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" - - _ "STfH*I*trttT ^JVifT Q QfJ|-v**"*j iy*l Q ppA,*V *l* ——^
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was to lay before the society the results of a series of experiments which he had made with coal and coke in locomotive engines , and which had led him to . the conclusion that coal was decidedly superior to coke in respect to heating ; power , and consequently more economical . A discussion ensued , in which Messrs . John Grantham , John Braithwaite , John Bethel ] , George Lowe , F . R . S ., Professor John Wilson , F . R . S : E ., j . Greaves , Mr . Duncan , and the Chairman took part .
TfiE Nike Hours' Movement . —On Wednesday a meeting of workmen was held in Exeter-hall for the purpose of making the " Nine Hours' Movement " general . The chairman said the meeting had been convened by the united building trades , in consequence of the master builders , at their meeting on the 20 th ult ., having passed resolutions saying that the workmen did not jpin in the " Nine Hours " Movement . " Resolutions in favour of the movement ¦ were put and carried . An amendment was proposed and seconded , entreating the meeting not to come into collision with the masters ; but upon being put it was lost . named
An Alleged Dauphin . — An old man Meves , who has for some years past carried on the profession of a teacher of music in Tottenham-courtroad died suddenly in a cab this week . His son was most particular in demanding a careful register of the marks on the body of the deceased and made the following extraordinary statement . " My father always led us to believe , from the marks on his person and other circumstances , that he was Xouis Charles de Bourbon , son of Louis the Sixteenth , King of France , and he has lately written his life , which is , at the : present time in the hands of Mr . Bentley , the publisher , of New Burlington-streefe . Such is my sworn evidence . "
PtATGKOUND AND RECREATION SOCIETY . — This society was established two years ago , and its object is to furnish the means of healthful and innocent recreation for the poor children of ^ London , and other large and thickly populated cities , free from the mental contamination and the bodily danger ¦ which attach to the present custom of playing in the crowded streets without protection or supervision . On Thursday evening the second anniversary of i ; he society was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , under the presidency of the Marquis of Westminster . The : subscriptions of the evening were reported at 2641 . 17 s .
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FRANCE . THE WAR LOAN . —BEINJPOKCEMENTS FOR THE ARMY , The Moniteur of Tuesday contains a report of the Minister of Finance respecting the subscriptions made towards the new loan . The subscribed capital amounts to 2 , 307 , 000 , 000 f . 80 , 000 , 000 f , have been subscribed . in sums of lOf . rente . The number of subscribers is 525 , 000 . The Ministerial report points out that such results prove the solidity of the French . financial system .
The races at Chantilly commenced on Sunday . The weather was dull and cold all day , with frequent and rather heavy showers , but the attendance was good , and the running is said to have been excellent . Baron NiviCre ' s horse Geologic was very successful , and is spoken of as not unlikely to be a favourite for the French Derby . It is announced that the Minister of Marine has addressed instructions to Admiral Rigault de Genouilly directing him , to return to France with his entire fleet .
Meantime very little reliable information is received in " Paris from the seat of war , and the Government are determined that no news but their own shall bo allowed . Marshal , Randon , Minister of War , has addressed a circular to the colonels commanding regiments in Italy , forbidding any officer to correspond with a newspaper . It is said that tlie confluence in the success of the army in Italy is so great , that preparations are soon to ,, be made at . Notre Dame for a Te X > eum in thanksgiving for a great victory , which is expected to be ' announced in the course of next week . Unless
jflome such event speedily takes place it is veiy doubtful whether the enthusiasm of the French . people will not subside more rapidly than tlio Emperor will find convenient . As long as the Allies -are prevented from entering Lombardy all the supplies wiU have to come from France , ov to be purchased -vvHl * French , money . Feeding the army will bo the most dilpBcult and costly problem which tlio , Emperor < will have to solve . And it remains to bo Beon » how ( tho nation < will roliah being compelled to mako / th ? heavy payments , that wilhbo required' for that purpose , and fon an object which many do not he » Uf \ totoaflirra does not directly concern them .
