admirationThere is atriot
find respect and . no p - ism in Austria ; one despotic individual , moved by capricious ignorance , originates all that speaks ^—all that possesses animation ,. His soldiers have no enthusiasm . The cane , and the blows it inflictsone rank upon another of her stupid soldiery , in a regulated scale as to the number inflicted— -supply tho place of high military feeling , and the love of glory in other countries . The cane and superstitious fears , then , are tho stimulants she applies in place of a love of honour or of country . She tolerates one faith to sanctify tyranny , and knows well how to make use of it , inoculating her military with perverted religion—making Heaven administer to her vices . The press she uses only for the
debasement of tho human , mind . Such , then , is tho Powar which socks to enslave tho land of tho arts and soionoes—Italy , so glorious in letters , so honoured in history . . How well the oroziei' is made to contribute to the onds of suoh a . government and tho perversion of t truth I will givo tho reader tho power of judging . I quoto tho Austrian catheohism j which first statos that tho end of all education is to make loyal subjects . I omit tho questions for the sake of shortness : — " It is the duty of subjects to honour their sovereign , because they are commanded to do so by God . The precept is written in tho Epistlo of St . Peter ; ? Pear Gou and honour tho king , ' Wo ought to honour our sovereign in tho same manner as wo
military , ] " Dosertors havo to fear being punishod by God , and their sovereign , with ills both temporal and eternal . God punishes deserters with sioknoss , wretchedness , and ignominy . Such ought to bo regarded as wrotohos , who foar neither God nor man . God chastises dosertors with eternal damnation , Tho pain of death is not too severo for thorn , sinco in their
For ravaging Sardinia the Austrian Emperor is personally responsible . It appears that his ministers hesitated : not so the autocrat . His conduct and position remind us , while he is thus crying havock and vengeance , of Cowper ' s lines : — " Think yourself stationed on a towering- rock , To see a people scattered like a flock ; A royal mastiff panting ; at their heels , With . all the savage thirst a tig-er feela ; Then view him self-proclaimed in his Gazette , ¦ . Chief monster that has plagued the nations yet . "
I have given the true character of the potentate who has ^ kindled war in Europe in defiance of the rights of free nations—who rules over a medley of races ever true to his detestation of all which , renders liberty glorious , and the rights of men sacred . One thing . is certain , that no " tear will grace his obsequies , " should he fall himself into his own pit . ¦ _• Paolo .
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Affairs , ] THE BEAD 1 B . 647
Leader (1850-1860), May 21, 1859, page 647, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2295/page/15/