The prospect of having to support the war , which may be both long and costly , has cooled down the cry for Italian nationality . The war is not so popular , says a correspondent , among the officers of the army as it is represented to be . The reason will be obvious when it is remembered that most of the officers spring , from the bourgeoisie , and . that their pecuniary position in life is dependent upon the prosperity of trade . It is rumoured that four new Marshals of France will soon be nominated , viz ., Prince Napoleon , and Generals de MacMahon , Nielj and Regnaud de Saint Jean d'Angely .
The Paris correspondent of a contemporary says , that a great sensation was caused by the arrival in hot haste from Alessandria of one of the Emperor ' s own aide-de-camps . This gentleman remained the whole of the next day closeted with the Minister of War , and set off again in the same hot haste for Alessandria . Men most versed in these matters declare that the general was dispatched with orders to . hurry on to Italy all that can be spared of the French army—particularly artillery , which is still deficient . Algiers has given up the best portion of its defenders , and * he other colonies long since despoiled of their troops , which had always been regarded as necessary to their safety till they were wanted elsewhere . ———tr aruv&u uiov irnvi v *» ¦ ¦
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v 638 WM ® I / EADER . ¦/ . THWa **
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All the direct and indirect taxes throughout the Austrian Empire have been increased , with the exception of the tobacco monopoly and the Customs duties , and a new loan is announced to be raised in JDombardy . Seventy-five millions of florins is the sum required . A despatch from Trieste on Tuesday , announced that the French squadron was before Venice , since which the Austrian Lloyd ' s have ceased the running of all their steamers . A Norwegian brig , making for Venice , has been overhauled by a French frigate , and its captain
AUSTRIA . RESIGNATION OS COUNT BTJOIr—iBLOCKADE OP VENICE . The Emperor Francis Joseph was to leave for the war in Italy on Wednesday . The strength of the seven corps of the Austrian army in the north of Italy is said to be : 250 , 000 men ; and it is provided with a magnificent artillery train . The Wiener Zeitung announces that his Imperial Majesty has , in compliance with Count Buol ' s request , graciously , relieved that Minister from the duties of the office hitherto held by him . Count Rechberg is appointed the Minister for Foreign . Affairs , in place of Count Buol . Failing health was the only cause of Count Buol ' s request to be . relieved from the office of Foreign Minister . "His resignation occasions no change in the principles of Austrian policy . .
received the intimation that all Austrian ports , with the exception of Trieste ( as a German federal town ) , were placed by France in a state of blockade . The Vienna Gazette adds that the commandant of Venice had as yet received no notice of the blockade ; but that the French fleet before Venice had already taken six schooners , and six other , vessels . Reports from Dalmatia also speak of fifteen French men-of-war having been seen near the port of the Cattaro . If the French intend to blockade all the Austrian ports : except Trieste , they certainly will want a great number of ships for this purpose .
The Austrian Governor of Venice has published a notification that from the evening until the morning gun no vessel of any kind shall be allowed to enter , or leave that port , and that persons violating the regulation shall be arrested and punished according to military law . ^ General Melteer do Kellemes has published a proclamation , declaring Lorubardy in a state of siege , and General Count Wimpfen has adopted a similar measure for the territory Bituated between Pavia and the frontier of Dalmatia . It has been resolved here to station an army of 60 , 000 men in G / illicia . Austria has already placed aU her contingents to the garrisons of the federal fortresses on a full war footing .
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SARDINIA . IMPORTANT MOVEMENTS OV TIIE ) AT 78 TRIANS : CONTRADICTOR * STATEMENTS : INACTION OB LOUIS NAJPOLB 0 N , According to the latest reliable accounts , the position held ; by the allied armies extends from tlie lino of the Dora , covering Turin , by Casale and Alessandria , to Genoa . The French army distributed along the line ia counted at 160 , 000 men . Marshal Bavaguay d'Hilliers is posted between Novi and Arquata , watching the road which leads from Tortana and the East , with Canrobovt at Alessandria , and , MacMahon and Neil on his left , The head quarters of the Sardinian army are at Sa , n Solvatore , just behind Valenza , whore Victor Emmanuel resitted with hjis staff ,, and whore also the reserve ia posted , undor Oastelborgo . Wo further learn that Cialdlnl and Dur&ndo command at
Casale , Fanti at Alessandria , and Cucchiari at \ r ^ - The six divisions , of the Sardinian army Snoun ° ? 75 * 000 men . Alessandria is almost entiSr ? n t £ hands of the French . The only PiedmontCwf belong to General Fanti ' s division ; theTt £ a Sf at Tortona and the neighbourhood re The French Emperor . is still at Alessandria . " concerting strategic measures with his Generals » The operations of his Imperial Majesty have not hitherto been very important : his Majestv went out to have a look at the course of the Po hi * Majesty went to Valenza to see the vanguard hi * Majesty has paid a visit to the King of Sardinia and so on . The King and the Emperor visit each other incognito very often , ;
Prince Napoleon does not lead ' the van—that ia certain j and what he is to lead seems a matter of considerable doubt ; he is still at Genoa , waitine the organisation of his corps d ' armde , some portion of which is expected from Algeria , and which ia supposed will be completed in eight days or thereabouts , say the correspondents ; but how and where this extra corps is to be employed , no one seems to have the slightest idea . The Prince has , however issued the first order of the day to his fifth corps " of the army of Italy , calling upon his followers in the usual style . to remember what they did at Alma Inkerniann , and so forth . The proclamation produced a good effect here . The Italians think that it was a little too strong to speak of the French as liberators .
The most direct contradictions are given in the despatches from Austrian and Sardinian sources and there is reason' to believe that the atrocities attributed . to the Austrian troops are greatly exaggerated . The reports from each camp are mutually recriminative ; ' and as a set-off against the bulletins from Turin , here is a short extract from ; the letter of an English correspondent , who writes from Austrian head-quarters : — " When the Austrians arrived at . a certain town , which I must not
name , the inhabitants reproached them for not coming a fortnight sooner . Expecting them * they said , they had made every excuse to delay providing their quota of the reserve of the . army , and had the Austrians arrived they might have escaped sending it at all . By the way , the Fiedmontese have carried off nearJy all the horses and provisions from this part of the country . At Stroppiana they even carried off the women to work at Casale . The Austrians sent provisions for
the starving inhabitants left there . " The same writer adds that the strictest discipline is preserved by the Austrian generals , and that pillage is severely punished . He also states that twenty or thirty imitations of Austrian uniforms were captured at Novara ; They had been made by certain parties for the purpose of committing robberies and atrocities , and of throwing the odium on the Austrians . The rivers , we learn , had again overflowed the Country , and military operations were completely suspended . The Austrians were concentrating , with a view to fortify their line of the Ticino and Po .
To believe the French bulletin , the treatment of the people by the Austrians is getting worse and worse . They are constructing extensive works , and are compelling even the women and children of the country to assist with their labour , although one would think that such assistance as that could scarcely repay the odium such tyranny must surely draw down upon them . Several mayors of villages have been arrested for refusing to comply with requisitions for contributions . Rain was still fulling , and the Po rising . . ., , t that great
A telegram , dated Pavia , Thursday . says movements of troops had taken place , that tlio Austrian head-quarters had been removed irom Mortara toGarlasco which is situated in the directionof 1 avw , and that a collision was expected . Tho transfer oi the Austrian , head-quarters from Mortara to warlasco snows that the attack of tho Franco-Sardinians is expected , not from tho side oft Sesia , but from that of tho Po , starting perhaps from Voghera , which tho Austrians evacuated but a few days ago ! Voghora and the Sardinian towns south of the Po , and eastward as Jhrpj Stradello , which is situatod i » oloso vicinity ww to the Po and to the Parmose frontier , avo con neoted with Alessandria as well as with Novi , tw two main points of the assembling of tho Irenoj n . nxlHn . rv armv which wont hy ' n way of Genoa » y
rail . The trade of this railway Is dotted w n qj battlo-flplds between the French and AusUiaria . Tho Po ] does not offer at this part of its course way of thoeo difficultiea to a crossing which aro to b » with lower down . Yot it certainly offora w , Uowor lino of defence for tho Austrians than docs m « S lhs tho most exposed point , nob of tho Au ^ ti , but of the French position , to which tho ioioos « both purties now eeom to bo rushing , and this v qu «» iwdloato that tho Austrian commandei-in-ohlo »» a so fUr boon successful in his seemingly oiww ™
Leader (1850-1860), May 21, 1859, page 638, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2295/page/6/